I’m a Billionaire

Chapter 839: Ranma

At this time, Shen Fei frowned tightly and asked Yu Canghai:

"How is the situation now? Can it be cured?"

"There was hope that it could be cured, but..." Yu Canghai shook his head helplessly:

"But now I have missed the best time. This Gu worm has been living in Jiajia's body for at least 20 years. Now the Gu worms have spread all over her body, and there is no large amount of Gu worms anywhere in the body. Ability can't save her at all."

"What? You mean that Gu worm has survived in her body for more than 20 years? Could it be that she..."

At this moment, Shen Fei's face was full of disbelief, and he said in shock.

He thought that Jian Jia had just hit this thing recently, but he didn't expect it to have existed for more than 20 years!

"That's right, Gu worm has almost finished developing her body, otherwise, Gu worm would not break out so strongly."

Shen Fei was stunned for a while. How could it be twenty years ago? If this is the case, doesn't it mean that Jian Jia was hit by a Gu technique when he was born?

Now even Yu Canghai has nothing to do, so what should I do? Do you want to watch Jian Jia walk Zhou Manyun's back path? Did a Gu worm explode and die like Zhou Manyun?

Shen Fei's heart was very impatient, why did this happen to Jian Jia? Why did Jianjia go through these painful tortures?

I have to rely on Jian Jia to find You Manrong. If anything happens to Jian Jia this time, how can I find You Manrong?

No way! Must save Jiajia!

But what should I do to be saved!

Shen Fei has fallen into a bottomless pit, slowly squatting on the ground, holding his head tightly with his hands, his brain is as messy as hemp rope, if even Yu Canghai can't heal Jian Jia, I am afraid that Jian Jia is really dead. It's possible to come down.

At this moment, Jian Jia who was lying on the bed suddenly woke up:

"Shen Fei?"

Jian Jia saw Shen Fei squatting on the ground at first glance, and was a little surprised.

Jian Jia looked around and found that all the surroundings were unfamiliar. He suddenly sat up from the bed and asked in a panic: "Shen Fei, why are you here? Where am I?"

Shen Fei and Yu Canghai were taken aback.

Once this Gu worm breaks out, it means that the body's functions have basically been lost, and then the body's organs will also fail, and if it breaks out, it will undoubtedly die.

But Shen Fei looked at the current cymbal, as if there was no pain at all. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes just now, he wouldn't be able to tell that the cymbal had been ill.

Jian Jia's complexion was the same as before, as if she had just woke up.

"Jianjia, how do you feel?" Shen Fei asked in surprise.

Jian Jia smiled slightly, "I'm fine now, thank you."

"Jianjia, are you really okay?" Shen Fei still couldn't believe it, and asked again.

"I'm really fine. In the past two years, my illness has been recurring repeatedly. I am used to it now. Don't you think I am fine now?" Jia Jia said with a smile.

"Jianjia, what the **** is going on? Can you explain to us? Why is your body like this? Did something happen before?" Yu Canghai asked.

"This..." Jian Jia scratched his head, "Actually, I don't know exactly what happened. I only remember that it was probably two years ago. I was eating at the time, and my body suddenly started to twitch, and then I was dizzy. It's gone, and I don't know anything anymore.

Fortunately, after the onset of this disease, I woke up. After waking up, it was the same as before, and all aspects of life would not be affected in any way. However, since then, I will have the disease once a month. "

Shen Fei was taken aback for a moment, and touched his chin, "Two years ago?"

Didn't Zhou Manyun become ill and died two years ago?

Is there any connection between Jian Jia and Zhou Manyun?

At this time, Mei Yeqing also walked in from outside, and took Jiajia in her arms:

"Jianjia! Are you okay? Does your body still hurt?"

"Mom, I'm fine, don't worry, didn't I do this often before?" Jia Jia quickly relieved.

"Thank you really, thank you." Mei Yeqing said to Shen Fei and Yu Canghai gratefully.

"Auntie, you don't have to be so polite."

Shen Fei hurriedly waved his hand, "I still want to confirm some things with you. Where did Jian Jia go when she was young? Have you been in contact with some strangers? Or someone who looks strange to you?"

Mei Yeqing thought for a while, "No, I took her away from Mei's house when she was very young. In the past two decades, our life has not been rich, nor in a strange city. Know someone.

I seldom have contact with others. I have always brought her by my side since I was a child. In order to take care of her, I always take her with me to work. "

Having said that, Mei Yeqing sighed deeply:

"You tell me, the reason why I came back to Mei's house with Jian Jia this time is because of Jian Jia's disease. She is also very strange to talk about her illness. She has been fine and healthy before, but it was only two years ago. One day ago, without any warning, it happened suddenly.

As you can see, every time she got sick, she was severely convulsed all over, and she was still unconscious. I went to many hospitals with cymbals, but all the hospitals couldn’t find out. The problem comes. "

"In order to see Jian Jia, I quit my job and took her to see the doctor everywhere, but there was still no result. Then we had no money, so I wanted to be able to come back to Mei's house and let the family members help us. It’s just that they still can’t forgive me after all, it’s me who killed Jiajia..."

It turns out that this is the real reason why Mei Yeqing returned to the Mei family. However, judging from the current attitude of Mei Yeqing's mother and daughter, it is impossible to get help from the Mei family.

After all, Mei Yeqing is also an extremely strong person. It was because of Jian Jia that Mei Yeqing had a big quarrel with the Mei family, and finally insisted on leaving the Mei family with Jian Jia.

In the past twenty years, no matter how hard Mei Yeqing has been, she has never returned to Mei’s house, nor contacted anyone else. If it hadn’t been for treating Jian Jia, Mei Yeqing would never return to the family. .

But now Mei Yeqing also knew that even if he came back, the Mei family would not give Jian Jia any help.

At this moment, Mei Yeqing suddenly knelt down in front of Shen Fei and Yu Canghai:

"You two, I know you know something about Jian Jia's condition. I beg you to save Jian Jia. She is still young and has a long way to go. Please, please help her!"

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