It is normal to have slow progress.

Roman used lime to draw the foundation map of the future residential area.

Just dig the foundation along the lime line with a shovel.

With a shovel, a hundred or so people can complete it.

But the demand for bricks and tiles in Sige Town is too great. Under Roman's comprehensive coordination, an average of more than 100,000 red bricks can be fired every day.

For this purpose, he needs more than 1,000 people to participate in batch firing. The firewood burned every day is enough for dozens of tons, and the thick black smoke makes this summer even hotter.

But they can bear it.

These idiots know that the brick house is built for them, so they get up early and work late, and work very hard.

They never dreamed that they would live in a brick house in this life - which is a small castle in their eyes - although Roman thought it was a rough house, not even plastered or puttyed, and the wall bricks and stones were exposed and rough.

The red bricks fired temporarily are of poor quality and insufficient strength. The bricks will peel off after only two years, layer by layer, and it will become more and more ugly in the future.

The effect of clay and lime mixed with water is not as good as cement.

But compared with civil engineering, it can be said to be strong and durable. It is no problem to use it for 20 years. The only reason not to use it is that it has been eliminated.

As long as it is repaired regularly, it is impossible to collapse. Leakage is possible, but the leakage of thatched cottage is more serious, and the two are not comparable.

After the preparation work of burning bricks is completed, the subsequent process is very smooth.

Hundreds of laborers are busy carrying bricks and tiles, mixing mud and building walls.

Although it was slow at the beginning, it only took half a day for the construction efficiency to improve with the proficiency of the masons.

There is no technical threshold for the skill of wall building, especially the basic wall building technology.

These days, any adult farmer knows the skills of mud wall.

Once you are familiar with it, it is easy to master it.

Six or seven masons can build the wall of a house in a day.

It is not a problem for construction workers to lay two or three thousand bricks a day.

Therefore, more than 20 red houses are formed every day, and the progress is very impressive.

Because the construction is not difficult, you just need to build along the foundation and the wall should not tilt - even if it tilts a little, it doesn't matter.

The house is only three or four meters high, and it can be corrected by manpower and wood after it is built.

If it can't be corrected, tear it down and start over.

Anyway, it's your own house, and it depends on you to what extent you can do it.

Roman is only responsible for providing architectural design and technical guidance.

According to estimates, 500 brick houses will be completed in two months, and can basically accommodate more than 3,000 people, enough for everyone to move into the brick houses to live - if you don't want to move in, you can register in the new house and then go back to live in the hut.

Roman suspended many developments during this period.

This time was originally enough for them to build the road to the iron mine, make initial iron, and recruit soldiers.

However, everything was delayed.

If these idiots don't work for him wholeheartedly in the future, he will chop off their heads first.

[Construction experience +1]

[Construction skill upgraded to level 3]

[Level 3 construction: 1\\770]

[Milestone unlocked: Ash Body]

[Ash Body: Obtain 1000 original stones]

The improvement of construction skills made Roman a little dizzy.

This skill upgrade is useless to him now.

Level 3 construction only allows him to build various bridges and castles.

On the 175th day.

A message came.

Roman's brows relaxed immediately.

"Son of Selin, welcome to my territory."

Roman opened his arms and hugged Morey on the dock.

In this hot summer season, he didn't like to get close to others, as if he was hugging a piece of greasy fat.

But this time he couldn't hold back his inner joy, because Morey resolved all his irritability.

This enthusiastic action made Morey a little flattered.

"I thought something happened on the way."

Morey smiled bitterly: "The situation was turbulent and delayed for a long time."

Roman was a little curious about the turmoil he mentioned, but he was more concerned about the goods that Morey brought.

Without resources, he can only develop slowly.

Urgent, urgent, but there is no way.

If there are resources, it can be crazy speeding up.

So Morey's arrival is like a shot of adrenaline for Roman.

"What goods did you bring me this time?"

Morey bowed slightly.

"More than 600 slaves, Lord Roman, I hope to meet your needs."

Roman was overjoyed.

"Good! You didn't let me down!"

He was originally planning to postpone the "Spring Plan" to next autumn, and now there are signs again.

Wait until all the slaves brought by Morey get off the ship.

They are neatly dressed and crowded together, both men and women.

Roman found that the quality of this batch of slaves is quite high, and no one fell down and got heatstroke under the scorching sun.

He didn't have time to check, so he asked More to arrange for them to settle down.

Roman said to Morey, "You did a good job this time. Just make an offer."

Given the huge help this batch of resources would bring to him, Roman could make concessions in terms of interests.

Let alone asking for 2 silver coins per person, even if it was 3 or 4 silver coins, he would agree immediately and would never bargain. He would give as much salt as he wanted!

In his eyes, these people were much more valuable than two or three hundred gold coins.

Morey was not in a hurry to get the money, he said.

"Lord Roman, these people are from the Sea Castle - Earl Bailey and Lord Bai Yang had a conflict in the Sea Castle.

"The last Lord of the Sea Castle died of the black plague two years ago and crossed the sea. Since then, the two nobles have been eyeing the Sea Castle.

"They each nominated a descendant of the family with the blood of the Sea Castle flowing in their bodies, hoping to take the throne.

"But there can only be one Lord of the Sea Castle, and they refused to give in to each other.

"Earl Bailey mobilized his 1,500 infantry and more than 50 war knights, and fought against Lord Bai Yang's 2,000 Bai Yang spearmen and more than 40 war knights. But in the middle of the battle, 800 mercenaries from the Mud Swamp joined the battlefield.

"Most of them were archers, who were hired by Earl Bailey and shot arrows from the flank to help Earl Bailey defeat Lord Bai Yang.

"Lord Bai Yang angrily accused Earl Bailey of having no noble spirit, and also hired mercenaries to fight back.

"They were determined to take the Sea Fortress, and they fought for two years, with both sides winning and losing. The people's livelihood in the Sea Fortress was in decline, and the long war made both sides unable to make ends meet, so they began to plunder the Sea Fortress's property and residents to restore their vitality..."

Morey briefly recounted the source of these slaves.

Specifically, a lord died out, and the unowned territory attracted the competition of two other nobles.

But after two years of fighting, they found that continuing to fight was a losing business, so they had to recover the losses.

Since they couldn't rule, they plundered.

These slaves were once residents of the Sea Fortress, and now it was destroyed beyond recognition, and they also fell into Morey's hands in this way.

Roman took Morey Arrived at the Origin Manor.

The maids brought desserts, cakes, cream strawberries, and iced herbal tea beer in the well for Morey to enjoy.

Roman learned that there were many craftsmen among this batch of slaves.

For example, leather workers, stonemasons, blacksmiths, and even a few were shipwrights.

Even if such people became slaves, their prices were calculated according to gold coins, especially blacksmiths, even if they offered 20 or 30 gold coins, it was not expensive.

There is no doubt that this is a great gift.

Roman sat on the main seat, his posture was calm, he sat sideways, looking at Morey who was drinking herbal tea.

"Is this why you have been delayed for so long?"

Morey put down the water cup. He thought this drink was very good and might have sales potential, but it was not as valuable as beer.

"I have never done slave business, but this is not difficult for me... It's just that the Grand Duke of the Wrath of the Sea has signs of mobilizing troops, which has caused many people to be uneasy. My caravan and I were reminded by the Chamber of Commerce to stay in Pearl Harbor for a long time to observe the situation and avoid complications. "

Raging Tide, Oak, and Cracked Armor.

The three Grand Dukes of the Black Iron Land.

Only the main force of the Holy See can unite the three Grand Dukes in this land. This has become the consensus of everyone.

If they make a slight move, they will attract the attention of countless people.

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