If You Give A Bad Review To A Delivery Person, Will They Be Sent To Prison?

Chapter 83 Are They Worthy Of Challenging Gao Yuan? A Farce! 【3,Please Subscribe】

On this day,

A wave of foreign extreme sports experts suddenly arrived in Jiangcheng.

And as soon as these people arrived in Jiangcheng,

They began to publicly announce,

Inviting Gao Yuan to participate in several challenge competitions such as rock climbing, extreme diving, parkour, and long-distance running.

Upon hearing this,

Gao Yuan was completely confused.

Rock climbing is one thing,

After all, he knew that his video of climbing a 26-story building with bare hands had caused a sensation online.

Later, it was also extensively studied by many rock climbing enthusiasts both domestically and internationally.

But what does extreme diving, parkour, and long-distance running have to do with him?

And long-distance running,

I usually ride an electric bike, when have I ever gone for a long run?

The skill of running like a shooting star is something I rarely showcase!

"Sorry, I still have to deliver takeout."

Facing an impromptu interview by Jiangnan, a reporter from Jiangcheng Evening News, Gao Yuan grabbed an order and said,

"But what if they try to force you by ordering takeout?"

Jiangnan raised a point.


Gao Yuan took a deep breath, thought for a moment, and said,

"Even if they order takeout, there's no guarantee that I'll be the one to grab the order, right?"

"Anyway, I'm not interested in extreme sports."


Jiangnan was puzzled.

In her eyes, many of Gao Yuan's actions seemed to be heading towards extreme sports.

And yet, this person actually said he wasn't interested in extreme sports?

"I'm busy."

Gao Yuan pointed to the takeout order he had just picked up in his hand and said,

"I heard that people who play extreme sports do so because ordinary work and life no longer provide them with excitement."

"But delivering takeout is exciting for me every day!"


At this point, Gao Yuan suddenly chuckled and said,

"Unless these people also experience what it's like to be a delivery driver and insist on being one for a day."

"If that doesn't give them excitement, then I'll accept their invitation."


Jiangnan tilted her head, her big eyes filled with question marks.

What kind of ridiculous proposal is this?

But it sounds... interesting!

If they really do it, it will definitely make a lot of news, right?


Suppressing her laughter, Jiangnan asked again,

"So, unless they accept your invitation."

"Otherwise, you won't accept their invitation, right?"

Did I say that?

Gao Yuan realized that he had just given Jiangnan an opportunity to find a loophole, so he nodded and said,

"Consider it me saying that."

"Hello, your takeout has been delivered. Enjoy your meal!"

Gao Yuan handed a box of yellow braised chicken and rice to Mr. Zhou, the customer.

Mr. Zhou took the takeout, suddenly clenched his fist, and said to Gao Yuan,

"Gao Yuan, drive away those foreigners!"

Gao Yuan was speechless.

This was probably the umpteenth time today that someone had cheered him on like this while delivering takeout.

"Do you see?"

Jiangnan followed Gao Yuan into the elevator and said,

"It's not just friends from Jiangcheng, but also friends online."

"They all support you in defeating those arrogant foreigners!"

Is this support?

This is forcing me to accept the invitation from those foreigners!


Foreign friends are not friendly.

And domestic netizens, friends from Jiangcheng,

They are not kind either!

At this moment.

Live broadcast room.

Netizens have invited the extreme sports experts from Jiangcheng to challenge Gao Yuan.

The discussion has been ongoing.

"This is shameless! They come without even giving a heads up. Clearly, they want to force Gao Yuan to comply!"

"I can't believe it! How dare they? Who do they think they are, challenging our Gao Yuan?!"

"Foreigners just don't understand manners, do they? Just like that European pig Xie who flew over here without any notice. And now..."

"If they want to talk about manners, then they shouldn't be called uncivilized foreigners!"

"Well, most of the powerful Western countries have become strong by disregarding rules and regulations. How can they play with China if they follow the rules?"

"By the way, shouldn't the live broadcast room be banned? Can we discuss whether Gao Yuan will accept the invitation?"

"Gao Yuan just said it, didn't he? They are seeking excitement, so let's start by delivering takeout before discussing the invitation!"

"The head of the Ugly Tuan in Jiangcheng must be standing with hands on hips, laughing to the sky!"


Ugly Tuan branch in Jiangcheng.

Xu Fei was indeed laughing to the sky, but not with hands on hips.


He called the heads of each department and held an impromptu meeting.

Xu Fei stood at the end of the meeting table.

With hands pressed on the table, his gaze swept across the faces of each department head, and he said:

"Some foreign extreme sports enthusiasts have come to Jiangcheng to challenge our deliveryman Gao Yuan. Have you all heard about it?"

The department heads responded one after another.

"My department has been monitoring it!"

"According to some reports, foreign friends have already placed orders through Ugly Tuan!"

"Yes, they probably want to force Gao Yuan to take action through this method."

"But their ordering speed is too slow, far behind the speed of Ugly Tuan's deliverymen!"

"I just watched the live broadcast. Gao Yuan made a suggestion for these extreme sports experts to work as delivery boys for a day. I think we can make it happen."

"Mr. Xu, what is the headquarters' opinion?"

Listening to the various opinions of the department heads.

Xu Fei smiled slightly and raised his hand to signal for quiet. Once it quieted down, he nodded at the department head who mentioned Gao Yuan's suggestion and said:

"We can make it happen."

"If everything goes well, Gao Yuan may accept the invitation soon, and it will spread on the internet."

"If these extreme sports experts want to force Gao Yuan to take action, they can only accept this suggestion."

"So, on our side, we will set up a temporary 'Foreign Friends Delivery Boy Experience' office to handle this matter."

At this point, Xu Fei pressed his temple and said:

"Everyone, go and do your work. I don't need to communicate with the players."

"His opinion is important to us."

The expressions of the department heads in the meeting room varied.

Obviously, they didn't take Xu Fei's words too seriously.

Is the opinion of a delivery boy really that important?

Moreover, this delivery boy is only here for a one-year experience and will leave afterwards.

What valuable opinions can he have?

"Go and get busy."

Xu Fei observed the reactions of these department heads and didn't emphasize anything further.

After all, for them,

They only need to be responsible for their own departments.

As for Gao Yuan's side,

He will take care of it.

Jiangcheng International Hotel.

Inside a meeting room.

A group of foreigners with different skin colors were arguing fiercely.

"Why should we accept his challenge?"

"No, this is not a challenge, it's humiliation!"

"We are extreme sports enthusiasts, not delivery boys riding those discussion electric bikes!"

"We should protest to their government! Gao Yuan's evasive attitude completely goes against the spirit of sports!"

"I suggest we continue ordering takeout to force him out!"

Watching these people argue endlessly.

Each one more unique than the other.

Each one louder than the other.

James Curry, the one who initially questioned Gao Yuan in the climbing circle, found it difficult.

It's difficult to communicate normally with these insects!

James Curry is the one who organized this invitation to Gao Yuan to participate in the challenge.

"Gao Yuan!"

James Curry slammed the table and said loudly:

"Ladies and gentlemen! Ladies and gentlemen!"

"I want to emphasize again, this person's name is Gao Yuan, not Dang!"

"Furthermore, we are not an official organization, and we did not communicate with the local government when we came, so don't expect any opposition or tricks!"

"What about sportsmanship?"

"I would like to ask, is Gao Yuan an athlete?"


"If he is not an athlete, why does he have this so-called sportsmanship?"

"And the method of forcing him to take action through food delivery, we can discuss that, but for now, what we need to decide is whether to accept his challenge!"

"Personally, I think being a food delivery driver for a day seems like a good experience. What do you think?"

The conference room fell silent.

Although they didn't fully agree and didn't want to experience being a food delivery driver, it seemed that they had no choice but to accept.

This was the way things were done.

It made this group of extreme athletes feel uncomfortable.

Especially for some athletes who could freely engage in extreme sports and challenge others in their own countries, they felt restricted everywhere.

"This is like dancing with shackles!"

Many people had this quote from an unknown celebrity flash through their minds.

"Gao Yuan!"

The next day, Jiangnan happily told Gao Yuan,

"That group of people has really accepted your challenge and will experience being a food delivery driver for a day!"

Gao Yuan's mouth twitched and he said,

"They really came?"

"You also know that, anatomically speaking, some people's brain circuits are indeed straight."

Jiangnan made a sarcastic joke and then asked,

"How about it, Gao Yuan, have you felt the pressure?"

"They have accepted your challenge, so the next step is for you to accept their invitation, right?"

"I can only do that."

Gao Yuan felt like he had lost a big move, but he still stubbornly said,

"I don't believe they can last a day!"

"For one, these people don't understand Chinese at all, so there's no way to communicate properly, do we have to bring a translator?"

"Secondly, the real excitement of delivering food lies in its monotony!"

"For these extreme athletes, monotony is completely unacceptable!"

Jiangnan nodded thoughtfully.


Although delivering food encounters different buyers and sellers.

But overall, it is indeed monotonous.

Accept orders, pick up orders, deliver orders, confirm completion.

Four steps.

These four basic steps are repeated every day, every hour.

As for bizarre incidents, they don't happen every day with every order.

So most of the time, delivering food is boring.

There is no technical difficulty.

This is also why many people look down on, and even discriminate against, food delivery drivers.

On the other side.

The group of extreme athletes who came to Jiangcheng, excluding their agents, assistants, etc., totaled thirty-seven people.

These thirty-seven people transformed into food delivery drivers.

Scattered in Jiangcheng, it should be like a drop of water falling into the ocean, unable to create much of a splash!

But even so.

After all, this is foreign water.

It still caused some ridiculous ripples.

"Gao Yuan, you should quickly accept their offer!"

After delivering the food, the buyer said to Gao Yuan with a wry smile,

"You don't know how torturous these foreign food delivery drivers are!"

"Just now, someone ordered food and coincidentally got assigned to a foreign food delivery driver. It's been almost two hours and it still hasn't arrived!"

"Gao Yuan, the people of Jiangcheng are really suffering!"

Gao Yuan looked at this guy who had a lot of lines and rolled his eyes before leaving.

The next order.

The girl who took the food smiled and said,

"Gao Yuan, these foreign food delivery drivers are making a mess of Jiangcheng's food delivery industry!"

"Many buyers who have been assigned to foreign food delivery drivers are complaining!"

Gao Yuan also complained.

He realized.

Perhaps he really came up with a lose-lose idea.

Because of the language barrier.

Coupled with these extreme athletes always wanting to do something fancy.

And inevitably, they would be surrounded by some people who found it interesting.

So, they, the delivery drivers, became the unwelcome foreign monks who couldn't recite scriptures.


There were still people who supported Gao Yuan.

"Bro, hahaha!"

While picking up an order, Gao Yuan ran into a fellow delivery driver.

A delivery driver who was about the same age as him, jokingly said,

"Just now, I encountered a foreigner placing an order, hahaha!

"Do you know when he placed that order?"

"Three hours ago! It's way overdue!"

"And that foreign guy kept insisting on saying, 'I delivered it, you have to sign for it!'"

"The buyer's face turned green!"


Gao Yuan also laughed.


they made these extreme sports enthusiasts experience delivering food.

The ones who suffered the most

were actually the buyers who ordered food.

"But I have to say, it was so satisfying to watch!"

The delivery driver raised an eyebrow at Gao Yuan and whispered,

"Usually, these people look down on us, but today they're so angry!"

"They wouldn't dare to curse at foreign delivery drivers?"

Gao Yuan frowned and asked.

"They curse, of course they curse, it's been three hours!"

The delivery driver shrugged, took his own order, and said,

"But they curse in a language the foreign delivery guys can't understand!"

"And the translation isn't done properly, in short, it's like talking to a wall."

"Besides, buyer complaints and negative reviews don't have much effect on these foreign delivery guys!"

"Bro, I have to give you a thumbs up!"

"You did a really great job with this!"

"Just now, I delivered a few orders, and the buyers praised me, saying that our domestic delivery drivers are reliable!"

After speaking, the delivery driver went to deliver his order.

At this time, Gao Yuan also picked up his own order.

After getting on his electric bike, he suddenly realized something interesting.

The current situation.

An foreign delivery driver, buyers, and Gao Yuan, three parties were suffering, but the other delivery drivers in Jiangcheng were profiting from this situation?

This was truly a remarkable discovery!

So, in this situation,

the buyers who were tormented by foreign delivery drivers in Jiangcheng started calling UglyTuan's customer service to complain.

They wanted them to quickly end this extremely absurd experience!

And most of the clueless extreme sports delivery drivers had just completed one order and were already refusing to continue.

They directly abandoned the translation and electric bikes and called their agents and assistants.

They asked them to come and pick them up and take them back to the hotel.

Three hours after the establishment of the "Foreign Delivery Driver Experience Office,"

the first foreign delivery driver went on strike.

Three hours and eight minutes later, the second foreign delivery driver quit.

Until the fifth hour and fifty-ninth minute.

The second-to-last foreign delivery driver also gave up on the order that still hadn't been delivered and angrily returned to the hotel.

"A bunch of bugs!"

The sixth hour.

James Curry, the only one who was still persevering, looked up to the sky and sighed.

Then, this international rock climbing god also ended his short but not glorious career as a delivery driver.

He returned to the hotel.

And thus!

Thirty-seven foreign delivery drivers, composed of extreme sports enthusiasts,

all informally announced their withdrawal.

They informally announced the failure of this challenge!

UglyTuan's Jiangcheng branch.

The "Foreign Delivery Driver Experience Office," which had just been established for six hours,

before they even had a chance to put up the sign,

was declared disbanded.

And the office director, Xu Fei, who had only been in the position for six hours,

didn't even have time to warm up the chair,

and was forced to step down.

A farce, hastily concluded.

But another farce was quietly unfolding!

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