It’s the 100th day when Roman comes to Sige Town.

He stayed at the wood factory for several days and finally mastered the [Manufacturing] skill.

[Level 2 forging: 0\\380]

[Milestone Unlock: Craft Work]

[Craft work: Obtain 500 rough stones]

Compared with other skills, this skill was more complicated and vast. Roman felt a torrent of knowledge pouring out of his mind.

The nine life skills are like nine different seeds. They take root and sprout by absorbing experience values, become entangled and intertwined, overlap in the growth process, and finally work together to grow into a complete technology tree with lush branches and deep roots.

Roman vaguely knew what effect each skill would have after being upgraded, and what changes the cooperation of multiple skills would bring.

Roman hopes that manufacturing skills can reduce the labor and time required for summer harvest.

He was disappointed.

Although he has illuminated various skills such as stone, pottery, tiles, textiles and woodworking, it has even improved his purity as an innate earthwork body, an innate blacksmithing body, and an innate chef body.

However, this knowledge is not a huge improvement to agriculture.

In fact, even if he was given the manufacturing blueprints for the harvester, he would not be able to knock out the large machine with his bare hands using a hammer.

Roman had no choice but to resort to local methods.

Use an iron rake to scrape a layer of floating soil, and then sprinkle on the chaff. Let the miners at the quarry use wedges and hammers to chisel out hundreds of stone rollers. The oxen and draft horses roll the stone rollers around, watering and grinding them. Press, press the land flat and solid, and turn it into a threshing floor.

This threshing floor covers ten acres of land.

He gave the drawings of the Valley Windmill, and he and Vicky built twenty Valley Windmills.

If you don't prepare in advance, it will be very time-consuming.

To harvest wheat, the steps involved are complex.

It mainly focuses on three aspects: harvesting, threshing and separation.

The time and manpower consumed by these three items is difficult to calculate.

If the overall efficiency is not improved, will manpower be wasted on this?

In constant busyness.

In the blink of an eye, 20 days have passed.

Early summer flies by in a blink of an eye.

Roman did nothing else but put all his energy into making the windmill and rolling out the threshing floor.

Morey came again during this period.

They brought 19 oxen and 40 draft horses to Roman. Not only did they meet the promise of 50 oxen and 100 draft horses, they also gave Roman a few more oxen as extra heads.

Roman has only planted two thousand acres of land this year, and the rest of the fields are covered with weeds, making it easy to graze and harvest.

They are not capable of transporting goods around the clock. You can make a person work ten hours a day, but you certainly can't make cattle and horses work ten hours a day.

A farm cow needs to eat sixty or seventy kilograms of forage every day, otherwise it will not be able to work. Some of the forage comes from grazing, and some comes from manual harvesting.

The fodder for drafting horses is somewhat less, because the grains and beans are mixed with grains and beans, and their calories and nutrients are several times higher than those of weeds.

Moreover, it is not the time to get busy yet, so the difficulty of raising them is not high.

According to Morey, he contacted a nobleman on the plateau and purchased a large number of draft horses from him.

If Roman still needs it later, he can continue to send more livestock.

However, Roman has no shortage of horses and horses for the time being.

He instead asked Morey to purchase another type of cattle and horses in large quantities.

He wants as much as he has.

Morey left Sige Town with 80 barrels of maltose and 40,000 kilograms of salt, bringing Roman an income of more than 100 gold coins.

Following closely behind were Morey's brothers and sisters.

They brought another 3,500 kilograms of iron ingots and took away 70,000 kilograms of salt.

After having enough iron ingots, Roman asked Lux ​​to continue building a heavy plow for summer plowing.

Secondly, the work of the road construction team is over.

With enough sharp shovels and hoes, more than 500 people can pave more than 1 kilometer of road every day. The only restriction on their paving speed is the insufficient amount of lime.

For this reason, a lime kiln was built, and trees were cut down continuously to burn lime.

They finished paving the road seven days before the summer harvest.

As a reward, Roman specially gave them all a day off to let them relax, and the free meals would not be interrupted. After the rest, he rushed them non-stop to collect fertilizer for summer farming.

When this summer comes.

The summer harvest has arrived as promised.

That neat golden wheat field like an ocean, row after row, was so densely planted, not sparse at all, it could be called crowded, completely breaking through their understanding of the land.

The wheat ears, which were so densely packed that it was impossible to count them and with no end in sight, were shining brightly in the bright sunshine.

The wheat straw is tall and the wheat seeds are full.

The ears are surrounded by knots, and the fruits are so heavy that the wheat stalks hang down.

Every wheat husk and every ear of wheat seems to be shining with divine brilliance.

Anyone who came here, whether they were ordinary farmers who witnessed their growth, or warrior knights like Green and Aaron, felt the shock from the bottom of their hearts.

Deep in their hearts, a great respect arises spontaneously!

Gazing at this land devoutly like a pilgrim.

In this farming era, only food is the basis for survival!

In some extreme cases, food is far more precious than gold, silver, jewelry, steel, and salt.

Everyone will be moved by this scene!

"What are you doing standing still! Move now!"

Roman kicked the disheartened Green by the way.

I called you here to cut wheat. Don’t think that just because you are handsome, you can stop going to the fields!

All farmers are waking up from a dream.

They had been cultivating the land for more than ten years, but now faced with this dense wheat field, they didn't know how to start.

Until Roman picked up the sledge knife, this farm tool was like a horizontal guillotine. With one swing, Roman harvested seven or eight crops of wheat.

Yes, he and the two war knights also had to participate in the work.

And the farmers were used to the lord working in the fields often.

The samarium knife is extremely efficient, allowing a young man to harvest five acres of land in one day.

In comparison, the sickle is nothing!

The only drawback is that it is too heavy. People who are not strong enough will not be able to hold on for a while and need to change.

Only young laborers with good physique or war knights can use this agricultural tool for a long time.

Roman asked Lux ​​and Vicky to create a hundred samarium knives - the investment in these agricultural tools was necessary and could be used in the future.

Everyone also started to get busy.

They practice how to use it ahead of time.

One hundred samarium knives can equal 500 acres of land in one day.

Green and Aaron looked at each other, both of them were sweating.

Now I have no choice but to join the harvesting team with my samarium knife.

Their physiques are excellent. Although they are not used to using farm tools, they can quickly master the basic usage after using them for a while.

Roman, Aaron, and Green's harvesting efficiency was unparalleled. The scene was like unparalleled mowing, and the pace was very steady.

The three men worked together to harvest nearly thirty acres of land.

Someone behind them kept throwing the wheat straw they harvested onto the carriage, and then transported it to the threshing floor. The division of labor was clear.

By evening, everyone in charge of harvesting had sore arms.

The scorching sun, busy traffic, and smoke and dust are the true portrayal of this moment.

Dozens of horse-drawn carriages loaded with wheat straw were continuously transported to the threshing floor in Sige Town.

The workers in the threshing floor spread it on the valley floor and let the oxen and draft horses push the stone rollers back and forth to thresh the grains.

The labor lasted for four days as expected. Then all the wheat was harvested.

Harvesting is easy and transportation is easy, but threshing is more time-consuming.

You have to keep crushing it with stone rollers without stopping for a moment.

Roman mobilized all the large animals for this purpose, and even the carriages transporting salt were mobilized, allowing the salt miners to temporarily store the purified salt at the salt mine.

The wide threshing floor allows them to drag stone rollers around, and beat them repeatedly with flails in areas that cannot be pressed.

The farmer used a wooden fork to shovel away the wheat straw with the wheat kernels removed, and built it into a tall wheat stack.

Another group of people used wooden shovels to pour the wheat grains into the windmill and used the wind generated by the windmill to separate the wheat husks and wheat grains.

A grain windmill can clean thousands of kilograms of wheat grains every day.

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