If I let you farm, will you become the emperor of the empire?

Chapter 4 The rights of a lord are unlimited

The next day, early in the morning.

When the dew was still condensing on the grass, Mor came with yesterday's slaves.

They set out at dawn.

Roman woke up at this time.

The family precepts of the nobles are relatively strict, and so is the Split Armor family. The first generation of the Split Armor Grand Duke was famous for his military power and required his descendants to get up before dawn to do morning training with the family knights.

Of course, there is no such requirement after having their own fiefdom.

The rules are no longer binding, and you can sleep as long as you want.

Therefore, many nobles degenerate at a very fast speed after they have fiefdoms, and their martial arts gradually become abandoned.

But Roman didn't have time to degenerate.

He slept very late last night, and his body clock automatically woke him up.

After waking up, he saw Aaron and Green starting to train on the grass in front of the wooden house. The two of them wielded the steel swords mixed with mountain copper with great vigor, and the amazing sense of power could be sensed from a long distance.

They did not practice sparring. High-intensity chopping and slashing each other would cause the wear and tear of weapons and the durability would drop rapidly.

When they were at the Liejia family, someone was responsible for special maintenance, but this condition was no longer available in Sige Town.

Roman did not join in. He only cleaned up the environment around the wooden house and cleared the weeds.

[Planting Experience +1]

Roman conducted a very thorough study of "Noah's Ark" last night.

The main one is [Life Story]. There are nine kinds of life skills in this mode.

Construction, planting, gathering, breeding, hunting, cooking, medicine, manufacturing, forging, it can be said that all walks of life are fully covered.

He is too busy to brush up all these skills at the same time.

At this stage, he had to choose important skills to improve.

A year's plan lies in spring. Now in early spring, the importance of [Planting] skills is self-evident.

In most places, farmers have to cultivate 60 acres of land a year to feed their families.

To be more precise, the per-acre yield of land in this era is less than 100 kilograms, and the soil utilization rate is extremely low.

Although there are exceptions, they are only exceptions.

And the town of Sger is like most areas, even more backward, with barbaric farming and relying entirely on empiricism.

"We can't let those idiots ruin the land like this."

Roman squatted on the ground, cursing and pulling weeds.

The maids and male slaves passing by all carefully avoided this place. They could see that the lord was in a very unhappy mood and were afraid of getting into trouble.

At this time, footsteps came, Roman looked up and saw More walking over cautiously, and shouted respectfully: "Master."

Roman looked at the idiot in front of him expressionlessly for a moment, which made More's heart beat.

Then, he turned his eyes to the group of slaves shivering in the cold wind.

Roman stood up.

This is a basin, and the natural mountain barrier isolates the strong cold air, but it does not mean that it is spring all year round. When this winter has not completely passed and the sun has not fully risen, the spring cold is still a torture for these ragged slaves.

More watched Roman throw a handful of weeds in his hand into the haystack.

He still didn't understand what this distinguished master did.

But he knew that Roman held the power of life and death over everyone, so he served very cautiously. Even if he didn't understand many things, he would try his best to cooperate, otherwise even his father's uncle would not be able to take him out of the pigsty.

"Bob, cook a pot of oatmeal, and you can scoop out fifty bowls." Roman brought More to the attendant chef.

Civilians and slaves generally have two meals a day, at noon and in the evening, while nobles are normal for four or five meals a day.

"Master, one pot can't cook so much." Chef Bob frowned, and when he heard this job, he knew what Roman was going to do.

Roman raised his chin and said, "Then you can cook a few more pots."

Do you need him to teach you this little thing?

Roman is not Jie and Zhou, and he is not so cruel as to let slaves work for him on an empty stomach - slavery is still too backward, even if it is a little feudal, the emperor will not lack hungry soldiers.

"Master, I am afraid that we don't have so much food for you to show your kindness to your heart's content." Deacon Seth appeared next to Roman and said.

"Will I starve to death?" Roman looked at Moore with a squint.

The pressure was immediately given to Moore.

The latter immediately bowed his head to show his loyalty: "I will send all the reserve grain in Sige Town to the master."

"Excuse me, this behavior does not conform to any rules." Seth felt that Roman was a little too much.

If yesterday's behavior was still within the scope of understanding, then today Seth found that he could not keep up with Roman's drastic changes.

This is challenging the bottom line of this era!

In his impression, Roman has been a very contemptuous person since he was a child, but this contempt is in his bones and rarely shows. Seth always feels that Roman looks down on everyone, a bit like a female devil.

But it must be said that Roman has been impeccable since he was a child, proficient in literature and martial arts, and can be regarded as the best among his many brothers and sisters, otherwise he would not have been allowed by the Grand Duke.

It is for this reason that he agreed to follow Roman to this wild territory to develop.

But now it is very wrong. This arrogance used to be restrained, but now why is it suddenly overflowing, and it is overflowing, as if it has broken free from all shackles and all constraints.

You won't pretend when you come to your own territory, right?

"I am the rule." Roman reached out and patted Seth on the shoulder, leading Moll out of the temporary kitchen.

His rights as lord were unlimited.

"It's so ungraceful!" Seth frowned and looked at the remaining dog... finger marks on his shoulder with disgust. He lightly dusted the remaining soil on it and turned around to prepare the next tableware.

They had no bowls for the slaves, so they could only take out the tableware used by the nobles, and they could no longer use them. How could the nobles use the bowls used by the slaves?

very bad.

Seth suspected that if he continued to work here, he might have to pay Roman, otherwise Roman would have no money to pay him a salary.

Roman didn't care about Seth's mood. He said to Moore: "I want you to do three things."

"As you command."

Roman raised his finger: "First, send all the information on Sige Town and give it to Deacon Seth."

"I'll do it immediately!"

Roman added: "Second, I will give you two clerks, and I will only give you three days. I want to master all the population and occupations in Sige Town and its villages. Do you understand?"


Moore was silent for some reason.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead guiltily. It took three days to identify all the people. This was a huge challenge for him.

Before this, he had never counted the specific population of Sige Town.

Just pocket 50% of the harvest produced in Sige Town every year, and then pay a fixed tax to the Grand Duke. There is no need to do such troublesome things.

But now the aristocracy rules.

Roman finally said: "Third, if the information you collected is far from the information I collected, then just wait until you go to the pigsty and eat black bread."

Moore showed a smile that was uglier than crying, but he was complaining in his heart: He couldn't eat black bread in the pigsty.

"Go." Roman patted Moll on the back and watched as the steward, who was as fat as a white pig, mounted his horse and ran towards Sky Town.

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