The enthronement is the division of the family, so Roman naturally brought all his family assets, including a lot of crop seeds.

The nobles do not engage in production, but he is an exception. He has also secretly come into contact with farming in his life, and his farming movements are quite standard.

Roman has an understanding of farming.

Although it is not much, it doesn’t matter. He will master it as he grows more and more.

As for the manor, five wooden houses are enough for the time being, and he will come slowly later.

Roman sent the slaves to build toilets and kitchens today. He can’t tolerate people shitting everywhere in his manor.

And there must be a hall, anyway, there are more things to do.

The slaves who had breakfast felt warm all over, and went to work gratefully, and their efficiency was slightly improved.

This lord can be dealt with!

They have a clear understanding of the lord. Generally speaking, they, the lowest class, are not qualified to talk to the lord-but it does not prevent them from giving their evaluations to the lords in their hearts.

Those who can let them eat more will be called benevolent masters in private by them.

The one who can let them eat a few more bites is the merciful Lord.

He can let them eat one more bowl of thick and warm oatmeal porridge, and let them work in the fields... Oh my god, what kind of heavyweight Lord is this!


On the other side, Roman found a suitable grassland by himself, carried a hoe and started to hoe the land.

He has a strong body and developed very early in his life. There is no way, it is like this with adequate nutrition.

Only high-quality protein can allow humans to touch the limit of their own genes.

Of course, ploughing is not an easy job. Early development is early development, and lack of endurance is still lack of endurance. Especially for first-timers, it is impossible to grasp it. A real 16-year-old boy will fall down after working hard for ten minutes.

This is heavy physical labor after all.

But fortunately, Roman is not a normal person.

[Planting Experience +1]

[Planting Experience +1]

[Planting Experience +1]


It took the whole morning to turn over an acre of land, almost without stopping. Roman was in high spirits and did not feel tired.

[Level 1 Planting: 5\\100]

The experience gained is quite good, even faster than the experience gained from [Construction].

Roman thinks this is because he has a talent for farming.

Innate Ploughing Body!

In the interface of [Story of Life] in the field of vision, in addition to the five wooden houses, this small piece of renovated ground is also displayed.

After turning the soil, it is necessary to level the land. There are too many compacted mud blocks, which need to be broken up.

Ridges and ditches, that is, to build rows of neat small mounds, have the effect of storing water, conserving soil, and preventing wind.

Roman also gradually understood these things after gaining planting experience.

However, in the current Middle Ages, this planting method should be non-mainstream. Although it is very scientific, it is very un-medieval.

Roman thinks it is necessary to let all human countries understand this non-mainstream aesthetic!

Without accumulating small steps, one cannot reach a thousand miles. Let's start with farming.

Develop quietly, and then kill the whole world!


Roman stayed next to his own farmland all morning.

He scattered the seeds of parsnips.

Parsnips are spring vegetables. They are called grasses, but they are actually radishes.

Plant them in early spring and harvest them at the end of spring.

At lunch, Green asked Roman: "When are we going to Sig Town?"

He was asking Roman when to do the real work.

They should have gathered the residents yesterday and let the people know the lord who will rule them for the rest of their lives.

"Sig Town is right there, and it won't run away. Why are you in such a hurry?" Roman glanced at Green.

Green and Aaron are knights specially trained by the Split Armor Family.

Following him to this basin means that there may be no war for decades to come, because there is no place for military force here - the king can't even recruit soldiers here.

And Roman is not ready to fight now.

Aaron, who has always been calm, can't sit still and said silently: "When do we have to wait?"

He is silent and introverted, and rarely speaks on his own initiative.

He tolerated building a house and living in a wild place. Seeing that Roman was obsessed with growing vegetables all morning and wanted to continue in the afternoon, Aaron tolerated it again.

But when he heard what you were anxious about, he still couldn't hold it.

Aaron's idea was simple. Roman would be the ruler of this land in the future. The sooner the decree was issued, the better, especially for things related to the livelihood of farmers.

Roman was very nice to Aaron: "I know you want to do big things, but I am doing big things now, and I will take you to do big things in the future..."

Green complained: "Take us to farm together?"

Roman glanced at Green and couldn't help but snorted, with a little complacency in his tone: "Aaron is okay, but you can't farm well."

Green was speechless. Is this something worth comparing? Who would farm as a serious knight?

Hearing this, Aaron's mouth curled up slightly, but he quickly returned to his original state and continued to behave like a silent knight.


After lunch, Moore came over with a stack of thick parchment.

This is all the information about the town of Sger.

Roman handed those things to Seth so that he wouldn't keep talking about them in his ear.

He reclaimed another acre of land this afternoon, planning to plant strawberries or tomatoes.

After a whole day of wielding a hoe and carrying water, even his physique could not bear it. When he lay on the bed sent by Mor at night, he felt a pain in his waist and back.

Being young is good at recovering. Roman felt that he could adapt to this intensity of work soon.

Two days passed in a blink of an eye.

Roman reclaimed five acres of land on the plain on the north side of the cabin, and planted all kinds of vegetables and fruits.

Unfortunately, the increase in experience gradually decreased, probably because Roman could not skillfully apply the knowledge that emerged in his mind.

[Level 1 Planting: 59\\100]

At this time, Mor appeared again after two days.

He followed Roman's order to conduct a census, and the more he checked, the more frightened he was. He felt that he had sweated all his life in just three days, and even his handkerchief was soaked.

He found Roman swinging a hoe. The latter was wearing a woolen sweater with his sleeves pulled up, and the muscle lines of his arms were smooth and strong.

Mor handed the information to Roman tremblingly.

Seeing that he looked wrong, Roman put down his hoe and asked him to tell him.

"Lord Roman, the population of Sige Town is about 1,800 to 1,900 people." More said anxiously.

Roman laughed immediately and said, "Really? I thought the population of the territory was only about 700 people, after all, you have always paid taxes according to this number."

More's face was pale, and his fat body was shaking like sieve chaff.

He knew this was the case before.

But his dead father had never checked the population, let alone reported it, so he didn't check it, nor did he report it.

The thought that 'Lord Liejia had forgotten this place a long time ago' came to mind, so he muddled around for more than ten years.

Anyway, the Grand Duke lived a very comfortable life, he lived a very comfortable life, and the farmers here lived a very comfortable life.

But some things cannot withstand investigation, and once they are investigated, something will go wrong. More knew that something was wrong. The population on paper was not even a fraction of the actual population, and as an agricultural official, he would be beheaded.

So he was very scared when he saw Roman. This landmine would blow him up to the sky or into the pigpen.

Now he personally ignited this landmine, and this matter could not be concealed.


Roman knew that this was not More's fault.

When he was young, the Grand Duke of Liejia personally conquered the town of Sige, and then sent a steward to manage this land. It has been more than 50 years.

But in fact, in all these years, he has never sent anyone here to re-count the population and land, nor recalculate taxes.

Every year, the tax collector comes here to take away the taxes paid this year.

The mountains are high and the land is far away, and it is located in a remote area, so no one will take the initiative to come here.

Maybe he forgot, it's hard to say.

The Grand Duke of Split Armor is now nearly eighty years old. He gave birth to Roman when he was in his early sixties. He has lived to this day thanks to his extraordinary physique when he was young.

Sometimes Roman feels that the Grand Duke of Split Armor has some Alzheimer's disease, so it is normal to forget.

There are still many undeveloped lands in this era.

All the nobles with names and surnames have a few inconspicuous territories, and their rule is broken and messed up.

Before coming here, Roman never thought that this basin exceeded his budget.

The terrain is rugged and the land is fertile. It can basically be called a land of abundance. In this case, it is impossible for the population not to grow.

Roman frowned and asked, "Why is there a fluctuation of 100 people?"

He wanted an accurate number, the kind that should be counted in the womb, so as to facilitate the allocation of labor in the future.

Seeing that Roman gently turned over this page without further investigation, More felt relieved, knowing that his life should be saved. When he came to his senses, he felt that his whole body was wet with sweat.

Roman didn't care how much profit More had made over the years by relying on the gap between population and taxation.

It wasn't that he looked down on More. With such a low productivity, how much resources could be mined even if the population was squeezed out from the gaps between teeth? At best, they could make a few sets of armor. Could it be possible that a knight could jump out to fight? With such strength, why would he stay here as a steward?

This steward was quite honest and didn't do anything more excessive. Moreover, he was a little short of manpower now, so he could use it if he could.

But after hearing this question, More's face was a little embarrassed and struggling.

Under Roman's quiet gaze, More explained the reason.

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