The holy war army launched repeated attacks on the river valley, and suffered 6,000 casualties. In the end, they had to retreat because the losses were too great and the effect was completely insignificant.

It is a very common method to drive the miscellaneous soldiers to die and consume the enemy's physical strength and morale.

After all, tens of thousands of people surrounded you and let you kill them, and kill you until you are bent. Who wouldn't be afraid?

As a result, the army of the blasphemer really didn't give any chances, and the tolerance rate was extremely high. They all went out.

Jet was relieved.

Although there were very few casualties on his side, looking at the large black mass of enemies, almost no end in sight, the pressure in his heart was really great.

They found a forest to build a camp.

They dug a pit for horses and cut trees to make deer antlers.

At night.

Jet contacted the White Steel Princess of Black Castle through the Warcraft Witch.

They came to serve the king, but facing the hundreds of thousands of holy war troops stationed outside the city, they really had no way out.

You broke the law of heaven, right? So many people hate you... Oh, they hate us too, that's fine.

Anyway, there's no way to get out of this situation.

Jet and Dick know their own limitations. Facing ordinary small believers, let alone hundreds of thousands, even millions can still break through.

The contact surface of the battlefield is so large, so what if there are millions of people? Any mortal body can't stop the sharp arrows.

But the enemy army is not all small.

In the offensive and defensive battle just now, the main force of the Church did not move, all of them were watching the show.

Bows and arrows are precious, let the conscripts go first.JPG

Ordinary conscripts are used to fill in the gaps. As long as the morale of the Valley Army is shaken and there are signs of collapse, that's when they will appear.

Not to mention the Valley Army, even if facing extraordinary units, they will still fight like this.

"What did the princess say?" Dick asked. Jet handed him the note and said, "She told us to wait for other reinforcements."

Green questioned, "Really?"

The head of the regiment looked indifferent, "Yes, there will be."

Their arrival was not useless. It put enough pressure on the Crusades to prevent them from launching a siege.

Otherwise, it would not be a pleasant feeling to be poked in the ass by the River Valley Army during the siege.

So the top leaders of the Holy See hoped to remove the River Valley Army as soon as possible.

The next day.

They attacked again.

And this time the scale was even larger. There were people everywhere in the mountains and plains. Not only could they not be counted, but they also pulled catapults and other things over.

The Holy See's calculations were very clear. Don't they like defense? I'll play with you according to the specifications of the siege.

Green couldn't help but complain, "These people can't afford it, right?"

The catapult has a slow firing rate, touching accuracy, and not much power. It can only kill two people at most.

But unfortunately, this thing has a huge impact on morale, and the range of the trebuchet is about 200 meters, which is just a little longer than the range of the longbowmen. The enemy can throw stones all day long.

"Captain, attack!" Kao said gloomily.

Yesterday was just a small fight. If I don't punch you in the face today, do you really think that the army of the King of the Valley is easy to mess with?

The guards are the vanguard, the auxiliary soldiers are the center army, the snipers are on both sides, the heavy armor protects the two wings, and the spellcasting group follows the army to ensure the fault tolerance rate. A sharp arrow-like lineup is formed.

"Fight!" the high-level officials of the Church shouted.

This time, the cannon fodder is still the first.

Not to mention the knights of the three major knight orders, even if the training cost of ordinary expedition knights is equally expensive, it is impossible to let them charge into the formation, especially the two wings are heavily armed with large shields.

Knight-level units are not consumables at all.

It's just that the combat effectiveness and quality of the cannon fodder are obviously poor.

As the auxiliary troops of the central army and the sniper brigade on both sides, the valley army was firmly protected by heavy armor. They did not have to face the threat of close combat, but could instead deliver fierce firepower on the flanks.

A large number of believers were shot and killed before they even started fighting. They had to bear the terrifying rain of arrows and face the spear phalanx when they got close. For a time, the battlefield was full of grief and blood nourished the fields.

The high-level leaders of the holy war army could not sit still. A group of knights came around and began to press and force, trying to cut corners.

The essence of the corner-cutting tactic is deterrence. Seeing the knights rushing over, most infantrymen would panic and instinctively retreat inwards - but as long as they retreated, the corner-cutting would be successful.

Once the stability and structure of the infantry phalanx were destroyed, the army would lose 90% of its combat effectiveness.

But this group of knights were not facing an ordinary army, but a heavy-armored brigade carefully built by Roman. They had to undergo various high-intensity military training every day. It was common for them to face the charge of war horses expressionlessly and increase their psychological threshold.

They have strong psychological quality, rich combat experience, and they can ride horses...

Cut corners? What about cutting the hell?

You will die if you dare to come close.

Don't think that you will not be beaten just because you are a knight.

"Shield Guards!" At this time, a terrified voice came from the team.

That is the legendary army.

The Austrian steel shield is as wide as a pot, the mountain copper armor weighs hundreds of pounds, and each imperial guard is at least a third-level infantry knight.

They also pressed over, trying to destroy the formation of the valley army.

"Throw explosives!" It was Jet who said this.

The auxiliary soldiers of the central army threw the ignited explosive packs one after another.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!!"

The black gunpowder released the explosive power, and thick white smoke instantly enveloped the battlefield.

Such a sudden change stunned everyone.

The captain of the imperial guards, Odysseus, thought that this was not a sorcery, or not a simple sorcery.

The Austrian steel round shield took effect, resisting the explosion without weakening its power, which showed that it had nothing to do with magic, but it was equally evil.

They were initially panicked, and they had never seen such a scene before.

But the shield guards soon calmed down.

They were prepared. In that state of concentration, their body energy and the bronze armor seemed to be integrated, and their defense was greatly improved. The impact of the explosives could hardly shatter their internal organs.

But the conscripts around them didn't think so.

The lethality of that thing to unarmored units was very terrible, even more terrible than bows and arrows, mainly shrapnel damage, which almost cleared the field.

Without the cover of the conscripts, the shield guards had to withdraw from the battlefield.

In the days that followed, they fought every day, from morning to night, killing more and more people, and dying in batches.

Not only did the Valley Army fail to convince the Church, but the intensity of its war increased instead.

The high-ranking officers of the Holy War Army were somewhat jealous, and they attacked the River Valley Army desperately. Before, they were just cannon fodder, but later, they became the noble army with certain organization, and later, they became the armored soldiers.

The three major knights were impatient, and they hoped to eat up the River Valley Army in one breath.

But they were very afraid of the explosives in the hands of the River Valley Army, thinking that it was an ominous thing. If a ten-pound explosion exploded under their feet, even the high-ranking knights and shield guards would inevitably be injured.

Should we invest in the three major knights now? The Church was very hesitant.

There is no reason to use the king bomb at the beginning. Once invested, there will be damage. And half of the troops must be used to prevent the Black Castle defenders from rushing out.

But on the fifth day, they finally couldn't bear it anymore.

At first, it was the Knight of Judgment who rushed into the enemy camp, but as expected, he couldn't rush in at all. The River Valley Army was no longer the same as before, and had long been reborn, and only broke through a shallow layer.

The Church took advantage of the gap when the Knights of Judgment tore through the defense line and began to deploy troops.

The battlefield was full of corpses. The war horses could not charge, so the shield guards rushed over.

Seeing that the originally rigorous and stable formation became more and more deformed, and there were signs of collapse, threatening the central army where the auxiliary army was located, a squad leader picked up a pack of dozens of kilograms of explosives - originally used with a small catapult.

After he ignited it, he rushed into the crowd of shield guards and knights of the Church holding the pack of explosives.

"For my king!" The unknown apostle who served as a squad leader in the auxiliary army shouted.


In an instant, a cloud of blood and flesh rose in white smoke.

Both the enemy and us were blown up.

The two nearest shield guards fell on the spot, and the person inside the mountain copper armor was bleeding from all seven orifices and fainted.

"Re-armor! Re-armor! Push them back! Push them back for me!!" Jet's eyes turned red and he yelled on the spot.

The heavy shield, which was originally in a state of decline, somehow got the strength to resist the shield guards and the knights of the Church who were several times heavier than itself. Its face flushed and it stopped retreating.

This was a difficult and long battle, as if every minute and every second was stretched to an unacceptable length.

Until the wind blew from afar.

Like white waves blowing on the coast, like the sea coming ashore. Like the cold spreading over late autumn, like the arrival of winter.

"Woo... woo... woo..."

That was the sound of a huge horn, loud and terrible, like a giant roaring in the ear, radiating far to the entire battlefield.

Along with the sound of the horn, the flag of the King of Iceland appeared in the distance.

Its emblem was a blood-stained crossed double axe, cruel and sharp.

"Barbarian Horn?! The King of Iceland's Axe Guard is here!" The knight of the Crusade shouted, and he reined in the horse that had become manic after hearing the horn.

That was no ordinary army, but the Icelandic guards. They surrounded King Alman of Iceland and rushed to the battlefield with him, appearing from the horizon.

All the axe guards were tall, well-equipped, and held thick-backed heavy axes weighing thirty to fifty kilograms.

As early as a hundred years ago, before the conquerors conquered Iceland and Ego, they were called berserkers.

The tallest and most burly was King Alman of Iceland.

He was two meters tall, carrying an axe weighing eighty kilograms, with arrows hanging on his shoulders. Although he was a foot warrior, he was enough to scare all the knights in battle.

Iceland was a mixed race of Ego, and his physical adaptability was terrifying. After drinking the secret medicine made of herbs and mushrooms, his tired body was filled with new strength. Ordinary people would die suddenly after drinking it, but they could support the battle for several hours in the future after drinking it, and would not be knocked down by the side effects. Their physical tolerance was quite terrifying.

"We broke through the blockade of broken armor, the ship capsized, and the horses died, but we still came to this battlefield on our own. Now we come to support the King of Black Iron and the brothers of the valley, let these rebel bastards see the power of Icelandic warriors!" Alman said in a loud voice comparable to that of a giant.

He was eager to fight, took a deep breath, and blew the bull horn again. Due to the excessive force, the horn actually exploded.

The horn that the pirate king blew when attacking the continent more than a hundred years ago has completed its final mission after more than a hundred years.

"Run to the battlefield! Charge! Fulfill your promise! Kill!"

"Fight for His Majesty Alman!"

"Alman fights for His Majesty Io!!"

More than a thousand fully armed berserkers rushed on the plains, sweeping across the flanks of the Crusades like heavy axes.

Jet finally understood why the Crusades attacked them regardless of losses.

It was because the reinforcements were just behind.

"Cover the Icelandic warriors! Cover them!!" Jet said, drawing his sword.

He took the lead and rushed out. All the professional teams also went crazy. They were deeply inspired by the heroic horn. They felt their blood boiling and their energy suddenly surged up.

On this day, the River Valley Army and the Ax Guard teamed up to defeat the Holy War Army. The battle line was almost pushed to the Black Castle.

But the upper echelons of the jihadi army held their ground.

A small hillside.

Gale came on horseback, but Pine waited for him for a long time.

This was a secret meeting between the two dukes.

Grand Duke Paine said: "Arman has arrived at Tianma Plain."

"Alex covered the Icelandic Ax Guards," Gale's face looked much older than four years ago, and the northern front involved too much of his energy.

With the help of the Pirate King, the armor-piercing defenses were torn apart by Arman, and the Ax Guard suffered heavy casualties, as did the Shattered Archers.

He said: "The Yigo people have terrible resilience and will never give up until they achieve their goals."

Pine said with a melodious voice: "But they can't change the outcome. The knights I released are back, which also means that Oak has arrived soon. This is a final battle."

Gale added: "Eolion sent a message to Alex asking the pirates to be king. He would make Alex the King of the North, and the land occupied by the pirates would not be taken back. But Alex did not Not agreeing, this is a very ominous sign.”

This is Zhao'an, and the entire northern front and the Thorn Peninsula are the land of the King of the North.

In exchange for politics, Alex will relieve the siege of Black Castle and become a champion of the Conqueror Order.

But Alex never agreed.

Pine looked to the north, his blue seaweed-like hair being blown by the wind from the north, clearly feeling the distant but imminent alien threat.

"If Alex agrees to come, there will be nothing terrible, but he is just another person like Arman. If he dares to enter the Black Iron Heartland, those barbarians will surely suffer a thunderous blow. Those Ego people always think They are powerful, but they are actually very weak.”

Duke Raging Tide said: "But he didn't come, he didn't come. He didn't help Black Castle, and the Holy See couldn't tolerate him. What was he plotting and planning? If his wisdom told him that taking the northern front would be enough, so he If he is slack, has no preparation for the future war, and just wants to be a big landowner, then he is the most stupid person. Iolion indulges him, but I can't tolerate sand in my eyes..."

Gale suddenly said: "Pine, do you want to be the second Ionos?"

He seemed to be back to the time when he was seven years old. It was a warm spring with tender green grass and blooming flowers. The spring scenery in Longbao was bright and it was a very comfortable day. His gentle and elegant mother had not yet passed away and told him the story of Ionos. Brilliant legend. The tall and straight Ulster led the skinny blue-haired child to him. The child's face was peeling and looked a bit ugly. His father told him that those were his alien brothers, and they should work together to help each other, like the first Duke. They are always loyal to each other. Now he was standing in front of him again, his face eroded by blood was as rough as a rock, and his eyes were like a vast ocean submerging the earth.

The ocean looked directly at Gale, calm yet turbulent. "I have never coveted the Black Iron Throne, never." He said.

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