If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 98 Anyone who dares to take a step forward will be killed without mercy! [Please read on!]

"Situ Feng, the son of the Wuji Sect, is just like this..."


The three black-robed men not far away and Lin Xuan of the Lingjian Sect looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief, unable to come back to their senses for a long time.

Before entering the Hundred Monsters Battlefield.

Everyone speculated that Su Chen and Situ Feng should be fighting a fierce battle.

But the fact is not so.

The fight between the two was completely a one-sided slaughter by Su Chen.

Even if Situ Feng obtained the blood of the ancient Qiongqi, even if his monster had broken through to the God Stage Realm...

But it still couldn't last more than a few rounds in Su Chen's hands!

In the final analysis, Wuji Sect took the wrong path!

No matter how strong the monster is, it is only an external force after all.

If you encounter an absolutely strong person, there is no other way to choose except to wait for the slaughter.

"This, this, this..."

A subordinate behind the black-robed man had a rolling Adam's apple, and asked in a dry voice:

"Your Highness, I...are we still going to fight?"

The black-robed man pondered for a moment and said in a voice transmission:

"You two go and try if he has any other cards. If you can't beat him, retreat."


"Your Highness..."

Hearing the black-robed man's words, the two subordinates were stunned in place.

Your Highness...

Are you serious?

Situ Feng, who is as strong as Su Chen, was killed by him. What can we two do?

Are you sure you don't want us to die?

The two of them are just the followers who came out this time, and no one has any means of saving their lives.

If they are really stabbed to death by Su Chen's sword, I'm afraid they won't even have a place to cry.

Although they didn't want to go, they had no choice but to step forward because their own prince spoke.

Su Chen stood proudly in the void, his black hair flying, his purple robe fluttering in the wind, and golden divine light flowing around him, and his soaring fighting spirit overwhelmed the world.

Feeling the movements of the black-robed man, Su Chen frowned slightly, and his sharp eyes were like two sharp swords piercing the void.

The bodies of the two people trembled involuntarily, as if falling into an ice cave, and even the steps they took were completely frozen in place.

"Anyone who dares to take a step forward will be killed without mercy!"

Su Chen said lightly.

His voice was not loud, but it sounded like thunder in the ears of the two people.

They raised their feet awkwardly.

For a moment, it was not right to fall down, nor to retract, and they could only look at their own prince helplessly.


The black-robed man cursed with a sullen face.

After the words fell.

He looked at Su Chen, and did not see any movement.

But there was a brilliant light rising from his body, and the cultivation of the late stage of the God Stage was undoubtedly revealed at this moment, which changed the expressions of everyone present.

At this age, he cultivated to the late stage of the God Stage.

To some extent, his qualifications can be called abnormal!

"You want to fight me?"

Su Chen raised his eyebrows and stared at him with disdainful eyes.


The Canglong Sword in his hand pointed obliquely at the sky, and an unstoppable momentum spread out, confronting the black-robed man.

He had already killed Situ Feng, the Tianjiao of Wuji Sect, and at this moment he didn't mind killing one more prince of the Great Shang Dynasty.

Anyway, this is the battlefield of Hundred Demons. If he kills them, others will have no place to track them down.

"Is it so..."

The black-robed man said proudly.

But he hadn't finished speaking yet.


A cry that pierced gold and split stones resounded throughout the battlefield of Hundred Demons.

Everyone looked up at the same time at the first time.


The distant sky, at some point, was dyed blood red, and a huge figure spread its wings, soaring above the sky, waving endless red light feathers.

At the same time, the breath of the ancient demon emperor permeated, sweeping across the battlefield of Hundred Demons, like the fluctuations of great destruction.

"This is..."

"The blood of the Vermillion Bird?!"

The black-robed man saw this scene, his face suddenly changed, and he instantly restrained his own breath.

Compared with the top-grade spiritual treasure, he valued the blood of the Vermillion Bird more.

Moreover, the drop of the blood of the Vermillion Bird that came out at this moment was very extraordinary.

After such a long time, it can still have such power.

It can be seen that the owner of this drop of blood was at least a demon emperor at the peak!

If you can get this drop of Vermillion Bird blood, the future achievements will be unimaginable!

"Your Highness!"

"The blood of the Vermillion Bird has appeared in the world, we..."

The two men of the black-robed man looked at each other and spoke at the same time, with excitement on their faces.

Compared with fighting with Su Chen, they are more willing to compete with other Tianjiao for the blood of the Vermillion Bird.

After all.

Other Tianjiao are not as cruel as Su Chen.

"Let's go!"

The black-robed man looked at the Canglong Sword in Su Chen's hand with some reluctance, and then sacrificed a flying spiritual treasure, and took two men to fly to the place where the blood of the Vermillion Bird appeared.


A buzzing sound sounded.

The spiritual treasure instantly turned into a stream of light and quickly disappeared into the void.

Su Chen watched the three people leave without stopping them.

The blood of the Vermillion Bird appeared in the world, and he must go and see it.

Besides, it is not worthwhile to fight with the man in black robes here, which will waste a lot of time and energy.

Su Chen, who came to his senses, spent some effort again and killed the monster left by Situ Feng.

This monster was no longer under Situ Feng's control, and it behaved like those monsters without intelligence. It didn't even last a round in Su Chen's hands.

The reason why it is so easy is mainly due to the Wuji Sect's cultivation method.

In order to make it easier to control the monsters, they wiped out the monsters' intelligence from the beginning.


The monsters in the Shentai realm are not as smart as human children, and they can even speak human language.

Su Chen dug out the inner elixir of the monster, and after a moment of silence, he collected the monster's body.

The body of the Shentai realm monster with the ancient Qiongqi bloodline is still very valuable.

Its blood, fur, and flesh are all priceless treasures.

After doing all this, Su Chen walked towards Lin Xuan's position.

"Brother Lin, I'm late."

"No, no, no, what are you talking about, Brother Su!"

"Today, I have to thank Brother Su for helping me. If Brother Su hadn't helped, I'm afraid I would have lost my life in this battlefield of hundreds of monsters..."

Lin Xuan said with gratitude.

In addition to gratitude, he also sighed.

He tried his best but was not the opponent of Situ Feng.

But Su Chen easily killed Situ Feng, and Situ Feng didn't even have the strength to fight back!

He knew that if he faced Su Chen, he might not be able to hold out even half a move...


Su Chen didn't even need to use that top-grade spiritual treasure, and he could probably kill him with just a random punch...

"It's a small matter."

Su Chen waved his hand and took out a healing pill from the storage ring.

At the same time, he untied the restrictions on Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan resumed his actions and wanted to refuse.

After all.

Su Chen had already saved his life, and he was embarrassed to accept Su Chen's pills again.

But when he saw Su Chen's determined eyes, he had no choice but to accept it.

"I don't need to thank you for your kindness. If Brother Su needs help in the future, just send a message, and Lin will be there at your beck and call!"

Lin Xuan bowed his hands and said seriously.

"Okay, okay."

Su Chen nodded with a smile.

Isn't this trust established? !


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