According to the map, the straight-line distance between this salt mine and the town of Sige is only 40 kilometers.

It is not impossible to quickly clear out a mining and transportation route at any cost.

The important thing is that the ore layer of this salt mine is very shallow, and it is not necessary to dig a hundred meters deep. At most, ten meters is enough.

It is basically an open-air salt mine, which is quite rare.

A salt mine was discovered, but Roman was not completely satisfied.

He is a lord. To develop his territory, he needs a lot of resource support.

Because he has no capital, he has no confidence to go out and rob now. He needs to continue to develop and raise a professional army.

And resources come from labor and production.

If there is no salt, go find other resources:

If the ore vein is barren, then hunt wild animals and use fur to accumulate original capital;

If the fur business cannot last long, then develop light industries-textiles, breeding, handicrafts, winemaking, shipbuilding, and planting cash crops.

Anyway, the economy must be pulled up, and only with the economy can it be transformed into military power.

Only with military power did he dare to go out and rob, Bangbang gave them two punches.

And all these industries need enough labor to participate in them in order to operate.

Although farming is the basis of everything, it cannot bring more wealth.

Roman hopes to find a large gold and silver mine that is easy to mine, or at least copper and iron mines. He is really not picky.

The extraordinary resources in this world basically come from these veins.

If you want to get rich overnight, you can only mine!

Nothing is more important than mining, unless farming.

Then, the three continued on their way.

Roman found another trace of a coal mine, but it was located in the middle of the mountain, which was inconvenient to mine and required too much labor, so he chose to give up.

The entire land here belongs to him.

Roman feels that he is qualified to pick and choose the best mining location.

It is difficult to advance in the wilderness. Sometimes it is a sparse plain, sometimes it is a steep valley, and sometimes it is a wet swamp. They ride horses and can't walk more than 70 or 80 kilometers a day.

Roman's goal was clear: to find steep terrain, plateau valleys, etc. Because of the structure of the earth veins, the probability of mineral veins appearing in such terrains is very high.

Before dark, Roman temporarily set up a campsite beside the stream, lit a bonfire with flint, and grilled wild boar meat during the day. His skills were still terrible. A little cooking experience could not directly turn Roman into a chef.

Green chose to eat dry food.

He thought to himself: This is not a picnic, it is clearly to make dark dishes.


As night fell, the bonfire did not go out.

The bright and warm flames dispelled darkness and beasts.

Roman covered Gweil with a wool blanket, and he and Green slept against the tree trunk with their clothes on.

The two had strong physical fitness and wore thick clothes, so they were not worried about catching a cold.

At dawn the next day, they set off again.

On this day, Roman kept lighting up the map and resource map.

In the end, three stone mines and a gold mine were discovered.

Yes, gold mine!

Roman bit his finger and looked at the gold mine mark on the map.

The output of this gold mine may not be much, it can only be regarded as a small vein, located in a steep and valley area, it is difficult to mine... but it is also a gold mine.

The mining of these veins requires a lot of manpower and material resources.

Roman exhaled lightly and calmed down.

If you take too big a step, you may get hurt easily.

There is a long way to go.

After the expected goal was achieved, Roman took Green and Gweiler back.

They returned to the Origin Manor in the afternoon of the third day.

The maids who had been waiting for a long time immediately came forward to help them unload various things.

At the dinner table, Roman told Seth about the salt mine.

This made the old butler with a conservative personality excited.

He thought more deeply than Green.

The main output of Sige Town is selling food. If a salt mine is really discovered, then Sige Town will have an additional industrial pillar.

This is no longer development, but direct wealth.

The coastal areas of this land have insufficient sunlight intensity, making it difficult to dry salt, while inland salt-producing land has always been scarce.

The successful mining of a salt-producing land is often the result of the game between several powerful nobles.

But now, the town of Sige has discovered a salt mine... The profit is immeasurable.

Roman said, "The matter of the salt mine is not urgent for the time being. Are you going to sow tomorrow?"

"Yes." Seth was a little absent-minded, still thinking about how much effect the salt mine has and the corresponding consequences it brings.

It's okay in the short term, but in the long term...

Whether the Grand Duke of Liejia needs to intervene when necessary.

Roman didn't know what Seth was thinking, but just nodded.


It was the 19th day since he came to Sige.

Before the sun rose completely, Roman summoned all the active laborers, stewards, and guards in Sige.

And the selected good seeds and fermented fertilizers were transported to the fields by ox carts and horse carriages.

Finally, in front of everyone, Roman personally demonstrated the specific details and steps of sowing.

Manure is a nutritious organic fertilizer that can improve the soil structure, making it loose and soft with good air permeability. This is not only conducive to the growth and development of crop roots, but also helps to improve the soil's ability to retain water and fertilizer.

Roman used strip fertilization and fertilizer-supporting seeds - burying fertilizer in the soil 9 cm deep, and then sowing seeds 3 cm deep, using fertilizer to support wheat seeds.

The fertilizer below will bear part of the nutrients needed for the germination and rooting of these wheat seeds.

Roman demonstrated to them the approximate sowing amount and fertilizer amount.

100 tons of fertilizer seems to be a lot, but when it is spread out, one mu of land only has 100 kilograms of fertilizer, which is not enough.

Good steel is used on the blade. Using strip sowing and strip fertilization can maximize the use of humus fertilizer and avoid waste.

Five kilograms of fertilizer is responsible for the nutrients of one and a half kilograms of wheat seeds, which is extremely reluctant in Roman's opinion. According to the modern planting ratio, at least dozens of kilograms of humus fertilizer are needed to support one kilogram of wheat seeds, but he has no time to compost, so he can only hope that this fertile soil can support those wheat seeds.

Of course, during the wheat growth period, Roman will apply top dressing according to the growth situation, about 50, 60, 70 or 80 kilograms, to ensure that the wheat will not starve to death during the subsequent growth process.

There is no rush for this matter. After Roman gave the standard steps for sowing, he asked Moore and the stewards to supervise this matter - it is actually not difficult, it depends on whether you are careful.

The standard is 30 kilograms of wheat seeds per acre and at least 100 kilograms of fertilizer.

It took most of the day to finally notify everyone.

First, the tasks were assigned, those who moved fertilizers moved fertilizers, and those who transported wheat seeds transported wheat seeds, and placed them on each acre of land in advance. Each person was responsible for a certain number of acres of land. This distribution method was not complicated. Similar to the previous deep plowing, everyone was a link in the collective labor.

As long as the basic execution ability was guaranteed, the efficiency could be greatly improved.

Under the orders of Seth, the steward, Aaron, Green and others.

These seven or eight hundred people began to operate in an orderly manner.

This production model was something that farmers of this era had never experienced before.

Roman had already called together the 80 peasant women who were responsible for lunch and personally led them to make lunch in the fields.

He also chopped more than 200 kilograms of wild boar meat, wolf meat, venison and bear meat that had been smoked, dried and pickled, and chopped them into large pieces, and threw them all into the big iron pot.

Roman asked the blacksmith Lax to forge those large iron pots with the remaining iron ingots, which took several days.

More asked the slaves to bring more than 100 kilograms of salt from home.

Since learning that Roman had found a salt mine on the land thirty or forty kilometers away, the agricultural official had no choice but to contribute all the salt stored in his home.

Roman was responsible for chopping meat and vegetables, and sprinkled a lot of salt without hesitation.

The flames at the bottom of the pot burned fiercely, gradually emitting a rich meaty aroma that drifted a long distance, making the farmers who were bending over to sow and fertilize so hard salivate, and their hands moved much faster.

After these days of adaptation, they also knew who the lunch was prepared for.

It was not until one o'clock in the afternoon that Roman announced that the morning's work was over.

Everyone lined up to get their meals.

At this time, the second pot of meat was also out of the pot, emitting a hot and fragrant aroma.

Everyone's wooden bowl was divided into a large piece of meat and a large spoonful of salty gravy, as well as a large amount of whole wheat bread.

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