Roman is ready to explore this land.

The area occupied by Sige Town in the entire basin can barely be regarded as the tip of the iceberg, occupying the position of the basin gorge.

In the north are tens of thousands of acres of cultivated land.

If there were no such land, Sige Town would be just an insignificant black spot on a white paper if viewed from a high altitude.

There are many places to explore, but they are also full of dangers.

The wilderness refers to the primitive places with dangerous environments, with a large number of wetlands such as swamps, streams, and lakes.

Swamps will eat people, forests have beasts, and those unexplored areas are even more difficult to move.

Roman, Gweiler and Green formed an expedition team.

With two horses, Gweiler can't ride a horse, so she and Roman share one, and carry a small amount of daily necessities, and set off like this.

Without followers and cooks, too many people are just a burden and the progress is slow.

The more streamlined the number of people, the better, and it is easier to move.

Roman and his two companions rode forward for more than ten kilometers, but they had to dismount because they entered a swamp. They carefully avoided those natural traps and found a passable road. Sometimes they had to turn back when they reached a dead end.

The town of Sige also explored those wild places, but the progress was extremely slow, and they couldn't even provide a detailed map.

If Roman didn't come, decades later, because the population of Sige Town increased automatically, they would most likely cross the swamps and forests in the north and build new towns and villages on the opposite prairie.

By noon, the three had only advanced thirty or forty kilometers.

Roman was not impatient. They found a safe camp in the swamp. Green took down the iron pot, and Gweil collected firewood and made a fire to boil water.

A moment later, Roman came back with two otters shot by arrows.

[Hunting Experience +1]

Hunting is mainly to improve skill levels through hunting.

Roman had already gained shallow wilderness survival experience by shooting wild beasts. He also had a preliminary ability to deal with prey.

The skin was peeled off with clumsy movements, the head and internal organs were shaved off, and the meat was put on a stick for roasting.

Gweiler sat on the tree root next to the fire, staring at the meat in the fire with her big, bright eyes, and salivating.

The roasting work presided over by Roman was not successful.

Specifically, it tasted like coal.

This made Roman frown, thinking that maybe he should bring Dota along, as the latter was an experienced hunter and must have the ability to roast.

But the reminder of [Cooking Experience +1] also made Roman give up this idea.

Green looked at the charred meat...

Can this be called roasting?

Forgive me for being frank, I have never seen anyone who abuses things so badly in my life.

Roman tore off a leg of meat, gently scraped off the carbonized layer on it with his fingernails, and then handed it to Gweiler. The girl was not picky, and she started to chew on the leg meat.

It was easy to feed, and it seemed that the life in the manor these days did not feed her little mouth.

Roman also tore off a piece of meat. He chewed it in his mouth and said incoherently, "Green, you eat it."

Green's mouth twitched, and he was silent for two seconds, then said decisively, "I eat dry food."

"You despise me? I hope you can keep this unruly attitude in the future."

Green laughed immediately: "Even if I starve to death or die in the swamp, I will not eat something that even pigs won't eat."

"You'd better remember what you said."

Green said disdainfully: "I'm a knight, I have backbone!"

Gweil blinked innocently.

While the two were arguing, he secretly stuffed a piece of meat into his cheek, looking like a little squirrel.

Roman looked at Green's bold words and just sneered without saying a word.

You wait!

I'll brush up my cooking skills later!

After a short break, continue moving forward.

During this period, a small incident occurred. The horse stumbled and fell into the swamp. Although it was as cautious as possible, it still suffered a serious injury.

Roman and Green had to drag the horse out of the swamp by force, wipe its body, and calm its emotions to prevent it from being frightened and sick.

War horses are extremely expensive in themselves, and special war horses can be counted as magical beasts, carrying hundreds of kilograms of heavy objects and running freely.

The Grand Duke of the Split Armor can breed this kind of war horse.

Otherwise, Roman would not have obtained these five horses when he split up.

After all, a war horse on the market is worth 4 gold coins, and some special war horses are even more expensive, requiring more than a dozen or even dozens of gold coins.

This made Roman attach great importance to it.

Green and Gweiler followed Roman forward. Through this swamp area.

In this era, traveling far away is itself an extremely risky thing.

That's right, as long as you leave the human village for 40 or 50 kilometers, it is basically a long journey.

The wilderness is vast. Once you go deep into it, it is basically impossible to return to the original path unless you have a photographic memory and a good sense of direction.

But Roman did not have this concern.

He had never seen a farmer get lost in his own farm. [Story of Life] would display a large map and its location.

And soon, Roman found that his luck was a bit bad.

When they were about to leave the swamp, an adult monster wild boar rushed towards them madly.

Roman was carrying a split-armor bow and had noticed the wild boar's attack long before it attacked. When the wild boar was about 20 meters away, he shot an arrow through its skull, killing it very quickly.

The wild animals here seem to have not withstood the beatings of the terrifying Ape erectus.

It's time to let them know for a long time.

Xiti’s hunting experience +1!

Unfortunately, Roman couldn't take them all away, so he simply cut off some ten pounds of leg meat and tied it to the horse's back.

Then, they encountered a dense forest. The dense shrubs blocked the entire ground, making it impossible for people to stay, let alone for horses to walk through it. It would be terrible if they encountered poisonous snakes, scorpions and other poisons.

Roman had to take a detour.

Also in the afternoon, Roman noticed that a resource area icon was displayed on the interface of [Biology Story].

That's a mineral icon.

Not all minerals are as clearly labeled as iron ore.

Most mineral veins are the same as jungles, and there may be anything in the mines.

Roman has basic knowledge of geology and mineralogy.

It took him some time to find a spot to survey.

This side is located in a low-lying area, with a rugged rocky mountain covered with gravel and an extremely steep slope. There is no vegetation at all and the area is bare.

Roman had no choice but to walk over and conduct a preliminary investigation.

He rummaged through the pile of rubble, picked through it, and even dug into the mountain soil below. After searching for more than ten minutes, he finally pulled out a vaguely crystal-clear stone from the ground several meters thick.

It was like an ice cube, but the inside was white and not translucent. Roman sniffed it gently, then stuck out his tongue and licked it, then smiled broadly.

Roman threw the stone to Green and said, "Try it."

Green was stunned, then changed his position and licked it with his tongue. He soon tasted a rich, bitter and salty taste, which made him spit.

"Is this?" Green blinked and his head didn't turn around for a while.

Roman hummed softly: "Rock salt! There should be a salt mine under my feet, and the mineral layer is very shallow, maybe only a few meters or more than ten meters."

He felt that this low-lying land might have been a salt lake in the past. It was buried underground during long geological movements. After chemical precipitation, it gradually crystallized into this halide mineral.

Green suddenly realized what the salt mine meant to Roman, and his eyes became hot.

His adamantine sword and mithril armor are at his feet!

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