I’m a Billionaire

Chapter 840: Double spell

Mei Yeqing knew that Yu Canghai was not an ordinary person, and that he was able to live in such a large villa, he must be a person with status and status.

"Auntie, what are you doing, get up, get up!"

Seeing Mei Yeqing knelt down directly, Shen Fei was shocked and quickly helped Mei Yeqing up, but Mei Yeqing was unwilling to get up, but she couldn't help but beg Shen Fei:

"I beg you, please help Jianjia. This child has been suffering since childhood. I really can't bear to make Jianjia suffer. God is too unfair to her."

Mei Yeqing couldn't help crying, "Jianjia, this child was abandoned by others. When I found her, she was only a few days old.

I found her in the reed field, so I named her Jianjia. Later I took her back to Mei's house, but the family members couldn’t tolerate her. I broke with the family in anger and took her away alone. To Mei's house. "

"Jianjia has been very sensible since she was a child, very obedient and obedient. Later, she has grown up slowly and has become a big beauty. She is really beautiful. Jianjia can really be called the most beautiful girl in the world... "

When Shen Fei and Yu Canghai heard this, they were taken aback.

Mei Yeqing even said that Jian Jia is very beautiful and the best-looking girl in the world. Is this because of a mother's preference for her own children? Don’t all the mothers in this world look at their children the best?

Of course, before Shen Fei saw Jian Jia, he thought that Jian Jia was very beautiful, after all, she was a woman Tianling liked, and her appearance must be unusual.

But after seeing Jian Jia, Shen Fei was very disappointed, because Jian Jia's face was really beyond words to describe. If you had to describe it, it would only be shocking.

"What I said is true. You haven't seen the cymbal before. You don’t know how beautiful she is. In fact, the cymbal didn’t look like this before. Anyone who saw the cymbal would not help but praise her. After some accidents, Jianjia became what it is now." Mei Yeqing said sadly.

"Ah? What happened? Why did Jian Jia become like this?" Shen Fei couldn't help asking.

"We don’t know. Just a year ago, Jian Jia’s illness recurred, but that time was more serious than before. She had been sick for a whole day and night. When Jian Jia woke up, her face had changed. In this way, the entire face is completely ruined!"

Having said this, Mei Yeqing couldn't help covering her mouth, feeling extremely sad:

"I know that the reason why Jian Jia became like this is my fault. I don’t have money to treat Jian Jia well. I blame me, it’s my fault... Otherwise, my beautiful daughter will not change this way. It's like this!"

Mei Yeqing recalled what Jian Jia looked like before, and also recalled what happened to Jian Jia this year. She couldn't hold on at the night market, so she wailed and cried!

When Jian Jia saw this situation, he hugged Mei Yeqing hurriedly:

"Mom! Don't say that, it's none of your business, it's not your fault, it's my own fate..."

The mother and daughter hugged each other and wept bitterly.

And seeing the appearance of Mei Yeqing and Jian Jia, Shen Fei's heart was also full of intolerance!

However, this is not Mei Yeqing’s fault at all.

Shen Fei knew about Jian Jia's condition. This disease is not good in the hospital. No matter how good the hospital is, there is no way to cure it, and even the cause cannot be found.

Therefore, even if she had money, Mei Yeqing would just go to the hospital a few more times, and it would still be of no avail.

Shen Fei stepped forward to comfort the mother and daughter, "Jia Jia, auntie, don't be sad, I will definitely find a way to cure Jia Jia's disease."

"Really? Thank you. If you can cure Jian Jia's disease, I am willing to serve you as a cow and repay you!" Mei Yeqing said excitedly.

Shen Fei comforted Mei Yeqing's mother and daughter a few more words, and then sent them away.

At this time, there were only two people left in the room, Shen Fei and Yu Canghai, "Yu Canghai, why do you say that there are Gu worms in Jiajia's body? And why is it disfigured when this worm occurs?

I remember that Zhou Manyun, Yu Manrong’s adoptive mother, also had Gu worms in her body. Once the worm attacked, her body and organs were instantly exhausted, and there was no chance of rescue. What is the reason for being able to continue living? "

Yu Canghai stroked his mustache, "Young Master, this thing is really weird. I remember you once said that Miss You also has Gu worms on her body, but she has never had an attack."

"Yes! Man Rong was also hit by Gu worm, and he was caught with Zhou Manyun."

"In this way, Miss You, Zhou Manyun, and Jian Jia, all three of them were infected with Gu worms, and they were all caught 20 years ago, but now only Zhou Manyun and Jian Jia are sick."

Shen Fei frowned tightly and looked at Yu Canghai, "Yes, what's the connection here?"

"If we develop according to this timeline, a year ago, Miss You was taken away by the owner of Shuiyue Village, and Jianjia suffered an illness and was disfigured a year ago. Is there a connection between the two... "

Yu Canghai murmured, pacing back and forth in the room.

"Yes, the timeline is right. The question now is, what other connection is there between Jian Jia and Man Rong?"

Yu Canghai continued to follow his own thoughts and said: "Miss You, it was originally the sword spirit on Shuiyuexian Island. It was stolen by the heavenly spirit back then. This time the Shuiyue Village owner will inevitably be punished for bringing the sword spirit back. At the beginning, the sword spirit was to be melted away by the Shuiyue Village Master, and was accidentally snatched by the heavenly spirit, which saved the catastrophe.

And this time, returning to Shuiyuexian Island, I’m afraid it’s hard to escape bad luck..."

Shen Fei's heart tightened, "Na Man Rong..."


Suddenly, Yu Canghai seemed to remember something, and exclaimed: "Yes! It must be so! Jian Jia is precisely because she blocked the catastrophe for Miss You!"


Hearing this, Shen Fei's whole person was dumbfounded, and she had no idea what Yu Canghai was talking about.

"Yu Canghai, what do you mean? Why can Jian Jia help Man Rong prevent the disaster? Do they really know each other? Is Jian Jia also a sword spirit?"

Yu Canghai frowned tightly, "No, it's not such a young master, the two of them don't know each other, and Jian Jia is not a sword spirit, she is just the reincarnation of Jian Jia.

It’s just that I suddenly remembered that thousands of years ago, when Jian Jia and the young master were together, she once said such a promise that if you two separate one day and the young master falls in love with other women, then Jian Jia Willing to use his own life to help that person stop the catastrophe. "

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