If I let you farm, will you become the emperor of the empire?

Chapter 357 The greater the power, the greater the responsibility

A heavy snowstorm came in November. The earth was covered in white.

The mixed wood forest was cut down.

When we arrived at the edge of the mountain, we first cleared the soil layer on the mountain rocks to expose the rock layer.

The fire burned the rocks, and then poured ice water on them. The rock layer was stimulated to shrink, while the inside was expanding... Crack! The rock layer with a thickness of more than ten centimeters peeled off.

Roman named this piece of land the Pass of Ice and Fire.

It is also called the Pass of Ice and Fire.

Ice water is easy to get, but the fire needs fuel, so all the trees nearby must be burned clean.

However, wood ash has a great effect on improving the soil, and rock powder can also supplement the nutrients of the land. Let's just say it kills two birds with one stone.

In order to ensure execution, Roman stayed here for a long time.

After all, digging a mountain to open a road was the first project he promoted. Most people didn't know how to do it, and it was unknown how long it would take to complete it. At this time, Roman's supervision was needed.

He has ruled this land for some years and knows that if the implementation is not in place, no matter how good the development plan is, it will be useless. This is the main reason why he wants to do it himself.

According to Roman's point of view, the ruler should play his due role and responsibility.

But many nobles enjoy all the privileges brought by the ruling class, but they can't even come up with a development plan. What's the use of nobles?

Indeed, in the extremely backward Middle Ages, the existence of nobles is very reasonable.

But in Roman's eyes, they are just insects who are sitting in the office and eating for free.

No, what are you precious? Do you also cooperate with me to eat at the same table?

Every time he sees himself and a group of insects in the ecological niche of the ruling class, Roman feels itchy all over, like a bug crawling.

The greater the power, the greater the responsibility - this is the true meaning of a ruler!

As a lord, he should maintain his order, use power to develop his territory, and make plans with a far-sighted vision to ensure the route forward.

In other words: Stupid asses, you have been standing still for hundreds of years, it's time to make progress.

Roman was busy working on the project, and Princess Baigang followed him.

She watched the whole process, but her eyes became brighter and brighter.

She saw the ability of the young king, and even if she was repeatedly rejected and humiliated, she could not hide her desire in her heart.

Tashina believed that she was a natural king, and she could see the essence of everyone.

But she didn't like ruling because of her personality.

She was not good at dealing with those complicated interpersonal relationships.

If she wanted to fight back, she would inevitably face the conflicts of interest and intrigues between nobles.

Of course, she looked down on those incompetent wastes.

But the contradiction was here.

If she didn't use the nobles, she would have no one to use.

Now she met a person who could be used, not an ordinary person, but a top-notch internal affairs talent, which was definitely the rarest among the human beings in the world.

He was outstanding in ability, and his mind seemed to have inherited the wisdom of humans from the dark ages, proficient in various skills and knowledge, and even better. He has deep eye sockets, a high nose bridge, thin lips, red eyes, thick brown hair, and a fair and hard skin similar to hers. He is now an adult, with broad shoulders and a broad back. He has grown from 1.8 meters a few years ago to 1.85 meters now, and the trend of growing taller has not stopped. It is estimated that he will be 1.9 meters tall. He really inherited the pure bloodline from the Dark Empire.

Tashina couldn't help but be moved. She imagined the scene after getting him.

That must be like a fish in water, like a tiger with wings.

She has an innate talent for war, but knows nothing about internal affairs. At this moment, she needs a talent for internal affairs to relieve her worries, but her court team does not have such a talent.

Roman in front of him is simply perfect, with excellent abilities, pure blood, tough looks, amazing courage, strong will... I really want to imprison him and squeeze him!

Correspondingly, Roman sometimes feels very creepy and realizes that Tashina's eyes looking at him are not right.

But this is his territory, unless Tashina is crazy, she won't do anything to him.

The weather is getting colder.

There is more snow.

This year's snow is heavier than last year. Roman repatriated more than 2,000 laborers with poor physical fitness, and the rest of the strong laborers continued to burn stones and pour cold water.

He kept urging the laborers to clear the snow, carry firewood, and melt snow into water.

But each time, at most, they could break through the rock mass with a thickness of more than ten centimeters, and this project must be long.

And those who were repatriated were not idle either. They went to labor-intensive places such as woodworking factories, responsible for cutting wood, assisting carpenters in making short and long arrows, and some people took crossbows to train in the settlements, and some women twisted coarse hemp fibers into bowstrings.

Roman went back and forth between the Rich Castle and the Ice and Fire Pass twice, and took time to go to the Origin City to handle government affairs.

The mobilization of the two cities was excellent. Even in the harsh winter, it still presents a vibrant scene with everything competing.

When Tashina first came to Origin City, she saw that although it was not as majestic as the Black Castle, it had great potential. She could no longer hold back and really wanted to get this piece of land.

Origin Manor.

Hans stood in front of the desk, waiting for Roman's reply, and took a careful look at Princess Baigang next to him, thinking that she was arrogant and indifferent.

Tashina asked with narrowed eyes. "Lord Roman, where is your army?"

"Barracks." Roman said casually.

"When will you take me to see it?" Tashina asked.

But Roman ignored her and continued to watch the new laws and regulations in the Origin Code,

such as how to convict a farmer who stole two farm tools, how much fine to be imposed for insulting a neighbor, how much compensation a farmer should pay for accidentally injuring another farmer, what kind of punishment should be imposed for fighting, how to deal with the violation of production rules and regulations, divorce and separation, inheritance distribution, etc.

Roman's original Origin Code had only a few articles, which were posted on the wall as a notice, but now it has two hundred pages and has become a veritable big book.

Because Roman looked down on the manor court, those legal provisions were used to protect the interests of the nobles. It certainly protected the interests of the peasants to a certain extent, but the right to interpret private law was in the hands of the nobles. What can you use to fight against the nobles?

You have to pay taxes for using the mill! Roman commented that it was pure sick!

In comparison, the Black Iron Law - the Conqueror's Law is okay, and the national law is much better than the noble private law.

But the Iron Law requires that "everyone should abide by the law", otherwise they will be severely punished according to the law, and the same applies to slaves. In order to consolidate the ruling position of slave owners, the code specifically emphasizes that slaves must obey the arrangements of their masters and are not allowed to resist...

I'll give you a fucking punch!

Slavery, such a backward thing, should be quickly eliminated!

What? There are slaves in the City of Origin? Aren't they old-time idiots who are undergoing labor reform?

Once the transformation is completed, the belief in the gods is abandoned, and the supreme status of Master Roman is fully recognized, they can evolve into humans, have complete human rights, and enjoy the same social status as other residents.

Roman's view of the law is very simple. The law that serves the majority is the real law, that is, the universal moral concept.

And in this land, who is the majority is self-evident.

It's just that it is extremely difficult to redraft a complete law.

There are all kinds of birds in the forest.

Even the most perfect legal system can encounter unexpected or bizarre cases to exploit loopholes.

The progress of the law is to continuously fill these loopholes.

Roman asked Hans to be the judicial officer, and nine farmers, both men and women, served as jurors to set the standard of punishment.

If a farmer who stole tools was convicted of theft, according to the way of the manor court, they would have their hands chopped off to deter other farmers - what a waste of labor!!

After the jury discussed, the final punishment was dozens of lashes, hanging for a whole day, and a fine of 10 copper coins - five times the value of the theft.

If the amount of theft was too large, the property would be confiscated and labor reform would be carried out again. In addition, the person who reported the thief would be rewarded with 1 copper coin.

The jury was all from the bottom, and the bottom people were blind, but the law itself had to develop in blindness.

This is a tool of rule.

Once the law is in operation for a long time, it will lead to various social customs. And most of the bottom people will spontaneously maintain public order and good customs.

The law that everyone recognizes will not be bad.

In this cannibalistic era, the bottom class is all weak, and only the weak can sympathize with the weak - after all, who dares to say that their descendants or relatives will not violate those laws? Naturally, the lighter the punishment, the better.

It is up to Roman to grasp the balance.

After all, he has the final right of interpretation and can completely change the law into his shape.

Roman looked around the newly added legal provisions, confirmed that there were no problems, and handed them to Hans.

"Compile them, and follow these standards in the future."

Hans's report was not the first time, but it was not the last.

The Origin Code is currently a grassroots creation, and it is normal to revise it several times a year until various clauses become more and more detailed, more and more heavy, and more and more in line with Roman's wishes.

"Okay, Your Highness." Hans said, taking the thick code with both hands.

Tashina glanced at him at this time, her eyes were very cold, like a knife, Hans' heart jumped, and he felt an irresistible kingly demeanor rushing towards him. His body was faster than his thoughts, and his hands instinctively handed the code to Tashina for inspection.

After taking over, Tashina casually flipped through two pages and found that they were all trivial laws.

Princess Baigang didn't care about the weight of the code, returned it to Hans, and waved him away.

She asked, "Can we go to the barracks now?"

Roman's next stop was the barracks. He returned to Origin City regularly to handle government affairs. Legal provisions were one aspect, and there were also many other matters such as infrastructure, education, medical care, finance, military, and agriculture.

Tashina was quite curious about how Roman forged such a powerful army, so she kept urging him to go to the barracks to take a look.

Although there were barracks in Fengrao City, there were only two or three thousand auxiliary soldiers stationed there, and Tashina didn't see enough.

Roman said, "You can't learn it even if you go there."

Basic training and physical training are secondary, mainly because the apostle's point-adding function is too special.

Roman now has at least more than 2,000 first-level knight-level soldiers, nearly 1,000 second-level knights, and more than 60 third-level knights.

However, he didn't say much nonsense and went directly to the barracks.

The road leading to the military camp was clean. Seth found the elderly, both men and women, and arranged for them to shovel the snow on the road so that they would not have nothing to do.

Roman has been in charge of the City of Plenty for a long time, but he has to make major decisions on the recruitment of new soldiers, the numbering of the battalions, promotion and transfer, the storage of weapons, combat training, etc. in the City of Origin.

Jet led people to welcome Roman and Princess White Steel.

Mainly to greet Iotasheena.

During the battle on Tianma Plains, Jet and others witnessed her heroic appearance and respected her very much.

They all saluted and said: "Your Highness, I salute you!"

Tasina looked at the senior generals of the River Valley Army, her eyes sparkling, and she could see their respective essences at a glance: "Oh, the swordsman of Sinnoh, the traitorous Sir Dick, the cavalry captain who was born from a peasant, the witch Lin's The witch, the fisherman brother and sister that I have met a long time ago, and the only two young knights from Dragon Castle... Lord Roman, your subordinates have opened my eyes. "

Roman hummed softly: "I don't care about my background, Your Highness."

At this time, Tasina's eyes flickered and she said generously: "Do you want to join me?"

Everyone was a little surprised.

Forget about trying to pry a corner, why do you do it in front of the real owner? Life in Origin City is very good. No one has any plans to find another place, and Green, who has an out-of-touch personality, dare not say anything more.

Tashina's recruitment scheme went bankrupt.

Roman turned a blind eye to this.

He inspected the army and found that the number of troops was still low.

The attributes of the previously recruited apostles that should be improved have been improved, and it is time to fish out new apostles from the pool.

Roman is going to recruit for the tenth time, and this time he plans to recruit two thousand apostles.

Tasina frowned slightly. She could see through the essence of many people, but she felt that Roman was deep and dark, sometimes difficult to fathom.

"Lord Roman," she said. "Do you know the nature of a conqueror?"

"You mean His Majesty Ionos?" Roman was a little confused.

"It seems that the Grand Duke of Ulster didn't tell you this." Princess Baigang pointed at Roman, "The late king has pure blood, and so do you and me."

Jet felt a little uncomfortable and said, "Your Highness, please allow us to leave."

She looked directly at Roman, as if no one else was watching. "No need. These things were kept secret in the past, but the conqueror's order has long been shattered, and his crown has been shattered, so there is no point in hiding it."

She said, "We are all sons and daughters from the Dark Ages, and we have the blood of the Empire flowing in our bodies."

Roman said: "Are you talking about the human empire before the Seven Kingdoms were born? I heard that the Sinnoh Kingdom is the remnant of that empire, and the King of the Fjords is also the oldest king."

"Yes, that glorious empire was also called Sinnoh. It weakened in the dark ages and huddled in a corner of the earth. Until a man named Ionus, the king of men, rode across the fjord on the wings of the storm. In the later days, Here, he is called Ionos, also known as the Conqueror, who established the Black Iron Kingdom as a great monarch. It is said that some people still sang that story a hundred years ago, but it has been lost now. "

Princess Baigang said, "He is from the Sinnoh royal family, but he conquered the Seven Kingdoms as a conqueror of Ionos. He has three helpers beside him, who are also from the lost empire. One of them is the first-generation Archduke of Armor Splitting."

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