I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 991 986 Erudite (10,000 words)

When he arrived downstairs at the Marriott Hotel, Xu Xin saw Keanu Reeves at a glance.

This guy is taking a photo with someone...

When Xu Xin chatted with him before, these things were actually discussed on the coffee table.

The reason was that the two of them went to a restaurant to eat, and before the food was served, the brother suddenly wanted to smoke.

Smokers all know that the invitation to smoke... is almost irresistible to smokers.

"Want to smoke one?"


Unless they have just finished smoking one, most smokers will respond in the same way when encountering this kind of invitation.

After the two went out, Keanu handed him a camel.

Then he was recognized by two brothers who were also standing in front of the trash can smoking.

And then...this guy kept taking photos with people until Xu Xin finished smoking, then he took two puffs of cigarette, wiped out the cigarette butt and returned to the restaurant.

During this period, I took photos with at least a dozen people.

Xu Xin was quite puzzled and asked:

"It seems to me that you are not very good at rejecting others?"

"You mean taking a photo?"


"Why say no? After taking a photo with me, everyone can show these photos to other people. They will say: wow, you met Keanu Reeves? And you got a photo? Cool. Or they can use the photo As a perfect reason to ask a girl out: Hey, I know Keanu Reeves and I’m going to meet him…”

Don't worry if it's a joke or not, this guy is serious about what he said anyway.

Therefore, Xu Xin is no exception to the fact that he is being "besieged" at the entrance of Marriott.

He just parked the car temporarily and called Chen Hu:

"Old Chen, I see you...when should we leave? We're still waiting at the hotel over there."

Xu Xin asked as Nazha and Ye Jun stretched their necks and looked at each other.

Soon, Xu Xin saw Chen Hu getting out of a Volvo.

Break into the crowd!

Shoot left and right!

Jump up and down!

In the end, just like a prisoner, he was given to Sevolvo by Brother Ji.


Xu Xin let out a chuckle.

Including him, after the communication was completed, the four Volvos left the Marriott together and walked towards the Quanjude main store.

But not far away, Xu Xin heard the girl behind say:

"So handsome..."

Hearing this, he expressed his inner feelings with his unconcerned eyes.


Brother Ji is very handsome.


"Nazha, your sister Mi said that I am 50-50 split with him."


Nazha was stunned.

"What time is it open!?"

"Fifty-fifty, what? You don't think so?"


After several years of training, the girl can be said to have a sharp mind and an absolutely calm mind. After reacting, the girl barely managed to stop herself from saying, "Sister is really blind"...

But fortunately, you can raise an army for a thousand days and use it for a while.

At this moment, with extreme reluctance...

Let her nod vigorously, as if she were acting out of luck, and try to remain calm and objective in her tone:

"Well, putting aside the facts, objectively speaking, I think Brother Xu is more handsome."


Ye Junren on the side was dumbfounded.

Looking at the beauty of Beijing Film Academy in front of me.

You, you, you, you... you've committed a foul!

Okay, okay, this is how you play, right?

You have put aside the facts. Then what else should I talk to you about?

Xu Xin nodded proudly:

"Well, young hero, you have good taste. Where is Mr. Ye, who do you think is more handsome, me or Keanu?"

After finishing her words, Nazha looked at Ye Jun.

That look seemed to say: Director Ye, it's your turn.

Are you bowing your head to make a living?

Or should you stick to your dream?

And Ye Jun's eyes were full of struggle.

After struggling for a "long, long time", he said dejectedly:

"I think so."


Nazha couldn't hold it back and burst out laughing.

Xu Xin was also happy.


In the midst of joking, the car arrived at the gate of Quanjude.

As the "authentic" roast duck, the old restaurant naturally has the style of an old restaurant.

Unless they are heads of state, there is basically no such thing as sweeping the couch to welcome guests.

After parking the car, Xu Xingang got out.

"Haha, Xu~"

Looking at his friend who looked happy, Xu Xin went up to him, hugged him, and asked:

"So happy?"

"Of course, I like it here."

Keanu Reeves seemed to have no problem with jet lag, and his excitement was well expressed through the emotion in his words. Then he extended his hands to the two people next to him:

"Mud Howl..."

"Nazha, Ye. I will interview your director and host tomorrow."

After Xu Xin introduced him, he smiled and greeted Chen Hu who came over.

Then came Mo Wenwei and Simon Yam.

Yu Hai didn't seem to be here.

Then came the rest of the cast, including screenwriter Michael Cooney.

After greeting everyone, everyone went in to Quanjude for dinner under the guidance of the waiter.

In fact, for Xu Xin, roast duck...is really not much to eat.

In other words, the taste in each store is quite different.

But I can't stand the liking of these foreigners.

There are more than ten people, but two people are not enough to eat.

During the meal, everyone was talking about "Tai Chi Man".

The movie will be released on July 5th.

In fact, it kind of collides with "Pacific Rim".

But it doesn't matter.

It was almost 1 o'clock when everyone arrived, and when it was 2 o'clock to eat, the buddy over there who was promoting the itinerary in Tianchao gave a reminder.

There is also a program interview to be done at 3 o'clock.

The crew of "Man of Tai Chi" also has more than one city.

Xu Xin naturally understands this truth.

Make an appointment to see you tomorrow.

The meal ended simply like that.

After Xu Xin sent Nazha and Ye Jun back to school, around 7 o'clock in the evening, he got the plan provided by the entire director team for tomorrow's interview.

After a brief glance, he approved it in the WeChat group.

The next day came in a blink of an eye.

This time, he did not place the interview location for "Man of Tai Chi" at the school, but at the Shuangwei headquarters.

The main thing is to put it in school, and students who hear about it will definitely come to join in the fun. If it is a public interview, then you have to rent an auditorium, arrange the scene, etc.

Too troublesome.

This is just a small run-in for the team.

It's just right to put it in Shuang Wei's interview room.

Everything is ready-made.

It is also convenient to use.

At around 8 o'clock but before 9 o'clock, all the members of the directing team of "Forbidden City Cultural Relics" gathered in the interview room.

Shuangwei's interview room has a clean-looking style.

White walls, sofa, small coffee table.

The sofa can be adjusted according to the number of people in the crew. It is usually used by reporters to interview artists. All aspects of equipment, lighting, etc. are very mature.

Xu Xin did not direct the whole process, but let everyone use their professionalism.

He said nothing about how to find the light, how to set up the camera angle, etc., and left the entire crew structure to these students.

As the chief director, he just watched quietly.

Even if he saw some problems, he didn't say anything, but waited for the students to correct them slowly.

Not to mention, the professional standards of the people selected by Director Hou and Teacher Yu are indeed online. Even if they lack experience in some areas, they can make adjustments in a timely manner as long as there is an error in some link.

As for Nazha, her life is even simpler.

Holding a notebook, she sat on the sofa and never moved.

On the one hand, he acts as a light substitute, allowing the light from the interview layout environment to hit his face, making it easier for everyone to adjust. On the other side, as the host, the questions she prepared today are all on those pages, so she must treat them carefully.

Soon, around 10:30, Su Meng walked in:

"Brother Xu, everyone from the "Man of Tai Chi" crew is here."

"Okay, you inform them and I'll go greet them."

Xu Xin nodded and walked out of the interview room. At a glance, he saw people from the company looking towards the VIP room with their heads stretched out.

He walked lightly and came to the side of the two clerks. Following the direction they were looking, he happened to see the backs of a group of people entering the VIP room.

He rolled his eyes and asked softly:

"Who do you think is more handsome, Keanu Reeves or Director Xu?"

"You still have to ask? Keanu Reeves must be handsome, Director Xu... ah!!"

The little girl who suddenly noticed something was wrong turned her head and met Xu Xin's half-smiling gaze.

There was a scream instantly.

"Xu...Xu Director!"

The people around him quickly withdrew their gaze and pretended to be focused on their work.

Xu Xin shook his head helplessly:

"I think there's something wrong with your aesthetics. I'm obviously more handsome... Okay, go back to work."

It was the same joke question he asked Nazha, so naturally he couldn't take it seriously.

Just kidding... If he was really more handsome than Keanu Reeves, then Yang Mi would have to offer herself up and worship him eight times a day.

He still has this bit of self-awareness.

With that said, he walked towards the VIP room.

"Nazha, we are ready to come. Sister Su Meng asked me to remind you."

In the interview room, after hearing Ye Jun's reminder, Nazha nodded and took a deep breath.


Then he turned around and asked:

"Is my makeup okay today?"

"No problem, it's beautiful."

Ye Jun gave a thumbs up sincerely.

In terms of appearance, there is really nothing to say.

Nazha nodded slightly.

She put on her own makeup today.

Not strong.

Even today's clothes can only be described as ordinary.

A black long skirt paired with a pair of light pink high heels.

There is an incense card hanging on the chest for decoration.

There is nothing else.

In this interview, she positioned herself as a "student".

Students don't need to dress up so much, otherwise it will be a bit too flashy and unnecessary.

Just be simple, generous and decent.

Then, she adjusted the pocket microphone on her chest:

"Hey, hey, one, two, three, three, two, one."

After turning his head and seeing the thumbs up from the classmate who was listening, he nodded, stood closer to the door, and began to wait for today's first interviewer, Keanu Reeves.

As the most famous person, he is the first. In this case, time will be more flexible.

Behind them are Chen Hu, Simon Yam, and Mo Wenwei... Although the latter two are also actors she likes very much, the interview has its priorities after all, and the points must be clear.

Soon, she saw the classmate who was in charge of the interview at the door waved her hand, which meant: coming, coming.

Less than ten seconds later, Keanu Reeves appeared wearing a black T-shirt, jeans, and a pair of work boots.

No assistant, no translator.

He just walked in on his own.

Seeing this, Nazha went directly to greet her:

"Mr. Reeves. Hello, we meet again."

Keanu Reeves, who recognized Nazha, smiled slightly and asked someone to bring a microphone for him and said:

"Hey, nazar~"

He called out Nazha's English name and stretched out his hand.

After the two shook hands, Nazha led him towards the interview area:

"this way please."


Keanu Reeves has received anywhere from 1,000 to 800 interviews over the years, so naturally there is no curiosity.

But after sitting down, because of his long hair, he was keenly aware of the shadow cast by his hair on his face, and took the initiative to face the camera and asked:

"Do I need to adjust? Like this? Or this?"

After adjusting two positions in succession, Ye Jun looked at the picture in the camera and nodded:

"That's enough for now, Mr. Reeves."

"Okay...sorry, I'm preparing for my next movie. So my hair can get in the way sometimes."

He pointed to his hair that had reached below his cheeks and the beard on his chin and explained with a smile.

"But still handsome."

Nazha followed suitably.

Hearing this, Ji Ge showed the expression of "of course" that is very classic in American humor.

The whole person seemed very relaxed and relaxed.

Nazha, on the other hand, glanced at the red light on the camera and confirmed that the camera had started working, then smiled and said:

"How was your rest yesterday?"

"WELL... is definitely not as comfortable as home. But to be honest, it's not bad. Last night Lao Chen and I were researching where to travel. This trip included Chongqing. He said he had been there and the nature there was It’s quite a beautiful setting. We might go on a little hike there if we can… who knows.”

It can be seen that he is really relaxed.

Nazha, who was still a little nervous at first, felt much more at ease when she saw this.

After looking down at the questions written on the paper in front of her, she asked:

"Then let's talk about the film "The Man of Tai Chi". What kind of story does it tell?"

"To use a very general summary, it is: SHINMA~ You know, in the Chinese language, it refers to the inner demon... Is my pronunciation okay? SHIN, MA~"

"Actually, it's [Inner Demon], SHIN, MO. But the meaning is right, the inner demon."

"OK, SHIN, MO~ I remember it. It tells such a story. In this movie, you will see a young warrior who has great talent and great kung fu, but in the current moment In this era, he was confused and hesitant. After passing some things, he finally found his true self... Believe me, I am speaking very generally, but in fact his story is very interesting. So..."

Suddenly, he changed from talking to Nazha to facing the camera:

“You must come and see it.”

Nazha couldn't help showing a smile and asked:

"This is your first movie, right?"


He began to describe the original intention of creating "The Man of Tai Chi".

But this part is not new to Nazha, because Brother Xu talked to her yesterday. This movie was made for his friend, the martial arts instructor he met in "The Matrix", and the star of this movie, Chen Huyuan. Movie dreams.

She knows, but the audience may not know.

And this is actually a good selling point for movie promotion.

During this period, Nazha also asked a few small questions. In about five minutes, in fact, all the causes and consequences of "Tai Chi Man" were almost explained.

But Xu Xin's name was not included in Nazha's question.

This is something Brother Xu himself didn't let her ask.

Because he didn't think it was necessary.

It's just a little help, giving a relatively clear story line. Not to write a big book about it, it seems like it has done a lot of great things.

In the end, Keanu Reeves said it himself:

"But the first version of this story was actually not like this. The original version... was a bit similar to traditional Hollywood personal heroism movies. Lao Chen defeated the enemy and saved the city. But I actually have a little bit of this story. I'm not satisfied, but I can't tell where I'm dissatisfied.

I keep thinking, thinking and thinking...

Then I was at a cocktail party held by Paramount. I went to smoke in the middle and met Xu. I invited him to help me... You know, we were actually strangers at that time.

But he didn't shirk and agreed directly.

So we made an appointment to meet at my home the next day. After Xu read the script, he buried a very clear logical clue in it based on the original story. It makes it a completely different style under the same tone of the story... To be honest, I really can't wait for this movie to meet the Chinese audience as soon as possible.

Because I want to hear everyone's comments. I want to know what everyone thinks of this film. For me... I'm... I'm wrong? Is that the word? I want to know what everyone thinks of my "censored" movie..."

Seeing that he took the initiative to mention it, Nazha simply borrowed flowers to offer to Buddha and asked:

"So what do you think is Director Xu Xin's main influence on this film?"

"I think it's the soul. Before he buried that main line, I, including Michael... the screenwriter, we all felt that the story looked okay, but it was not that good. It is very traditional, but this tradition It seemed a bit old-fashioned. Until Xu changed him. Just like the soul that only weighs 21 grams. Without him, this film may be just an empty shell, but it is precisely the weight of 21 grams that completely makes this story rejuvenated. There was a kind of energy.”

Keanu Reeves meant it very seriously when he said this.

In fact, he also knows that the host may not be able to empathize with others.


He was present when Xu adapted the story.

He and Lao Chen are both here.

They watched helplessly as Xu Zai got the script translated by Lao Chen. He first read it, then thought about it, and finally helped the two of them figure it out bit by bit... The two of them had never thought about it, but adding it in made them happy. The whole story is complete and even sublimated to produce clues of qualitative change.

It was this clue that made "Man of Tai Chi" amazing when some film producers and investors, including Cannes and the United States, saw it. Even before the film was released, he had already made back the money he invested by selling the distribution rights.

Everything is inseparable from the core of this story.

From Xu's hand.

The comments from the film producers, film festival critics, and fans who have watched the film gave him and investors full confidence in the film.

Just like his words that seemed polite at first, but actually came from the bottom of his heart.

He really can't wait to see this movie with everyone as soon as possible.

Because it...

At least from my perspective, it’s really exciting!

And what he said was sincere, but in Nazha's ears, it was actually a disguised compliment.

Not only did she enjoy listening to it, she even enjoyed it.

Opposite is Keanu Reeves. The savior Neo was introduced to audiences around the world in the movie "The Matrix".

Although he is older now... his personal charm remains unchanged.

How could she not be happy that such a well-known figure was writing a book about the importance of Brother Xu?

Moreover, she actually wanted to talk more about this aspect with the other party.

However, due to length, this interview only has 30 minutes at most with Keanu Reeves.

The rest is for others.

The final interview will be edited into a completed version within one hour and posted on the school website.

She wanted to talk more, but the space was limited. Brother Xu's big framework was there, and it was impossible for her to "open a separate subject."

Not realistic.

That was a waste of the opportunity that Brother Xu had fought for.

After all, whether as an actor or a novice host, international superstar Keanu Reeves is not something you can just meet if you want.

So, she smiled and nodded:

"It sounds like this movie is really great, and I think there will be many people like me who will go see it on the day it comes out."

"Haha, I'd be very grateful then. I hope everyone can enjoy it too."


Nazha pondered for a moment and asked:

"So...Mr. Reeves, I actually prepared some questions that are not related to the movie for today's interview..."

"Of course, please."

Keanu Reeves didn't show any surprise.

That's essentially what movie promotion is all about.

This is almost an established rule in participating in various programs. Let’s talk about the movie first, and after the promotion is enough, we can then talk about other things...such as gossip, small talk, etc.

Very normal.

In his heart, his subconscious told him that the other party should talk about some personal issues next, such as his impression of China.


He heard:

"How does it feel to be a director for the first time?... In fact, before the interview, when our team talked about the director's debut, they all came to a consensus, that is, the temperament contained in a director's debut often runs through him. Life. Unlike you in the role of an actor, as an actor you can use your own performance to prove to the audience that you are qualified for the role you control. As a director? How do you define your debut on the screen? "


Keanu Reeves glanced at the beautiful girl in front of him in surprise.

Frankly, he was surprised.

Because the direction of this question is actually quite good.

This is a question that cannot be answered with your kidneys but with your mind.

"OK... that's a good question. Uh... let me think."

He rubbed his nose, and after thinking for a few seconds, he said:

"I think I'm a very poorly gifted director."


This time it was Nazha's turn to be stunned.

"Very bad?"

"Yes, it's very bad. To be honest... Of course, what I say doesn't stop you from watching the movie "The Man of Tai Chi". Believe me, it's really good to watch."

He folded his armor in front of the camera and continued:

"But when it comes to my screen debut, I have to admit that I was influenced by many directors. For example, in the film I wanted to reflect the alienation that kung fu has shown in this era, its past glory, When it came to some changes in Chen's mentality, my reference was director Martin Scorsese.

I watched Goodfellas, Casino, and Raging Bull many times in an awkward attempt to imitate the unique texture of time.

For another example, in some pictures that show that Chen is incompatible with this era, I consciously think about why Xu likes to shoot from a distance in "The Thirty-Three Days of Love", and why he takes a lovelorn person. The girl and the entire city operate together like a cold and heartless machine...

To be very honest, before, I was just an actor. The director took the character and told me: Hey, Keanu, I need you to perform a certain appeal of the character. I would say: OK, no problem. And when the movie was released, everyone watched the director's movie and my performance. In fact, I was just a part of the show.

But after you become a director, you have to start from the overall perspective of the film. You have to film the story in the script, and at the same time, you have to take into account the actors' performances, and you also have to set up some shots for these performance scenes and present them to the audience... To be honest, I didn't feel deeply about it before. But this experience made me understand how much directing is a profession that requires talent.

And you know, the most interesting thing is that in this industry that requires brilliant collisions of inspiration to produce great works, there are already so many excellent directors, including Xu, working hard for the excellence of the film. So for me...it was clear to me that there probably wouldn't be another film until my mind changed again. Maybe I'm more suited to being an actor than a director. "

Nazha was a little surprised.

Are you saying Brother Ji is so sincere?

So sane in the world?

She glanced at her next questions, such as "What are the prospects for the next work" and "What are the differences between the director's ideas and those of the actors"...

After thinking about it, I decided there was no need to dig deeper.

The other party no longer has this ambition, so digging into the director's part seems somewhat meaningless.

So, she quietly changed her gaze and looked at the other person again:

"How about we talk about Keanu the actor?"


"I saw the interview you gave to a Spanish media magazine in 1996. That interview was very old. I read it when I was reading a fan support website about you. The title at the time was quite scary, and it was called "I Can't Have Only One Woman" ",Do you still remember?"


Keanu Reeves showed a look of reminiscence, and then shook his head slightly:

"Sorry, I forgot. But it doesn't sound like this interview was great~"

Nazha smiled slightly:

"It doesn't matter, the interview was in 1996, you were still very young at that time."

"Ha ha."

"In the content of the interview, what I am actually interested in is not other things, but a very inconspicuous paragraph in it. The interviewer asked about your career ambitions and that you had already starred in "Little Living Buddha" and "Amazing" at that time. "Breaking Point", "400 Years of Vampire Zombies", "Bill and Ted" and other popular works, what he means is: since you said you want to make your own works, but what you shoot now are all It is a commercial film. You are not overly pursuing art, but making money with everyone. I think your answer...is very different from my impression of American values.

Your answer is: Yes, maybe now I am just making some commercial films that make money, but in this industry, if you never have box office appeal, you will not be able to do anything, and you will not even be able to eat tomorrow.

I think your answer back then also reflects the current stage...or the two paths of the actor's career. There are many actors who are relatively solipsistic. What they pursue is art and they will burn themselves out on the screen. But maybe they live a very difficult life in private. But they are unwilling to compromise and will look down upon those who have always been active in commercial films.

But your answer makes me think that you have a very calm mind, and the answer was given in 1996. At your current stage, do you have any suggestions for actors in this aspect? "


Keanu Reeves finally reacted belatedly.

This girl's interview today is a little different from the traditional interview that is done in a fussy and hasty manner.

But this actually made him interested.

Is this why the Chinese film industry has risen so quickly?

They don’t pay much attention to gossip and gossip. On the contrary, they are curious about career-related professional opinions?

Today’s interview is interesting.

He thought for a while and suddenly asked:

"You just talked about American values. What do you think American values ​​are?"

Nazha almost didn’t think about it and gave the answer directly:

“The first word that pops into my head is chasing freedom.”

"It's very appropriate. In fact, that's what I think. Shakespeare said: If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight."

"Well, 'Henry IV'."

Hearing this, Keanu Reeves looked at her in surprise again, and then nodded:

"Yes, "Henry IV." Although I don't remember how I felt when I answered this, in essence, in my opinion now, it is the commercial value of an actor, and it is also an affirmation of an artistic career. And in this career...the higher you go, the more freedom you will have. And the so-called commercial value, or artistic disapproval, are just the weight you have to bear when you wear the crown."

He made a step-like upward gesture:

"My pursuit is actually absolute freedom. For example, I can shoot whatever I want. I can just make works that I like regardless of the box office or what others think of me. Of course, it's also important that the audience likes it. But. This pursuit of freedom in film and television is one of my achievements as an actor. And the advice I can provide to young actors is - if you are really determined to pursue a choice in your heart, then please You stick with it. Because as long as you love it, you will enjoy it.

But if you label yourself with things like being artistic, being unique, etc., just to look different and hope others think you're cool...stop it. You are wasting your time. Everyone needs some luck to become famous, but before luck comes, you must find a path that suits you, instead of pretending to be unique on a path when you don't really love it in your heart. "

"Is this your suggestion?"

"Yes, that's my suggestion."

Nazha nodded again, glanced at the script book, and then asked:

"The next question is... you have starred in many works. As an actor, how do you alleviate the impact... or pressure of the role on you after the play? You know, there are many actors now because of their The characters I interpret are too empathetic, making it difficult for them to get out of the story..."

"Of course, this situation is very common..."

Speaking of this, Keanu Reeves suddenly paused.

Although the expression on his face did not change, his whole temperament seemed... suddenly much sadder.

The tone became a little lower:

"Some people will develop psychological problems, or become dependent on alcohol or drugs..."


Nazha was stunned.

The first reaction was whether this question should be asked... because he was obviously talking about his friend River Phoenix who once lost his life to drugs due to difficulties in acting.

But her original intention was to give some reminders to newcomers from this professional actor.

After all, looking at the other party's acting career, he has always controlled this point very well.

Just when I was hesitating whether to ask the next question, I heard the other party say:

"Personally, after every production, I will go to my lakeside cabin in Canada to stay for a while. I will buy food for about ten days to half a month, and then put it in Lock yourself up and isolate yourself from the outside world.

I would step barefoot on the pebbled lake shore, where there were fewer water birds, but I could hear some such as the croaking of frogs and the impact of pebbles and water.

At night, the nightingale will make a "coo-coo-coo" call, and I will light a bonfire on the shore.

You know, the bonfire also has sounds, plus the sound of water waves and pebbles, there will also be wind, and the wind will blow the trees around the house. I will meditate by the bonfire, meditate, and listen to nature. the sound of. This will give me peace of mind..."


Frankly speaking, he described it beautifully.

But the corners of Nazha's mouth twitched.

I couldn't help but asked tentatively:

"It sounds like...did you learn this technique from a book? Or?"

After she asked this question, she deliberately gave her room for maneuver.

Unexpectedly, Keanu Reeves's eyes lit up completely.

He looked at the young girl in front of him in surprise:

"you know?"


Nazha was even more speechless.

It's not that I'm speechless, but I feel like...ah, I really wanted to feel like this.

Then, she nodded slightly and said:

"Is it Walden?"

"That's right. It's Walden."

It seemed that this question completely opened up Keanu Reeves' interest in chatting. He nodded:

"Actually, many hosts have asked me your question, but you are the first one who can tell me where I learned this method. You are very knowledgeable, madam."

He gave his sincere compliment.

He had felt this way just now when the other party quickly reacted that the line "If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight" comes from Shakespeare's play "Henry IV".

After all, just one sentence can quickly reflect the source of the original text, which is already very impressive.

And when he now talked about his method of acting, he was even more sure that this young girl was not simple.

In fact, to put it bluntly, his method of acting is not very new.

To sum it up, just be alone and relax your body and mind.

However, the process was exactly as the two said. After he first tested this method and it was effective, he immediately bought a piece of land on Lake Ontario and built a house by himself.

Every time the scene ends, he will go there and let himself completely relax.

He wasn't even finished yet.

That is, he will also ride his motorcycle and ride along Lake Ontario.

Enjoy the beauty that nature brings to you...

But his narrative process is indeed the content of the chapter of "Walden" - "Solitude".

He has continued this habit for so many years.

And the other party actually responded directly, indicating that she must have read this book.

What a coincidence.

He also likes to read books.

Ever since, a feeling of joy with a bit of "a close friend" emerged.

But what Naza thought was very simple...

That's it?

This question is a bit inconsistent with the national conditions...

If the other party's method of making a show was put in China...she could figure it out with her toes, it would definitely be on the news.

"XX celebrities build illegally and privately, destroying the natural ecological environment"


It's really a high-end way of putting on a show.

Ordinary people can't afford it, and if they want to use it, they might end up being scolded on trending searches...

have to.

The next question is still.

Soon, 30 minutes flew by.

Keanu Reeves, who was chatting enthusiastically, only realized after hearing the words of gratitude expressed by the other party that the interview related to him was over.

He still had some unfinished ideas.

But I didn’t force it either.

Shake hands politely, take a group photo, and leave in a relaxed manner.

After returning to the room, I happened to see Xu Xin chatting with several other people.

His first words were:

"Xu, does the host lady have a good relationship with you?"

Xu Xin nodded subconsciously:

"Well, what's wrong?"

"She's going to be a good actress and a good host. She's great."

This is what Keanu Reeves said about Nazha.

Soon, after more than an hour, the entire "Tai Chi Man" crew had completed interviews.

The whole crew of "Forbidden City Cultural Relics" has completed 50% of their awesome test.

And the work for the remaining 50 percent has just begun.

The entire "Tai Chi" crew has a limited time in China, so they have to edit the entire interview within two or three days and post it online for publicity purposes.

Then on the 18th, the crew of "The Man of Tai Chi" left Yanjing and headed to the next city.

number 20.

The team completed the editing of the interview.

The interview video titled [Beijing Film School Exclusive Interview with the "Tai Chi Man" Crew] was simultaneously uploaded to the Beijing Film Academy intranet on the morning of the 20th, as well as on Youku, Tudou, and the Weibo accounts of crew members including Nazha.


Just on the night of the 20th.

# The topic of Keanu Reeves praising Beijing Film Academy’s most beautiful school belle, Erudite # , has quietly made its way to the hot search list.



This interview, which was very unexpected in the eyes of many people... became popular.

(There may be some typos that have not been discovered in this chapter. I will correct them tomorrow. I must have been infected with mycoplasma by my son, and now I am going to the hospital for a blood test. Sorry.)

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