Seeing Xia Zejian's body that suddenly stopped, Ling Zhen Wuyu also took a sip of tea and said, "So... You obviously have a good relationship with Xia Zeling. Why..."

Why pretend to be indifferent?

And Xia Zejian of course didn't know what Ling Zhen Wuyu was stopping behind him, he just turned to look at Ling Zhen Wuyu and said resolutely: "Miss, I don't know what you're talking about." "

I know you may have more grief for my brother's departure than I do, but for me—

" He coughed lightly twice, looked at Ling Zhen Wuyu as if he was expecting something, and said coldly, "I don't care."

"I don't care about your words because I think it's ridiculous. I also don't care about the threat in your words, because I don't think it matters. "

Even if Xia Zejian cares about what kind of situation this matter is, it is undoubtedly a very unwise thing to hand over his hole cards too early.

Even if Xia Zejian didn't understand the negotiation skills in the first life, after the ninth life, he had become an old goblin, and naturally he knew how to gain the upper hand in negotiation.

Learning to exert pressure is the most important way to learn Xi negotiation career.

However, for Ling Zhen Wuyu, she never thought of using this to threaten Xia Zejian. She just looked at him with a little sadness and said, "So... Why did you tell me that you don't have a good relationship with him. "

I just want to know... That's it about him. "

“...... Miss Suzuki no feather.

In the face of this kind of words that seemed to be a clear relationship, Xia Zejian couldn't bear the inexplicable anger in his heart, and said a little angrily:

"If you really care about Xia Zeling, you should agree to his confession, and then live a happy life."

"Now you're like this, what kind of attitude are you? Because of your guilt, you want to get to the bottom of the problem? Want to make amends because you regret it? "

Miss Ling Zhen Wuyu, I don't know what kind of emotion you have for Xia Zeling now."

"But I think all your words now are just trying to find the most high-sounding reason for your hypocrisy!"

After he said this sentence like a roar, he also slowly calmed down. Looking at Suzuki Muyu, who seemed to have fallen into an emotion, he continued:

"Love? Or is it possessive?

"Only you know."

When he finished saying this, he was just about to lift his legs and leave, but he could only feel a pair of soft wattles grabbing his arms with a large outrageous force.

It's like being afraid that he's going to die in an instant.

"I'm sorry... That was not what I meant...... I apologize if you misunderstood. "

I just... I'm just—"

Her somewhat tangled tone made Xia Zejian look back at her in shock. After seeing her tangled expression, I also wanted to say that the sun came out in the west.

If the words of Ling Zhen Wuyu before could only make Xia Zejian sigh "I've lived for so long, I haven't seen any scenes", the current situation can only make him let go of his humble opinion and sigh...

"He really hasn't seen this face"

is paralyzed, and he can actually put on a very complex emotion of self-blame and remorse in front of Xia Zejian, which may have made him feel stable in his previous life, but now, it can only make him feel a kind of panic.

It's really... It made him feel a little strange, and he was even ready to use his eyes to see if Ling Zhen Wuyu was disguised by others.

And seeing that Xia Zejian did not break free of his own bell shock and no feather, he just looked at Xia Zejian with eyes as if he was happy. His hand continued to clench without daring to relax, and said, "So..."

Can you wait... Wait I'm done with that? Xia

Zejian, who was still in a shock, could only nod mechanically, although he didn't hear it himself, in the end Ling Zhen didn't want to say anything to him.

The brain is down, you wait.

However, Ling Zhen Wuyu obviously would not let go of this opportunity to "beat the water dogs", opened her mouth, and gently made her request: "I want you to be my agent." Help me go further on this path. "

Ahh Yes????

Xia Zejian subconsciously "ah", but after reacting, he couldn't help but be surprised, "Ah??" He expressed his feelings.

Isn't it sisters, didn't you say before that you were just a math major? Why would you let a math student be your agent?

Don't you think this is just the most outrageous thing?

Therefore, he just glanced at Ling Zhen Wuyu, whose face flashed with a request, and said, "Miss Ling Zhen Wuyu... I told you before.

"I'm just a math student, and I'm technically a science man."

"So, why do you think I can be your broker? I think, there are people who do better than me, right?

Xia Zejian finished this sentence with some doubts, looked around at the surrounding environment, as if thinking of something, and said: "It's like the one here, as Xia Zeling's previous agent, he must be more experienced than me." "

So... I really don't understand why Miss Ling Zhen Wuyu is pestering me so much. Could it be that other people are not as good as I am?

"Obviously, other people are doing much better than me. I'd love to know, why on earth did you choose me? "

It's not because I'm too similar to my previous life, is it? Can this reason really be used as a criterion for the selection of any broker?

Oh, and forget that this person is not short of money at all. Choosing a broker or the like, it is estimated that you also choose it by your own heart.

So...... I'm so angry with her, why does she still choose herself? Why is it that in memory, she is not a character who shakes M?

Wrong...... Now it doesn't look like a three-no. Therefore, in his previous life, he had to change his judgment of Ling Zhen without feathers.

Gan, he really doesn't want to think about this kind of thing, or staying away from this is the best choice.

Give up the complex of helping others and respect the fate of others. Go all the way!

"Miss Ling Zhen Wuyu, I'm really not interested in this kind of thing."

"I think... There's no need for you to feel guilty about Mr. Kasumawa's death and recruit me. "

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