The morning of the 148th day.

Roman woke up early.

Because of the midsummer and the basin, the entire Origin Manor was shrouded in a sultry temperature, like a huge steamer.

Roman also began to sweat profusely.

Even if you do nothing, your body will naturally sweat, and the sticky sweat sticks to your clothes, which makes you feel unbearable.

You can imagine how it feels to work in this kind of weather.

At noon, it is even hotter than before.

The farmer relied entirely on the enthusiasm of summer farming and Roman's tough attitude to sow soybeans and grass under the sun.

Soybeans are planted first, and then grass.

The latter is not difficult to plant, but if you want to increase the yield, you can't just do it hastily.

Roman is preparing a breeding farm.

There will be more and more livestock in the future. This industry cannot be supported without a large-scale pasture.

The grass yield of one acre of land is estimated to be enough to support half a cow or two sheep.

Roman's requirements are not high, as long as this round of forage can last through this winter.

To this end, he has marked out an area of ​​more than 2,000 acres on both sides of the river, specifically for growing alfalfa and ryegrass.

Compared with serious farming, the planting and management of grasslands are very easy.

But you will definitely not see a harvest just by broadcasting.

Sowing, covering, applying some peat fertilizer, just wait for a heavy rain in summer, they will grow wildly, and finally wait for the harvest in autumn.

The farmers have never complained about the hardship and fatigue, and they have been through it in previous years, weeding and turning the soil in the scorching summer, facing the loess and back to the sky, and getting tanned all over.

Otherwise, there is no way to feed everyone in the family when the output is low.

The same is true for carpenters and blacksmiths. They have to make various furniture and equipment, and they can't stop anyway-they are paid, and they get paid as much as they work, and they provide services to Roman in all aspects.

It's just that the already unbearable high temperature seems to have reached a new height.

This made Roman unbearable, so he had to reduce the intensity of work.

From 10 noon to 3 pm, everyone stopped working.

In summer, the days are long and the nights are short. Work starts at 6 am and stops at 7 pm, trying to make up for some rest time.

Roman specially asked the kitchen to prepare herbal tea.

He has a herbal tea recipe, which is very simple. It is mainly made from mint, honeysuckle, sage, thyme and other summer-cooling herbs, and maltose and salt water are added respectively, which is salty and sweet.

These herbal teas can reduce the probability of heatstroke for those laborers.

On this morning when all affairs were arranged properly, Roman came to the stable alone.

He led the white horse out, put the split-armor bow on the horse's back, and then put on a straw hat woven from thatch. He tied his wrists and leggings tightly, dressed very neatly, like a western cowboy.

He wanted to set off early before the sun rose.

"Master Roman, where are you going?" Gweiler asked.

"I have something to do."

"I'll go with you."

Gweil walked forward and said, Roman's dress reminded her of a few months ago, when they had set out like this, deep into the wilderness. She was impressed, especially the way Roman and Brother Green were fighting over the barbecue.

Roman casually said, "No, it's too hot."

When he saw Gweil coming over, he touched her forehead with his fingers and found some fine sweat on her forehead. It was purely hot. It was like this before the sun rose. I really don't know what kind of hell life was in the town of Sger in the past.

He was about to go on an extremely hard trip.

Last time he took her out to play, which could be said to be an outing, but this time there was no need to take Gweil with him.

The summer temperature in Sger Town was beyond his expectations. It was much hotter than the summer in the Grand Dukedom, and the physique of the expedition knights could not bear it.

He asked, "Has Sanna taken you swimming in the river recently?"

"Ah..." Gweil felt a little guilty.

Roman heard the maid mention this, and he understood this behavior.

The weather is so hot now, if he has time, he would like to go into the river to cool off the heat brought by the sun.

But Gweil didn't dare to do this, most likely it was Sana who dragged her there.

There are not many people in Seg Town who can swim. Jimmy's father fell into the river and drowned. Even if the peasant woman washes clothes, she has to find a shallow water area that is less than knee-deep.

After having a stable and comfortable life, the girl's nature as a child has gradually been released, and it's okay to be lively.

He is not worried about Gweil, even if the girl really drowns, she will not die - the beasts in the mountains have not taken her away.

He is worried about Sana - Kao's sister is with Gweil all day, and she may be strangled by bad luck one day - he has reminded Kao a long time ago.

But the two girls are still inseparable.

Roman said, "Be careful, don't go to the deep water, and think more about your friends."

Gweil nodded honestly, she would pay attention to this problem.

She looked at Roman's back as he led the horse away. The sun gradually rose and shone on his back, shining brightly. The thin clothes could not cover the outline of his strong body, which looked full of beauty and strength.

She didn't know where she got the courage, and rushed over quickly, wrapping her hands around the waist with smooth lines. The skin she touched was firm and elastic. It was soft like a stone, hard enough to make her a little shy, and it felt great to touch.

Roman looked back at Gweil in surprise. The latter had already let go of his arm. She hid her hands behind her back in embarrassment. She was a little shy but still smiled and said, "Master Roman, come back soon."

Roman touched her head.

"I'll be back in a few days."

He left the Origin Manor and headed towards the vast undeveloped land.

Roman walked along the salt road. The road was flat. The horseshoes clattered on the hard cement road. Occasionally, you could see many thatches emerging from the cement or solidified in the lime like fossils.

But Roman's goal was not the salt mine.

He entered the dense forest halfway, walked farther and farther, and soon entered this wild area completely.

As he walked along, the big map of [Life Story] in his mind was constantly dispelling the fog along the way, and all the hidden resource areas emerged.

Logging area, quarrying area, hunting area...

Swamp, lake, stream...

Go forward for dozens of miles.

Roman was soaked in sweat.

It was extremely hot here. The plains were fine, but once he entered the forest, he felt horrible. The trees grew wildly, there were many shrubs, and the treetops were impenetrable. Only the heat came from the top of his head, creating an extremely stuffy and humid environment.

What was worse was that mosquitoes kept circling around his ears. No matter how he waved his hands, he couldn't drive away these damn insects.

After his [Hunting] skill was improved, he had basic experience in wild survival. Before setting off, he tied his thighs and ankles tightly, leaving no skin exposed, and his face was covered by the gauze hanging from his straw hat.

But even so, Roman was filled with pain, boredom, and irritability throughout the journey.

He felt uncomfortable all over, very uncomfortable.

Roman felt that he should not rashly enter this place where humans had disappeared in the summer. It would be more appropriate to change to spring or autumn. He thought he could overcome this difficulty, but after walking for half a day, he found that he underestimated the power of the wilderness.

You should stop this stupid decision immediately and go back to the manor.

Meaningless persistence will only make you look more stupid!

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