If You Give A Bad Review To A Delivery Person, Will They Be Sent To Prison?

Chapter 80 A Reckless Man Doesn't Fit My Image! Be Courageous And Ambitious 【Subscribe】

Room 114.

The number of online viewers has skyrocketed to over one million.

When Gao Yuan entered the room and got close to the beautiful boss.

The barrage exploded.

"Damn! Going straight for the beautiful boss's mouth, Gao Yuan, you're too awesome!"

"Is this woman the boss? She's really beautiful!"

"Gao Yuan, let go of that girl, let me handle it!"

"Their mouths are almost touching! The beautiful boss's neck is turning red! Gao Yuan is truly a beast!"

"What's even more beastly is that Gao Yuan's mind is probably filled with thoughts of taking down the four robbers! As for the beauty? Haha, what's that? It only affects his speed!"

"He's simply more beastly than a beast!"

At this moment.

Thirty meters away from the jewelry store.

As the leader of the operation.

Deputy Zhang is making the final arrangements for the operation.

He glanced at the live video on Xiao Lu's tablet and said,

"We can't let them freely plunder the store!"

"Since Gao Yuan has a certain chance of breaking through them from the inside, we will apply enough pressure on these four robbers from the outside!"

"Fortunately, there are no back doors in this commercial street when it was built."

"So, everyone, push towards the front door of the jewelry store!"

Deputy Zhang will not do as Gao Yuan said.

Because that would be too much personal heroism.

The police work.

Emphasizes teamwork.

There's no need for one against several, or one against one.

What matters is many against one!


I just have more people than you!

It infuriates you!

The concept of martial virtue.

Doesn't exist!


The police officers.

Half of them driving, half of them running.

Quickly arrived on the road in front of Scarlett Jewelry Store.

Deputy Zhang picked up the loudspeaker and shouted inside,

"Listen, you are surrounded!"

"Drop your weapons and surrender immediately!" "Five-zero-zero"

These two sentences repeated three times!

On the first floor of the store.

Old San and Zhang Si, who were happily putting jewelry and silverware into their bags.

Were still fantasizing.

How much money they would get from this jewelry, and if they could afford to go to the club with young models every day.

Then they heard Deputy Zhang's announcement from outside.

They were instantly startled.

"Damn! Why did the police come so fast? Who called them?"

"How the hell should I know? Didn't I tell you to collect everyone's phones?"

"I didn't collect them! I even searched everyone, but no one had a hidden phone!"

"What's going on then?"

"We're done for! How are we going to escape when the police arrive?"

"Boss, what's happening upstairs? The police are here!"

For a moment.

The two robbers on the first floor were in a panic, not behaving like professional robbers at all.

While the robbers on the second floor.

Were still banging on the door.

Suddenly, they heard Deputy Zhang's announcement and were so scared that they almost fell to the ground.

The boss looked at his partner and asked,

"Did that woman inside call the police?"

The partner shook his head and said,

"I don't know. It's impossible."

"The nearest police station is quite far from here. Even if we called the police at the beginning, it would take at least five minutes, right?"

"Damn! Let the police come, it doesn't matter!"

The boss shrugged, kicked the door again, and said,

"As long as we capture the women in this room as hostages, we can negotiate with the police. I don't believe they won't be afraid of losing their own people!"

The partner nodded, thinking it made sense.

Meanwhile, the two robbers downstairs, Old San and Zhang Si, had no idea about the boss and partner's real plan.

They thought they could just rob and quietly escape.

The boss listened to the shouts of Old San and Zhang Si downstairs, kicked the door again, and frowned,

"Partner, go downstairs and find a sledgehammer or a fire hammer. This door is too sturdy!"

"And tell Old San and Zhang Si to calm down!"

"How can they be scared by a single police officer? How can we become big and strong, and create brilliance in the future?"


The partner nodded and went downstairs.

Just as Lao Er had just come downstairs.

When Lao Da upstairs was about to knock on the door.

At this moment.

The door suddenly opened!

Although only a small opening.

"Women are women. If you scold them a few more times, they will obediently listen!"

Lao Da smiled with satisfaction, then held the only submachine gun.

Using the muzzle, he pushed open the door.

Just at this moment!

Suddenly, a big hand stretched out from the side of the door's inner wall.

Violently grabbing the barrel of the submachine gun.

Then a tremendous force traveled from the barrel to Lao Da's hands holding the gun.


Lao Da didn't even react.

Only to find that the gun in his hand had been taken away.

And because the force was too strong.

Lao Da was in a position where the muzzle was pointed towards him.

So his whole body, without even standing firm, was brought down to the ground.


Lao Da still had some reaction ability.

But for Gao Yuan, it was far from enough.

Before he could react.

Gao Yuan directly grabbed the arms of Lao Da and pulled him to the back.

At the same time, he knelt on Lao Da's neck with his knee.

"I... I can't breathe!"

Soon, Lao Da felt like he was about to die.

Hastily shouted out a classic Western saying.

The voice didn't come from his throat.

But was squeezed out.

The force was strong enough, but the voice was low.


"Weakling! Useless!"

Gao Yuan coldly snorted.

Hearing Lao Er negotiating with Vice Zhang downstairs while reprimanding Lao San and Lao Si.

It seemed that he shouldn't go upstairs for the time being.

So he quietly shouted to the hiding place of the beautiful boss:

"Hey, beauty, give me the cloth on the table!"

"Oh... Oh!"

The beautiful boss immediately crawled out from under the table.

Grabbed a piece of cloth on the table.

And handed it to Gao Yuan, saying:

"Um, I'm not called 'hey', I'm called Chu Yutong."

"And also, this is not a cloth, it's what I use to pad cups."


Gao Yuan glanced at the beauty, Chu Yutong.

Then he balled up the cloth and stuffed it all into the mouth of the captured Lao Da.

The kind that couldn't be spit out.

Then he casually pulled a thin belt from the hook behind the door and wrapped it around Lao Da's arms.


Chu Yutong opened her mouth, then closed it again.


Gao Yuan lifted Lao Da and walked towards the balcony.

"You, Gao Yuan, is that your voice?"

Chu Yutong looked at Gao Yuan in shock.

"It's nothing, just a little imitation."

Gao Yuan smiled.

But this laughter, in Lao Da's ears.

Was like a devil.

Because first.

He finally knew.

Who was the one who killed him in three seconds.

It was actually that Gao Yuan!

The one he had instructed Lao Er to eliminate when placing the order!


He actually heard Gao Yuan speaking with his voice!

How dare you!

I'm the one holding the submachine gun, how dare you take it away barehanded?

You're fucking crazy!

Even though it's a replica, even though there are no bullets.

But that's still a gun!

Aren't you afraid of death?

Lao Da wanted to cry but had no tears.

His heart was roaring madly.

He knew.

This operation failed.

It failed completely.

But no matter what, I still don't understand why it failed.

Gao Yuan doesn't care about his thoughts.

Carrying a height of 1.7 meters and weighing only 120 kilograms, the boss came to the balcony.

He waved to Deputy Zhang downstairs with a smile.

"What the f***!"


On the empty space opposite the jewelry store.

Xiao Lu next to Deputy Zhang saw this scene all at once.

He was dumbfounded.

"What's going on... What the f***!"

Deputy Zhang asked half a sentence and followed his gaze.

Then he said the same thing.

Incredibly shocked.

He was negotiating with the people inside and didn't watch the live broadcast.

Never expected.

Gao Yuan actually captured one of them without anyone noticing!

This ability is too awesome!

Why isn't he part of the police system?

Deputy Zhang roared in his heart.

Gao Yuan sent a voice message to Deputy Zhang below:

"Zhang, can you throw up a rope?"

"I'll tie this boss to the balcony first."

"Oh, okay!"


Deputy Zhang was surprised to hear that it was the boss, even more delighted.

He immediately had someone send a rope to Gao Yuan.

The police equipment is quite complete.

At least there is rope.

A police officer took out a rope from the trunk and threw it up to Gao Yuan.

Gao Yuan caught the rope.

Originally, he wanted to re-tie it.

But when he saw that the quality of the rope was good and the thickness was suitable, he decided to use it directly and tied it around the boss's waist.

Then, under the stunned gaze of everyone.

He hung the boss to the ground with the rope!

Deputy Zhang's mouth twitched and he arranged:

"Untie the person, leave the rope to Gao Yuan."

"Put a silver bracelet on this person and put him in the car first, assign someone to watch him."

"He is the leader of this gang of robbers, keep an eye on him for me!"


Other police officers immediately went to do it.

Deputy Zhang let out a sigh of relief.

The boss has been captured.

Will it be far from the capture of the other three?

Live broadcast room.

Everyone, for a moment, didn't know what to say.

-"Why do I feel that this robber is a bit pitiful?"

"I highly suspect that these four robbers don't use the internet, otherwise they wouldn't dare to cause trouble in Jiangcheng City! After all, there are super heroes of China here!"

"Gao Yuan's skills are getting more and more powerful!"

"Yes, when he killed Old Eight before, it was still a pure sneak attack. This time, although there is also an element of surprise, there is more recklessness!"

"Gao Yuan's advantage is that he is strong and fast! With just these two points, in a real fight against ordinary people, he is basically invincible barehanded!"

"Did you guys forget that these robbers can have guns in their hands! Although they are fake guns, they can still be used as weapons to hit people!"

"No doubt, Gao Yuan is really awesome! Fortunately, he is on the side of justice!"

"Why don't you go down too?"


"Forget it, you might still be useful..."

Gao Yuan took the rope and returned to the room.

Suddenly, he felt that Chu Yutong should also go down.

It's safer downstairs.

But after thinking about it, he realized that she could still be useful by staying, so he dismissed this idea and said:

"You can relax now, just watch the door."

"I'll go down and see why the person who went down to get the fire hammer hasn't come up yet."

Although waiting for the rabbit is very useful.

But Gao Yuan felt that there was no need to use such a stupid method to deal with the remaining three.

Just rushing over directly is enough.

So, the action plan was decided.

Then, Gao Yuan confidently went out.

Halfway through.

Gao Yuan changed his mind again.

"I can't establish a reckless image, it completely doesn't match my pretty boy face!"

"I need to use my intelligence!"

"Yes, I want to present myself as a brave and resourceful person in the eyes of others!"

Thinking of this.

Gao Yuan stood at the staircase on the second floor, hiding behind the wall.

Then he shouted down with the voice of the boss.

"Second, where the hell is the fire hammer I asked you to bring?"


Gao Yuan's imitation was spot on.

So the second didn't realize there was a problem at all.

After a moment, he ran up.

But what awaited him was Gao Yuan's leg.




The second person fell three meters away.

The fire hammer was also thrown out.

Realizing what had happened, he was already pinned down by Gao Yuan and couldn't make a sound.

"Second, what's wrong?"

After hearing the second person's scream, the third person downstairs immediately asked.

"Damn! Trip me!"

Gao Yuan imitated the voice of the second person and said.

There were no more questions from below.

The second person opened his mouth, widened his eyes, and tried to turn his head.

To see who was holding him.

And... where was the boss?

Could he have been caught already?

Thinking of this, the second person, unable to breathe, felt despair.

What made him even more desperate was that Gao Yuan used the same method.

One by one, he deceived the third and fourth person to come up.

And then... subdued them.

Thus, the four robbers who had used firearms to rob the jewelry store were all caught by Gao Yuan!

"Thank you, Gao Yuan!"

Chu Yutong looked at Gao Yuan with eyes that could no longer be described.

It was a love so thick it couldn't be dissolved.

If Gao Yuan agreed, she would definitely be lying on Gao Yuan's bed tonight!

But it couldn't happen.

There was still a woman at home.

No, it should be said that it was a female assistant who was staring at him!

Gao Yuan had to ignore Chu Yutong's gaze.

Riding his own electric motorcycle, he followed the police car to the police station.

In the live broadcast room.

Many netizens suddenly felt a lack of interest.

"Although I knew from the beginning that these four robbers wouldn't make it, but they're not this weak, right?"

"It's like a complete one-sided crushing! I used to not believe in the concept of a downgrade attack, but today Gao Yuan's performance against four robbers is simply a downgrade attack!"

"They even had firearms, I thought there would be a gunfight or something!"

"Heh! This is Jiangcheng, not Hong Kong. Do you think you can witness a gunfight in the city? Unless the robbers are not after money, but after death!"

"I guess these four have fake guns but are afraid to use bullets, right?"

"Afraid of death? If you're afraid of death, why become a damn robber? They're really embarrassing the robber community! Hahaha!"

Arriving at the police station once again.

It was still the familiar Zhonghe Street Police Station.

Gao Yuan could be said to be familiar with the place.

Even when he rode his electric motorcycle in, he greeted several police officers along the way.

Like coming home.

"You're amazing, Gao Yuan, especially when you caught the first person, it was so smooth and cool!"

"I think you should come to the police station, Gao Yuan!"

"Yeah, look at you, you probably don't even know where the delivery guy's office is, but you're so familiar with the police station!"

"How about it, don't you consider it?"

Along the way.

The police officers he encountered were all tempting Gao Yuan with smiles.

"I want to, but I have a contract, it's not easy to handle."

"I think it's great this way. I'm like an unofficial member of the police, I can still be a hero, unlike you guys, restricted by so many rules and regulations."

Gao Yuan's words directly shut down the mouths of others trying to persuade him.


If he became a police officer or worked at the police station.

Gao Yuan might not be allowed to act alone like he did today.

"By the way, Gao Yuan."

After finishing the record, the station chief suddenly came back and called Gao Yuan aside.

"There's a very special talent assessment in the Extreme Special Talent Pool, would you consider it?"


Gao Yuan was stunned.

Extreme Special Talent Pool?

What is that?

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