I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 990 985 comes to China

Just after the Dragon Boat Festival, Xu Xin received news from Chen Hu on the 14th.

"Director Xu, we have arrived in Xiangjiang and will arrive in Yanjing at noon on the 16th."

"Tai Chi Man" is coming to promote.

Xu Xin was naturally very happy.

A friend is coming to visit.

What's more, he hasn't seen the finished film of "Man of Tai Chi" yet.

But since it received a lot of praise in Cannes, I guess at least the film is not bad.

What's more, his mood has been getting better day by day recently, because his wife is finally coming back. Finally, he no longer has to be like a little widow, waiting for the stars and the moon every day... He is almost like a wife.

On the morning of the 16th, he even woke up humming a song.

I am not happy because of the arrival of Chen Hu and Keanu Reeves, but I am one day closer to my wife returning to China.

Go out happily.

He has no class this morning, but he has to go to school.

As the chief director, he feels that the arrival of the "Tai Chi Man" crew is a good practice opportunity.

Conducting a small interview and posting it on the school website should add some luster to the resumes of several people.

When the time comes, where will the names of Director Hou and Teacher Yu be listed?

It can also increase some preferences for those who want to take the postgraduate entrance examination in the future.

At 9 o'clock, he came to Hou Kehuan's teaching and research office.

When he arrived, there were already people inside.

Ye Jun and Nazha are chatting.

Hou Kehuan hasn't arrived yet.

But that's okay.

After he walked in, the two quickly stood up to greet him.

"Director Xu."

"Brother Xu."

Listening to everyone's greetings, Xu Xin nodded:

"Well, everyone, sit down."

After signaling everyone to be welcome, he said directly:

"You two go directly with me at noon to pick up Chen Hu and Keanu Reeves."


Ye Jun nodded, but asked again:

"Just the two of us?"

"When you pick someone up, it's just the two of you. The others...let them practice speaking first."

Xu Xin made a little joke.

But actually he was right.

The reason is that when he was born, he asked the documentary crew to record a small interview on campus, which not only helped them add some resumes, but also worked on the team's tacit understanding, and asked in the WeChat group:

"Who has no problem communicating in English? Are they more confident in themselves?"

As a result, they were the only ones who answered in the affirmative.

"I'm OK."

"I can."

Others gave mostly ambiguous answers.

Things like "I'm average" or "I'm not good at it, but writing is okay."

In the absence of Xu Xin clearly asking what he wanted to do with someone who could communicate well in English, most of the others chose conservative answers regardless of their true abilities.

Xu Xin didn't care either.

In this society, when to be high-profile and when to be low-key, others cannot teach you. It is entirely up to you to figure out.

So, after getting responses from others, he said in the group:

"Then you two. We just have a meeting tomorrow. At noon, Keanu Reeves and Chen Hu's "Man of Tai Chi" crew will come here to promote. At noon, you two will follow me to have a meal with them. This time I An on-campus interview has been arranged to test everyone’s tacit understanding. Remember to come over tomorrow morning and we will work out the interview process.”

After he said this, Nazha and Ye Jun replied immediately:

"Alright, I got it."

Others, after a delay, followed one after another.

As for whether I regret it in my heart, it's hard to say.

"Is there any problem with Ye Jun's spoken English?"

"No problem, Mr. Director, the oral English requirements of the Journalism Department are relatively high, so there is no problem."

Although he also had an accent, Ye Jun spoke in English after hearing Xu Xin's words.

Xu Xin nodded slightly and looked at Nazha.


This girl speaks in an old London Jalapeño accent.

"It's no problem for me. My teacher said I won't have any problem living in the UK now."

Xu Xin raised his eyebrows:

"How come you learned a British accent?"

"Because my sister said it nicely."

She continued to answer in English.


She's my wife's little crush again.


"Hey, do you know someone named Qiongha?"


Nazha was stunned for a while, then asked:


"Uh... do you know him? I suddenly remembered this name."

"I don't recognize it. It's such a strange name."


Xu Xin responded, looked at her and asked:

"Do you know the recent trends in your company?"

Hearing this, Ye Jun also turned to look at her.

Nazha was stunned.

But he nodded immediately:

"I know something about it. It seems to be promoting cooperation with Shaanxi Taiwan, but who is the specific person in charge...I don't know."

In her mind, she was actually the same as Ming Jing.

Because Mr. Cai likes to draw cakes.

And this cake was released as early as last month. But she was still very vague at that time.

It’s just that the company will pursue cooperation with more TV stations in the future, especially star TV stations.

Immediately after the conference, the other party held another small meeting.

Artists that several companies, including himself, had vigorously cultivated and invested resources in sat together, and Mr. Cai stated the specific goals.

When it came to Shaanxi Taiwan, Nazha still didn’t believe it...

This is too nonsense.

But with the recent flow of some resources, including some things that the manager talked about with himself, various signs are showing... Starting from this month, Mr. Cai and Nifeng have been in particularly frequent contact.

She also asked Sister Tingting.

But Sister Tingting is abroad and is not very clear about this matter.

But today I heard what Brother Xu meant...

Did Brother Xu intervene?

But there is definitely no way to ask this. Ye Jun is still here.

So I can only give a very vague answer and wait to discuss it in detail in private.

Xu Xin didn't mean to ask in detail, he just nodded:

"You should also hold on to the resources of TV series. Although there are differences between movies and TV series, as a newcomer, the environment of TV series is actually more friendly. You are about to graduate, so it's time to work hard."

"Yeah, I know~"

Nazha responded with a smile.

After this topic, other people arrived one after another.

The topic turned to documentaries.

During this period of time, everyone began to work on copywriting, copywriting, main lines, shooting ideas, etc.

When everyone arrived, Xu Xin threw his phone on the table:

"Ahem, let's have a meeting. Our main task this time is to hold a small interview tomorrow. Everyone has to brainstorm today and come up with a question process. Tomorrow we will have about an hour to ask questions about "The Man of Tai Chi" "The crew. Divided into two parts. Considering the tendency, one part is reserved for Keanu alone, and the other part is an exclusive interview with the entire crew..."

Everyone listened very carefully.

Even if they are only graduate students and have not officially "entered the industry" yet, they still understand how rare it is to have an interview opportunity with an international superstar like Keanu Reeves.

Most people can't get interviews if they want to.

But Director Xu can invite people here.

Naturally, it should be treated with caution.

As Xu Xin said, he stood up and walked to the blackboard:

"The core of the interview question is two words."

As he spoke, he scribbled two words:


"We don't talk about gossip, personal talk, all kinds of gossip, or how much these foreigners love Chinese culture... To be honest, in my heart, this statement is very false. Of course, I It's not that they are hypocritical, it's just that anyone with emotional intelligence knows what the standard answer is to this kind of thing.

Our interviews are mainly for our students. Therefore, the big topic is the "movie" aspect. There is no gossip element, and there must be no impression that our alumni feel that we have wasted an interview opportunity. Now let’s talk about our thoughts. "




Everyone looked at each other...

My heart is like a mirror.

When Teacher Xu drew down the big framework, the professional difficulty of this interview increased exponentially.

Teacher Xu said that it is mainly aimed at students.

That proves that it requires a certain level of professionalism.

And naturally, everyone's target is Keanu Reeves.

Teacher Xu was also talking about him.

The status of an international superstar is no joke.

So this kind of professionalism...where should we start?

"I think the first point should be the professional advice that young actors can provide."

Nazha turned a pen flexibly between her white fingers, looked at Xu Xin and said.

"He became famous very early, and his personal experience is actually very tragic. But everyone can actually see this on Baidu. I think our interview should be based on the hope that as an actor who became famous at a young age, he can provide What advice would you give to underachievers?

For example, how to plan your career reasonably. For example, how to survive in Vanity Fair... After all, he is really low-key. I even saw the news about him taking the subway some time ago... I think we can see from him how he maintains his original intention of being an actor. What does Teacher Xu think? "

Hearing this, Xu Xin looked at her with admiration and nodded:

“Very good direction.”

Looking at the girl who has grown up, blossomed, and become more and more beautiful...

Xu Xin even felt a little dazed for a while.

The little girl who drifted with the crowd, like a hesitating little sika deer, appeared in her eyes.

I have really grown up...

She has become a big girl.

With some emotion, he withdrew his gaze and looked at the others:

"Where are you guys? Do you have any other thoughts? Let's talk... Nazha actually provided a good direction, that is, as an actor, we hope that he can provide some opinions to the big guys who are also actors. Not only him, but also Mo Seniors such as Wen Wei, Simon Yam, and even Yu Hai can also provide us with valuable opinions. We can use these opinions to arm our program and make it very professional. I think it is very good."

"But will this set the threshold higher?"

Ye Jun expressed his thoughts:

"Although I understand that Mr. Xu, your priority is the students in the school. But...should we also consider universality? For example, if we ask some shooting questions.

For example, what interesting attempts has he made as a director...such as film, shooting techniques, story concepts, etc...Maybe except for students in the directing department, others can't understand it. "

"Then tell it to someone who can understand. It's like Nazha is seeking advice from an actor. As a director, you may not be able to understand that. The threshold is never an issue that the other party should consider.

The purpose of the interview is to allow those who are still in their infancy and those who have reached a certain height to understand how they give reasonable advice to themselves or even to themselves, rather than considering universality.

Shouldn't I say more? If I really want to do a normal interview, then I can just catch the gossip and keep asking. This interview has also lost its original meaning. "

Xu Xin didn't think his worries were unnecessary.

This is how the crew meets.

Brainstorm ideas.

Everyone has the right to make suggestions, but the chief director has the final say whether they are adopted or not.

Mention it more and choose the good ones, not the ordinary ones.

This is a glorious tradition passed down from the Olympic Games.

The time came to noon.

While everyone was still discussing how to conduct the interview in full swing, and writing down the general process and the questions that everyone thought were great questions raised by some people in the meeting, Xu Xin's phone rang.

Seeing the caller, he waved his hand, answered the call directly, and turned on the speakerphone:

"Old Chen. Are you here?"

"Yes, Director Xu, we have arrived in Yanjing."

"Haha~ Okay, let's go to the hotel to put things away first. I have already booked the hotel. Let's meet at the hotel?"

"Okay... wait, Lao Li is looking for you... Hey, Xu, roast duck! Shall we have roast duck for lunch?"

Xu Xin was delighted:

"Yes, my friend, roast duck."

"Then come quickly, I'm starving."

"OK, see you later."

After hanging up the phone, Xu Xin looked at the time and then made another call.

"Hey, Manager Li, it's me... Well, hello, hello... They've arrived, is the car ready?... Okay, let's meet at the hotel, I'll leave right now... um."

Hanging up the phone again, he looked at the big guy:

"Then let's just say this? I'll take Nazha and Ye Jun to dinner, and the others will follow the discussion we just discussed. Camera position, sound effects, questions...send the text to me before 9 a.m. tomorrow. Let's adjourn the meeting."

Hearing that he was taking these two people to dinner, the others' eyes filled with envy.

A few people also asked for autographs.

The two agreed and followed Xu Xin's footsteps.

As soon as the three people left, someone in the crew sighed:

"I'm so envious... Keanu Reeves. That's Hollywood's dream ship."

"What is a dream ship?"

"DREAMBOAT, the meaning of dream lover. You don't even know this?"

"...You are so good at English. When Teacher Xu asked who was good at English, why didn't you say it?"


"Have you hired a special teacher for Nazha's spoken English? How many years have you been studying?"

As a top student at Tsinghua University, Ye Jun was quite curious about how his colleagues managed to speak with such a strong British accent that no one could recognize their Asian accent.

"Were you good at English in high school?"

"Very bad."

Nazha glanced at Xu Xin who was driving in front and shook her head slightly:

"I was actually pretty bad at studying. I spent most of my time practicing dance in high school. I started to make up for my shortcomings in this area starting from college."

"Is this... the advice Teacher Yang Mi gave you?"

He remembered the conversation Director Xu had with her before the meeting and asked curiously.

But Naza shook her head simply:

"No, you haven't seen Sister Mi's interview? The most famous one is the one where Brother Xu got the Golden Camera in Cannes and Sister Mi went on stage to accept the award."

"I've seen that poem by Romain Rolland."

"Yes, from that time on, I thought the British accent sounded good. That's why I went out of my way to learn it~"


Ye Jun suddenly realized.

When I was still about to ask something, a phone ringing came from the car's Bluetooth.

The two of them quickly shut up.


"Director Xu."

"Well, Mr. Xu, please tell me."

"Jean-Claude Van Damme has signed the contract, and the heavy truck headquarters has sent a message. Next..."

"I understand. I will communicate with them about the closed location and the filming process. Don't worry. We will definitely be able to see the finished film before August."

"Haha~ Okay, then we will wait for news from Director Xu."

"Yeah, no problem."

After hanging up the phone, Nazha asked curiously:

"Brother Xu is going to make a new movie again? Is the protagonist Jean-Claude Van Damme?"

"You know him?"

Looking through the rearview mirror, Xu Xin asked curiously.

The era when Jean-Claude Van Damme was most popular... was actually not very popular.

He caught up with Hollywood during the tough guy period, and he gained the first wave of popularity. Then, as Hong Kong kung fu movies took the world by storm, Hollywood began to follow suit, and he got the second pot of gold.

But the truth is, his influence in the East is actually not that great.

Because at that time, Cheng Long ruled the world.

And Nazha nodded slightly:

"I know, and I've watched a few of his films...but I feel average."

"I'm shooting commercials. I still owe one of Volvo's commercials. This time I'm working with him on the creative project."

Ye Jun's eyes lit up.

He has a deep memory of the XC90 advertisement.

He even thought it was one of the best commercials he had ever seen.

deep impression.

"Director Xu's advertising creativity this time...can you give a rough description?"

"Want to know?"

Looking through the rearview mirror and looking at his interested eyes, Xu Xin thought for a while and gave his own summary:

“It’s about Jean-Claude Van Damme splitting his ass between trucks.”


Nazha was stunned.

Ye Jun was also confused and looked at Xu Xin blankly:


Jean-Claude Van Damme... split his big crotch?

Or between trucks?


What the hell is this?

Looking at his ridiculous look, Xu Xin, who had been thinking about the rhythm of this advertisement, the shooting method, and how to frame the advertisement over and over again in his mind for more than half a year, did not respond.

Just a chuckle:

"Ha~ you will know when the time comes."

Although it sounds ridiculous to describe it.


The picture in my mind...

But it's very beautiful.

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