I'll hand over the system soon.

Chapter 307 The world of peaches and plums (24)

Emperor Xiao was blameless in state affairs, but he was a bit of a coward when it came to women, and he had countless beauties in his harem.

When there are more beauties, there are more children. Emperor Xiao has more than ten princes who have grown up under his knees, not to mention more than a dozen daughters.

Having many children is also a sign of rejuvenation for the country, but none of the many adult princes were born to the current queen.

Today's queen only gives birth to a prince when she reaches middle age.

I wonder if it was because the queen gave birth to a child too late, and the legitimate son she gave birth to was in poor health. He was only three or four years old now, and I heard that he would cough when exposed to the wind.

Due to his weak body and bones, the legitimate son born to this queen had not yet become enlightened when he was three or four years old.

Whether it is due to physical weakness or lack of enlightenment at the age of three or four, this is not a good thing for a prince, especially a legitimate prince.

Emperor Xiao is now forty-six or seventy-years-old, and his body and bones seem to be still strong. However, he has been hard at work all year round and addicted to women. It is hard to say how many years he can last.

To put it bluntly, it's time to establish a prince.

There has always been a direct line between the crown prince and the eldest son. Of course, if the legitimate son is the eldest son, that would be the best, and it is also what every courtier hopes to see.

But not every emperor and courtier could encounter this kind of thing.

Obviously Emperor Xiao was not the lucky emperor.

He has a legitimate son, but his legitimate son is only three or four years old now. Not to mention underage, he has not even passed the age of premature death.

Moreover, this legitimate son is not in good health.

Not only did he have a legitimate son, but he also had an eldest son.

The eldest son has grown up and has no major physical problems. Not only that, this eldest son has his own style and has already flourished for the royal family.

I heard there is nothing wrong with him.

Yes, in Xiao Emperor's opinion, lust is not a problem.

Nowadays, the court has been quarreling over the matter of establishing the crown prince. Sang Yunli comes home every day with a sad face, as if he has aged a few years.

And now the group of people she and Lu Yuncheng bumped into were none other than Xiao Yin, the eldest prince of the current dynasty.

The two acquaintances behind Xiao Yin were none other than Sang Qi and Zheng Shudao, who had just had a conflict in the Imperial College a few days ago.

"Yuncheng, I haven't seen you in Chunfeng Tower for a long time." Xiao Yin didn't know Sancho, so he didn't look at Sancho and only talked to Lu Yuncheng.

Lu Yuncheng laughed twice and said: "I have been busy with the Imperial Examinations recently, so I don't have time to come to Chunfeng Tower to show off."

"Haha, I'm sorry you actually know how to make progress. It's a rare encounter today. Let's go, my emperor... I'll invite you in for a drink!"

The eldest prince who was about to leave actually turned around and pulled Lu Yuncheng into Chunfeng Tower again.

Sancho was a step behind and did not follow him. He was a little hesitant that if he just ran away like this, Lu Yuncheng would come back to settle accounts with her.

After hesitating for a moment, she still didn't want to turn around and be talked about by Lu Yuncheng. She raised her feet and followed him, walking beside Sang Qi.

"I haven't seen my brother for a few days. He has lost a lot of weight recently."

Glancing at Sang Qi who looked unnaturally white on his side, Sancho had nothing to say.

She actually didn't have much contact with Sang Qi.

When she was in the Imperial College, she was in Class Four, Class D, and Sang Qi was in Class A, the Imperial College, so there were few opportunities to meet them.

Back at Sang Mansion, one of them ran to Yunlan Garden and the other to Yi Yao Garden, so there were even fewer opportunities for contact.

Only when Sang Yunli takes a bath can the family sit at the same table and have a meal.

After not seeing each other for a few days, I didn't expect that Sang Qi's body would be so weak.

His face looked like he had drank too much.

Unlike the original owner, Sang Qi didn't have many opportunities to drink. He had always been a good student before, spending most of his time studying and not socializing much.

And his body is not suitable for drinking. In the past, when Sang Yunli was in the mood at home, and when everyone toasted together, Sang Qi's face would turn red after just one glass of wine.

Now that he is with the eldest prince Xiao Yin, he probably drinks too much, so no wonder he is in such a weak state.


Sancho bowed his head in thought.

When Sang Qi followed Xiao Yin, was it his own intention or Sang Yunli's?

If this is what Sang Yunli meant, does that mean that the Prime Minister Meng behind the Meng family is also from the eldest prince Xiao Yin's faction?

Today's Emperor Xiao is barely healthy, and the current queen is not without strength behind her. Are Sang Yunli and Meng Xiang taking sides too quickly?

Or is it that the health of the legitimate prince Xiao Zhen is already so bad that the courtiers have given up hope?

Now that she has not entered the DPRK, she does not have very clear information about the DPRK.

However, I think her study tour plan may have to be brought forward.

She had no intention of getting involved in the battle for the throne.

The eldest prince has won over Sang Qi. She is the legitimate son of Sang Siye who has not yet belonged to her family and has corrected her evil ways. I am afraid there will be some people extending an olive branch to her.

After entering Chunfeng Tower, Xiao Yin skillfully selected many girls to accompany him.

As a frequent visitor to Chunfeng Tower, Sancho also had an impression of these girls. All of them had natural beauty, the kind of looks that would make people's hearts melt at a glance.

These girls were also very smart in the past. They knew who should say what and who should be flattered and who should not be overly flattered.

But today, when Sancho looked at the slightly stiff movements of these girls, he couldn't help but feel a little strange.

Judging from Xiao Yin's proficiency, he must also be a frequent visitor to Chunfeng Tower.

Since they are regular customers, the girls in Chunfeng Tower should have figured out his identity a long time ago. Instead of sticking to him tenderly and affectionately, they should be treating him with a grape on the left and a sip of wine on the right.

Why were the smiles on these girls' faces even showing a bit of rigidity, as if they were forced smiles, and their bodies trembled a few times inadvertently when they were close to Xiao Yin.

That's strange.

Before Sancho could figure out why these girls were so afraid of Xiao Yin, he heard Xiao Yin casually ask Lu Yuncheng: "What has your brother Yun Qi been busy with recently? How come I haven't seen him even though I asked him for drinks several times?" available?"

Lu Yuncheng drank the wine in one gulp with a headache and said, "Isn't it because the weather is cold? It's time for the soldiers in the north to replenish their winter clothes and replenish their winter supplies. My eldest brother has not returned home during this time because of these busy jobs." Woolen cloth."

Xiao Yin half-smiled, "Oh? Isn't your sister-in-law the legitimate daughter of the Minister of Hubu? How come your eldest brother wants to ask for money, but the Hubu still dares not to give it to him?"

"Hey, you are a legitimate daughter, should you be stingy? The last time my sister-in-law went back to plead for mercy, she was not even allowed in. She said she would not go back until winter."

Xiao Yin didn't know whether he believed it or not, and laughed loudly, "Haha, it's really difficult for your brother. This wife married but didn't have much help."

Lu Yuncheng looked grim for a moment, then recovered quickly and said with a smile: "I dare not say that. My eldest brother and sister-in-law are very affectionate. Later, my eldest sister-in-law finds out. It's time for my eldest brother to sleep in the study."

It's not because of any bullshit interests.

Pre-collection of "Revitalizing the Sect Starts with Cooking" My dear children, please show me your love

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