Roman arrived in Sige Town for 158 days.

The first heavy rainstorm of summer came here.

It was noon, but the whole sky was dark.


A flash of lightning tore through the sky, illuminating the land intermittently.


The rainstorm poured down.

The whole world was immersed in misty water vapor, and the raindrops were dense and fierce, crackling.

This rainstorm directly swept away the thick heat that had been lingering in the basin for many days.

Roman stood at the entrance of the manor hall, frowning, looking at the rainy world in front of him.

The Origin Manor was well located, extremely solid, and had a high terrain, which could completely withstand the invasion of heavy rain.

He notified Sige Town yesterday to prepare for rain.

But how much time would this take him?

Maybe the "Spring Plan" would be delayed until next summer.

Thinking of those coolies staying at home and doing nothing, Roman couldn't help but pace back and forth anxiously.

It must be admitted that this rainstorm is not without advantages. At least it will not make him sweat all over.

Some extraordinary resources can offset the effects of severe cold and heat.

Those gems are generally expensive, costing several or dozens of gold coins, and their use is at best a natural small air conditioner. Moreover, there are many rich people, and those scarce goods will not fall into the hands of a small noble like him.

The Grand Duke of Split Armor is rich enough to rival a country.

But as an illegitimate child, he only got a ruby ​​when he was born.

Roman does not pay much attention to material enjoyment.

It's just that his apostles need these extraordinary resources more.

Both attributes and skills need certain specific resources to improve.

Attributes can be improved by extraordinary metals, while skills can only be improved by those rare gems and crystals.

But now it is in the initial development stage. Instead of using dozens of gold coins to improve some weak powers of the apostles, it is far better to spend these resources on construction.

Now he has upgraded Aaron and Green's attributes to the fifth-level extraordinary, but their effect is far less than that of 500 laborers.

Thinking of this, Roman began to feel upset again.

He could accept Daken's defeat. Although those slaves could greatly meet his labor shortage, doing business is risky, and it is often unrealistic to expect everything to go smoothly.

His expression was tense, his brows were furrowed, and he kept walking back and forth.

Some people in the hall were also frightened by his attitude.

Aaron and Green looked at each other.

Green winked at Aaron.

Aaron shook his head.

Aaron also raised his chin and signaled Green.

Green also shook his head.

Gweil and Kao looked at the two people and winked, a little confused.

Dick and Jet were also unable to train because of the heavy rain.

But the two were very stable, sitting in a corner, closing their eyes and resting.

Finally, Gweil mustered up the courage to say, "Master Roman, do you want to eat something?"

It was like night outside, the clouds were inked and roaring.

The hall of Origin Manor was still emitting light.

Several candles flickered, providing lighting so that the place would not be completely plunged into darkness.

They had just finished their meal, and Gweil thought that Roman would take advantage of the rain to take her to do something interesting, just like last time.

But Roman was not in a good mood, which made Gweil's mood depressed.

Roman looked back and saw that the atmosphere in the hall was a bit dull.

He knew that he had to build a good relationship with those who were loyal to him. If they could not understand each other, how could they die for him?

Roman pondered for a moment, and his tense face relaxed. He smiled a little: "No, I'm considering the progress of road construction."

He chose to be frank, which made many people relieved.

Seeing that the master of the matter had a solemn face for some reason, they couldn't be happy.

Dick said: "Don't worry, this kind of rainstorm will often disappear tomorrow and will not affect anything."

He has been here for ten years and has a say.

But when Roman saw that [Story of Life] showed that it would rain heavily tomorrow, he knew that Dick was destined to be slapped in the face.

He did not tear down the mature knight.

Jet said lightly: "But it is not the case for some people."

A rainstorm will affect the fate of many people.


The heavy rain that lasted for two and a half days finally ended.

This basin has a well-developed water system, with winding rivers crisscrossing and complex.

In this rainstorm, those rivers merged into torrents and overflowed, and flowed into the Bro River. The water level of the Bro River rose sharply, directly submerging many low-lying areas and turning them into a swamp.

Both Sige Town and Origin Manor are located in the upstream area.

The alluvial plain in front of the mountain is higher and was not affected. Those torrents eventually flowed out along the gap in the basin.

After the rainstorm ended, Roman hoped to gather everyone immediately!

Let them take advantage of this sunny and cool time after the rain to cut wood and build roads!

But when he arrived at Sige Town...

He found that the place was in a mess, the ground was muddy, and the low-lying areas were full of water.

Many shacks and farmhouses were damaged to varying degrees by the heavy rain.

Some thatches were washed away, and the roofs were thin;

Some earth walls were soaked by rainwater, revealing the internal structure;

Even worse, the entire house collapsed and became a pile of ruins...

The farmers who had managed to avoid the rainstorm stood in front of the ruins in a daze.

They were used to this kind of thing, but they were still a little caught off guard.

Every summer rainstorm, many houses collapsed and needed to be rebuilt. After a few years or more than ten years, they became dangerous houses again, and then collapsed in another rainstorm...

It goes on and on.

Everything has always been like this.

They can only make repairs.

Because the cost of rebuilding a house is huge, not everyone can afford it every year.

The productivity in the backward agricultural era made them spend most of their energy on the land, and even building houses required time and money.

They needed to pay masons to work, build walls with clay and stones, and buy thick wood from the manager. One cost could be barely borne, but it was difficult to do it together.

So, even if the farmhouse looked shaky, those lucky farmers would only repair it, not tear it down and rebuild it or move out.

If it really collapsed, they would try to escape with their families before the house collapsed.

If they fail to escape and are buried, it's okay, they may not die anyway.

If they die, there's nothing they can do, it's natural selection.

In previous years, they had time to rebuild the farmhouse, slowly collect materials, and rebuild new houses with wood, clay, and stone.

But do they still have that time this year?

Their master is always urging them to do various things, and every day he arranges everyone's affairs clearly, and even makes them work under the scorching sun.

They are willing to do so.

Because they can eat if they work.

However, if they don't hurry up to rebuild the house, where will they sleep in the future?

Even if only a few dozen houses collapse, it means hundreds of people will be homeless.

And homelessness means sleeping in the wilderness.

With a house, they have a foundation, and they are human beings living in a civilized era, not beasts in caves or weeds in the wild.

"Master Roman, why are you here?"

Moore came to greet him after hearing the news.

This lord didn't like to step into the town of Sger, probably because he thought it was dirty and smelly, and regarded it as a pigsty with feces everywhere.

He didn't care, maybe he was used to it.

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