After experiencing a bump and being taken off his hood, what Xia Zejian saw was a familiar scene.

How...... It's my own brokerage company.

Ah no, it should be said that it is, why is it the brokerage company where Xia Zeling works! Could it be that you still want to commit crimes here?

Wrong...... Could it be that Sister Ling sees that I look too much like the previous life in this life, and is ready to make this life a stand-in for the previous life?

No...... Don't do this kind of thing, don't do this kind of thing!

Wrong...... Sister Ling can't be so bad.

Just when he was still thinking crankily in his heart, the two men sitting on either side of him also quickly opened the two car doors and got out of the car, and said together: "Mr. Xia Zejian, please." "

Hehe, your current attitude, but you don't see any "please" attitude at all.

Although I wanted to complain about this forced invitation in my heart, my life was still on them, and I had to get off.

But it doesn't really matter, after all, you can be resurrected even if you die. It's a big deal to explode with them!

Xia Zejian, who had made up his mind, also followed the man inside silently, ready to see who invited him over so rudely.

Again, hope is not what he thinks.

It's daytime, but the curtains are also drawn. There was no one inside, and even Xia Zejian could only hear a few chorus sounds that were like nothing.

The tone is gentle, as if it was sung by some ghost. As he walked inside, his voice became clearer and clearer.

It's just that...... This voice always felt familiar to him for a while.

With this kind of doubt, he looked at the man who still had a serious face on the side and said, "So... Who the hell is coming to me?

"Go ahead, sir, and all will be known."

I hate Riddlers.

Although I don't know why the other party has to sell something that can be explained in just a few words, it really makes Xia Zejian, who wants to know the spoiler, want to punch him.

But although he already has the determination to explode with them, then at least the mastermind behind the scenes will blow him up. After all, it's also 0 for 1, and you can't lose money by blood.

When he walked to the end of the corridor, where the recording studio was, the man in black at the head also stopped, knocked lightly on the door twice, and said, "Miss, we brought people here." The

singing voice, which seemed to be unmixed with any emotion, finally stopped.



After the two of them finished communicating without a superfluous word, they pushed open the door and saw a woman in pure white Hanfu wearing a headset, and the tuning equipment in front of them flashed and flashed, probably tuning.

She turned around, looked at Xia Zejian who seemed to be being escorted, and said in an unkind tone: "I asked you to invite people, but I didn't invite you like this." "

Miss... We didn't ask for much. We're regular..."

"Go to the finance side and deduct this month's bonus."

Hearing the girl's merciless words, the black-clothed people around him also knew that they were at a loss, not only lowered their heads, but said, "Yes, Miss!

"Let's go down."

After the girl waved her hand slightly to let all the black-robed people go down, she looked at Xia Zejian who seemed to be a little confused, and said, "Sit down first." I apologize to you for this. "


I may have been discharged from the hospital today without choosing any auspicious day, and met the crazy woman Ling Zhen Wuyu.

In fact, compared to this, he may be more surprised that Ling Zhen Wuyu can apologize to himself... It's like the sun coming out of the west.

You must know that this "goddess" who does not eat fireworks in the world has never given him a good face when he became Xia Zeling, and even when he confessed, he said so much.

Even, in this life, I even suspect that he killed Xia Zeling, which can be described as a typical representative of me killing myself.

He didn't even know he was so awesome!

Although Xia Zejian said that he wanted to cut off from his previous life, it was absolutely impossible for Ling Zhen Wuyu to let go.

It's not that you can't give up, but you can remember how excessive this person is. Let him forget about hatred and the like, he can only say one word...

Sorry, can't do it.

However, Ling Zhen Wuyu obviously didn't know how much Xia Zejian resisted herself in her heart, she just looked at Xia Zejian who seemed to be contemplating, handed over the tea that was put aside, and said, "I invited you to come, because I have something I want to discuss with you."

"No, I don't think there's anything to discuss between us."

Obviously, even if Ling Zhen didn't say anything about the end of the world tomorrow, and she needed Xia Zejian and herself to save this kind of thing, Xia Zejian would not hesitate to refuse, and open a champagne back to this fucking world that was about to be destroyed.

For people like Ling Zhen Wuyu, who almost can't listen to a word, the best way to communicate is to give up communication.

She's all like this, why don't you obey her?

Xia Zejian, who understood this, also refused her request for dialogue without hesitation, and as soon as he turned around, he was ready to leave this place.

"You and your brother actually have a good relationship."

Her words seemed to reach Xia Zejian's ears as if they were blaming, causing his steps to pause unconsciously, thinking about some other things in his mind.

He won't give up what he just thought because of this sentence, but this point is indeed a place that he cares a little about.

First of all, it must be about the problem of the system arranging the identity mentioned earlier.

As I mentioned earlier, I don't know the background of the system's arrangement.

Although the hook stone system is generally in order to save trouble, the background arranged for himself is quite average.

Nor can it be said that it is so-so... It's a very ordinary background. After all, the more difficult the background, the harder it is for him to play the role, and he will be bound into a script that he doesn't know at all.

But now, I have already experienced ten lifetimes in this reincarnation. In other words, this family, whether it is a branch or a stem branch, has been reincarnated by itself for ten lifetimes.

Even if this family is counted from the first life at the beginning, it can be regarded as a clan in the ancient times of Neon this place. A small country with a naturally sparse population.

Therefore, the current genealogy may be like the Shishan code that has not been repaired but can still run, and it may become a little incomprehensible to Xia Zejian.

Although if he doesn't pursue it, he is indeed in a state where both parents are dead and no sister has a house.

Wait a minute...... Do you have a sister?

Forget it, it doesn't matter.

Therefore, he is actually more concerned about Ling Zhen's words, and he may be more concerned about what kind of strange relationship he will have. Whether his lies have been exposed.

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