Roman took the first sip of wine.

Everyone burst into warm and huge cheers, as if a pot had exploded.

The silent threshing floor suddenly turned into the busiest market!

Everyone rushed to get all kinds of delicacies.

There is no doubt that this is a carnival celebration!

Roman prepared for this celebration for more than half a month.

At least 10,000 kilograms of meat alone were prepared, and he was busy from dawn to dawn.

Freshly baked white bread was also delivered here continuously, enough for everyone in Sige Town to eat from dawn to dusk.

They ate meat with big mouthfuls, eating until the sky was dark.

They drank with big mouthfuls, getting drunk.

Except for the prohibition of taking away, you can eat whatever you want here, and unlimited supply refers to the buffet.

After a certain delicacy is finished, it will be prepared as soon as possible.

After the roasted sheep is finished, ten more will be killed.

After the maltose is finished, ten more barrels will be moved from the Origin Manor.

After the beer is finished, twenty more barrels will be moved.

After the broth is finished, it can be cooked and stewed immediately.

If you can't finish it today, it will become tomorrow's work meal.

With these hundreds of thousands of kilograms of grain.

The days of being short of money and having to calculate the surplus grain every day are gone forever.

The grain harvested this time means that everyone in Sige Town, including babies, can get 300 kilograms of grain, which is pure staple food - he has not stopped purchasing grain from the outside world, but compared with the past, the amount of purchase is much less now.

Moreover, this land can continue to grow more crops.

Roman will plan to expand the scope of cultivation tomorrow.

If the quality is not enough, the quantity will make up.

Anyway, the grain output must be increased!

Next year's per capita grain can be increased to more than 1,000 kilograms.

Starve to death?

Humph! It's better to die of bloating!

At this time, Roman frowned slightly and waved his hand.

Moore came over very sensibly.

Roman said lightly: "Watch it, don't let them die of bloating."

Moore suddenly realized and passed the order down.

Soon, the entire threshing floor was filled with shouts from guards and stewards, especially the slaves. The hunger they once experienced would make them forget everything else, and eating themselves to death was no joke.

Roman sat at the same table with Yalin, Green, and the candidate knight Kao.

Their table was not in the form of a buffet, but was filled with exquisite meat slices, deer antler soup, honey roast, and the most classic white bread. There were even nutritious tonics such as bear bile and wild boar heart that Roman had hunted in the past.

Yalin and Green ate with relish, and Kao's eating movements were precise and elegant, more like a formal knight than the two formal knights.

"Master Roman, how often can such a celebration be held?"

Gavel's voice came from the side.

Roman turned his head and saw Gavel's blushing face, and Kao's sister Sanna was next to him.

"It will be held every time there is a good harvest, depending on the specific situation... Have you drunk?"

He frowned a little.

As if she knew she had done something wrong, Gweiler said very quietly, "I drank a little bit."

After she said that, her face flushed, and she looked straight at Roman with her watery, pure brown eyes like a deer.

Roman said, "Today is fine, but not at other times."

Gweiler said softly.

She lowered her head and gently turned the toes of her right foot.

"Don't drink too much... go and have fun."

Roman touched her head.

This action immediately made Gweiler's eyes bend.

She smiled and nodded hard, and rushed to the threshing ground with Sana.

Sana said to her enviously on the way, "Gweiler, you have a good relationship with Master Roman."

Gweiler could not hide her inner smile: "I am Roman's attendant."

"Wow! You called the master's name!"

Hearing Sana yelling, although she had heard it many times, Gweiler was still a little proud.

"Brother Green and Brother Aaron also call him that. We, the attendants, can call him that. Your brother can do the same in the future."

"I asked my brother, and he was very angry. He thought I didn't know the rules. Even in private, I have to be respectful."

Sanna felt wronged.

"Then there is no way. If you were also a attendant, you could call Roman's name."

It was just an ordinary sentence, but Sanna heard boasting, pride, and some hidden joy, as if she had secretly eaten candy.

This made Sanna feel a little uncomfortable. She pursed her lips, "Gweil never calls him by his name in front of Master Roman, right? You just told me that you didn't dare to let Master Roman hear it."

Gweil's expression suddenly froze.

"Who... who said I didn't dare!"

"Then the next time we see Master Roman, you call him by his name?"

Gweil was speechless.

She imitated Roman's appearance, snorted lightly, pretended to be indifferent, and took out a sachet from her arms.

"Roman gave me a gift. What's wrong with calling him by his name? He won't be angry."

Gavel held the sachet tightly, as if talking to herself or seeking affirmation, and she became more and more confident.


She showed the sachet to Sanna. The moment the fisherman's daughter saw the sachet, she felt her stomach churning. The feeling of suffocation seemed to bring her back to the darkest moment of her life: her parents fell in a pool of blood, the turbulent river in the Silver Dragon Canyon, the violently shaking slave ship, the extremely uncomfortable feeling of fatigue, which made her want to die...

"Ugh..." Sanna rushed to the uninhabited area next to her and vomited.

Gweil was startled and quickly put away the sachet, patting Sanna's back like an adult.

"Sanna, are you okay?"

"Ugh... It's okay... Ugh... Maybe I drank beer..."

Sanna vomited so much that she vomited out everything she had just eaten, and tears came out.

She also drank alcohol secretly in the small fishing village, so she took Gweil to take a sip.

But she didn't expect that the beer brewed by Master Roman was completely different from the beer she had drunk before. After taking a sip, the refreshing feeling that rushed straight to her head made her walk a little unsteady and her face flushed. Fortunately, her skin color was wheat-colored, which was not very noticeable compared to the fair and tender Gweil, otherwise Kao would glare at her again.

It was really unlucky. Kao would definitely be angry when he saw her in such a mess. He couldn't understand him. Sana thought to herself, why did he let her make friends with Gweil, why did he let her behave well in front of Master Roman?

She didn't dislike the former, and got along very well with Gweil, perhaps because they were the two youngest girls in the Origin Manor, so they could naturally play together because they could confide in each other.

But let her go with the latter. She wanted to go around Master Roman. The lord was in a hurry every day, as if he had endless things to do, and he was decisive and sharp in the face of anything, like a sharp fish-killing knife. Kao wanted her to touch a knife?

Oh my god! He was a noble lord, and she didn't have the courage of Kao. Did she have to stop Master Roman just to say hello? That would definitely not work! How would he look at her? Impatient or disgusted? Would he kick her three meters away?

She was not Gweiler. Even if Gweiler didn't dare to call Master Roman's name to his face, she could still smile in front of him. After drinking, she dared to pull her in front of Master Roman and stare at him directly, and then she could be safe and sound even if she was found out. But she was so scared that she held her breath, fearing that the smell of alcohol would come out of her mouth. She didn't dare to move at all during the whole process, let alone have any expression.

I really envy Gweiler's good luck, she can actually become Master Roman's valet.

If I were also a valet, would I be able to be like Gweiler...

Alas, Sana, don't let your imagination run wild, you have to cheer up.

Life is already very good now.

There are still so many delicious foods today. Although I vomited, my stomach is empty now, and I can eat more delicious foods.

It’s okay to become a maid in the manor in the future. Those maids are good at work and pretty.

Let’s work hard in this direction!

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