I'll hand over the system soon.

Chapter 530 Turn in (76)

Mr. Qiu was not suspicious of Sancho's words, but Yu Xiao was different. He was keenly aware of the concealment in Sancho's words.

But he didn't know whether this concealment was just to hide it from Mr. Qiu, or whether it was to hide it from him and the system.

Yuxiao was not of a timid nature, so she simply blocked the system's sound transmission and asked Sancho secretly, "What are you hiding?"

Sancho paused slightly. She knew that she could hide it from Mr. Qiu and the artificial retarded system, but she couldn't hide it from Yuxiao. She just didn't expect that Yuxiao could react so quickly.

"The teachings they have devoted so much to you will never be free. What did you promise them?" Yu Xiao asked.

"I'll tell you next time I go to Honghuang." Sancho didn't want to systematically notice the conversation between them, so he could only deal with Yuxiao briefly.

Yuxiao knew that it was not him that Sancho wanted to hide, so the discomfort in her heart subsided slightly. However, she was still worried that Sancho had paid a price that she could not afford. He frowned and said, "I am here to send you back this time." , I still have an appointment with Kong Xuan, I want to go to Honghuang again, you wait for me to come back and accompany you to the next plane."

Since Sancho couldn't tell for the time being, he would ask Hongjun.

Sancho knew that Yuxiao was eager to become stronger, especially since he had been beaten by Kong Xuan, so he must have been even more eager to become stronger. He was not surprised to see that Yuxiao was going to Honghuang again just after he came back, and he only told him: " Take it easy when fighting, don't get seriously injured and be thrown off by the system again."

The system tried countless times to get rid of Yuxiao's fixed-point following, but the success rate was extremely low.

Yuxiao curled her lips, accepted Sancho's awkward concern, and then left the villa.

Watching Yu Xiao leave, Mr. Qiu suddenly remembered his own business. He said to Sancho: "We have selected the candidates. There are twenty in total. Do you want to go and take a look first?"

Sancho was surprised, "So fast?"

It has only been less than two months since Mr. Qiu and the others passed this proposal, and the candidate has already been selected?

Mr. Qiu shook his head, "I'm not happy. In fact, you and Yu Xiao just went to the primitive world for a few days, and you already picked someone."

He originally thought that Sancho was going to see the ancient world for a long time, and he should be back in a few days, but he didn't know that he would be away for nearly a month.

After the candidates are selected, they can't just sit idle in the base. He has already handed them over to the teacher who once taught Sancho.

Sancho lamented that Mr. Qiu's speed in doing things was really efficient, but he said, "Twenty? Is it too many?"

The fate of twenty people is weighing on me, which is really a lot of pressure.

But considering that she already has a lot of people on her back, twenty more people don't seem to be a big deal.

"Not all twenty people may stay. If you are dissatisfied, if you screen out a few more, won't there be fewer people?" Mr. Qiu never thought that all twenty people could stay.

In the final analysis, these twenty have only passed their standards. Whether they can pass Sancho's standards depends on how Sancho chooses.

When Sancho heard what Mr. Qiu said, he stopped talking and stood up to help Mr. Qiu: "Then let's go and have a look."

The two of them walked towards the building where she used to attend classes. As they walked, Sancho felt that something was wrong.

"Mr. Qiu, Qi Ting and Luo Wen are also among them, right?"

She said that when she woke up, the villa was surprisingly quiet, and Luo Wen, who was usually like her shadow clone, was nowhere to be seen.

Mr. Qiu walked vigorously and said with a smile when he heard this: "Do you think they can still be willing to be ordinary people after seeing what you have experienced?"

Sancho was silent. She could understand the thoughts of Qi Ting and Luo Wen, but as far as she was concerned, these two people were her friends. Making big bets on their fate and making big bets on the fate of other unknown people were two different things. A completely different feeling.

It's other people's choice to gamble more than others, but she can't just sit back and watch Qi Ting and Luo Wen.

If she failed, she would feel much more guilty about these two people than others.

How could Mr. Qiu not know what Sancho was thinking? He knew at a glance that she was in over his head.

"You don't have to feel pressure. This is their choice. Even if you stop them, they will still make this choice."

Sancho smiled bitterly, she understood the truth, but the pressure was indeed greater.

She followed Mr. Qiu to the classroom where she once trained, where twenty people were currently learning to fight.

Seeing Mr. Qiu coming in, the teacher in straight camouflage stopped and showed a familiar smile to Sancho, "Sancho, long time no see."

Sancho: "······"

It’s hard to laugh.

Who knows how many beatings she had received from this teacher. Even though he had been extra carefree and gentle to her, she still felt severe pain all over her body when she thought about it.

"Instructor Zheng, long time no see." Sancho smiled forcefully.

Instructor Zheng was not surprised. Every student who left his place looked like this when he saw him again.

Knowing that Mr. Qiu was probably bringing Sancho to see someone, Instructor Zheng sensibly asked the twenty people who were struggling to stop, then walked out of the classroom, closed the door, and stood guard outside the door.

Twenty people stood at attention, six of them were known to Sancho, and they were all people who followed Qi Ting and Luo Wen to protect her.

Sancho didn't know the remaining fourteen, but he could tell the differences in their temperaments.

Nine of the fourteen people were probably from similar backgrounds to Qi Tingluowen, and even with their bruised noses and swollen faces, they could not conceal their noble aura.

The other six were from poorer families, and their faces were full of stubbornness.

It seems pretty easy to understand.

These people can be selected, so they are naturally not stupid, and they also know the path they have chosen. Now that they saw Sancho coming with Mr. Qiu, he guessed her identity almost immediately.

"Sancho." Mr. Qiu pointed at Sancho and said, "No need for me to introduce him."

Sancho walked up to everyone, "Although I don't need to introduce you, you still need to introduce me. Tell me, what is your name, what are you good at, and why did you choose this path?"

These twenty people were not afraid of the stage. Starting from Qi Ting, each gave a detailed introduction to their family background and skills.

Sancho was a little shocked after hearing this.

Not to mention Qi Ting and others, the remaining people are really good at all walks of life, and all of them are elites in the industry.

To be honest, as long as such people have a clear understanding of themselves and the environment they are in, they will not do badly wherever they go.

Not to mention that they will also undergo a series of training and master more skills.

After getting to know each other, Sancho did not hesitate and said bluntly: "I have nothing to teach you. What I have learned is the same as you. As for the different things, you can't learn them now."

Those different things were honed by her from one plane to another. They were accumulated over time and were not something she could teach through words and deeds.

"So I decided to send you to a place where you can learn."

As soon as Sancho said these words, everyone present, including Mr. Qiu, looked horrified.

Sorry, I'm a few minutes late

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