I’m a Billionaire

Chapter 816: The gift arrived

At this time, Ma Feng also said to the old lady, and Mei Yihe was also pulling his grandmother's begging:

"Grandma! Let me marry Feng Ma. I don't want to live with that wimp anymore. I've had enough. The days I spent with him are simply painful, grandma, I beg you!

Grandma, after I marry Ma Feng, I will definitely be able to support our family further, and the Ma family will also become our strongest backing! "

This is the only opportunity to leave Shen Fei. Mei Yihe will never give up. No matter what he tried, Mei Yihe would marry Ma Feng. After saying this, Mei Yihe fell to his knees with a thump. In front of Jin Ruliu, he banged his head three times.

Seeing such a situation, Jin Ruliu was also full of embarrassment, and she was really at a loss as to what to do when things became like this today.

But at this moment, a rumbling sound suddenly sounded at the door, and a loading truck drove directly to the door of Mei's house.

The old lady glanced at the loading truck at the door, she couldn't help but feel surprised, turned her head and glanced at Mei Yihe and Ma Feng again:

"If you want to stay in Mei's house and be the granddaughter of Mei's family, let me follow Shen Fei honestly. If I want to divorce, I will take off Mei's surname and leave Mei's house forever.

Master Ma, if you want to marry the Mei family, this woman is definitely not your choice! "

Hearing this, Mei Yihe's heart was completely cold.

She also knew that when Ma Feng wanted to marry herself, most of them still looked at the identity of the Mei family, but in this situation, how could Ma Feng still marry herself?

However, at this time, everyone did not pay attention to them, but was attracted by the car at the door.

Mei Xinshang frowned as she watched the entrance was completely blocked by the loading truck:

"Grandma, what does this loading truck do? Why did it suddenly stop in front of our house?"

In fact, Jin Ruliu didn't know what this loading truck was for. "Could it be that the housekeeper called to carry the gifts?"

"No, we didn't call a loading truck before, we just brought it back by ourselves."

Mei Youlian was also very curious about the loading truck.

Before everyone understood, the door of the loading truck had already opened.

Everyone couldn't help but walked a few steps forward, wanting to see clearly, what is in the loading truck?

However, it hasn't waited for everyone to approach.


When the door was opened, the contents poured out, and everyone felt dizzy under the sunlight.

The container turned out to be full of jewelry!

"Fuck! It's a ruby!"

"And emerald!"

"Oh my god, this is amethyst!"

"Diamond! What a big diamond!"

"There is still such a big pearl!?"

There was a burst of exclamation from the crowd.

This set of loading cars is filled with diamonds, rubies, sapphires, crystals, topazes, emeralds, agates, emeralds, ambers, pearls, etc. There are all kinds of jewels. Here, there are only jewels you can’t think of. You can't find it.

These jewels rushed out of the car today, and countless jewels, like a creek, quickly piled up into a hill at the gate of Mei's house.

These jewels brightened the entire yard under the sun's rays, and everyone was stunned.

Even the homeless old lady Jin Ruliu had never seen such a sight, staring straight at the box of sparkling jewels.

It’s not that Jin Ruliu’s family has never seen diamond agate. It’s just that this full container of diamond jewellery really shocked her. No matter which one of these jewels is invaluable, it’s a full cart of total value. It is estimated to be tens of billions!

At this moment, a person got out of the car and carefully climbed into the container, like shoveling sand, and poured out the jewels. Everyone watched the small pile of jewels pile up more and more.

Slowly, everyone discovered that the container began to lift up, and soon the container was lifted to an angle of 40 degrees. The jewels rolled directly down the hill to the ground, making a crisp sound.

In this way, the jewelry is like a flood, with the loud noise of "Wow!", most of the jewelry in the carriage was poured out all at once.

The falling speed is too fast, and the quantity is so large. The jewelry is like the high tide of sea water. It instantly came to the feet of the onlookers. When everyone saw this scene, they hurriedly retreated in exclamation, and even some people were caught before they could move. The one in front of him squeezed out.

Everyone seems to have seen some dangerous goods. I am afraid that those jewels will touch them. It is not that these onlookers do not like jewels. Who would dislike precious jewels?

It's just that someone who can own so many diamond jewels at once must have a strong status and a strong background. No one dares to touch these jewels under such unknown circumstances.

After all, diamond jewellery is more costly than life.

Not only the crowds onlookers, but even the guests of other big families who came to the Mei's banquet were stunned when they saw so many jewels, they couldn't help but sigh in their hearts that the Mei's could invite such a powerful person. Big shot, it's not easy!

In short, all people now have a question in their minds. Who is the owner of the jewelry? !

People in these big families are no strangers to diamonds and pearls. For them, jewelry is a symbol of their status. Their love for jewelry is no less than their love, but now, they have no love at all. On the contrary, I think the gems of this container are really terrifying.

"Are these really diamonds?"

"This, such a big pearl, is it, really?"

Everyone looked at the pair of treasures in front of them, their eyes widened in horror, and they murmured.

"Yes, I'm in the jewelry business. These, diamonds, pearls, and gems are all real, and they are the top jewelry... These, just take out one, the price will not be less than 100,000 ..."

The speaker is a middle-aged man in his fifties who is the largest jeweler in Fucheng, Zheng Wenliang.

He is a well-known jewellery master. He has been in the jewellery industry for more than 30 years. He has seen countless jewellery in his life, but even if he adds up all of them, he has not seen as many jewellery as today.

Wow, wow...

The worker in the container shoveled out the diamonds that had not been poured out of the container.

At this moment, the door of the delivery vehicle suddenly opened with a "bang".

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