This bistro is located on a busy street corner with a dappled sign hanging in front of the door.

They pushed the door open and entered, and the smell of air fresheners made them smell strange.

In the dim lighting of the store, several wooden tables and chairs are arranged in a disorderly manner, and the walls are hung with various decorations, which is dazzling.

A bartender, also wearing a gold-rimmed glasses, wipes the glass in his hand.

"Boss! Get a few bottles of wine! I'll make up the story for you in a moment!

After entering the room, Cang Tishen shouted. Then he sat on the table and stool in the middle, looked at the two people behind him who seemed to be a little helpless, and said

, "Sit, what are you waiting for if you don't sit?" It's a good idea to drink something during the day, right?

In the middle of the day, there are only a few wanderers, who look very loafy at this izakaya drinking one of Japan's almost no degrees of sake.

When he saw these two beauties again, he only glanced at them and continued to drink his wine.

Women or something, how can there be fun in drinking?

And on the billboard next to this izakaya is printed with photos of many girls and their boyfriends here.

Among them, there is even a photo of himself and the group of women in his fifth life. The rest of the women of the fourth generation are not in Tokyo, so they don't have a place here.

Even, the group photo of Xia Zeling and Ling Zhen Wuyu, who were stars in their previous lives, have been included here.

However, this thing was not used by the boss as a propaganda tool, which also made Xia Zejian a little relieved.

But this is not an honor, but a mockery.

After all, chasing girls for so many lifetimes has not been successful, this kind of thing is simply a great shame.

Just when Xia Zejian was still thinking so, Yinchuan Lingmeng was already naturally sitting on the side of Cang Taishen. Seeing that the bartender who was bartending at the front desk was also the boss, he said,

"Boss, the signboard is forget-me-not."

In her normal days, she also likes to come to this place to order a glass of signature wine forget-me-not, and return home after a drink here.

Although the alcohol is spicy, when combined with the owner's superb bartending skills and special ingredients, this spiciness, after that, becomes a kind of continuity.

It's as if someone is whispering to you, "Forget me-not." "

As for Xia Zejian, he generally likes to blow on the bottle and pour it immediately.

After he sat down, the end was also doomed.

"Boss, boss, some more roast birds. Arrange the snacks or something, and then have a pork chop rice.

After Cang Tai Shen finished speaking, the bartender in front also sighed, and said a little helplessly:

"Miss Cang Tai Shen, although I welcome you back, you always make me feel that I am not an izakaya, but a restaurant."

"Is that so? I can easily change people's perceptions!

"That's not what I said..."

, but the honest bartender took out a tonkatsu bento prepared in the morning, put it in the microwave and began to heat it up.

While doing this, he asked, "Still the same?"

"It's just the same."

After replying to the boss's words, Cang Taishen looked at Xia Zejian who took out his mobile phone and watched the information, and said, "Young man, what do you want?" "

Fall into the earth, add ice."

After Xia Zejian said a word, his fingers subconsciously tapped the desktop and said, "As for her, don't put ice." This

is the Xi he cultivated in his life about Yinchuan Lingmeng, after all, this child is cold and can't accept ice at all.

But after he said this, the eyes of the two women looked at him with some surprise.

It's broken... That's a good idea.

He quickly coughed twice to indicate that he had said the wrong thing, and said, "I'm sorry, I said it well, when a friend of mine brought me to an izakaya, when I gave him an order, he would tell me not to add ice."

"That's right... Hm.

After Cang Tishen dragged out a long note, he didn't want to continue to play on the topic, but dragged his chin with both hands, and said with some expectation:

"So, can Kasumawa-san, tell me what I need for wine."

“...... Teacher Cangtai, it was just a coincidence. And I don't know what Miss Yinchuan needs. "

Uh-huh~~ Okay then."

Looking at Cang Tishen's obviously distrustful expression, but he didn't want to say more, Xia Zejian could only feel a headache.

This woman... He really felt that his identity had been recognized, but because she wanted to satisfy her own idea of entertaining thinking, she kept hanging on to herself.

But in this case, it's really scary to blow yourself up or something. I still want to live a rotten life in this life, directly from life to death.

No way...... Can't be bothered by any woman!

"Boss, excuse me."

Suddenly, after they had ordered everything they wanted, a shout came from the door again.

This sound... Why is it still so familiar?

Xia Zejian subconsciously turned his head and saw a woman wearing a detective hat standing at the door. After greeting the boss, he sat next to Xia Zejian:

"Blue Enchantress, Shaobing."

I'll go! How did this man come!

Looking at his familiar detective hat and his familiar face, Xia Zejian's eyes widened, and something in his heart seemed to have been destroyed by something.

A small izakaya that gathers three of his suitors from his previous life.

What is this probability? God, you're going to die, I'm right!

"Igarashi? Why are you here.

Just when Xia Zejian was still in shock and did not come to his senses, Yinchuan Reimeng's words of disgust suddenly sounded in this izakaya.

After hearing Yinchuan Reimeng's words, the beautiful-looking brown-haired woman looked at Yinchuan Reimeng with an expected expression and said,

"Originally, I came here to settle a private commission. But when I saw you here, I wanted to come and see.

When she said this, her eyes glanced at Xia Zejian as if she were nothing, which made Xia Zejian feel quite uncomfortable.

Sakuya Igarashi, the heroine he pursued in his fourth life, is also the apprentice he taught in his career as a detective in the fourth life.

But...... Shouldn't he be in Shikoku? Why did you suddenly return from exile and return to Tokyo?

Could it be that she has already found out who killed her parents, and is ready to find them to have revenge and revenge?

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