I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 1001 996 fights ten finances

Throughout the entire day of July 12th, Yang Mi didn't communicate much with him.

The time in the United States is slower than that in China. It is past 4 pm in China, but they have just reached 0:00 on the 12th, and the premiere of "Pacific Rim" officially started.

Then what……

Nothing more.

The first day's box office will not be released until the 13th.

The IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes ratings have not yet been unlocked.

No one can say exactly what the reputation of this movie will be among everyone.

I can only wait until the 13th to see it.

On the night of the 12th, Xu Xin returned home after a busy day and fell asleep peacefully.

After waking up on the 13th, he directly jumped over the wall and opened Rotten Tomatoes in the United States.

Rotten Tomatoes Freshness: 59%

Popcorn: 88%

The freshness of Rotten Tomatoes is determined by film critics with film review qualifications.

Popcorn is rated by ordinary users on a 5-point rating scale.

From 16:00 in the afternoon of China time, 0:00 in Los Angeles time, to 8:30 in the morning in China time, around 16:00 in the afternoon of Los Angeles time.

A total of 172 film critics gave the film a rating of less than 60%, which is below the pass mark.

and 5,923 Rotten Tomatoes users, giving it a popcorn score of 88%.

Seeing this score, Xu Xin knew... the score of this film could almost be said to be stable.

This stability does not mean how high the box office is, but the quality itself.

Audiences who have watched it think it is a standard popcorn movie.

As for the scores from professional film critics... they are useful, but not absolute for science fiction commercial films. On the contrary, the higher the popcorn score, the better.

So, without even looking at IMDB, he called his wife’s WeChat account.

WeChat was quickly connected, and Yang Mi’s voice sounded full of sunshine:

"Hey, are you awake?"

"Well, I just watched Rotten Tomatoes, and the score is pretty good. The popcorn score is 88!"


Laughter rang from the phone:

"I'm also relieved. I didn't get much rest last night. As long as I pass the test, as long as I can stabilize the 80...no, 75% line, it's a success for me."

"As long as you have this mentality, you don't have to worry about comments or anything like that. Just prepare your new work in a down-to-earth manner."

"Yeah, I know. How are you doing there?"

"After applying for the visa, just show up in Chengdu early the day after tomorrow. Director Chen brought over a few demos, and they all sound pretty good to me. I will leave directly from Italy then."

"Okay. Then I'll read the script."

"Go ahead."

Yang Mi no longer had any mental burden, and he felt at ease.

I spent a whole day in the editing room.

Then early in the morning on the 15th, he took Su Meng on a plane to Chengdu.

At the same time, I also received a message from Yang Mi.

"Pacific Rim" first-day box office: $8.42 million.

The results...are neither good nor bad.

It falls within the mediocre range.

The unveiling ceremony of "Still Fantasy · 7V Store" is in the afternoon. After the unveiling, it means that it is open for business, and it also means that Lao Wang may be trending because of the name of this store.

After all, no matter how you look at this name, it sounds like a show of affection.

Before taking off, he used the circumvention method taught by Lao Wang in the group to set up a VPN, went to the external network, and opened the official US website of Rotten Tomatoes.

The freshness level of "Pacific Rim" has dropped to 55%.

But its popcorn score rose to 92%.

Seeing this score, he turned off the VPN and opened the domestic Weibo.

Search topic # Pacific Rim #

The first thing you see is a Weibo post with high likes and comments.

[Go watch "Pacific Rim"! So pretty! ! The special effects scenes are shocking! Especially the soundtrack. When the robot appeared, the soundtrack from the big speaker gave me goosebumps! Yang Mi is very beautiful, and the leading actor is also quite handsome, and the whole process gave me the feeling of being high-energy without being pissed off! Highly recommended! Friends who haven’t watched it must watch it, it’s so enjoyable! 】

This Weibo was also accompanied by several photos taken in a movie theater facing the screen.

At first glance, this person should be in the United States.

But he had actually seen this topic on the 13th.

Including the following two replies that are like being possessed by a mentally retarded person:

[Okay, where can I go to see it? 】

[Go to the cinema to watch. 】

[Which cinema should I go to? 】

[Buy tickets to watch in movie theaters in the United States. 】

[How many buses do you take to movie theaters in the United States? 】......

The two netizens, like Douchong, made this topic receive many likes and comments.

He had already seen it, so naturally he no longer paid attention, but instead focused on other newly emerging related topics:

[Yang Mi’s Hollywood debut "Pacific Rim" was well received! Highly rated and highly anticipated】

[Hollywood’s leading heroine is confirmed! "Pacific Rim" is so popcorn-worthy! 】

[Spoiler alert! What exactly is the story of "Pacific Rim"? 】

[Yang Mi’s new film is well received in Hollywood! A big hit at the box office on the first day! 】

When he saw the news, he finally couldn't stand it any longer.

The first-day box office of over 8 million US dollars may be a big hit in China... but in the United States, it cannot be said to be a big hit.

Moreover, the news that was full of praise gave him a smell of "publication".

Especially the "big sales" one is pure nonsense.

Not to mention anything else, "Iron Man 3", which was released this year, grossed US$13.2 million at 0:00, and even hit a first-day box office of US$34.37 million that day.

This is called a big sale.

The 8 million-dollar "Pacific Rim" used these two words, which is definitely a fool's errand.

But he could probably guess that this was either the work of Huayi or the legendary Dongfang.

This kind of propaganda is really in line with the national conditions.

In an even darker extension, if it is really a hit when it is released in China, it will be a given. But if it doesn't become a hit, but flops at the box office...then my wife may be a piece of shit at any time.

This is a form of propaganda that can turn into flattery at any time.

Or exaggerated propaganda.

But it cannot be said that there is no benefit at all. It can only be said that whether this kind of publicity is good or bad in the end still depends on the audience's acceptance of the movie "Pacific Rim".

And now that the North American box office of "Pacific Rim" has been released on its first day, all we can say is... it's not very optimistic.

I just hope the impact is not big.

He locked the screen and thought to himself.

At 10:30, Xu Xin arrived in Chengdu.

Because he left the plane in the United States for his wife to use, he took a civil aviation flight that he was not used to.

While going to the toilet, the flight attendant asked for two photos.

After getting off the plane, it was Xu Dafa who came to pick him up.

Wang Sicong bought a house in Chengdu, but it has not been renovated yet. He now lives in a rented house in Wuhou District.

In addition, he likes to go shopping with Di Wei, so he regretted buying the house in Lushan...

According to him, it is better to buy a decent second-hand house in the old city.

As for Xu Xin, his knowledge of Chengdu is limited to the fly restaurants in the streets and the zoo where he adopted two pandas.

Not very familiar either.

He didn't even ask Xu Dafa where he was taking him.

I just know that this road is getting more and more congested.

But fortunately, the scenery is really good, and there are some young girls enjoying the cool air by the river from time to time.

To be honest, he quite likes the slow pace of Chengdu.

Of course, he also heard a rumor that this city consumes the most lubricants in the whole country.

I don’t know if it’s true or false.

In short, the car drove for nearly an hour and finally reached its destination.

After getting off the car, Xu Xin looked at the door that was still covered with red cloth, and then remembered that he had visited here last time.

Without asking any questions, I walked straight inside and saw everyone, including the waiters, cleaning and decorating the store door.

After seeing Xu Xin, who was only wearing a baseball cap, a smart-looking buddy bowed and shouted:

"Hello, Director Xu."

"Hmm, hello."

Xu Xin responded politely, and then was led into the elevator by Xu Dafa.

The 7V store has two floors, upper and lower, and wheel elements can be seen in every detail.

For example, the back wall of the elevator is covered with vinyl records of Jay Chou.

Xu Xin took a look... and found that the vinyl record of "Exclamation Mark" was placed in the very corner.

Even "12 New Works" is higher than it.

Obviously, Pharaoh and he have the same taste.

Everyone thinks the album "Exclamation Mark" is ugly...

And placed in the middle, guarded by stars, is "Chopin in November".

He wasn't very convinced on this point.

The most awesome album of Wheels should definitely be "Ye Huimei".

Soon, the elevator door opened and he arrived on the second floor.

What catches the eye are advertisements for various recharge offers.

He took a quick glance and found that there were free drinks with the recharge amount, lucky draws, etc.

Despite the fact that "Still Fantasy" is located in a prime location, the cost is actually not expensive. Lao Wang's business philosophy is obviously still focused on affordable prices.

It can even be asserted.

Even if other stores of "Still Fantasy" close down due to poor management, this store will continue to exist as long as it does not change its name.

Do not ask.

Asking is full of love for Brother Qi.

He followed Xu Dafa all the way to the office area. When he reached the innermost office, he opened the door and was greeted by the smell of second-hand smoke.

And... he met a pair of loveless eyes.

Jay Chou.

He was sitting on the sofa, facing a table full of signed posters and albums, looking at him with a marker in his hand.

Xu Xin was instantly happy.

"Hey, are you busy?"


Jay Chou's mouth moved.

It looked like he was going to curse in the next second.

But Xu Xin, who knew him better than himself, was one step ahead:

"elder brother."

Yo, busy. (Add something if something is wrong) Brother.


Jay Chou's open mouth closed again.

Not bothering to pay attention to him, he continued to sign with his head down.

How do you say that?

Put down the price of the signature...!

After Xu Xin said hello to him, he turned around and found Wang Sicong sitting in front of the tea table waving to him.

"Just you two? Where's Brother Seven? Where's Kun Ling?"

"Went shopping. Brother Qi took her to Taikoo Li."

The eldest young master ironed a new cup and made tea for him.

Then he added:

"Comrade Kun Ling has a very heavy task on his shoulders."

Xu Xin asked in confusion:

"You're not going to ask them to come over again in the afternoon, are you?"

"That's not necessary. It's such a hot day, and I still feel sorry for my wife."

As soon as Wang Sicong said these words, Jay Chou, who was signing with his head down, showed a strong look of disgust on his face.

"I really vomited."

In the face of Xu Xin's complaints, the proud young master shrugged:

"We walked around until noon, and we went to eat. After dinner, we chatted and drank tea, and rested for a while. Isn't it already three o'clock? Then we will unveil the plaque together. Hehe, in the past few months, when we came here, I always go through the back door, just to prevent her from getting curious. Even the words "7V" behind "Still Fantasy" at the service desk were put up this morning. You guys are I really don’t know how hard it was for me to hide it.”

Hearing this, Xu Xin turned around and said to Jay Chou:

"Did you hear that? Learn from it. This is how romance has to be done!"

"Go away! Who wants this kind of romance?...Hey, you don't think everything will be fine after you get married, do you? Let him continue like this, and see if Mimi will have any objections!"

Xu Xin was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Wang Sicong:

"Okay, you big-eared thief..."

"are you crazy?"

Wang Sicong rolled his eyes.

"Our relationship is so deep, why would you listen to an outsider's instigation?"


Jay Chou put down the pen directly:

"Am I an outsider?... I have known him much earlier than you! If we really count, you are at most a mistress."

"Ah, right, right. It's like you can climb into my director Xu's bed."

"Wow... why are you so gay? Did you use too much lubricant?"


Just as he was about to take a sip of tea, Xu Xin, who was watching the two dogs fighting, couldn't hold back and squirted out a mouthful of water.


He burst out laughing.

At this time, his cell phone rang, which finally stopped his urge to join the battle group.

Despite the two people bickering in the void, he picked up the phone, took a look at it, and connected directly:


"It's done."

Xu Zhi's voice rang on the other end of the phone.

Xu Xin didn't realize what was done at first, but then he heard a number:

"Including value-added, giving up three or four Didi shares to be fully owned by LeTV, and transferring the second Didi shares, a total of 9% of Didi's shares were exchanged. Okay? If it works, then start preparing for the procedures."

Xu Xin, who now realized what Xu Zhi was talking about, directly called Wang Sicong:

"Xu Zhi, he sold the ownership of the second part of "Tiny Times"."

Wang Sicong nodded, took the phone, turned on the speakerphone and gave a feed.

"Hey, Lao Wang, 9% of the debt shares..."

After giving an overview of what happened, Wang Sicong asked:

"In other words, Headwind now owns 12% of LeTV Pictures' debt, right?"


"That's OK. I don't think LeTV said it was going to open another round of financing a while ago. Its market value will expand a lot after the financing is completed. But it's far from reaching the highest point. When?" "Little Times" is all finished, we will consider selling it later, now we just need to get it in our hands."

"Okay, let's talk about it when the time comes. There will be talks about deepening cooperation in the future. This is a bit convoluted. Let's talk about it when we meet."


He hung up the phone directly and handed the phone to Xu Xin opposite.

When Xu Xin took it over, he asked:

"What is the current market value of LeTV Pictures?"

"I haven't paid much attention recently, but in our round of financing, didn't its valuation already reach 1.55 billion? As soon as "Tiny Times" came out, this round of financing...I guess it can reach 2.5 billion. ? After all, this is what LeTV is doing. If they hold the "golden brick" of "Tiny Times" in their hands, can they feel comfortable without tamping it twice? "

After hearing this, Xu Xin thought for a while and said:

"In other words, we used... a total investment of 40 million in exchange for... Let's calculate it as 2.5 billion. 12% of 2.5 billion is..."

As he spoke, he wanted to take a photo of the calculator with his cell phone.

As a result, Wang Sicong simply rolled his eyes and gave a number:

"Three hundred million."

Xu Xinxin asked, "Why are you so awesome? How can you do mental arithmetic so quickly?"

So I ignored him and did the math after finding the calculator on my phone...

After seeing that number, he locked the screen angrily.

He met Wang Sicong's proud smile head on.

"Brother, this brain is something you can only hope to achieve in your life, understand? Dirty little brother."

Then, while Xu Xin was speechless, he nodded slightly:

"That's right. With 40 million, I first took it..."Tiny Times" will be released soon, right? How much is the total box office?"

"It seems...more than 400 million, right? I don't pay much attention to the specifics."

"Then calculate it as 400 million. For 400 million, the box office share is about 150 million. 60% of 150 million is 90 million. Let's calculate it as a profit of 100 million. A profit of 100 million, plus 300 million debt. This is just now. The total value is 400 million, and the cost you paid is only 40 million."


This time, Xu Xin fell silent.

Not that he cares about the 400 million.

But because... this is no different from a white wolf with empty gloves.

One fight for ten!

How exaggerated must this be to create this effect?

"What an exaggeration..."

he murmured.

After hearing his words, Wang Sicong's face showed a strange expression of disdain, awe, mixed with a bit of reason and sobriety.

He picked up the teacup, shook his head, blew on it, and said:

"This is finance."

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