After Ling Zhen Wuyu pulled Xia Zejian away, the classroom, which had been quiet because of the intrusion of this group of big men, was once again full of people.

"The one just now... Did he refuse Xia Zeling's confession just now, and then recently announced his debut, or did he have the ace of our school debate club? "

Aang... She put our school's classmates in Kasumawa Stream... Abducted?

Although the classmates who were discussing with their good friends in a whisper on the side were not very satisfied with the abduction of this word, they seemed to think of something, and said mysteriously: "Xia Ze Stream, Xia Ze Ling... They won't have anything to do with it, right?

"What are you talking about? But...... It's really possible. I'm going, big news?

Just when the whole class was whispering about this sudden gossip, the teacher also helplessly patted the table in front of him with a board. He said

, "Okay, okay, let's continue the lecture." Let's talk about it after class!

After the teacher said this, the whole classroom also fell silent. People also keep their mouths shut for credit, waiting for the class to be satisfied after the class is over.

And the White Mist Divine Son, just looking at the door where Ling Zhen Wuyu pulled Xia Zejian away, the fists under the table clenched unconsciously, as if he was angry about something.

But...... She didn't seem to have any reason to engage in such a bizarre outrage.

So...... Did she want to find such a strange reason?


For Xia Zejian, in fact, when he didn't receive the message handed to him by Ling Zhen Wuyu at the beginning, he felt a little embarrassed and blamed himself.

The self-blame is not for such a trivial matter as blacking out Ling Zhen Wuyu, but about the fact that he didn't immediately remember that Ling Zhen Wuyu was going to take him away after he got up today, but went to school instead.

It always feels like ... I'm getting a little stupid.

Holding back the desire to complain in his heart, Xia Zejian turned his face sideways and looked at Ling Zhen Wuyu, who was swiping his mobile phone in the car, and said, "Miss Ling Zhen Wuyu... Where are we going..."

"Go to the place where I booked a Xi."

"So where is that place?"

Xia Zejian hated roundabout words, so he also frowned, and said directly: "I need to know where we are going, please tell me."

"If you don't tell me, I think our cooperation would be ridiculous."

Hearing Xia Zejian's seemingly angry words, Ling Zhen Wuyu only shook his head. After glancing at Xia Zejian, he pointed to the driver in front of him and said

, "I don't know, you can ask the driver directly, usually his itinerary is arranged for me."

"To your question... I'm sorry. I really should know about it.

Seeing her sincere and apologetic attitude, Xia Zejian was not too embarrassed to say anything more. Just looked at the man in black who was still driving seriously, and said,

"Hello, where are we going now?" Please let me know.

"I'm sure you've heard the name of the Basket Chicken Theater on the outskirts of Tokyo. The place is scenic, the scenery is beautiful, and it is really a rare place to visit. After

the man in black was deducted from this month's bonus last time, he also knew how much his young lady cared about this unattractive gentleman.

So he nodded slightly, and said a few words about the advantages of the Basket Chicken Theater like a salesman, trying to grind out Xia Zejian's memory of the last unpleasant experience.

...... What kind of theater is this little black man?

Resisting the urge to complain that rose again in his heart, Xia Zejian also sighed and said, "I see, then it's troublesome." Obviously

, he didn't have any desire to blame the men in the suits.

After all, they all acted according to orders, and when I was in the gang before, my younger brother also obeyed his orders and did a lot of things that he didn't want to do.

For example, drinking two cans of Japanese raw cola, confessing to your favorite girl, learning Xi advanced math, experiencing screwing in a factory, etc.

Therefore, Xia Zejian actually understands their mood very well.

After all, who hasn't been forced to do something else? Even before he crossed over, he was forced by his boss to deal with some of his trivial matters outside the company.

There's no need for revenge or something.

After knowing the destination, Xia Zejian also swiped his mobile phone, and after seeing the red dot displayed by the message sent to him by Yinchuan Lingmeng, his eyes widened in surprise, and he quickly opened it and began to check it.

[Dream Rain Search: Regarding V's identity, I think I have a clue. 【

Dream Rain Searching: When is there time?】 I guess we can probably come out and talk? Looking

at the above two sentences that had already been read, Xia Zejian thought for a while, glanced at Ling Zhen Wuyu, who seemed to be still drinking tea on the side, and after calculating the benefits, he typed on it

: [Ferry: Tomorrow, or tonight. This morning it was a little inconvenient, and someone asked me out. 【

Ferry: I'll tell you as soon as I'm free.】 But I guess it's tonight, can you wait? [

Ferry: It's really not good, I'll see if I can get out of it in the afternoon. These

three sentences can also be seen in a series of words, how impatient Xia Zejian is for the identity of V.

However, the other side was only silent for a while, and the "the other party is typing" above finally came to a conclusion after five minutes.

[Dream Rain Search: I have no problem, I don't care about this matter. It's okay when you come to me. [

Dream Rain Search: But this information may also be relatively useless. I thought, maybe you can just don't have to listen to it? How

does it feel... People already have a little emotion.

Looking at this dialogue that is exactly the same as that between himself and Yinchuan Reimu in his previous life, Xia Zejian always feels that he has an inexplicable sense of immediacy. It was also like coaxing a child, typing on it

: [Ferry: No, no, how could I not listen to the information that Miss Yinchuan Lingmeng, who is at the top of her reputation? [

Ferry: This kind of thing is not useful or useless, but whether it is there or not. As long as there is, it's already important to me. As long as you trust me, we can work together. [

Ferry: In exchange, what I give you is the money that I don't really like, which is fair, isn't it?] 】

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