Roman was in no mood to respond to More's greetings.

Various accidents interrupted his future plans one after another.

He hoped to recruit 400 qualified soldiers before the end of this winter.

After training in the fall and winter, the spring plan will be launched immediately next year.

To be frank, by this time next year, the population of Sage Town will at least double, which is much more cost-effective than buying slaves.

But reality often goes against one's wishes.

Roman has been asking himself these two days, can they meet his requirements, can they allow him to smoothly carry out his "Spring Plan"?

Now it is obvious.

These people can't do it.

He spent several days, went out with high morale, and came back exhausted, just hoping to promote the rapid development of the entire Sage Town, mine coal and smelt iron, and finally create an invincible steel torrent.

He wanted to speed up, step on the accelerator to the bottom, and violently smash this era with the steel torrent.

When he was about to accelerate, he found that Sage Town was stranded, and the hardware facilities were too poor!

Roman found it hard that sometimes he had to compromise!

Compromise with this terrible and broken era!

If he couldn't even provide them with a meal, if he couldn't even provide them with a place to live, then why would he let all the fools obey him and obey him?

What reason and qualifications did he have to talk about conquest and tyranny?

If he ignored their situation and insisted on dragging everyone to fight for a war next spring...

That would be forcing them to death! !

By then, the war he ignited with his own hands would not only burn his enemies, but also his subjects.

Roman rode on his horse and looked around at this terrible environment.

The iron-shod horse hooves stepped on the puddle, and with a snap, the muddy water splashed far away.

The road was full of mud and stones, which were washed away in pieces. There was no stench, no feces, and the air was especially fresh.

The rainstorm came fiercely, and the rainfall was very alarming. It was like a flood, raging and washing away everything here.

Although it also left a mess.

Along the way, Roman saw some farmers sighing and looking worried at the cracks on their houses.

This year has survived, but what about next year? What about the year after?

He also saw some farmers standing in front of the ruined houses, with their wives and children standing beside them.

The expressions of the whole family were numb, not knowing what to do.

He also saw some farmers who found that their houses were safe and sound, and their expressions were either gloating or surviving a disaster.

Human joys and sorrows are not the same.

Roman's arrival attracted their attention.

They knew that the lord rarely entered the town of Sger, and he only issued orders on the public land, because everything here was not in his eyes. His discrimination here was just like when he called them idiots, deep-rooted and never changed.

For some unknown reason, a farmer followed Roman.

Then the second farmer followed, the third, the fourth...

Roman didn't care that the followers behind him were gathering more and more. He saw a familiar short figure.

He said, "Jimmy, come here."

The thin apostle glanced at the mother next to him, then ran all the way to Roman.

Roman looked down at his clerk and frowned slightly.

"Are you injured?"

The child had a swollen scar on his forehead, which was extremely eye-catching. It was seven or eight centimeters long and three or four centimeters wide, and the skin and flesh were torn.

These days, Seth said that he learned very quickly, worked hard and diligently, and came to the manor early every day to do various accounting work with Seth.

But Roman didn't arrange a place for him.

Although Roman asked the farmers to build many resettlement houses, they were temporarily built for the future population of Sige Town, and the comfort was not even as good as the livestock shed.

Since Jimmy had a place to live, Roman didn't have time to build a house specifically for the clerk.

He felt that it would only delay his development plan.

So the young clerk still lives in the town of Sage, living in a low hut with his mother.

Now his hair is wet, and there is a wound on his forehead. The wound is no longer bleeding, but it is a little white. The clerk's uniform, which he once cherished and kept clean every day, has become messy, covered with mud, and dirty. It is hard to tell its original appearance.

Jimmy's little hands pinched the corners of his clothes anxiously. Seth asked him to pay attention to his image and be elegant and calm at all times. For this reason, he made him a soft and neat suit of fine linen.

Now he looks like a drowned chicken, and his whole body is dirty.

Roman asked again: "How did you get hurt?"

Jimmy was wronged and uncomfortable, and whispered: "The house collapsed."

It collapsed on the first day of the heavy rain. He and his mother lived in the neighbor's house yesterday.

The identity of the clerk made those neighbors scramble to please him.

If it were in the past, I'm afraid not many people would open their doors to let this poor orphan and widow come in - they would feel crowded even if they lived by themselves.

Roman turned over and dismounted, gently stroking the edge of the wound on his forehead.

"Little apostle, tell me, does it hurt?"

Jimmy's nose was sore, he pursed his lips and nodded.

Roman stroked his back, hugged the child in his arms, and closed his eyes with a helpless expression.

A three-star apostle was almost killed by the beam!

He thought to himself.

This can't go on!

He turned around and said to everyone: "I will help you rebuild your home!"

He changed the plan and made a quick decision!

This was the only place where he could rule. If he didn't lay a good foundation, how could he face the storms in the future!


Mud houses, wooden houses, and stone houses were all out of consideration.

He wanted to build a brick house, once and for all.

Roman had to replan a residential area, arrange people to dig clay, add water to make mud, shape molds, and dry the blanks. It was no problem for one person to make hundreds of bricks a day.

Brick kilns could also be built. He had built lime kilns, so brick kilns were no problem.

In addition, people of this era could also make bricks, but now this technology could only be used in castles or churches.

For civilians, the construction cost was too high.

Roman didn't care about this.

The more mass-produced this kind of thing was, the lower the cost would be. Once it was planned to make tens of millions of bricks, the price would be very low if it was spread out.

It mainly depended on whether you were willing to invest.

For a lord, basically all costs can be ignored, or in other words, Roman only needs to pay for food expenses, without any worries, they can give full play to their strength.

Since we are going to re-plan, let's overturn everything.

Roman designed a standard brick house, the area of ​​a house is a standard 80 square meters, an average house can accommodate a family of six, and the interior is divided into three bedrooms and one living room.

There is no kitchen, everyone has to go to the big kitchen to eat.

There is no time for them to cook for themselves, how much time will it take?

If someone is sick at home, let the family bring food back, or cook for themselves, anyway, healthy people must be squeezed to death.

There is no toilet, there is a large public toilet in the middle of each row of houses.

The previous lifestyle of urinating and defecating anywhere is gone forever.

The main characteristics of the house are simple and square shape, regular doors and windows, basically equivalent to a square box, standard to no characteristics,

A total of 500 buildings were built, divided into five areas.

Each area has 100 buildings, which are divided into ten rows, and each row has ten houses.

At first glance, the exterior lines are neat and the internal structure is unified, as if they were carved out of the same mold.

This is also the effect Roman wanted.

This process-based and standardized production method aims to improve construction efficiency and reduce technical difficulty.

The spacious roads are also paved with lime and gravel, and sewers and water diversion channels have been dug.

Roman swore that whoever dared to destroy the sanitary environment here would be dead!

He would select a sanitation manager to be responsible for checking the sanitary conditions, and whoever failed to meet the sanitation standards would get out!

The overall building is a brick-concrete structure.

The thickness of the wall is the length of the brick.

Even if Roman tried his best to reduce the demand for bricks, a house still requires more than 10,000 bricks.

This is an astronomical figure.

So the progress is obviously slow.

It took half a month to prepare just to dig the foundation and build the brick kiln.

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