I'll hand over the system soon.

Chapter 529 Turn in (75)

Holding Yuxiao, Sancho urged Yuxiao to return to Water Blue Star as if running for his life. She really didn't want to stay in this world for a second.

This is not her idol colony, it is the source of her nightmares!

The second before Tong Yuxiao stepped into the starlight, before Sancho had time to breathe a sigh of relief, several sounds sounded in her ears, causing her to have a physical reaction.

"I won't keep you here for a while this time. You are welcome to come again next time."

Sang, aggrieved, dared to be angry but dared not speak out, Qiao: "Can...can you not come?"

She really couldn't stand it anymore, she was going to vomit!

Several voices replied to her at the same time: "I'm afraid it's not possible~"

Sancho: "······"

Otherwise, let Honghuang be ruined like this.

Back on Aquamarine, Sancho pushed Yuxiao away, ran out of the small cabin, squatted on the ground and retched.

Yu Xiao frowned, "You have become so much stronger, why are you still vomiting so much?"

The reason why Sancho vomited when she went to the prehistoric world was because she was too weak and could not withstand the power of the star formation when she entered the prehistoric world. Now that Sancho has passed the tribulation period, it is said that the star formation can no longer do anything to her. It was so affected that I vomited more seriously than when I went to the Great Desolate World?

Sancho waved his hand feebly, "You don't understand, this is a psychological reaction."

Yuxiao's face darkened, "How can I understand if you don't tell me?"

Sancho didn't have time to worry about why Yuxiao lost her temper again. She just wanted to go back to the villa and be a salted fish, lying there for three days and three nights without even turning over.

"Wait a minute before I tell you." As soon as he finished speaking, Sancho had already dodged back to his room in the villa, lying on the floor with his arms and legs spread out, unable to sleep.

Yuxiao followed closely behind. Sancho's room was not guarded against Yuxiao, because he could not guard against it. He sensed that Yuxiao had entered the room, but Sancho really didn't have the energy to greet her, so he simply slept in his own room.

Yuxiao had no intention of forcing Sancho up. The spiritual power in his hands covered Sancho's body. Seeing that there was indeed nothing wrong with her body, he left with peace of mind.

Forget it, let's wait until she wakes up.

Sancho really slept for three days and three nights. During the three days, Mr. Qiu came several times. When he knew that Sancho was sleeping, he left again.

Then he learned that Sancho was awake and rushed over without stopping.

Seeing Sancho eating breakfast with a satisfied look on his face, and Yu Xiao eating with him, Mr. Qiu, who hadn't had breakfast yet, simply sat down and started eating too.

While eating, he asked Sancho: "What did you encounter when you went to the wilderness this time? Why did you go so long?"

Sancho, who was eating crab roe soup dumplings, was still a little sluggish. Hearing Mr. Qiu's question, he asked slowly, "Huh? Have I been there for a long time?"

Seeing Sancho's obviously unresponsive look, Mr. Qiu suddenly became anxious, "What's going on? Did he get hurt in the wild? How...how..."

Why do you look so stupid!

Sancho pressed down on Mr. Qiu and calmed him slowly: "Don't worry, I just haven't recovered yet. Please wait for me to calm down."

Sancho's slow speech only lasted for breakfast. After breakfast, Sancho transformed back into the Sancho that Mr. Qiu was familiar with.

She first looked at the time, and then realized that it took her nearly a month to go to the ancient wilderness with Yu Xiao, and she also stayed in the ancient wilderness for no less than a thousand years.

So she has been studying continuously for a thousand years...

Sancho felt like vomiting again.

Resisting this subconscious physiological reaction, Sancho tapped the system.

"Why did you lose contact with me as soon as I entered the wilderness?"

It's okay if Sancho doesn't ask, but when he asks, the system becomes angry.

It accused indignantly: [Host, the way of heaven in the ancient plane is really too much! It does not allow this system to enter, and locks this system in a dark room. It will wait until you come out of the prehistoric plane to release this system from the dark room! 】

[This is an abusive system, too much! It's too much! 】

This Sancho didn't understand, "Why are you not allowed in?"

[What the host should be curious about is why Honghuang allowed the host you and Yuxiao to enter. It is normal that I cannot enter! 】The system corrects Sancho's wording.

In Sancho's puzzled eyes, it explained: [Among the thousands of planes, there are planes like Aquamarine that are at the bottom of the plane food chain, and naturally there are also planes like the Great Desolate that are at the top of the plane food chain. 】

[The higher the top of the plane, the stronger the creatures on the plane are. If any one is released, it will be able to destroy the world. For such a plane, the plane restriction is very strong. No matter whether it is a creature within the plane or a creature outside the plane, it is not allowed to enter or exit the plane. 】

This is the first time Sancho has heard about the plane restriction, but if you think about it carefully, you can understand. If there is no plane restriction, wouldn't the creatures in each plane just go to whichever plane they want?

Putting it this way, if the restrictions on a top level like the Great Desolate basically mean that no living thing is allowed to enter or exit, then wouldn't it mean that the restrictions on the water blue star's plane are almost non-existent?

This gap is not generally large.

"Then since no living creature can enter or exit this plane, why can Yuxiao be able to enter and exit it again and again, and even take me in and out?"

The system rolled its eyes vaguely at Yu Xiao, [This is also what the system is curious about. 】

It can understand that the host can enter that plane. After all, the host is qualified to compete for the position of director of the plane administration. The significance of this position is really extraordinary. It is normal for the host to have some opportunities.

But why should Yuxiao?

The system couldn't give an answer, so Sancho didn't bother to ask anymore. She really didn't want to use her brain right now.

Facing Elder Qiu's worried eyes, Sancho considered telling what happened to her in the prehistoric plane without avoiding the system. After all, the changes in her body were so obvious that she couldn't hide them.

However, Sancho chose to conceal the promise between her and Hongjun.

The current system is ultimately the system of the Supreme Galaxy. Her agreement with Hongjun and some of her plans are not suitable for the Supreme Galaxy to know.

Elder Qiu was not aware of Sancho's concealment, and was happy that she had seen so many powerful people in the ancient world, and was even more delighted that those powerful people were willing to teach her their skills.

The stronger Sancho is, the more competitive she becomes.

"Then you just..." Mr. Qiu was still a little worried, worried that Sancho might have been injured in the wild and didn't tell him.

Sancho suddenly burst into tears, "Do you know how long I have been studying in the ancient world? Thousands of years! They have kept me in custody for thousands of years! They are not human!"

The corner of Mr. Qiu's mouth twitched, as if he had been imitated and had not yet recovered.

He couldn't help but think about what it would be like to attend classes for a thousand years. Then he trembled and quickly shook this terrifying scene out of his mind, and agreed: "You are indeed not a human being. How can I not even give you a break from get out of class?" Woolen cloth!"

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