If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 99 The ownership of the blood of the Vermillion Bird, a sudden change! [Please read on! ]

"Now that the blood of the Vermillion Bird has appeared in the world, I'm afraid that everyone in the Hundred Demons Battlefield will rush over."

After adjusting for a while, Lin Xuan's injuries finally recovered a little.

He raised his eyes and looked deeply at Su Chen, and said.

"If Brother Su values ​​that drop of Vermillion Bird blood, I can do my best for Brother Su!"

"Are you so anxious to repay your kindness?"

Su Chen smiled when he heard this.

Lin Xuan's words represent that Su Chen's influence has spread from Taixuan Sect to Lingjian Sect.

With Lin Xuan's potential, he will at least be the leader of Lingjian Sect in the future, a big boss.

Having him stand up for Su Chen will be a huge help to his reputation.

In the future, no matter what he says outside, there will always be a few elders or leaders of the sect to stand up for him.

With them standing up, other people will be very hard to brag in their minds, which will be of great help to Su Chen's improvement of strength.

"The grand plan of developing believers is getting more and more smooth!"

Su Chen said secretly in his heart.

Soon after.

He retracted his thoughts, raised his hand and summoned the Cloud Piercing Shuttle, and said with a smile:

"The blood of the Vermillion Bird is of little use to me, but after all, the blood of the Vermillion Bird is also a thing of our Great Chu Dynasty. How can we let it fall into the hands of outsiders?"

The outsiders he mentioned were none other than the three men in black robes.

These three people came from the Great Shang Dynasty.

If the blood of the Vermillion Bird fell into their hands, then in the eyes of others, they might think that the geniuses of their sects were just so-so.

Of course.

The most important thing is that Su Chen really wants to see where the blood of the Vermillion Bird appeared in the world, and see if there is the mysterious person behind the Ninth Princess!

"Brother Su is right!"

Lin Xuan nodded in agreement after hearing this.

After the words fell.

He looked up at the Cloud Piercing Shuttle again and said in a deep voice: "Brother Su, please wait a moment."

After that.

He walked towards the skeleton.

Not far from the skeleton, two pools of blurred flesh and blood were spread on the ground.

From the appearance, there was no human figure at all.

But from the fragments of clothing left beside the flesh and blood, these should be two disciples of the Spirit Sword Sect.

Thinking of the people Liu Yuan had mentioned when he first met him...

Not just Brother Lin Xuan, Su Chen suddenly understood.

If nothing unexpected happened.

It should be that the black-robed man and others thought that Lin Xuan was somewhat useful, so they kept him.

As for the other two disciples of the Spirit Sword Sect, they just killed them.

Lin Xuan looked heavy-hearted, raised his hand and cut the ground of several meters in radius, and stuffed it into the storage ring.

"I'm sorry to make you laugh, Brother Su, I'm incompetent and failed to save my own brother..."

Lin Xuan said in a somewhat painful tone.

At the same time.

A hint of murderous intent flashed in the depths of his eyes.

It was not aimed at Su Chen.

But at the three black-robed men and Situ Feng of the Wuji Sect.

However, Situ Feng had already died in Su Chen's hands.

So his only target was the three black-robed men.

"It has always been like this in the cultivation world. People have always regarded human lives as worthless. Brother Lin, please accept my condolences."

Su Chen nodded gently, indicating that he understood, and spoke to comfort him.


The two stepped into the Cloud Piercing Shuttle and rushed to the place where the blood of the Vermillion Bird was born.


Thousands of miles away.

The sky and earth were shrouded in a red glow.

Above the sky.

A phantom of the Vermillion Bird spread its wings and soared above the sky.

It was thousands of feet long, covering the sky and the sun, carrying Qingming on its back. When it flapped its wings, thousands of rays of light fell, as if the ancient demon emperor had returned to the world.

Everyone present couldn't help but want to kneel down.

Even the leaders of various sects felt a huge pressure on their hearts at this moment.

You know.

This is just a drop of blood. After countless years of baptism, the power in it has been greatly reduced.

Although it is the blood of a divine beast, the charm in it has been damaged a lot with the baptism of the long river of time.

But even so, the power is still very terrifying.

If this drop of blood had not been baptized by the years, or if the ancient demon emperor was still alive, just a breath would have turned everyone present into ashes.


Below the shadow of the Vermillion Bird is a majestic mountain.

At this moment.

This mountain has been set up by a mysterious person with a terrifying killing array.

The killing array is rumbling.

The swords in it are ringing and the endless killing intent is rushing into the sky.

The cold sword energy and the piercing killing intent filled the mountain.

At the top of the mountain.

More than a dozen huge monster corpses are lying on the ground.

The dark blood flows from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain like a stream.

Such a scene can't help but make people shudder.

Those dead monsters are at least in the early stage of the God Platform Realm!

A full dozen monsters in the God Platform Realm were killed by one person.

If you don't see it with your own eyes, no one dares to believe it.

You know, there are many monsters at the peak of the God Platform Realm among these monsters!

"Which faction is this mysterious man from?"

"Based on his ability to set up formations, I'm afraid he's not inferior to Su Chen of Taixuan Sect and Situ Feng of Wuji Sect!"


"You underestimate this man. As far as I know, his strength is probably above that of Su Chen and Situ Feng!"

"After all, not everyone can easily kill more than a dozen monsters at the Divine Stage, and some of them are even at the peak of the Divine Stage!"

"You can't say that. This mysterious person can kill those monsters only by the formation. If they really fight, Su Chen and Situ Feng can easily kill her!"

"She is good at setting up formations, why would she fight you head-on?"

"I guess Su Chen from Taixuan Sect and Situ Feng from Wuji Sect should be here soon. Instead of guessing here, why not wait for them to come?"


Outside the killing formation.

Disciples from many sects gathered together, looking at the scene on the top of the mountain and talking about it.

All of them were at the fifth or sixth level of Qi Hai Realm, and they didn't dare to rashly enter this killing formation.

Even the monsters at the peak of Shentai Realm died, and if they rashly broke in, it would only add another life.


They could only watch the mysterious figure step by step towards the drop of red blood in the center of the mountain.

The drop of blood was not big, just the size of a mother's finger.


It was this drop of blood that triggered the strange phenomenon in the sky!

"It seems that the ownership of the blood of the Vermillion Bird has been determined."

Someone looked at the mysterious figure getting closer and closer, and couldn't help but sigh.


However, at the moment when he finished speaking, something strange happened!


A thunder as thick as a bucket penetrated the universe, shot from the end of the sky, and instantly illuminated the area of ​​dozens of meters.


A loud noise came.

The thunder fell on the killing array.

The array was shaken and shook wildly.

One by one, the runes floated in the void, as if the array would break in the next second.

"The blood of the Vermillion Bird is not something you can touch!"

A cold voice resounded through the world, with endless domineering meaning.

Please read it!

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