If I let you farm, will you become the emperor of the empire?

Chapter 356 Now that we are here, we have to plant something

Roman felt that Tashina had a tendency to be a war maniac.

This project meant that the origin and abundance could be connected into one whole. He had been planning this plan since the second year he came to this land.

But construction did not start until the end of the fifth year.

But good things never come late, and Roman believed that this project could bring unimaginable development benefits to the two cities.

Why did this White Steel Princess only care about the advantages of war?

Alas, the woman below had no vision at all.

Huge benefits also require huge costs.

Therefore, the construction period is calculated in years.

The mountain of 30 to 50 meters sounds very thick and looks very thick. The terrain is steep, about 20 to 30 meters high, overgrown with weeds, and desolate in winter.

From this year to next year, all idle laborers have to come to dig the mountain and chisel.

First of all, a settlement must be built, and a group of people will serve here for a long time.

From Roman's order to the immediate start of construction, the notification process took no more than half a day, and a group of laborers did it as soon as they said, which gave Tashina a little administrative shock.

She thought, no wonder the King of the Valley can win battles again and again, this management system alone is better than the kings of the earth.

Tashina knew that Roman was also building five military fortresses at the same time.

Both the cities of Abundance and Origin are fully supporting these constructions and doing their best to improve efficiency.

But is this because other masters don't want to speed up?

Of course not.

The only way to improve efficiency is to improve treatment.

It can only be said that it is possible, but unlikely.

Productivity determines production relations.

When farmers do heavy physical work, their dietary standards are about three times that of normal times.

Where can the noble masters get three times the rations for you to eat.

Once these labors increase, the logistical materials required will be an astronomical figure.

Normally, they can't even build bridges and roads, let alone larger corvée projects.

You eat food, but the masters lose their lives. Those food can be exchanged for weapons, armor, war horses, and training of war knights. If there were no war knights, if you rebelled, what would the masters use to suppress you? (annoyed)

There is a reason why the production efficiency in the Middle Ages could not be improved.

The construction period of some castles is extremely long, and the reason lies in the distribution problem.

Of course, if we only change the resource allocation without improving productivity, the production efficiency will not be improved.

Because all resources are used for labor construction, there is no money to improve military strength, and there is no way to protect the fruits of labor.

But this land is well protected, and it can be said to be orderly and vibrant.

Tashina thought to herself: With such a strong ruling power, even if she did not bring troops, Lord Roman would hardly be defeated.

Those laborers obeyed him completely, doing whatever he said, and cultivated a certain degree of organization in the past collaborative labor, which was simply the prototype of conscripted soldiers.

But on the other hand, they are also unreliable fence-sitters, who will lean to whichever side has better treatment, and have no loyalty at all.

Iotashina was not angry about this.

After the battle of Tianma Plain, she saw through the minds of these lower-class people.

Whoever is strong, they will help.

Tashina is a person who believes in the law of the jungle, and she can understand this very well, so she wants to be the strong forever.

She thinks Roman is also a strong man, otherwise how could he be loved by the lower class.

She squinted her eyes and watched Roman carry out the development plan - according to the latter's idea, he planned to develop this place into a town as a transit station to guard the future pass leading to the origin city.

Roman rode his horse, constantly going back and forth, sprinkling lime, planting flags, and slowly planning out residential land.

This item alone was not completed for the whole afternoon.

"Your Highness Tashina, I will not go back today." In the evening, Roman said to Princess Baigang, implying that she should go back alone.

The reason why he didn't go back was simple. It was too troublesome to go back and forth.

Iotashina said, "I want to stay here too."

"It's up to you." Roman no longer cared about her.

The winter night came very quickly. As soon as the sun disappeared, the sky darkened in the blink of an eye.

Roman went to the temporary cafeteria to get a dinner.

Seeing this, Tashina followed him and took a plate to serve the rice.

The staple food for dinner was brown rice - rice that was only shelled and processed to the lowest degree.

The dish was pickled vegetables and tofu - a large number of vegetables pickled in autumn, which can supplement vitamins in winter.

The soup was unlimited broth to supplement calories.

Roman ate with relish. After a busy day, he consumed a lot of energy, and everything he ate was delicious.

Tashina was also not particular about details. It was obvious that she was not spoiled, but she was very particular about dining etiquette.

The laborers did not go back either. They slept in a temporary residence built with coarse linen and wooden boards, but unfortunately it was very weak in keeping out the cold. The construction team and the laborers had prepared in advance, using iron stoves and honeycomb coal to keep out the cold. Tens of thousands of honeycomb coals were consumed every night, and the temperature released supported them through one cold winter night after another.

Roman's residence was much better, with two iron stoves in it. He didn't sleep on a straw mat, but on a real wooden bed, covered with a thick wool blanket and a soft and wide fur cloak that he used during the day.

"Your Highness, why do you have to suffer here?" Shasta was not talking about Roman, but Iotashina.

The specifications of Tashina's residence were similar to Roman's. Ole learned about her identity and prepared it for the princess.

The former has very low requirements for accommodation conditions, but it is a kind of neglect for the latter.

The princess said: "This is not suffering, the journey of marching and fighting is more difficult."

Shasta did not deny this. Princess Baigang was an outlier. The blood of the previous king gave her a strong will.

The night was getting deeper. The cold wind was howling outside, mixed with very subtle, very subtle human sobs.

The two tents were very close, Roman and Margaret were in one, and Iotashina and Shasta were in the other.

Shasta was a little embarrassed. She imagined the fierce hand-to-hand fight between the two people next door under the cloak quilt. Young people are energetic, especially after tasting the marrow... She was going to find another place to live, but was pulled here by Princess Baigang. She guaranteed that the latter must have heard it.

The princess said again: "Why don't you go?"

The witch whispered: "One person is enough for the bed."

Princess Baigang listened for a moment, and the sobbing voice was like a kite with a broken string in the cold wind, becoming more and more ethereal.

She said, "One is not enough."

Shasta thought to herself, in fact, it was enough, no one would die anyway.

She became even more embarrassed, her delicate face flushed a little, she pursed her lips, trying to keep a cool look.

Tashina could tell at a glance that she was a conservative witch. Even if she was not conservative, it didn't matter. If you put aside the identity of witches, they were just two military prostitutes. Even if two of them came together, they could not pose a threat to her.

But if you take into account the identity of a witch...

"Witch, do you want to help me?"

Shasta felt that she had heard this sentence many years ago. Roman and Tashina were very similar. She sighed and said, "Your Highness, if you said this to me five years ago... no, four years ago, I would definitely agree."

The princess said again, "I was not in power at that time." She pointed out, "Do you resent the Black Iron Royal Family for not helping Witch Lin?"

"No..." Shasta was silent for a moment, and she whispered, "The situation was like this at the time, and His Majesty Black Iron also had difficulties. This is not anyone's fault."

Tashina saw that she was not sincere, so she said, "Everything can still be saved. I will re-canonize you as court witches, whether you are a prophet or a seat witch. I can accept your loyalty and swear not to betray you. I will let you live in the sun like a hundred years ago, and we will open up the future with our own hands. How about it?"

At this moment, she exuded a strong charm and appeal. She condescended to sleep with the witch, and she didn't believe that the latter would not be convinced by her.

But Shasta said: "Your Majesty, we have been influenced by the world. The former court witches taught us that only witches who grew up in the court have honor and nobility, and we are just a group of lowly, honorless abandoned children..."

"I will give you honor!" said Tashina.

"Alas, it's too late, Your Highness." Shasta felt a little bitter.

The Black Iron Royal Family and the court witches have an entangled relationship. In the past, they all longed for this promise, but now she said: "I already have someone to be loyal to for life."

There is no going back.

Shasta thought of the day when she accidentally broke in, and the suffocating feeling was like a lump in her throat.

It's not easy to live under someone else's roof.

She actually wanted to resist.

But she thought of her sisters, who had to be forced to sacrifice themselves, and were put into various positions without any resistance, V+M+V!

Alas, it's really helpless, life is out of one's control.

Seeing that Shasta was upset but not in her heart, Tashina could not help but secretly annoy these witches for being weak-willed and breaking their promises.

She was in dire need of fighting power now. The Witch Forest was a lean camel that was bigger than a horse and could help her greatly, but someone had taken the initiative... my damn father! Tashina cursed in her heart.

Although she and Iolion were in the same camp, their political ideas were completely opposite.

She hoped to join forces with the Witch Forest to launch a blitzkrieg against Sinnoh, dragging the entire land into the hell of war, reshuffle all forces, and re-establish the authority of the conqueror.

But Iolion was appeasement, believing that the Black Iron Royal Family could not be the first to break the rules.

He was the king and she was the princess, and no matter how strong the arms were, they could not bend the thighs.

Now, all the cards were lost, and there was nothing to lose next, so she could only break and then stand up.

Princess White Steel lay upright on the bed, with Shasta next to her, her eyes full of fighting spirit!


The next day.

Roman walked out of the residence refreshed.

Breakfast was pea porridge, wheat bread, and brown rice left over from last night, fried with diced meat.

After breakfast, all the laborers rubbed their hands, exhaled white mist, picked up pickaxes and axes and other tools, and continued yesterday's work - cutting trees and digging foundations.

The land in Fengrao City is not as hard as that in Origin City. The land in winter is as hard as ice, and the soil is unbelievably tight.

But there is no way. Master Roman set a deadline, and they have to complete it within the deadline.

You can't just give up because it's difficult.

The laborers gradually heated up with their physical activities, and began to transform this barren land with great enthusiasm. The heat bursting from their blood vessels could melt the earth... It's impossible.

The winter climate is bad, and starting construction means getting twice the result with half the effort. This is not an ironclad fact that can be changed by enthusiasm.

Roman turned a blind eye to it.

Are you kidding me? So many laborers don't work. Can they all go home and sleep?

How can they sleep at this time? !

Development is about racing against time, and without it, there is no efficiency.

He started to personally take charge yesterday, and the efficiency of the laborers increased by more than 10% immediately.

Roman began to survey the land.

"What are you doing?" asked Tashina.

The princess would sometimes ask him questions.

Roman replied, "Looking for land that can be planted."

Tashina's beautiful face was full of confusion: "This place is too barren."

She didn't know how to farm, but the facts were obvious.

The landform was not good, with large slopes and long-term soil erosion. The shallow soil was red, highly acidic, and had almost no fertility. Some places had exposed rock layers and serious desertification, which could be called an agricultural hell.

This was caused by years of accumulation.

Roman said, "There are weeds growing on even the most barren land."

Tashina was right, this land was indeed a barren land.

But... since we were here, we had to plant something.

Roman thought hard for a moment, squatted on the ground, pried out a hard soil block with a pickaxe, crushed it with five fingers, and let the red dust fall from his fingers.

His frown relaxed a little, "Let's plant a year's worth of pasture first."

Red clover, ryegrass, and tall fescue are the most suitable. Alfalfa can also be planted, but it will be very troublesome to improve the soil. Lime should be spread to reduce acidity, and then organic fertilizers - peat and manure will be added. Organic matter can buffer acidity and provide rich nutrients to the soil.

It will take at least three to five years to improve this barren land into arable land, and its farming potential is incomparable to that of real good farmland.

Two thousand kilograms of lime, peat, and manure for one acre of land are enough. Wait for natural rainfall, and then use a heavy plow to plow back and forth three or five times, deep plowing and loosening, which can effectively improve the soil, and at least pasture can grow.

But the problem is that the construction of the pass has just started, and it is still a long way to transport peat here.

Relying on cattle, horses, and people as animal power, pulling carts weighing thousands of kilograms from dozens of kilometers away to this land, at least a few thousand carts of this scale are needed.

Farming is difficult, and the difficulty lies in fertility.

Let alone barren land, even if it is fertile land, Roman has to apply one or two thousand kilograms of fertilizer per acre every time he sows.

Otherwise, once the soil fertility is exhausted, it will be difficult to have a high harvest in the next season.

But where are the fertilizer resources in Fengrao City?

Although the feces of the residents of Fengrao City can fill part of the gap, combined with those dead branches and leaves, sawdust, wheat straw, etc., after fermenting them into fertilizer, there are only more than 30,000 tons.

It is not enough!

Therefore, this year, more than 100,000 tons of peat were transported from the Origin Basin, which barely guaranteed the farming task.

And these hundreds of thousands of tons of peat require thousands of trackers and tens of thousands of human-shaped animals as transportation capacity, and it took more than two months to complete.

Fengrao City, which is closest to the Origin City, is still like this. It is even more difficult to transport peat to Apple Town, Cold Wind Town, Leicester Baron Castle and other places that are farther away.

Roman does not have this ability at this stage.

Even if he conquered those fiefs this year, the most he could do was to popularize manure and change the way of farming... It can only be said that the farming potential of Fengrao City and the other five territories combined is far less than that of Origin City.

Moreover, the shadow of war is coming.

It will be even more difficult to farm.

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