When she approached, the green wigs on both sides of her head swayed in the wind, looking like some huge green onions.

If he could ask Xia Zejian to say something that had nothing to do with the present, he actually wanted to say it...

He suddenly missed the pancake rolls and green onions he had eaten in Huaxia before the crossing. It's simple, but it's delicious.

And...... Why do you wear such a conspicuous COS suit to school? No matter how you look at it, it's very unreasonable, okay! Can you stop being so sick in the second grade!

Seeing that the other party was suddenly sitting next to him, Xia Zejian also sighed helplessly.

What can I do? Get up right away and hurry up and change seats? That probably will make others even more misunderstood...

Moreover, what the hell the teacher is talking about above. Why is it that the things that I knew before seem to be something particularly difficult in this highest university?

Forget it, this doesn't matter.

After the bored Xia Zejian just dispatched the panel of the system, he looked sideways at the white mist god who was sitting next to him and was taking notes seriously.

[Name: White Mist Mizuko

] [Gender: Female] [Personality: Secondary 2, Simple, Worried

] [Good Feeling:


Generally speaking, 56's good opinion can already be said to be a good buddy, and he can even lend you some emergency money or something.

But...... How do I remember that my friendship with this second-class sick lady is not all very deep... Why the hell did her feelings for him reach the number 56...

This value, if it is not deliberately brushed, it is absolutely impossible to become like this with some daily conversations.


What did she do to make her believe in herself so much?

I don't have any experience in pursuing the White Mist Divine Son in my life... It's not like this woman is self-attacking, right?

It's outrageous.

silently complained about the scene he saw in his heart, and just wanted to take out his mobile phone to see why Ling Zhen Wuyu didn't come to find him, he heard a voice from the side:

"The family of the night... Your response speed is really fast. I originally thought that you, who were hurt by the goddess of light, would need at least three autumns to not be able to stand up. "

Sanqiu? I don't see you for a day, like every three autumns?

So do you think I've been lying down too little time, or I've been lying down too long...

Xia Zejian, who couldn't decide what this woman wanted to express in her words, was just silent, staring at the face of the White Mist Miko with a pair of eyes.

Forget it, if you take care of this kind of thing, it's the same as that group of boring adults.

Although he can already be said to be a little monster, he only treats the boring adults in Tokyo with a disgust and rejection.

After all, this can directly discharge nuclear wastewater into Tokyo Bay or even the Pacific Ocean, so what else can't they do?

can only be said to be worthy of being a neon person, born with no humanity. Even in his previous life, the things he bought overseas could be transferred by this group of Taijun BYD.

What the? He's not a neon man?

He was still a Chinese in his previous life!

"Dependents of the Night, why don't you speak?"

While he was still thinking about the neon man's evil deeds, he could only feel a soft and boneless palm gently poking his waist with one of its fingers.

After seeing that he still didn't react, he also pressed it directly, making him unconsciously "hiss".

In any case, a man's waist is really a lifelong weakness.

Unless they say that it hurts to poke the lower back, the kidneys are not good.

"I'm still in class... Can you give your mentor a little face.

After Xia Zejian whispered this to the White Mist Divine Son, he took out his mobile phone from his pocket and prepared to see what information was looking for him.

After all, Ling Zhen has no feather, he has always felt that he is a special person who keeps his promises, and he almost goes back to do whatever he says.

It's already 9 o'clock now, so it won't take just one day for this matter to come to an end, right?

Then all he can say is ....

This audition director is also very smart, after all, this is a timely stop loss, how many people can't do this sentence to stop loss in time?

Originally, I wanted to touch the fish for another day to exchange some information.

It's a pity, it's a pity....

It can't really be an afternoon, right?

To explain, it's that as a belief that there are only more dogs, there is no most dog Xia Zejian after reading the chat record sent by Ling Zhen Wuyu yesterday...

Or put her on the blacklist.

Heck, it can't be helped. After all, no one wants to be annoyed by someone all the time. There won't really be such a jitter M, right?

Even if there were, it couldn't be him.

So, I blocked the other party, so I didn't receive the message, how reasonable it feels to think about it, okay?

Xia Zejian, who understood this, also exhaled, and opened LINE casually to release Ling Zhen Wuyu from the blacklist again.

Although she can't see the chat history of history, Xia Zejian also knows that she should reply to herself again soon.

Before, it was him licking each other, but now it suddenly becomes after the other party licks himself....

I always feel like I'Xi m not used to it.

Bah, you can't become a licking dog who can lick more than Li Yongheng! Cheer up and stay away from women!

Just when Xia Zejian silently made up his mind in his heart, was ready to listen to the class, was promoted and raised, became the CEO, married Bai Fumei (crossed out), and walked to the pinnacle of life, he could only hear an earth-shattering sound from the door... Passed out.

Hey, hey, hey... Probably not!

I saw that there were suddenly five more big guys at the door that was originally good, and they could only make people feel the endless excitement in suits!

It seems to be able to take out a secret weapon from the crotch at any time and give Kasumawa Stream endless surprises!

And in the middle of them is a man with sunglasses. Expressionless woman.

The first thing they did when they came in was to look around the classroom, and after seeing Xia Ze Stream, the woman in the middle also pursed her lips and walked in the direction of Xia Ze Stream.

Hey, hey, hey! What kind of weird shame cosplay is this!!

How do you feel that you, the ace of the debate club, know better than the president of the COS club how to make people be able to pull out three bedrooms and one living room with their toes!

The endless soul of complaining in his heart wrapped Xia Zejian's body, but before he could speak, Ling Zhen Wuyu had already walked in front of him, took his hand, and took him to prepare to leave.

"Let's go, let's do it."

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