After lunch.

Roman called Jimmy to him.

This was a yellow-haired boy who looked even thinner than Kao, like a girl.

The latter had a well-proportioned, smooth and agile body. Although he was also underage, he had masculinity.

Jimmy looked like a refugee, skinny, with his ribs clearly visible. His foundation was seriously damaged and he obviously hadn't recovered in the past few days.

Roman asked: "How is your study progress recently?"

Jimmy was so nervous that he couldn't speak.

Should he say good or bad?

Roman held his chin with his hand, his movements were very elegant, and he looked at the somewhat embarrassed little apostle with some amusement, and asked again: "What number can you count now?"

The child saw him smile, and his voice was magnetic, and it felt a little itchy when it fell into his ears. He somehow relaxed and said in a mosquito-like voice: "100."

"Tell me."

He whispered: "1, 2, 3..."

Jimmy got a little stuck when he counted to 53, but he quickly overcame it. Roman did not urge him and waited patiently for him to count to 100.

In his opinion, 100 numbers were obviously not Jimmy's limit.

"How many letters do you know?"

"All of them."

"What about words?"

"I know about 50."

"Can you write your own name?"

Jimmy shook his head.

The reason why he knew more than 50 words was that Hans and Geman only taught more than 50 simple words.

In order to ensure the overall teaching progress, the two taught very slowly.

In fact, they had no choice.

Let them stand in a circle in an open area and then teach.

There are no textbooks. It all depends on the mouth. Whether you can understand it depends on the individual. Facing more than 300 children, they are thirsty every day and take turns to play.

What they teach is the basics of the basics.

Sometimes they feel desperate about this boring job, but they have to do it under the pressure of Roman. They get a salary of 1.2 gold coins a year, so they have to do things.

Some learn fast, some learn slowly.

And Jimmy is obviously the fastest learner.

"How old are you this year?"

"Mom said I'm 13 years old."

"Where is your father?"

"Dad is dead."

"What do you want to do in the future?"

"Grow sheep for the steward. My father was drowned with the sheep when he was herding sheep for the steward. Mom said that our family owed the steward a sheep..."

The steward lost the sheep but ate the mutton, and he lost his father but owed the steward a sheep. They all have a bright future.

"Don't herd sheep anymore. Come and work for me."

Jimmy obviously didn't understand what Roman meant. He looked dull and had low EQ.

He was still thinking about the sheep. After a slight hesitation, he lowered his head and said helplessly, "I'll listen to you, Lord."

Roman turned to Seth and said, "Seth, let him follow you in the future. He will be a little clerk first. He has a good memory. You can say more. It doesn't matter if he doesn't understand. He will understand slowly in the future."

Seth saw the whole process and had to admit that the little guy in front of him was a promising talent. Not all children can master 100 numbers and letters in three months.

The education system of this era is monopolistic because of the high cost of education, but there is no difference in IQ. Geniuses can appear among civilians and idiots among nobles.

But the status of a clerk is much higher than that of an ordinary steward.

A child should not be allowed to take up such an important position. He firmly opposed it.

"Take him in as a student and teach him well."

Roman said it very clearly.

Seth took Jimmy away with a solemn expression.

He firmly opposed the dirty and lowly appearance of the secretary of the Origin Manor, and he must train him to be a qualified secretary.

Since Roman said that he had a good memory, he would slowly tell him what a qualified secretary should look like, what he should do in the future, and what rights he should have.


Next, Roman arranged all the valuable apostles he selected one by one - greatly improving their status.

Let them adapt to the work first and develop command and management capabilities.

But Roman must always pay attention to their growth progress, let them come to him every day to report their work, and then Roman will clearly tell them how to do things, so that the apostles he recruited will not grow up and become another group of stale stewards.

In that case, Roman's resources will be wasted.

Then it is the distribution of those slaves.

The quality of the slaves brought by Daken is not very good.

There are seventy or eighty sick and weak people.

They can't do heavy physical labor, and can't do road paving, mining and ironmaking.

Roman asked them to do some light handicraft work, or to cook in the dining room, look after children under five years old, and lead the pigs and sheep in the livestock shed to graze.

Anyway, the town of Sger does not keep waste.

Then, he selected the slaves who stood at the end in the morning with good physical fitness and willpower, and let them freely choose to join the guards or the blacksmiths.

Most slaves chose to become guards.

So far, the number of guards has directly expanded to more than 60 people, which is still a little too few, so let's take it slowly.

There are also five more laborers in the blacksmith shop - after the hydraulic forging hammer, the labor force is greatly liberated, but it does not mean that the manpower can be reduced.

Roman asked them to take turns working day and night.

As long as the river is flowing, the hydraulic hammer can't stop for a moment.

Roman didn't forge weapons or armor, but asked them to forge various steel farm tools and tools as quickly as possible.

Among them, shovels, pickaxes and axes are indispensable, and the improvement of work efficiency is not a little bit.

The workers at the salt mine were also supplemented, and a total of fifty slaves joined the task of mining rock salt.

And the last one hundred slaves joined the paving team.

The improvement in efficiency was immediate.

The daily construction progress almost doubled.

After Roman arranged all the slave dispatches in detail.

He turned around and hired all the construction workers in Sige Town. They followed Roman's instructions to build simple long houses to serve as resettlement houses for slaves.

It would definitely be a problem if they always lived in shelters. They couldn't shelter from the wind and rain. Once it rained, at least a quarter of the slaves would get sick.

Three days passed.

Roman came to Vic's carpenter shed.

Like Lux, Vic also renovated and expanded the carpenter's shop. The original small workshop could not keep up with the production tasks assigned by Roman. Now it is gradually becoming a wood processing plant.

Piles of wood are piled up like mountains, and wood chips and sawdust cover the ground, which is more than ten centimeters thick. They can be used as fertilizer in the future.

Vic is leading people to make wooden handles for shovels and axes.

Since the hydraulic forging hammer was invented, the output of the blacksmith shed has increased rapidly, and dozens of sharp shovels and hoes can be forged every day.

Compared with blacksmiths, the threshold for carpenters is lower, so Vic has many helpers and many things to do.

For example, the cooper has to make more than ten wooden barrels for the Origin Manor every day, and he doesn't know what to put in them.

But qualified carpenters have not appeared yet.

Because Roman has very high requirements for carpenters.

They must be skilled and able to make wheels and carriages, various wooden basins, wooden bowls, wooden plates, various furniture and farm tools alone. Anyway, they can be independent in all aspects.

According to Vicky's prediction, in two months, his former apprentices and slaves will become real carpenters, and he will also be rewarded with gold coins promised by Roman.

"Master Roman, why are you here?"

Vicky knew that Roman valued blacksmiths more than carpenters.

So the lord often went to Lax and rarely came to him.

"I came for the summer harvest!"

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