If You Give A Bad Review To A Delivery Person, Will They Be Sent To Prison?

Chapter 79 Unintentionally Became An "Accomplice" And "Accomplice"! 【Subscribe】

"It's really inexplicable." Gao Yuan glanced up at the man carrying a bag and walking into the jewelry store, feeling somewhat speechless.

Afterwards, he confirmed that the order was completed.

Then, he took out the numbered plate and nameplate from under the car seat.

- After putting them on.

He then sent a WeChat message to Vice Director Ouyang:

"Director, I have finished here. You can resume the live broadcast."

"The drones should also fly back. Good job, Director!"


Vice Director Ouyang replied with a single word.

Afterwards, the nameplate on Gao Yuan's chest flickered twice, and the camera turned on.

At the same time, three drones were flying towards the High Court at an extremely fast speed.

In the live broadcast room, after half an hour of black screen, the picture finally appeared again, causing the netizens who hadn't left to become excited.

"Oh! Luckily I didn't leave, the live broadcast is back!"

"Has it been half an hour already? Why does it feel like it's been half a century?"

"Huh? Why is there only the main perspective? Where are the drones?"

"The drones are flying towards Gao Yuan's direction. You can see them in the small window next to it."

"Not bad, not bad. Although there were some minor issues with the production equipment, it's good that they fixed it in half an hour. Let's forgive them."

"The drones are back! The live broadcast perspective has switched back!"

"Hello, everyone."

After the drones flew back, they stopped in front of Gao Yuan.

Gao Yuan waved his hand and said:

"Now, continue to follow me and deliver food to the friends in Xijiang City!"

Just as he was about to leave, suddenly, a low conversation from three or four people inside the jewelry store reached Gao Yuan's ears.

And among them, there was a familiar voice.

"Second brother, did you get it?"

"I got it. Three handguns, one submachine gun. Absolutely awesome!"

"Big brother, do you think this will work? What if someone among them recognizes this... we'll be in trouble!"

"Joke! Third brother, do you think a few Chinese people wouldn't be afraid of this?!"

"That's right, just these elites in suits and ties, seeing this, what else would they think? They'll be scared shitless! Especially that woman in the tight skirt, I'll scare her good later!"

"I'm still worried. If we rob something, can we escape?"

"Don't worry, I have a way, I can definitely escape!"

"The boss is really awesome!"

After listening to this conversation,

Gao Yuan was completely dumbfounded.

Because of that familiar voice.

The one called "Second Brother".

It was precisely the masked man in black who had just taken the goods from him!

"So, I just delivered..."

"Uh, I should say delivered takeout, but it turned out to be firearms?"

"And these people, they actually plan to rob this jewelry store with these firearms?!"

Quickly analyzing these from the conversation of the three men,

Gao Yuan was stunned and didn't know what to say.

But Gao Yuan also knew.

This time, he absolutely couldn't stand by, and even if he went up, it probably wouldn't be a heroic act.

Because unintentionally, he had become an "accomplice" and "accessory".

This is really...

Fucked up!

Gao Yuan speechlessly picked up his phone, first closed the Ugly Group takeout app, and then dialed a number:


"Is this 110?"

"I, Gao Yuan, am an eyewitness!"

The operator on the other end of the line turned out to be the same girl as before.

After a slight surprise, she calmly asked:

"Mr. Gao, may I ask what kind of emergency you're reporting?"


Gao Yuan's ears twitched and he heard the three people still plotting how to proceed, and said:

"There are four people preparing to rob the Scarlett Jewelry store on the commercial street over here!"

"They made me deliver a few firearms through takeout, but..."

Before Gao Yuan could finish speaking,

The operator suddenly stood up and quickly said to Gao Yuan:

"Alright, I got it, please be extremely careful, the police will be there soon!"

"Oh, by the way, the commercial street where the Scarlett Jewelry store is located falls under the jurisdiction of the Zhonghe Street Police Station!"

After saying that, the operator hung up the phone.


Gao Yuan was instantly dumbfounded.

I haven't finished conveying the crucial information yet!

Why are you so impatient that you hit me?

Actually, it's not surprising that the operator was impatient.

After all, Gao Yuan mentioned firearms on the phone.

And it involved firearms.

It was a robbery in the busiest commercial street in Jiangcheng City, to be honest.

How could she not panic?

Gao Yuan was about to call back and provide additional key information.

Then the phone rang.

Looking at it, it was Deputy Director Zhang from Zhonghe Street Police Station.

"Gao Yuan, did you report the police?"

"The other party is four people, preparing to rob Sujia Li Jewelry Store, and they have firearms?"

"What kind of firearms are they, do you know?"

As soon as the call was connected,

Deputy Director Zhang immediately asked a series of questions, sounding very anxious.


Gao Yuan was somewhat speechless and said,

"I didn't even get a chance to speak, and the operator hung up the phone."

"As for the firearms, I heard from the four people who are about to become robbers that three of them are handguns, and one is a submachine gun, but they are all fake!"


Deputy Director Zhang was taken aback, but he didn't dare to take it lightly and confirmed,

"Are you sure they said they are fake, not replicas?"

"If they are replicas, if they are well-made, they still have powerful lethality, not weaker than real guns!"

"And there is also a submachine gun!"

"It is indeed fake!"

Gao Yuan recalled the conversation of the four people just now and said,

"But it is also possible that they are replicas."

"But the most crucial point is that these four guns don't have bullets, the magazines are empty."

Gao Yuan's words

Finally made Deputy Director Zhang's hanging heart

Slightly relieved.

Just received the transfer of the alarm from the command center.

Saying that there are armed robbers.

Deputy Director Zhang was scared to death.

So when he saw that the person reporting the police was Gao Yuan, he immediately called to confirm again.

The result...

Although the robbery was real, and they were still in the preparation process.

But the guns were fake.

This greatly reduced the severity of the case.

And there was no need to contact the armed police department anymore.

Thinking of this,

Deputy Director Zhang let out a sigh of relief and asked again,

"Besides firearms, do those four robbers have any other weapons?"

As soon as Gao Yuan started to speak, he heard the four people inside already starting to act.

So he immediately said to Deputy Director Zhang,

"Zhang, please bring people here quickly!"

"There are many people in the jewelry store, I'm worried that these four people will not only rob, but also harm the hostages!"

After speaking, he hung up the phone.

Then, taking a deep breath, he walked quickly towards Sujia Li Jewelry Store.

At this moment,

The netizens in the live broadcast room were already going crazy.

"What the f*ck! As soon as the live broadcast started, it's such an exciting scene?"

"What exciting scene? Isn't it just a few stupid thieves trying to rob a jewelry store with fake guns? If you ask me, they would be wiped out if this happened abroad!"

"At this moment, I am truly grateful for the strict gun control in our country!"

"Just thinking about the freedom, ugliness, and the first day of gun battles, I deeply sympathize with those who worship the West! I feel sorry for them shedding tears every day for countless unknown fathers who died!"

"F*ck! Your words are so damn true! Hahaha!"

"Everyone! Aren't your concerns a bit strange? There's a big robbery happening, and you guys don't care at all?"

"Well, what's there to worry about?"

"That's right! From the moment Gao Yuan, the Chinese superhero, discovered these four robbers, their fate was already sealed!"

"Next, please enjoy: Gao Yuan fighting the four robbers!"

Fighting my ass!

If Gao Yuan saw the barrage in the live broadcast room,

He would definitely curse out loud.

At this moment, he was standing outside the jewelry store, lying on the side of the doorpost, using the wall to shield his body.

Listening to the sounds inside.

At the same time, making the drone fly more discreetly.

At this moment,

Inside the store.

Four robbers wearing black headgear, dressed in black clothes, holding guns in their hands.

They had already taken control of the entire first floor of the jewelry store.

Other people.

Whether they were staff or customers who came to the store to consume, they were all gathered together.

Their phones were also confiscated.

They began discussing the next course of action.

"Boss, the first floor is just ordinary stuff, the good stuff is on the second floor!"

"Leave two people to guard the first floor, Boss, you come with me upstairs."

"Boss, when I was scouting earlier, I overheard a staff member say that the most valuable things in the jewelry store are in the boss's office on the second floor!"

"Where is your boss?"

"You, you tell him!"

Gao Yuan took two steps back and looked up.

The buildings on Jiangcheng Commercial Pedestrian Street were built in an antique style.

Apart from normal business activities and tourism, they also served as a filming location.

There were several streets, each with a different architectural style representing a different era.

The street where the Scarlett Jewelry Store was located was a street with a Republican era style.

The building had two floors.

Gao Yuan estimated the height of the second-floor balcony and had a rough idea in mind.

But whether to proceed or not depended on the situation inside and the speed of the police.

At this moment, they heard the voice of an employee inside saying:

"I... the boss is resting in the office."

"She usually takes about an hour to rest in the afternoon..."

"Damn it!"

One of the robbers cursed and said:

"I worked so hard to rob, and that woman is still comfortably resting!"

"I'll deal with her later!"

"Shut up! You, keep your things under control. If you dare to show yourself, I'll deal with you first!"

After scolding the second-in-command, the boss commanded:

"Third and fourth, hurry up and collect the goods!"

"Second-in-command, come with me to the second floor!"

After speaking, they began to act.

Meanwhile, the police had still not arrived.

According to the plan, they had already reported the incident in advance.

They weren't too far away from here, so they should have arrived by now, right?

...Flowers are requested...

Gao Yuan heard the movements inside and felt a bit anxious.

Then, his personal heroism kicked in again.

Gao Yuan looked at the position of the second-floor balcony again, then stepped back about five or six steps.

Then, he started running towards the wall.

Bang! Bang!

Gao Yuan's feet stepped on the wall, and then his body forcefully shot upwards.

At the same time, he grabbed the railing of the second-floor balcony with both hands.

Then, he flipped over.

His whole person had already jumped into the balcony.

The entire process was smooth and seamless, as if he had practiced countless times.

The viewers in the live stream room saw this scene.

Although they thought it made sense, they were also amazed.

"Damn! Awesome! Gao Yuan is really awesome!"

"Gao Yuan's skills are so pleasing to the eye every time I watch!"

"Besides his skills, Gao Yuan's 1.8-meter long legs are really drool-worthy!"

"Damn! Gao Yuan's official height is only 1.9 meters, isn't it a bit exaggerated to have 1.8-meter legs?"

"Why haven't the police arrived yet? Didn't they report it in advance? They should have arrived by now!"

"They're here! I can already see the police cars from the drone's perspective!"

At this moment, on the second-floor balcony, Gao Yuan looked inside through the window.

He happened to meet a face that was panicked but still exquisite like a piece of jewelry.

This person should be the female boss of the jewelry store.

She looked to be around twenty-five or twenty-six years old, or maybe thirty-three or thirty-four.

Gao Yuan immediately put his finger to his mouth, signaling her not to scream.


The beautiful boss also recognized Gao Yuan.

She was instantly excited.

Gao Yuan was about to ask the beautiful boss to open the door.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw several police cars quietly approaching and stopping about thirty meters away from the jewelry store.

Two people got out of the car first.

One was Deputy Director Zhang, who was leading the team, and the other was Xiao Lu.

Gao Yuan then waved vigorously towards the position where Deputy Director Zhang was.

He wanted to attract their attention.

Deputy Director Zhang also saw Gao Yuan, paused for a moment, and then said in a voice that he was speaking to the person next to him,

"What's the situation inside?"

Obviously, he was communicating with Gao Yuan.

Gao Yuan took out his phone, muted it first, and then sent a voice message to Deputy Director Zhang,

"There are two people on the first floor, and two people on the second floor."

"The people on the first floor are all under control, and currently there is only one boss on the second floor."

"The robbers on the first floor are currently packing things."

After saying that, he thought for a moment and added,

"I have a way to deal with the two on the second floor."

"When the time comes, I will go down from the second floor and see if I can take care of the two on the first floor."

"I'm not impulsive."

"I'm worried that if we attack from the outside, the robbers will take desperate measures and take hostages!"

Seeing Deputy Director Zhang listening to the voice message,

Gao Yuan looked at the beautiful boss, pointed to the door and windows, and gestured for himself to go in.

Only then did the beautiful boss make a soft sound.

She hurriedly opened the door and windows.

Let Gao Yuan in.


Just at this moment.

There was a loud sound of the office door being kicked.

Followed by a man's irritable voice,

"Open the door for me!"

"I know you're inside, if you don't open the door, I'll blast it with an ion gun!"


The beautiful boss was so scared that she screamed directly.

Gao Yuan acted quickly, covering the beautiful boss's mouth with his hand.

Then he almost pressed his mouth against her ear and whispered,

"Don't make a sound."

"Do as I tell you later."

"Do you understand?"

The beautiful boss widened her eyes, her pale face turning red.

Stupidly looking at Gao Yuan.


Gao Yuan immediately asked again,

"If you understand, nod your head."

So the beautiful boss nodded gently.

Only then did Gao Yuan let go of her.

"Open the door quickly!"

"If you don't open it, I'll crash it!"

"Damn it! This door is too sturdy!"

Outside the office, the knocking sound continued.

Accompanied by cursing.

No, these two people have to be dealt with first!

Should I use strategy?

Or should I go in head-on?

Gao Yuan thought for a moment and found that any strategy was not as effective as a direct confrontation.

He glanced at the solid wood desk in the room.

So he said to the beautiful boss,

"You go hide behind the office desk, hide under the desk, and don't come out unless I tell you to!"


The beautiful boss nodded vigorously.

Then she tiptoed and ran towards the office desk.

And hid under the desk.

After hiding, she even stuck her head out for a moment and looked at Gao Yuan, indicating that she was hiding well.

Does this woman think she's playing hide-and-seek?

Or does she think it's fun?

Gao Yuan shook his head slightly.

He glanced at the several retracted message records from Deputy Director Zhang in his phone.

And the last message was,

"Okay! We'll cooperate with your actions! Be careful!"

Seeing this, Gao Yuan couldn't help but smile.

Then he slowly walked towards the direction of the office.

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