It's monthly!

Not annually!

And that's just the military pay.

Because the food and clothing of the guards are also borne by Master Roman!

Soldiers don't need to do any labor, they just need to complete training every day, and they can take the wages home every month and save them!

Instead of relying on free meals every day like them.

Although the system of working meals guarantees their basic life, the long-term hard life makes them very aware of crisis.

Who in the town of Sige now doesn't know the kindness and generosity of Master Roman.

The excellent treatment of the guards is enough to make most people in Sige Town jealous.

Now everyone is getting restless.

These people are not all locals, the young and strong slaves purchased by Roman are also here.

Although their humble status as slaves is diluted by the busy work every day, their living conditions are the same as those of ordinary farmers.

But the brand of slaves is undoubtedly always engraved on them.

Since their master wants to recruit guards.

And they are also within this range.

All slaves immediately realized...

This is their best chance to turn over!

Therefore, their shouts were even louder than those of the local farmers!

"Master! Me! Me!"

"Choose me! Choose me!"

Seeing their emotions getting more and more intense, Roman gently raised his right palm.

That palm seemed to have pressed a switch, instantly suppressing all the calls.

Their eyes were red and they were panting like angry bulls.

As long as the man on the platform said a word, they would rub the ground twice with their hard hind hooves and then launch a desperate charge.

As early as several months ago, they knew that the lord had been attacked by wolves when he went into the mountains to hunt.

After their generous lord came back, he distributed 5 silver coins to the families of each guard who died in the battle! 40 kilograms of meat! Nearly 100 kilograms of wheat!

This price was enough to buy their lives!

Even those who were seriously injured received generous rewards.

Died for their lord!

This was the consensus reached by everyone in their hearts.

Under their fanatical gaze, Roman said calmly: "I only select those who are best at obeying orders. Can you obey my orders?"


Roman's response was a noisy response like the tide.

Roman raised his right arm and said: "This is your right hand. When I say turn right, you turn your body to the right, and then! Immediately! Stop! Any! Action! Do you understand?"

He demonstrated the action to them.

After hearing the clear answer.

Roman nodded slightly.

The next second, Roman shouted: "Everyone turn right!"

Everyone turned around.

Then stopped moving.

So, more than half of the five or six hundred young and strong men were immediately eliminated - when facing each other, these idiots thought that Roman's right was their right.

Dick, Jeter, Green, Aaron, and many guards immediately stepped forward to pick out all those who turned the wrong way.

Only about 200 people were still standing on the field.

Roman knew that most of them were just lucky, and it was difficult for them to understand the instructions.

Theoretically, everyone here is qualified to receive training, but this will only paralyze the construction work of Sige Town.

He continued to command them to turn left, turn left, and then turn right.

At the beginning, a group of people were eliminated each time, and those who were slow to react were also dragged down.

After repeating it several times, the only ones who could stand still were those who could distinguish left from right - and some of them learned to distinguish left from right temporarily in these few minutes.

The effect Roman wanted was achieved.

A total of fifty or sixty people were still standing still.

He nodded slightly to these people and said, "You are qualified, and we will recruit these people temporarily this time."

Poor physical fitness can be compensated by diet and training.

If you can't understand the instructions, there is no cure.

Roman also knows that it is difficult to let these idiots distinguish left from right in a short time.

But today's incident will undoubtedly leave a deep impression on them.

He will let Moore spread the word.

After a while, he will recruit soldiers again.

Presumably, these idiots will remember the difference between left and right hands during this period of time!

When they confidently participate in the next assessment, they will find that Roman has changed the test items to a more complicated one.

Of course, there are many opportunities, and this is only the first recruitment, because it is impossible to recruit too many people, so a step-by-step approach is used.

Being able to distinguish between left and right does not mean that you are completely qualified.

In the next training, some people will definitely be eliminated.

Although the treatment of guards is good, not everyone can enjoy it.

They will sweat several times more than those laborers.

Queue training, physical training, phalanx training!

Roman stipulates that they must eat a pound of meat every day.

Even if you can't eat it, you have to eat it, eat it to death! If you can't eat it, get out!

If you can't even eat meat, what kind of soldier is it!

The bread and broth provided by the mill are unlimited.

Their training environment is closed, and they have no worries about food and clothing. The equipment and weapons in the future will be the best, and they only need to undergo cruel training. No one can leave the sight of Instructor Jet.

They are different from any noble or church army. They are pure and professional armies directly under Roman.

They receive monthly military pay, full living allowances, and ample pensions after death in battle.

They are not allowed to be tainted by any feudal traditions or bad habits and rules.

All actions must be under command, and all captured items must be returned to the public.

They cannot plunder, rape, be tyrannical, retreat, or kill indiscriminately...

They may not be the most brutal and brave, but they must be the most obedient, civilized, and disciplined army.

Roman's requirements for his army are too high.

And these requirements will be integrated into the bones of all soldiers in daily training.

Those who find it difficult to adapt, obey, and overcome their own weaknesses must either be tempered out of all impurities in this melting pot or get out.

Roman will spend half a year training the prototype of this invincible professional army to lay a solid foundation for future wars.

Roman will also provide them with cultural education.

Will tell them——

Who is the enemy of the lord and who is the friend of the lord.

Who they want to kill and why they want to kill him.

Who they want to protect and why they want to protect it.

Where they come from and where they end.

Roman knows what the foundation of an indestructible and unbreakable army is.

Only when a person knows why he is fighting, the fire of their belief will be ignited.

That warrior will become a real warrior, and at that time he will at least burst out 150% of his combat power.

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