The summer harvest task is very heavy, and everyone has to get up before five o'clock in the morning.

They work for more than ten hours every day and can only go home to rest at seven or eight o'clock in the evening. The large kitchen is responsible for the food supply.

Extremely strong squeezing creates extremely high efficiency.

However, the joy of harvest is not diminished by half.

In this era of hunger, poverty, and hardship, it is a wonderful thing to be able to harvest so much food with your own hands!

On the tenth day of the summer harvest.

All the ears of wheat turned into heavy grains, which began to be dried and can be stored in the barn in three days.

According to calculations, a total of over 700,000 jins of wheat was harvested this time.

Roman was extremely dissatisfied.

Sifting seeds, fertilizing, plowing deeply...

There is no doubt that this is an agricultural revolution that changes everything, innovates everything, and brings about earth-shaking changes.

He chose the flattest, most fertile and most fertile land in Sige Town.

30 kilograms of wheat seeds were planted per acre of land, and a hundred people were arranged to weed, fertilize, and topdress. However, the result did not even reach the expected 1:20?

The average yield per mu is only over 300 kilograms, and the yield per mu has only increased five or six times compared to before?

Of course, it is quite shocking to see wheat plants become five or six times denser.

However, the actual result is only to sow and reap twelve?

One grain of wheat buried in the soil cannot even yield 20 grains of wheat?

What kind of land is this?

My innate plowing body is actually fake?

In fact, Roman felt bad when he saw the wheat straw that was more than one meter high.

Damn it!

The nutrients he fertilized allowed the wheat to grow taller, but it failed to concentrate the nutrients on the ears. Secondly, the ear-forming rate after tillering was also very low, less than 10% - in 100 wheat seeds. Just a few wheat seeds grew two ears of wheat.

And this is related to wheat breeding and improvement.

After calculating the accurate output, Roman's face became a little ugly.

Although the food was enough to feed everyone in Sige Town, the failure to meet expectations still made him feel unhappy.

The happy farmers suddenly saw the lord's face gloomy, and couldn't help but feel a thump in their hearts. They didn't know why the lord was unhappy in this harvest season.

They remembered that the lord had said that he would share the harvest with them. Are they regretting it now?

But if they regret it, they won't have much complaints.

Three free meals a day are enough to fill their bellies.

From a survival point of view, there is really no need for the lord to continue to distribute food to them.

As long as they can work every day and keep working and eating.

The atmosphere in the threshing floor suddenly became tense, and the cheering voices gradually weakened.

Roman, who was thinking, also discovered this anomaly.

He collected his emotions, asked Seth to tidy up his clothes, and then went to the high platform of the threshing floor.

He said loudly: "You have done a good job. This is barely a good harvest. I promised not to let any of you starve to death. Now it seems that we have a foundation. The output here is enough to feed everyone... Including you.

"But this is just the beginning. There will be more things waiting for you to do in the future. You can only obey because you have no right to oppose any of my orders!"

"I say it again! You idiots! I have no reason to indulge your stupidity! All resources must be in my hands, and everyone must move forward according to my orders! You can only obey! Obey! Obey!! Disobey Just die!”

His chest rose and fell, he finished explaining his violent will, breathed a long sigh of relief, and then said:

"There will be a harvest celebration here tomorrow. You can leave now and come back at noon tomorrow."

After Roman said that, he jumped off the high platform.

Surrounded by a group of managers, he left the threshing floor.

The farmers belatedly understood the meaning of the last sentence. I am quite used to the tone of the first half of the sentence. They began to whisper.

"Want to come here for dinner tomorrow?"

"Maybe? The master said there was a celebration."

"Do you want to ask Mr. Moore?"

"Then you go and ask?"

I always feel like I understand, but I don’t seem to understand.

Wait until the next day.

The farmers who came early finally understood the value of the lord's last words.

The delicious food that caught their eyes almost filled their field of vision.

Dozens of fans of pork were wrapped on wooden sticks and placed on top of the fire.

Next to it were dozens of roasted sheep, which were also roasted until they were fat and oily, sizzling with oil.

The guards who were former hunters were not responsible for maintaining order, but served as temporary chefs, under the command of Chef Bob, to handle the ingredients. From time to time, they would brush a layer of maltose on the skin of the barbecue. The pork looked sweet, fragrant and tender.

Hundreds of tables are arranged neatly. And there was bread all over the table, not black bread, but white bread!

Placed in baskets, more than twenty large baskets were filled with fragrant and soft white bread. They were covered with white linen cloth, but not completely. A corner was exposed. The tender white bread was more enchanting than the most lustful prostitute.

Next to it is the baked pork pie, which is delicious and stacked half a meter high.

Pan-fried trout, steamed sea bass, boiled lamprey.

All the plump fish caught from the meandering rivers were brought to the table. There were hundreds of them, all of which were treated with lemon juice, onions, ginger and garlic to remove their smell.

All the wooden barrels were opened, and inside were clear and transparent beer. Roman arranged for the servants to brew beer in the manor. In this era, beer brewing only required fermentation, and the brewing knowledge he gained from [Cooking] was undoubtedly more advanced.

There are 5,000 kilograms of beer here!

A full 100 barrels were filled with 50-kilogram wooden barrels!

If it was to be sold, this barrel of refined beer would have to sell for at least four or five copper coins.

That's not all!

There were ten large iron pots next to them, and five of them were stewing soft broth with spices, and the meat bones were almost coming out. The rest of the iron pots were mixed vegetable soup, oatmeal porridge, boiled water, noodle soup, and all kinds of things.

Hundreds of kilograms of maltose were neatly placed on the long table, which could be used to dip meat, bread, and oatmeal porridge.

In the outside world, this thing was calculated according to the price of silver coins, but now it can be enjoyed to the fullest.

A large amount of cheese, eggs, apples, green olives, and figs bought from the caravan were displayed in a dazzling array.

In the middle of the long table in the middle, a roasted whole cow weighing three or four hundred kilograms was placed, emitting an enticing aroma.

Such rich and abundant food was enough to satisfy everyone.

All the people in Sige Town were dumbfounded when they arrived.

Perhaps it was because the scene was so big that they were frightened and could not believe that it was prepared for them.

No one dared to take the roasted meat and food that made them salivate. They all restrained their hands tacitly. Even if a child tried to grab it, he was stopped by an adult.

Roman sat on the highest seat belonging to the lord.

Today was the 131st day since he came to Sige Town.

Roman raised the exquisite wine glass brought from the Grand Duke's territory, which contained clear beer.

He was tall and straight, with a heroic face and a solemn expression.

Everyone stared at Roman, their lord, their ruler.

Those eyes were warm and full of expectation.

They heard Roman say:

"Today, all food is available in unlimited quantities. I will drink with you!"

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