I’m a Billionaire

Chapter 814: The struggling Mei's daughter

At this time, Mei Yeqing knew that she was already a member of the family who had been expelled from the family. She had no position in front of Jin Ruliu, but now she wanted to return to Mei’s house with her daughter. Begging for others to do well.

Although Jin Ruliu had agreed to let herself stay at Mei's house, Mei Yeqing could see that she was a worthless person in Jin Ruliu's heart, including her daughter, and Jin Ruliu did not let go. In the eyes.

Look at the woman who just took off the cymbal veil. She was arrogant and domineering in front of the old lady of the Mei family, but the old lady didn’t say a word. This shows that this woman must have a very high status in the Mei family, at least she is loved by the old lady. of.

With his current status and status, he is not qualified to clamor with Mei Xinshang. If there is a conflict with Mei Xinshang, I must not have a better life with Jian Jia at Mei's house in the future.

When Mei Yeqing saw her daughter being bullied by others in this way, she couldn't express her hatred, her anger could not be expressed, so she could only hold her daughter like this and use the most primitive methods to protect her.

"Who can blame this? Who knows that there is such an ugly face under the veil, but it scares me to death!"

Mei Xinchang coldly rolled her eyes at Mei Yeqing's mother and daughter, and said contemptuously.

Although Mei Xinshang was unhappy on the surface, she was happy in her heart. Originally, Mei Xinshang thought this new immortal was a great beauty, and she was worried that she would steal her limelight. Now, she is really worried about it. .

At this time, Mei Youlian also stood up and spoke to Mei Xinshang, "Oh, no one can think of this kind of thing, so please let her quickly, don't scare the guests who come to see the banquet."

"Okay, don't cry in front of the door of Mei's house, Xin Chang didn't mean it, not to mention that since you want to come back to Mei's house, it is always improper to wear this veil all day long. Our Mei's work is open and has a clear conscience. Whatever the face looks like, no matter how ugly and ugly it looks, it still has to show its face.

It's also not the right time for you to come. Today is the family banquet of the Mei family. VIPs from all over the world are here. People from Wulingxi are almost there. You have chosen such a lively day. It's hard not to be seen by others. "

How could Mei Yeqing fail to hear what Jin Ruliu said? This is obviously to protect Mei Xinshang and warn them that the mother and daughter will allow you to return to the family is already a gift to you, so stop doing so much.

Although Mei Yeqing felt wronged in her heart, she also knew how to measure, so she took Jiajia and hid away.

"Okay, nothing is going on here, let's go on everyone!"

After speaking, Jin Ruliu turned around and was about to leave.

At this moment, someone suddenly came out and shouted, "Please stay!"

Hearing this sound, the old lady frowned. When she turned to see the person in front of her, the old lady immediately put on a kind smile:

"It turns out to be Master Ma, Master Ma is really able to come here to give the old man's face, don't hesitate to say what Master Ma needs."

After all, Ma Feng has a prominent family background. The most important thing in his family is money. Now Ma Feng is a young and promising social elite, and he has led his company to become a leader in the business world at a young age.

Although his achievements are inseparable from his family background, his ability to step on the shoulders of giants to make achievements is also inseparable from his own ability.

"Old lady, today is the once-a-year family banquet of the Mei family. Today, the old lady’s daughter and granddaughter are back home again. Since then, the family will be reunited. Here I want to add another piece to the Mei family. Happy event." Ma Feng said with a smile.

Jin Ruliu looked at Ma Feng in surprise, "What is the happy event?"

"I want to marry Mei Yihe." Ma Feng said.

what? !

In fact, everyone has guessed Ma Feng’s idea. Ma Feng has been pursuing Mei Yihe long ago. Although Mei Yihe did not explicitly agree to Ma Feng, in the eyes of everyone, the two of them have long been a couple. Up.

A year after disappearing, and now he reappears in front of Mei Yihe with such a big gift, I don't need to guess what Ma Feng's intentions are.

It's just that everyone didn't expect Ma Feng to raise this matter to Jin Ruliu so quickly, under the eyes of everyone.

"Master Ma, don't talk nonsense!"

Jin Ruliu's face suddenly changed, and he said sternly, "Master Ma, there are some things you don't know. Yihe is already married, and now he has a husband, how can you marry Yihe again!"

Ma Feng could naturally see that Jin Ruliu was already a little angry, but he didn't have the slightest fear:

"Old lady, I already know all these things you said. I didn't say this on a whim, nor did I make a joke with you. I'm serious.

Yihe is the prettiest woman in Wulingxi, the third lady of the Mei family, and the old lady, your most beloved granddaughter. How can you marry a poor **** from outside the city! What's more, this **** has no abilities. A big man can't even make money, and the family can't support it. How can he be worthy of Yihe! "

Ma Feng's remarks successfully made Shen Fei into the sight of everyone.

Now, this Ma Feng blatantly came to grab his wife with Shen Fei. No one had ever seen such a thing. The big guys wanted to see Shen Fei, how would he react at this moment.

The wife I married was confessed by others in her natal family, and she had to marry her old back, and she was scolded by others. Even if she was a wasteful person, she must have been angry.

Everyone was speculating that Shen Fei must be angry at this time, and they were all mentally prepared for Shen Fei to go up to fight Ma Feng.

It's just a pity that I let everyone down.

After hearing Ma Feng's words, Shen Fei didn't react at all. His face was calm, without the slightest anger, standing in the crowd like an okay person.

"Damn! Really **** it, my wife was snatched away, and she didn't even dare to let her fart!"

"Sure enough, it's a waste of money. By this time, he hasn't reacted at all."

"It is estimated that he also knows the strength of Master Ma, I think he dare not drink at all, Master Ma argues."

"A poor **** like him, what qualifications do you have to steal a woman from Master Ma? Even if you marry him, he can't keep it!"

"Originally, the third lady of the Mei family and Young Master Ma are a pair, what is he doing!"

Everyone mocked Shen Fei one after another.

But Shen Fei was still unmoved, because Shen Fei's thoughts were all on Mei Yeqing's mother and daughter.


Is it really a coincidence that she is called Jian Jia?

Or is this girl the real Jiajia?

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