I'll hand over the system soon.

Chapter 306: Tao Li Tian Xia (23)

Sancho didn't want to pay attention to this group of people, but they became more and more exaggerated.

"It's really embarrassing to study in the Imperial College with them. Are they the only ones worthy of being our classmates?"

"Especially your brother Sang Qi. I heard that he once boasted in Haikou that he would be the first in his class in the annual exam this year?"

"To be number one in the four academic classes, haha, I'm really laughing my head off. This is no need to boast."

"Brother Sang Qi must be very distressed to have such a younger brother."

"I don't know if he is upset to have a younger brother like me. I am quite upset to have classmates like you."

Sancho's voice suddenly sounded from behind everyone, causing everyone to fall silent for an instant.

"It seems that you are not very good at practicing the way of a gentleman. Why do you like to talk about people behind their backs? After I stood up, I became speechless."

The people who were excited by Sancho's words immediately turned red and said, "So what if it's in front of you? Aren't you a famous waste in our Imperial College?"

"That's right, it would be a shame for us to become a classmate with you."

Standing in the middle of this group of people, Sancho was not too tall, and even looked a little thin, but unexpectedly, her momentum was particularly strong, and she did not have any stage fright even when she was confronting a group of people.

"So what if you're a waste? Does a waste have no qualifications to work hard? Does a waste's efforts deserve to be ridiculed by you like this?"

Although the four academic classes are a group of dandies, these dandies were all gathered in the four academic classes and did not affect the rest of the Imperial Academy.

Therefore, these people can't stand it and ridicule them behind their backs. In terms of character, they may not be as good as those in the four classes.

At least as far as she could see, the people in the four classes didn't really have any excessive shortcomings except for being poor at learning and being good at eating, drinking and having fun.

After all, it was a place that could tolerate even a depraved, indulgent and effeminate person like the original owner.

To be fair, the original owner's disguise as a man was not a success, that is, it was too shocking, so no one thought about it.

The original owner is a man, but his behavior is not masculine at all. If he were in other classes, he would have been exposed to the modern version of school violence.

"Of course a waste is qualified to work hard, but a waste is still a waste even if he works hard, so why bother to work hard? Some people should learn to accept their fate." A man standing next to Sang Qi said.

This man had been walking side by side with Sang Qi. When this group of people were laughing and laughing, this man didn't say anything, but unexpectedly he could say such words now.

Sancho looked carefully for two seconds and recognized who it was.

Zheng Shudao, the son of Jiujiu in the Imperial Academy.

Facing Zheng Shudao's arrogant eyes, Sancho said calmly: "I personally think that if you read the books of sages, you will not have a heart for heaven and earth, a destiny for the people, inherit the unique knowledge of the past saints, and create peace for all generations. ambition."

"We should also understand that we, as scholars, are meant to be lantern bearers and illuminate the darkness of others, rather than being complacent about having a lamp and blowing out other people's candles."

"What do you think, Brother Shudao?"

Sancho's words sounded like thunder in everyone's ears. Among them, Sang Qi and Zheng Shudao were especially affected.

"Now that Sang has a lamp, he just wants to shine his own light quietly to light the way for more people in the future. He has no intention of blowing out other people's candles. I hope you can support me."

After saying that, Sancho took Lu Yuncheng and left, regardless of the impact he brought to the group.

Lu Yuncheng staggered away and did not recover for a long time. After a while, he gave Sancho a thumbs up and said: "What you said today, Sancho, is really thought-provoking."

"So have you finished memorizing the test points?"

Lu Yuncheng grimaced again. There was nothing to talk about today.

After the brief conflict with the people from Class A of the Academy of Chinese Studies, Sancho heard much less gossip. When he heard a few words occasionally, they were no longer taunts like trash.

After this battle, her reputation in the Imperial College improved a lot.

But people are afraid of being famous, and pigs are afraid of being strong. Once this reputation improves, trouble will follow.

Time flies by and the year-end exam is coming soon.

This time Lu Yuncheng got angry and memorized the test points before the annual exam. He was very proud of himself after passing the exam. He said that he performed very well this time.

It would be impossible for Lu Yuncheng to study after the exam. Not only did he not study himself, he also took Sancho into not studying.

"It's been a long time since we went to Chunfeng Tower for a drink. You have no excuse today, right?" Lu Yuncheng stared at Sancho closely, as if as long as she said a word "no", the brotherhood would be severed today. generally.

Sancho had no choice but to follow Lu Yuncheng to Chunfeng Tower.

The original owner and Lu Yuncheng were frequent visitors to Chunfeng Tower in the past. After Sancho came, they never went there again. Lu Yuncheng rarely came because he had no one to keep him company.

He had overdosed on tiger wolf medicine before, and Sancho thought it was someone from Chunfeng Tower who did not know whether he was alive or dead. Later, he found out that it was a concubine in Lu Yuncheng who wanted to give his mother to his son.

But now I heard that there are no more female relatives in Lu Yuncheng's courtyard, not even a maid, and the ones who serve closely are all servants.

No wonder he insisted on dragging him to Chunfeng Tower. It must have been a lie to drink, but it was true to want to go to Chunfeng.

Chunfeng Tower is not an ordinary brothel. The owner behind it is said to be a prince.

No one knows exactly which prince it is, but the specifications of Chunfeng Tower have been established because of this, only accepting high-ranking officials and wealthy people.

The two of them, covered with wind and snow, were welcomed in by the girl from Chunfeng Tower. After walking a few steps, they bumped into several richly dressed men.

Sancho also knew two of these men.

I don't know the others, but I know who they are.

Looking at each other with Lu Yuncheng, they both bowed and saluted. Before they could say the salute, they were stopped by the leader opposite.

"No need to be polite."

This plane is a very ordinary ancient spiritual plane. Without the interference of external objects, the history is always surprisingly similar. Therefore, the history of this plane is similar to that of Aquamarine.

The dynasty of the original owner was called Daqi. It was only fifty-four years after the founding of the country. The person sitting in the court was the second emperor of this still young dynasty.

The founding emperor of the Qi Dynasty went into exile. During his reign, Xiao Gaozu worked hard to govern and pay attention to people's livelihood, which laid a good foundation for the current emperor Xiao Yuan.

Today's Emperor Xiao is also a good wise king. He did not rely on the foundation laid by Lao Tzu to ruin it, but continued to govern the country conscientiously.

It's just that the court has been stable for too long, so now Emperor Xiao seems to emphasize civil servants over military officers. There are many civil servants available in the court, but not many military generals.

And a comfortable environment makes it easy for people to indulge in pleasure.

Recommend books, recommend books every day.

"Revitalizing the Sect Starts with Cooking" Don't miss it if you pass by.

Her father's surname is Sha and her mother's surname is Diao, so her name is Sha Diao.

As a chef, one day Sha Diao went to heaven.

She was raped by her ex-psychiatrist boyfriend's suitor and patient.

Sha Diao: I have had a boyfriend, but it’s better not to have one.

After landing, Sha Diao traveled through time and became the female cannon fodder with the same name in a certain Dragon Ao Tian Xia novel.

In the original text, the male protagonist Long Aotian is cool and domineering, and the villain Mozi is domineering and cool. They all like to sacrifice cannon fodder to the sky in exchange for their boundless magic power.

Sha Jitian Cannon Fodder Diao hugged his big iron pot tightly and hid in the Wan Jian Sect where all members were poor.

Senior Brother A: Junior Sister Sha Diao, Long Aotian of Tianchen Sect has come to you again to beg for food!

Senior Brother B: Junior Sister Sha Diao, the devils are coming to you again to beg for food! !

Senior Brother C: Junior Sister Sha Diao, the Supreme Elder of Tianchen Sect has come to you again to beg for food! ! !

The following content is from an interview conducted by a passerby, fellow Taoists, please pay to watch.

Senior Brother Passerby: May I ask Junior Sister Sha Diao, fellow Taoists from all walks of life in Canglan Realm are squatting at the gate of Wanjian Sect with broken bowls in hand. What is the reason? Is this a lack of humanity or a loss of morality?

Sha Diao: First of all, it’s a good question. Don’t ask it next time.

Secondly, I can accept you calling me Junior Sister Sha, and I can also accept you calling me Junior Sister Diao, but please don’t call me Sha Diao by both my first and last name. Thank you.

Although my name is Sha Diao, I am not a fool, I am just humorous.

After re-living, Sha Diao decided to cherish life and stay away from love. From then on, he only rode horses on the road of sand sculptures and immortality.

As for the hero and villain?

retreat! retreat! retreat! Don't get involved!

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