The autumn wind blows, the sky is dim, and the yellow grass in the vast plains sways gently, disturbing and sad.

The view is pulled closer, and the smoke of the vast plain battlefield has not yet dissipated. There are corpses everywhere, some of which are pierced with broken arrows or spears, and some are piled up into hills. The blood dyes the earth red, like a huge bloody quagmire. The crows are attracted, this is a feast for the gluttons.

The thorn iron ring that makes the holy war army hate it is still floating on the Tianma Plain.

In the past five days, the Valley Army and the Holy War Army have fought five large-scale battles on the Tianma Plain. There is a tragic battle every day, which is simply a meat grinder.

The real enemies are the Shield Guards, the Bloody Judgment, the Dark Demon Hunters, the Silver Temple, and the War Knights, and the believers of the gods have become consumables.

They fought side by side with the Icelandic warriors.

The result of the war is a draw.

They can fight a rout, but not an annihilation war.

They rely on their high degree of organization to maintain their formation in the chaos and repeatedly disperse a group of believers.

But those people will be gathered again in a blink of an eye and launch a new attack.

If it is just a simple army or elite soldiers, they are not afraid.

The army will be scattered, and the elite soldiers will consume each other and hurt each other.

But the fear is that there will be an additional attack wave of elite soldiers in the attack wave of the army, and the pressure on the defense line will increase suddenly.

The River Valley Army can only defend with all their strength. They dare not divide their troops to fight, for fear of being strangled by the enemy's elite units. They can only constantly replace combatants to keep the frontline combatants with more abundant physical strength.

The scene is deadlocked.

There are too many enemies, all over the mountains and plains, and they can never kill them all.

The explosives will be thrown out, the arrows will be used up, the swords will become blunt, the physical strength will be exhausted, and the supplies will be insufficient.

But the Jihad Army can obtain supplies from all over the place.

The stalemate of the melee was finally broken by the appearance of two forces.

The armies of the two Black Iron Dukes stepped onto the battlefield hand in hand.

There were more than 700 Deep Blue Knights, more than 300 Broken Crossbowmen, and about 20,000 to 30,000 noble auxiliary troops of the two Dukes.

When they appeared, the entire battlefield was silent.

Then, the Oak Banner also came from the south.

The Raging Knights blocked them, but they also failed to stop them.

The Oak Elite Soldiers were extremely flexible, their armor was light, and they moved quickly, turning and entering the vast mountains. They had a thin bloodline of the Children of the Forest, passed through the endless dense forests, and bypassed the ambush of the Raging Knights.

The kings of the earth gathered together.

The Duke is the King.

The King of the Raging Tide, the King of the Cracked Armor, the King of Iceland, the King of Oak, the King of the Valley, the King of Sinnoh, all the forces appeared on this battlefield.

The quality of any of them is enough to crush the tens of thousands of conscripted troops.

Since the appearance of the cracked armor and oak, those royal nobles who had been reluctant to move and were worried about being blocked also led their armies to come.

When everyone was well-equipped and difficult to break through, physical fitness became the biggest factor hindering the war.

This was an unprecedented war of kings.

At this time, the gate of Black Castle opened.

The siege troops blocking the gate were shocked and wanted to annihilate them.

But the high-ranking members of the Crusades guarding the gate were shocked and speechless.

It was because the first one to jump out was not Princess White Steel, but the King of Black Iron wearing a black iron crown.

The most important and highest-ranking king of kings left Black Castle.

Behind him were Princess White Steel, hundreds of black irons, white knights, and a group of knights.

Obviously, he took away all the elite fighting forces of Black Castle.

The siege party could not stop it, because most of the main forces of the Crusades were restraining the various king-supporting armies.

The man with a long face, sunken cheeks and thin lips came to the battlefield. He had the aura of a true king, and everyone thought so - although the aura came from the black iron crown on his head, projecting unparalleled power and kingly majesty.

He looked around, and the land had become a bloody swamp, swallowing the lives of everyone in the field.

He had to show up, there were too many enemies.

This was a long and arduous war, and the loyalist army had no chance of winning.

As long as the Church had no intention of withdrawing its troops, the siege of Black Castle would never be lifted.

Moreover, Black Castle had been defending the city for too long and could no longer defend it.

The pressure of population and food in the city was too great, and people had already starved to death.

The longer they defended, the more demoralized the defenders became, and sooner or later Black Castle would fall.

Until the flags of the wrathful tide and the cracked armor appeared together, the King of Black Iron finally made up his mind and came to face his many vassals.

There was a trace of struggle and pain in Io III's eyes.

The King of Black Iron said, "I don't know whether I should be sad or relieved that I haven't seen the Highland Cavalry and the Winter Guards." His vicissitudes of life spread far away.

Pine came forward: "Your Majesty, the Highland is about to be destroyed, and the King of Winter is also dying on his sickbed. I think he is the last king of Winter."

Iolion seemed to be crying and laughing, "You are still willing to call me Your Majesty, I think I am the last king."

"I will always be the Duke of Black Iron, and you will always be the King of Black Iron." He said, "But the era of Black Iron has passed, and the new era needs a new order. How can we expect an order that was established a hundred years ago to protect us forever."

Io III said: "The Black Iron Age is an age of peace, and the Conqueror's Order is the human order. The previous king hoped that all countries could calm down, recuperate, and accumulate strength, but this vision has long been broken. You have given him an era that is more chaotic than a hundred years ago. It's over, it's time to end..."

The Black Iron Kingdom is the most powerful hegemonic kingdom among the countries on earth. Its Conqueror's Order is equivalent to international law and can be used to mediate international wars.

No single country can defeat it. Only internal differences, external pressure, natural disasters, social changes and many other factors can make it fall to such a point.

The face of the King of Black Iron showed a deep sadness.

He was like a child trying to hold down a pressure cooker, but his hands were blown to pieces.

Because the times are moving forward, and he cannot resist the powerful historical inertia, the current contradictions in the Black Iron Land are extremely sharp.

He and Princess White Steel are one faction, and Pine and the Church are another.

One of them will always fall.

The King of Black Iron said, "If it is to continue, I will continue it. If it is to end, let me end it."

His figure became noble and powerful, his face was particularly noble under the background of the crown, and his blue eyes sparkled.

"Your Majesty, you don't have to do this. I am willing to protect your throne," said Payne.

"I am willing to do so too." Gale also said.

Grand Duke Oak looked at this scene, he was as quiet as an ancient tree.

Iolion was really tired and felt desperate. The burden of maintaining peace was too heavy. And he didn't have the courage and ability of the previous king, he could only let the previous king decide everything.

"Paine, Gale, Ryan, come on, let the era opened up by our ancestors end here in a heroic way." He said again.

Iolion raised his palm and grabbed the gray and hazy sky.

For a moment, those high-ranking knights witnessed the dazzling power bursting out of the black iron crown.

There is no gold or silver, no treasures, it is made of black iron and bronze, cast by Ionus, and engraved with the magic runes of the ancestors. It is deep and cold, dark and hard - it is the crown of the king who fights against the gods.

Now, it seems to be shining with thousands of feet of light, but no one is illuminated. The turbid dark clouds blocked the sun, and everything on the earth was either gray or black, like a precursor to the dark ages.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!!

Three divine lights responded to him in various parts of the earth.

Two came from the northern land, and one came from the reef castle.

They tore the sky, illuminated the earth, flew like a comet, and dragged the tail.

When the three divine lights landed on the King of Black Iron, the world was surprised to find that Iolion had changed.

The King of Black Iron held the Sword of Glory and the Shield of Immortality, and he was wearing the inheritance of the wrathful tide - the armor of resistance.

After more than a hundred years, the heroic figure of the god who once illuminated the dark age appeared again on this land.

Iorion's body seemed to suddenly rise, and everyone present shrank accordingly. They were clearly looking at the same level, but it seemed like they were looking up. The world briefly captured the power and majesty of the stone king in the Square of Kings from the armor of the god.

This is the posture of a true conqueror!

The wind of the wilderness battlefield blew mercilessly, the southern mountains were gloomy, and the White Horn River was rushing with tears. The melodious epic was sung in the years, and it was still as clear as ever even after a whole era


Black iron, black iron! From the plateau in the east to Sinnoh in the west, from the Cangyue in the south to Iceland in the north!

Pegasus Plain, the Royal Garden of the King!

Once Ionos forged the sword Baixi, the divine horse reincarnated to pacify the darkness!

The crown stands with seven swords, the towering black castle, the source of order!

Son of Ionus, son of Ionus!

Inherit the destiny of the predecessor, armor against, sword cleansing, shield alone!

King of Iron, King of Kings, King of Eternity, go to the battlefield!

Alas! Iron!

The previous king is gone, and the next king is here!

When will he return?

Iolion felt a powerful force in his body, and he felt the invisible world more and more clearly.

The reflection of the kings.

The reflection of the kings' armies.

The mist gathered into war horses, the shield guards, the shocking knights, the broken archers, the oak elite soldiers, the black iron and white knights of the Black Castle, the three major knights of the Church...

Those extraordinary units were fully armed and reflected in that world.

It was the steel phantom of the army of the real universe in the netherworld.

Some war knights can use various extraordinary things such as magic steel, mountain copper, mithril, adamantium, gem crystals, etc. to present their appearance in the netherworld.

Low-level war knights rely on equipment, while high-level war knights rely on themselves.

The better the equipment, the stronger the force, the clearer the reflected face.

Correspondingly, in this invisible world, all the mortal armies disappeared.

He looked around at the reflections, and was surprised that the Valley Army, which did not have universal supernatural equipment, could still be vaguely reflected.

Other supernatural units were phantoms covered in steel, but they seemed to be phantoms made of steel, and those exposed phantoms reflected the luster of various metals.

Is this the secret technique of the young king? Iolion thought, the new king's accumulation is far from enough, and he can only rely on other ways to emerge. Otherwise, how can he fight against the armies of the kings in just a few years?

Any force present has existed for a longer time than them. Many times longer.

And he is no longer able to pay attention to these mundane things.

No one's reflection was clearer than his, and it was lifelike.

Because when he summoned the three artifacts, he stepped half a foot into that dark, cold and strange world. He was both a creature of the underworld and a creature of reality.

Iorion wore a crown, and behind Iorion stood another tall and majestic king, seven feet tall, wearing the same crown, the will of the conqueror Ionus.

That was the source of his constant pain.

This was the power passed down by the conqueror Ionus, a means to maintain order.

The group whose phantom in the underworld was second only to his in clarity was not the shield guards, nor the thunder knights. It was a group of hymn nuns emitting white light.

Their figures were also clearly visible in the underworld.

They dedicated their lives to the group of nameless and faceless ancient gods, and offered them pure, noble and pious faith.

But the power of the hymn nuns was also very strange. They called that power "divine power" and "miracle".

The power of the gods can only be fully exerted in the netherworld.

And now he has completely stepped into this invisible realm.

The former witch Lin was forced into a desperate situation and had to launch a suicidal attack on the Holy City in an attempt to kill the gods.

The frost witch Valya from the northern land held two artifacts and killed people in the Holy City. No one could stop her, even the five paladins could not fight back.

But the glory of the artifacts was eventually suppressed by the hymn nuns.

Because the divine power can only be suppressed by another divine power.

They were collectively silent, quietly watching the King of Kings, the Eternal King in front of them. Under their background, all the elite units became blurred.

"Your Majesty Ionus! Please lift your spell." They pleaded with the conqueror.

Ionus waved the Sword of Glory, and the brilliant sword light like rainbow light rushed out!



The present universe.

Iolion also swung the magic sword. The sword body was as bright and crystal as glass. During the swing, it gushed out a blazing sword light. The dazzling sword light seemed to contain life in this dim world.

But it was actually harvesting lives.

Just like mowing grass, many mortal auxiliary soldiers died in a blink of an eye. Dozens of people were cut in half, and blood gushed out. It was too cruel for people to witness.

Only the extraordinary army wearing extraordinary armor was able to survive, and used shields and armor to resist the gushing sword light.

"Mortals retreat!!" The high-level leaders of the Holy War Army shouted in unison.

The most terrible thing happened!

Facing the Valley Army, the Axe Guards, etc., the believers can use their lives to greatly consume the enemy's physical energy, so they have to drive them as miscellaneous soldiers.

But facing Iolion in the armor of the gods, those mortals can't even consume it.

Today's consumables have been replaced by those knights of war. The existence of the mortal army has hindered the knights of war.

Nothing is more terrifying than this.

But as long as you can get through it, as long as you can get through it...

The light is hidden behind the terror.

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