If You Give A Bad Review To A Delivery Person, Will They Be Sent To Prison?

Chapter 82 If I Die, I Will Definitely Drag You To Be Buried With Me! 【2,Please Subscribe】

It's already 1:30 in the morning.

In Gao Yuan's live broadcast room, there are still over 30,000 online viewers.

Many of them have already developed a habit.

They won't log off until they see Gao Yuan finish work and go home at 2 o'clock.

As for some other people,

It's because in Gao Yuan's live broadcast room,

You really don't know what kind of trouble he will cause with which order.

And at this moment,

This somewhat bizarre order and the phone call between the two people

Made the online viewers in the live broadcast room burst into laughter.

The barrage area, which was somewhat deserted before,

Became active again.

"Here we go! Predict the last order, how much trouble will it cause."

"Eating skewers in the middle of the night, this girl is really something."

"Delivering takeout has become the secret rendezvous mode for underground love affairs! Gao Yuan must be extremely speechless, right?"

"The most exciting thing is that the girl said she would give Gao Yuan a bad review! Hahaha! I was almost falling asleep, but now I'm wide awake from laughing!"

"Go to hell! Wake up and have fun!"

"I used to go to bed before midnight and catch the bus at 8 in the morning. Since watching Gao Yuan's live broadcast, I suddenly realized something - why should I only sleep for six hours if I want to sleep for six hours!"

It's 1:30 in the morning.

The city of Jiangcheng has fallen asleep.

But Gao Yuan is still awake, working.

Since delivering takeout, Gao Yuan has truly experienced how difficult it is to be a delivery driver.

He only starts delivering orders at 9 in the morning.

Some delivery guys start as early as 5 in the morning, or even earlier.

There are even more dedicated ones.

There are many stores on Ugly Tuan delivery platform that never close, operating 24 hours a day.

See that?

There are so many people online advocating for lying flat, being a useless person.

But their lying flat, their being useless,

Is at the expense of delivery drivers and those delivery stores that are caught up in intense competition.

The logic of these people is as follows:

1. I can lie flat, but you have to pay for my lying flat!

2. So you have to get caught up in the competition!

3. I'm lying flat, but you're caught up in it even more, which makes my lying flat seem ridiculous. So I attack your competition and make your competition seem even more ridiculous!

4. In short, it's double standards, forming a logical loop within double standards!

5. If you can't do these things? Then give a bad review!

"A bad review?"

Gao Yuan really wants to celebrate and rub his hands together.

A girl's bad review has made him feel refreshed.

"Don't disappoint me!"

While following the navigation, Gao Yuan drove towards Xirun Huacheng.

A few minutes later, Gao Yuan arrived at Xirun Huacheng residential area.

After greeting the security guard, he was allowed in.

"Building 5..."

"Unit 3..."


Gao Yuan followed the location and found the unit door of Unit 3.

And on the left side of the unit door, there was an air conditioner.

"There really is a rope!"

Gao Yuan used the light from his phone screen and found the rope the customer mentioned.

It turned out to be a hemp rope!

Doesn't this girl know that hemp ropes are prone to breaking at thin spots?

Gao Yuan picked up the fallen end of the rope from the ground and tied the takeout to it.

"And then?"

When seeing the content of the order remarks, he couldn't help but make fun of it.

But at this moment of operation,

Gao Yuan was actually a little excited.

He seemed like a young person who had just joined the underground work and was doing his first covert mission.

Start transmitting the signal!

"One pull!"

Gao Yuan pulled once.

"Two pulls!"

Gao Yuan pulled twice.

"Oh no!"

"It's over, it's over, it's over!"

Just like most people doing their first covert mission in movies and TV shows, problems always arise.

When Gao Yuan pulled the rope for the second time,

The end of the rope was not securely fixed, and it just came off!

This is embarrassing!

Gao Yuan held the hemp rope that didn't break but fell down.

He had no choice but to call the customer:

"Is it crooked?"

As soon as he spoke, the other side started cursing and making fun of him:

"I said, are you so full from eating that you're acting like this?"

"Why are you being so forceful?"

Gao Yuan could only apologize:

"Yes, I'm sorry."

Unexpectedly, there was a moment of silence on the other side, and then they said:

"In the future, do fewer things that require apologies from me!"


Why does this sound so awkward?

Gao Yuan looked at the rope in his hand and asked:

"What should I do now?"

"What should we do...?"

The girl said hesitantly:

"Bring it up to me!"

"Quietly, don't make a sound!"

"Also, the motion sensor lights in our building hallway are very sensitive, they turn on with the slightest movement."

"Or, would you like to take off your shoes before coming up?"


Gao Yuan was about to go crazy and complained:

"Sister, I'm just a delivery guy, why does this feel like a secret rendezvous for an underground affair?"


Unexpectedly, the girl continued:

"It has to be just like having an underground affair!"

"We'll die if we're exposed!"

"If I die, I'll definitely drag you down with me!"

"You might as well become a comedian!"

Gao Yuan was helpless.

Although she didn't tie the rope properly, it was his fault.

And he still had to deliver this order.

Being part of a vulnerable group is really difficult!

Gao Yuan sighed and said:

"Alright, I'll go up now."

Fortunately, it was just the last order.

Gao Yuan hung up the phone.

He took off his shoes at the entrance of the building, as if he was entering someone else's home.

Quietly, he entered wearing only socks.

Three floors.

He took the stairs.

Soon, Gao Yuan arrived at the door of 301.

The girl was waiting inside the door, leaving a gap just big enough for the delivery to fit through.


No need to face each other!

Very well hidden.

Gao Yuan silently smiled and shook his head, holding the delivery and entering.

The girl hid behind the door.

She immediately caught the delivery.

But the next moment, she didn't wait for Gao Yuan to retract his hand.

She was about to close the door!

"Hey hey hey!"

Gao Yuan's hand got caught in the door, and he shouted in pain:

"You caught me!"

The door opened for a moment.

Gao Yuan retracted his hand and looked at it, there was only a mark, no injury.

But it was truly speechless.

"A series of twists and turns!"

"But at least I delivered this order!"

He went downstairs, reached the entrance of the building, put on his shoes.

He stopped and listened to the scolding from the third floor, as well as the girl's quiet resistance.

Gao Yuan grinned.

Then he confirmed the delivery and rode his bike home.

This neighborhood wasn't far from Gao Yuan's neighborhood.

Fifteen minutes later, Gao Yuan had already changed his shoes and was sitting on the couch, resting his feet.

Xu Xiaosa had already fallen asleep.

This day was chaotic.

Not necessarily tired.

Just exhausted.

"Time to take a shower!"

"And then sleep!"

Gao Yuan took a few sips of water, got up and prepared to take a shower.

But before that, he had to turn off the live stream.

Just then.

The phone suddenly rang!


Gao Yuan glanced at the number and answered the call.

As soon as he answered, the girl on the other end started scolding:

"I told you to be quiet, but you couldn't find a place to put your hands, right?"

"Do not stick anything into the crack of my door!"

"You're being unreasonable!"

Gao Yuan sighed and said, "Miss, you pinched my hand, and I didn't ask you for medical expenses. I'm being kind!"

"Why didn't you pinch a discount for me?"

The girl said angrily, "Now you have to compensate me for the skewers, compensate me for my living expenses, compensate me for mental distress!"


Gao Yuan was confused and asked, "Why should I compensate you for skewers, living expenses, and mental distress?"

"Because you woke up my mom!"

The girl raised her voice, probably because her mom woke up and complained, "My mom confiscated the skewers!"


Gao Yuan sighed and said, "I'm just a delivery driver, not involved in any underground work, nor have I had any underground affairs. Can you please be reasonable?"

"Or maybe find someone with experience in this area next time?"

I've never seen a buyer who pushes things to this extent!

Without any experience, she insists on committing a crime.

At this moment, Gao Yuan completely dismissed the idea that the other party might be an extremely special talent.

At this moment...

The girl cursed again, "With your lack of skills, how can you even deliver food?"

"I don't think you'll ever be able to afford four dishes in your lifetime!"

How venomous!

Gao Yuan decided not to be hurt and said, "Yes, I can't afford four dishes."

"But you can't afford these skewers either, haha!"

"Fine! You're fine!"

Gao Yuan's counterattack made the girl furious and she said angrily, "Just wait for a bad review!"

"Okay, I'll wait."

I've been waiting for this bad review for a long time!

Gao Yuan nodded, then said to the girl, "Oh, by the way, my name is Gao Yuan."

"That's right, the buyer who gets a bad review and reports the buyer to the police, the Gao Yuan who gets sent to the detention center!"


The girl was stunned for a moment, but instead of being scared, she became even angrier and said, "Are you threatening me?"

"You're done, do you know that? Let me tell you, you're absolutely done!"

Gao Yuan touched his forehead and was about to say something else.

But he heard a "ah" from the other side, followed by an excited question, "Are you Gao Yuan? Are you really Gao Yuan?"

"Yes, I am Gao Yuan."

"Ah, ah, ah!"

The girl despairingly shouted in a suppressed voice, "Gao Yuan, why didn't you tell me that you were the one delivering my food?"

"Oh my god, Gao Yuan actually accepted my order!"

"But it was confiscated by my mom, ah, why didn't you tell me it was you?"

"You, you, you..."

"I, I, I..."

"Um, Gao Yuan, can I treat you to a meal tomorrow?"

Oh my god!

She really is someone who loves eating skewers.

Gao Yuan felt his head buzzing and said, "Let's do it another day, I'll treat you to skewers."

"It's too late, get some rest."


After speaking, Gao Yuan didn't wait for the other person to respond and immediately hung up the phone.

Afraid that she would say something else.

She talks too much.

No wonder she likes eating skewers.

The way this girl speaks is also in chunks.

In the live broadcast room.

The netizens who were preparing to go offline were also pleasantly surprised.

"Hahaha! This order is really exciting!"

"Taking off shoes and going upstairs, I never expected Gao Yuan to give in!"

"I have to say, although this girl is a bit noisy and talkative, she seems quite cute! She must have a lively personality!"

"Brother, how did you find her cute? Is it her voice?"

"I don't know if she's cute or not, but her mouth is really chatty! I feel like when she speaks, the syllables fly out like skewers!"

"Damn! Your metaphor is really vivid! Awesome!"

The next morning, early in the morning.

From six o'clock, and possibly even earlier.

In some cities with long commutes, workers have already crawled out of bed.

Then they squeeze onto the subway or bus.

Heading towards the city center where their workplace is located.

During the long commute, many people sit on the few available seats and start dozing off.

Those standing lean against the walls of the vehicle or hold onto poles, dozing off as well.

There are also some people playing with their phones, watching Douyin, or browsing Weibo.

Many people, on this early morning.

Have all come across the same video:

[Super Workplace Show: Gao Yuan bravely fights off four armed robbers, the whole process is smooth and fluid, the strategy is like a gazelle's antlers, and it has been included in the classic cases of the public security system!]

Or the same hot search:

[Super Workplace Show: Gao Yuan bravely fights off four armed robbers]

Setting aside the content.

Just the title is enough to catch the attention of many people and dispel their drowsiness.

The smooth and fluid movements and the strategy like a gazelle's antlers in the title cannot be evaluated without seeing the content.

Being included in the classic cases of the public security system... sounds quite impressive.

Without seeing the content, it doesn't really pique people's interest.


Some other keywords are quite intriguing.

Setting aside the Super Workplace Show.

It has already been a highly popular workplace variety show this year.

Because it was recorded over the course of a year.

And it is broadcasted live.

Plus, with a total of 120 guest contestants, there is bound to be someone that people like.

So the topic is always high.

And the name Gao Yuan.

Has also been frequently seen in videos and hot searches on the internet recently.

Even in chat groups.

Many people are using some of his GIFs or emojis.

And then.

Armed robbers!

Just the two words "armed robbers" in those four words are enough to excite many people.

Since the prohibition of firearms in China.

There have been quite a few robbery cases, some of which didn't even make it to the news.

But armed robbery?

Definitely a big news that can make headlines!

So many people quickly click into the video or hot search.

The video is produced by the program team.

So the duration and clarity are guaranteed.

After watching it.

Everyone is stunned.

There is a feeling that they have watched a too simple exercise (Zhao Le Zhao).

Then they watch it again, and again...


The more times they watch it.

The more people understand the description in the title, "smooth and fluid movements, strategy like a gazelle's antlers."

How fitting it is.

How accurate it is.

As for being included in the classic cases, it seems reasonable.

So in a short period of time.

The views, favorites, and shares of this video explode.

This hot search has been occupied by several young people!

And the number of comments on the video and hot search has also increased exponentially.

"Oh my god! Am I seeing things or did Gao Yuan defy gravity?"

"That video of him continuously spinning in the air while going down the stairs was already exaggerated enough, but this one is even more exaggerated!"

"Does this comply with physics? Can Newton's coffin lid hold it down?"

"Although the guns of the robbers don't have bullets, they are replica guns. Gao Yuan is really daring!"

"The movements of robbing the guns, capturing the four robbers, and the whole process are so smooth! So smooth that I feel like I'm watching a movie! So smooth that I feel like I can do it too!"

"So, all the videos have the words 'professional movements, do not imitate'!"

"Gao Yuan should quickly enter the film and television industry! Such skills, not making action movies would be a waste!"

The influence of this video.

As more and more professionals study the details in the video.

It becomes more profound.

And all of this, Gao Yuan knows, but he has never paid attention to it.

He is still an ordinary and average delivery guy.

Delivering takeout on one side.

And undergoing observation in the first stage of a highly special talent pool on the other side.

His days are fulfilling yet ordinary.

At most, he encounters a few strange orders or has a few opportunities to act heroically.


Everything is calm and unremarkable.

Even that song, he hasn't found a suitable opportunity to play and sing it himself.

Until this day.

A wave of people reporting to Jiangcheng from all over the world breaks Gao Yuan's ordinary and peaceful life.

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