After she opened the door with a disgusted face, what caught her eye was Cang Tishen, who was smiling, and Xia Zejian, who seemed to be a little nostalgic next to her.

"Hello, how do you feel that Reimu-chan has become younger, and your skin is well maintained."

After Cang Tai Shen saw Yinchuan Lingmeng come out, he immediately took the lead in praising her, and just wanted to raise his legs to go in and sit and drink tea, but was stopped by Yinchuan Lingmeng.

"I didn't let you in, don't be too self-conscious."

After saying this, Yinchuan Lingmeng looked at Xia Zejian with his face that had become white from sunlight all year round, and said coldly: "As for you, what do you want to do?"

"I don't remember knowing anyone like you."

Facing Yinchuan Lingmeng's cold questioning, Xia Zejian only nodded and said

, "Hello Yinchuan Lingmeng, I saw a video called "Universal Witch Waiting Online" from the Internet, only 10W yuan is needed to solve all your problems!" ", I came to ask you for help. "

“...... Are you some kind of stupid.

Hearing this long-lost term, Yinchuan Lingmeng opened his mouth and rubbed his forehead with a headache.

My own black history... When exactly was it dug up.

Besides, this website is actually paid first and then done, what kind of brain bomb is it... Oh no, people who trust everything in the world would believe in a website that doesn't seem to have any formality at all.

Yinchuan Reimu is a little worried about the IQ of today's young people.

But in memory ... That somewhat stupid man, his dream has always been like this.

"So... Why the hell are you doing this?

At that time, she just sat on top of her bed, looking at the busy man with some dissatisfaction. The silver ring on his hand shimmered with a strange brilliance like starlight.

In the face of her doubts, he could only smile softly and said, "If your parents are gone, if you want to earn living expenses, this seems to be a good way."

"But... Are you sure that people will actually come to us?

She clasped her arms around her chest, seemingly disapproving. But a jingle made her look at him with some surprise, as if she wanted to be sure, and said,

"Actually... Is there really a fool who decides this? Are they panicking because they have money? "


Hearing Yinchuan Lingmeng's surprised words, he also raised the mobile phone in his hand slightly, and said faintly: "There are indeed fools who decide this, but I don't think it should be that there is money to burn in a panic." "

What kind of stupid are you?"

however, this thing also gave her some strange jobs after that, and even some jobs to let him go out and catch cats.

It's just that now, it's been almost three years since I've seen any information pop up on this website. Only the first transfer record was deliberately left by her on the website. Occasional reminiscences.

"Miss Yinchuan? Miss Yinchuan? "


Suddenly, two big hands pressed her shoulders, and the strength of the shaking even made her feel like she wanted to vomit.

She also hurriedly stopped Cang Taishen's action of shaking her to death, broke free of her hand, and said, "You... Are you trying to make me die?

"Hey, hey, I just saw that you were suddenly stunned, that's why I wanted to wake you up."

“...... I thank you.

After Yinchuan Lingmeng said a little helplessly, she glanced at Xia Zejian who seemed to be waiting for her reply, rubbed her forehead with a headache

, and said, "Then let's go out and talk, this website is open, and I will try my best to meet your requirements."

"But to be clear in advance, I'm good at a computer career, and I may not be able to help you with other things, so don't get your hopes up too much."

"I see."

After seeing Xia Zejian nodding, Yinchuan Lingmeng was also relieved, and just as she was about to go back and change her clothes, she heard Cang Tishen say with some complaints:

"Woo woo, the current Lingmeng sauce actually didn't invite her senior sister to come in and sit down." Obviously, when I first entered the University of Tokyo, I was really sweet with a senior sister. "

“...... When did I ever do this? Although

the impression of the university is already very vague, Yinchuan Reimu is also very clear that his personality will never call this woman a senior sister.

The sky called an old woman.

"So, you really won't let me in to drink..."

"If you want to see a scene of ruins that have not been cleaned at all, you can go in. Anyway, I don't have anything at home to entertain you.

Hearing Yinchuan Lingmeng's words that didn't seem like a joke, Cang Tishen finally sighed and said a little decadently: "Okay, okay, let's go out and talk."

"But if you go out and talk, do you want to go to a good place?" I'll make an appointment with you first.

Looking at Cang Ti's expectant eyes, Xia Zejian and Yinchuan Lingmeng could only feel that an unreliable emotion was spreading.

Just when he was about to say something and was about to refuse, Cang Taishen raised his head and said, "Okay, okay, it's set." Let's go now, shall we? "

“...... I'll go back and change my clothes, you wait. "

Hopefully this time it's not too outrageous.

Yinchuan Reimu and Xia Zejian lowered their heads at the same time and prayed silently.



It is an izakaya located in a corner of this part of Tokyo.

Because of the remoteness, there are not many guests on weekdays, and the seats are relatively compact.

The boss here is also very interesting, you can come to her for a drink without paying, but you have to tell an unforgettable story about yourself.

Some are love, some are friendship, and some are family.

Some people will be relieved when they speak out, and some people will feel more pain when they say it. But there is no doubt that it is better than bearing it silently in your heart.

"The real death of people is not the stopping of the heartbeat, but the oblivion."

The words that the owner often said were also recorded on the standing sign that was hung as a famous quote for opening a store.

In this place, even Xia Zeling brought Ling Zhen Wuyu here.

It's just that she just sat next to him at that time, looking at Xia Zeling who was chatting with the boss like an arrogant swan.

However, he also led a lot of his own strategy objects to this place, and he was still surprised that Cang Tai carefully chose this izakaya.

For example... At that time, a certain underage Miss Yinchuan Lingmeng had been brought here to drink by him in his previous life. Even here, let their relationship ease a little.

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