I’m a Billionaire

Chapter 815: Mei Yihe's plea

No, it's impossible. Mei Yihe recognized it by Extreme Electric. How could it be wrong?

It is also possible that the name Jian Jia was picked by Mei Yeqing casually, but it happened to be the same name.

Besides, Jian Jia is a peerless beauty. In terms of looks, Mei Yihe is the closest, but the young girl in front of her looks ugly, which is really inconsistent with Jian Jia's image.

It's just that after Shen Fei knew that the girl in front of him was named Jian Jia, he still couldn't take his attention away from her. He wanted to take a closer look to see if he could find any clues.

On the other side, Ma Feng didn't care about Shen Fei at all, didn't even look at him, and directly pulled Mei Yihe to his side.

"Yihe, tell the old lady yourself, would you like to marry me?!"

This is the end of the matter, and the words have already been said anyway, it is difficult to be frank, and it is not that everyone is happy to get it in place in one step.

"I am willing! I am willing!" Mei Yihe called out without hesitation.

On this issue, Mei Yihe didn't need any consideration. She originally thought that she would be tied to Shen Fei for the rest of her life, but she didn't expect Ma Feng to appear at this time and save herself.

This year she has been in a really painful way. Now Ma Feng has thrown an olive branch to her, and she will hold it tightly anyway. This is the only way for her to return to the Mei family and regain her identity and status!

"Master Ma, do you really want to marry Mei Yihe? Master Ma, Mei Yihe has been married to Shen Fei for a year. Maybe she already has Shen Fei's child. Do you want to help Shen Fei? Do you want to raise a child?"

Mei Xinchang looked at Mei Yihe sarcastically.

"That's right, how can Young Master Ma marry a Huang Da maiden? How can such a married woman enter the Ma's door!" Mei Youlian said disdainfully.

"This..." Ma Feng was stunned.

Yes, what they said really makes sense, and big families like Ma Feng really value this.

Mei Yihe was listening to the words of Mei Xinshang and Mei Youlian, and her anger suddenly ignited in her heart. Mei Yihe knew exactly what the two women wanted to do.

"No! Although I am married to Shen Fei, we have never had the same room! I never let Shen Fei touch me!" Mei Yihe shouted loudly.

Suddenly, everyone on the scene was stunned.

Is not it!

Have been married for a year, but haven’t even had a room? !

"We are only married in name, in name only!"

What Mei Yihe is telling is the truth. The two of them have never slept together since they were married for a year. To be precise, Shen Fei has never been in Mei Yihe’s room. The two of them are like tenants, except for the common areas. , Other times they go back to their respective rooms.

Of course, Shen Fei would not touch Mei Yihe. Shen Fei had never thought of it at the beginning. After all, Mei Yihe is Jian Jia, and Jian Jia is a woman Tian Ling likes. She wants to be with Tian Ling. How could Shen Fei be with Tian Ling? Would you do something like that to Jian Jia!

But other people didn't know anything about Jianjia and Tianling. After hearing these words, they were shocked at first, and then turned into laughter. Everyone couldn't help but look at Shen Fei, their eyes full of sarcasm and contempt.

At this time, Mei Youlian spoke again, "I haven't had a room in the same room since I've been married for a year, who believes it! Big guy listen, who can believe this kind of rhetoric! Even if some people go crazy and want a sparrow to become a phoenix, You have to find a practical reason too!"

"All I said are the truth. If you don't believe me, you can go to the hospital for an examination. I definitely didn't lie!"

Mei Yihe said vowedly, and there was more hatred in Mei Youlian's eyes.

"Even if you are telling the truth, what about it? After all, you have been married. Does it matter if your body is not clean? The reputation is gone." Mei Xinshang said coldly.

After that, Mei Xinshang glanced at Ma Feng again, "Master Ma, the Ma family is a big family, marrying a woman who has played with nothing. If this is spread out, wouldn’t it mean losing the face of the family? No matter what you want, you can't marry a second-hand woman!"

"But..." Ma Feng hesitated.

If Mei Yihe accompanies Shen Fei to sleep, there is no way. After all, she has been married to Shen Fei for a year, but the title of this second marriage is still a useless woman. The family discredited.

Seeing Ma Feng not speaking, Mei Yihe was shocked and gave Mei Xinshang and Mei Youlian a vicious look.

No way!

I finally waited for such a good opportunity, and I definitely can't let these two **** women disrupt the situation!

Mei Yihe saw Ma Feng's mind shake a little, put on a pitiful appearance, and grabbed Ma Feng's arm:

"Ma Feng, do you really think so? I don't believe it, I don't believe that your love for me can't stand the test like this.

The reason why I would marry that useless person was also involuntarily. I was deceived by him. I have been thinking of you all this year and I will miss our previous days all the time! "

"Ma Feng, you look into my eyes, and you tell me, don't you really love me anymore? Do you have the heart to watch me being tortured by that waste for a lifetime?!"

As Mei Yihe spoke, tears burst into her eyes.

Ma Feng cried when he saw Mei Yihe, his heart melted, and he hugged Mei Yihe, "No, I won't let you go back to that waste!"

At that moment, Mei Yihe felt that her life was about to return to the top, yes, from now on, she would be the smashing Miss Mei San from Wuling River again, and she had no contact with that uselessness anymore!

"No! I will never agree to this matter!"

Just when everyone thought that Mei Yihe and Ma Feng could be together again, Jin Ruliu suddenly shouted angrily:

"Don't even think about this. When Yihe was going to marry Shen Fei, I already said it. Since you are married, you should never regret it. I absolutely disagree with divorce now.

If Mei Yihe insists on getting a divorce, he will be completely removed from the Mei family! Mei Yihe is no longer in the Mei family, and the Mei family surname will never be used again! What Young Master Ma wants to marry is nothing more than a divorced woman! "

"Old lady, you can agree to this marriage. Yihe is your most beloved granddaughter. Do you really bear the heart to watch Yihe follow that useless life? Yihe has lived a life of fine clothes and food since childhood, you really Do you have the heart to see Yihe go through such a hard life?!

Old lady, today I brought eighteen gifts, each of which is the standard of a great gift. Whether it is a bracelet or a ring, the average price is above 200,000 yuan. Old lady, if you come to our Ma’s house with the Dutch , Can definitely live a good life, with the strength of our horse station can definitely help the Mei family! "

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