I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 1002 997 Zhizi Mo Ruomu

Chapter 1002 997. Zhizi Moruomu


After signing numerous albums and posters, Jay Chou breathed a long sigh of relief, shook off his aching hands, stood up and sat at the tea table.

After Wang Sicong handed over a tea cup, he glanced at the "mountain" of signed gifts on the coffee table, and suddenly turned to Xu Xin with a smile:

"Do you know how much his signed album costs on Taobao now?"

"How many?"

"The poster is less than 500, and the signed album is less than 800. Hahahahaha..."

The eldest young master's smile was full of gloating.

Apparently, since the Olympics, he felt a sense of "joy" from the bottom of his heart after his friends' signatures flooded across the board.

But Jay Chou didn't even have a refutation this time.

no way.

Really used to it.

At first, he was quite happy when A Xin brought several boxes of things to him for his autograph.

I feel that... I am particularly proud in front of my friends.

But after a long time, you will know.

His signature, to his friends, is just a... souvenir with some value.

It is still easy to promise hundreds or even thousands of favors.

In the second-hand market, God knows how many people were deceived and bankrupted by the second-hand dealer who sold his own autographs in the early years.

His current autographs are notoriously worthless.

Xu Xin was also happy and felt that he had done something glorious.

Holding a cup, you have to clink glasses with the master of suffering.

Jay Chou didn't even look at it:

"Get lost."


Xu Xin, who was asking for trouble, nodded.

Jay Chou suddenly remembered something, took out his mobile phone and said:

"Hey, I'll send you a script."


Xu Xin didn't care either.

After receiving the email, I asked:

"what story?"

"Musicals. I've been very interested in this aspect recently. I plan to make one."

Xu Xin was stunned and asked:

"Are you your own director?"

"Yes. It's me! Hannah really likes the movie "Singin' in the Rain". I want to make a movie with her and give it to her."


The corners of Xu Xin's mouth began to twitch.

Look at him first, then look at Wang Sicong...

"Are you two sick?"

Unable to bear it anymore, he started to complain:

"One opened a KTV and named it after his girlfriend, and the other..."

"Fiancée, thank you."

After hearing Wang Sicong's correction, Xu Xin ignored him and continued:

"One of you wants to make a movie with your girlfriend? You two will die if you don't get involved, right? What do you want Lao Lang to do?"

Wang Sicong sneered:

"You should think about what you should do, right? Lao Lang will start a charity piano world tour in the second half of the year, including Africa, and will tour the world with Gina to do charity and increase his popularity."


Xu Xin was stunned and asked in surprise:

"How do you know it?"

"He told me."

Hearing this, Xu Xin looked at Jay Chou again:

"you know too?"

"I know."

"Wait a minute... You know, you know, but I don't know!? What do you mean? Are you isolating me?"

"It's not so much isolation. It's just that we're not used to hanging out with married people."

"Okay, okay..."

Xu Xin said and picked up the phone:

"I was chatting with Brother Qi. I miss her."


Wang Sicong quickly snatched away his mobile phone:

"Let's stop making trouble, I've been preparing for this surprise for almost two years!"

Xu Xinxin said I still can’t cure you bastard?

She glanced at him proudly, then suddenly remembered something, turned to Jay Chou and asked:

"How's the matter with your vocal teacher going?"

"We just met last week."

When it comes to business matters, Jay Chou is obviously very serious:

"We chatted for a while, and it seemed pretty good. Hannah actually just came back from Japan yesterday. She went to the professor with her live singing videos that I had recorded since my debut. During this period of time, he knew how to I will adjust my singing method according to the changes in my voice when I debut. But this process will be very long, it may take one to two years, which is quite a long time."

"But it will work? Right. Just like the God of Song."

"Well... and, actually, my spondylitis may gradually affect my voice as I grow older... I did realize that it was too late. If it had been earlier, the effect might have been better. But it’s not bad now.”

"That's fine. Be diligent and listen to Kun Ling. The voice is indeed the life of a singer, so you have to start adjusting it quickly."

"Okay, I understand. Hey, please help me read the script. If there are no problems, I will start preparations after the concert next year."


While they were chatting, the door behind them was pushed open.

Lang Lang walked in alone.




The three of them were stunned.

Xu Xin asked subconsciously:

"Where's Gina?"

"She went shopping in Taikoo Li. Brother Qi and Kun Ling met her at the door and took her away directly."

Lang Lang said casually.

But Wang Sicong's face changed:

"Seventh brother is downstairs!? Did she go through the front door or the side door?"

"What happened to the main entrance?"

Lang Lang looked puzzled.

"Damn it! She...she didn't look at the front door, did she?"

Seeing the frightened expression on the eldest young master's face, Lang Lang was a little puzzled at first, but he immediately came to his senses, sat down at the tea table, and said:

"Are you talking about the name of the KTV store?...You don't know yet? Brother Qi didn't tell you?"


The eldest young master’s eyes were filled with confusion:

"What are you telling me?"

"She already knew it."




Seeing two of the three people's eyes widening, and the other trying to open his eyes to express that he was not sleeping but was surprised, Lang Lang was even more surprised:

"You don't know?"

"...Seventh brother knows?"

Xu Xin asked uncertainly.

Lang Lang nodded:

"I know."

"...How do you know that Seventh Brother knows? Hey, Lao Wang hid it very well, how could she know?"

"Gina told me."

"...How did Gina know?"

"Dami said so."


In an instant, the other two people, especially Wang Sicong, looked at Xu Xin with extremely dangerous eyes.


Xu Xin tried to argue...

But it is true that he told his wife the name 7V.

But the problem is... He is very sure that he said at the time, "This is a surprise prepared by Lao Wang." His wife is not stupid, how could she tell Brother Seven about this?

What's more, my wife is very strict with her mouth!

This guy must be slandering me!

He looked unkindly at his friend who had just walked into the room without even taking a sip of tea:

"You can eat whatever you want, but don't talk nonsense! Be careful, I won't let you leave Chengdu!"

Lang Lang chuckled:

"If you don't believe me, I'm sorry. Anyway, when Dami went to New York to promote, Gina invited her to dinner, and she told me about it when she came back."


Xu Xin was completely speechless now.

Looking at Wang Sicong's dangerous look, "Xu, you'd better give me an explanation, or I'll kill you and sink you into the Jinjiang River", and Jay Chou's joking, "Hey, you'd better speak clearly, hahaha." …

"Don't worry, let me ask."

It was less than 8pm at my wife's place at this time, so she must not have rested yet.

He took out his phone and called directly.

"Ding ding dong dong...hey, what's the matter?"

From time to time, the noise of children could be heard from Yang Mi's side.

"Did you tell Brother Qi that Lao Wang called the KTV 7V?"

"No, why did I say that?"

Swish, swish, swish!

In an instant, three eyes fell on Lang Lang, who was spreading the rumor.

Lang Lang twitched the corner of his mouth and directly took Xu Xin's phone number:

"Don't talk nonsense! Dami! It was obviously you and Gina who told this!"

"Hey, have you gotten off the plane?"

"Don't worry, you told Gina!"

"Yes, it's me... But Brother Qi didn't know it from Gina or me. She has known it for a long time. When Lao Wang submitted the KTV name procedure to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, Brother Qi already knew it. .”


Wang Sicong was stunned.

And the eyes of the three people turned to himself.

As a result, Xu Xin’s phone number changed hands again:

"Hey, Dami, what are you talking about?... Seventh Brother already knew this?"

"Yes, her cousin works at the Industrial and Commercial Bureau. When you were submitting the approval procedures, Brother Qi told people in the company and gave her cousin's phone number, and then she found out about "Still Fantasy· "7V Store". Didn't she also ask you, you said it was called "Still Fantasy KTV", and she asked you, is that really the name? Isn't there a branch name? Didn't you triple deny it?"

"I... what does triple denial mean?"

"It's your habit. When you lie to others, you like to say three denial words in a row."

"I didn't. It's nonsense. It's nonsense."




In an instant, Xu Xin and the other three were speechless.

And Yang Mi's voice sounded again from the speakerphone:

"Look, isn't this coming out?"

"Ah, yes, yes..."




The three people were even more speechless.

Wang Sicong, who realized that he really seemed to have this problem, was stunned and said quickly:

"I didn't!... It's... really. No, how did she know I had this problem?"

"I told her."





The four gentlemen looked at each other.

At this time, Xu Xin was so happy that he dipped his finger in water and wrote the word "Clown" on the table of the tea table.

Then he poked Jay Chou next to him.

Jay Chou followed his guidance and glanced down...

He showed a look of approval.



As Jay Chou nodded slightly, Yang Mi's casual but extremely true words sounded in the office:

"I don't know whose habits among you are? Xu Xin likes to blink continuously when he lies, Lao Lang likes to raise his voice when he feels guilty, Wheel likes to purse his lips when telling lies... You two have no secrets in front of me."

"Can you pull it off, SEI!? I don't have it."

Lang Lang subconsciously wanted to refute.

Then, the Northeast flavor under the rising tone suddenly became stronger.

In exchange for the attention of three people, "Do you want to listen to what you are saying?"

"Okay, I'm busy. That's it, I'm hanging up."


The phone hangs up.

The brothers looked at each other...

"I didn't raise my tone, are you right?"

Lang Lang tried his best to speak in Mandarin.


Jay Chou rubbed his nose subconsciously.

"Ahem...that's right, who is a good person and doesn't blink an eye? Do you think that's right?"

Xu Xin quickly corrected his behavior.

"Yes, yes, that's right!"

Wang Sicong nodded quickly.

"Who said it? It's so uncomfortable if you don't blink."


"Da Mi is just talking nonsense, nonsense, it's nothing."




After Wang Sicong finished speaking, the three of them fell silent again.

And Lao Wang himself also realized the problem with what he just said...

His face suddenly froze.

At this time, Jay Chou, who was finally able to press his dry lips, said in a somewhat difficult tone:

"How about...you should change this problem."


Wang Sicong remained silent again.

A mysterious and awkward atmosphere began to brew among the four gentlemen.

After a while, Lang Lang suppressed his words:

"Sometimes I feel like I'm not wearing any clothes in front of Dami."


Xu Xin's eyes suddenly became strange.


"Me too……"

"I...I also feel something like this. She didn't mention it, and I didn't notice it myself...I do have a dry mouth easily."

"No...are you sick? Why are you running naked in front of my wife when you have nothing to do?"

"Didn't we give an example...but Lao Xu."


"Thank u."

"...What do you want to thank me for?"

"People from harm."

Lang Lang’s eyes were full of seriousness:

"Thank you for choosing to sacrifice yourself for the sake of the people... so that she doesn't have to go out to cause harm to others... and you, my friend! You are the real hero!"


Xu Xin blinked several times subconsciously and said with a smile:

"From what you said, my wife and I are doing well. She is very obedient to me at home. You don't understand me yet?"

Wang Sicong, who had been staring at him, nodded unconsciously after seeing this action:

"Ah, yes, yes."





The atmosphere became increasingly awkward.

After being silent for a while, Jay Chou really couldn't stand the atmosphere and chose to change the topic:

"Well... what should Brother Seven do if he finds out? The surprise prepared by Lao Wang is gone."

His words gave everyone a feeling of amnesty.

"No...but why didn't Seventh Brother ask Lao Wang?"

"Didn't she ask? Lao Wang didn't say anything. Brother Qi is not stupid. Didn't he realize that this was a surprise he prepared? Just cooperate with him. Just watch. Brother Qi must be very moved during the unveiling ceremony in the afternoon. Yes! She is a professional actor!"

"Eh... don't tell me, then we have become clowns too? We have been planning for Lao Wang for so long, but the other party has already known about it. It feels like... they have been treating us like monkeys."

"If you want to play tricks, you are still playing tricks on Lao Wang. What does it have to do with me?"

"That's right, it has nothing to do with me. It's not a surprise I prepared!"

"Then I won't even mention it. But I have learned that next time I do something like this, I have to wipe my butt clean. If someone discovers the surprise I prepared in advance, it will make us look so incompetent, don't you think?"

"Stop talking, stop talking, Lao Wang's face is not right... Come on, say something nice... Yeah, that's right."

Xu Xin nodded vigorously and blinked:

"Seventh brother is really good. He knows how to understand Lao Wang and cooperate with him even if he knows it in advance. You understand my hard work and I will go crazy with you... Well, good job!"

He was purely looking for compensation for Wang Sicong.

But the heartless Lang Lang asked curiously:

"Lao Xu, what would it be like if it were you and Dami?"

"Ahahaha~ My wife is very stupid."

"……a ha ha ha."



a long time.

The old wolf sighed softly:

"I can't talk anymore today."

"Let's have tea."

Xu Xin picked up the tea cup.

There was obviously tea in the cup, but the gentlemen looked like they were drinking wine.

He seemed extremely melancholy.


At noon, Wang Sicong took three people to a non-spicy Sichuan restaurant for dinner.

Leaving aside what to eat, his first words after seeing Di Wei were:

"Brother Qi, do you know the name of the store?"

However, Di Wei's reaction made several people fall silent again.

"Store name? What store name? I don't know."

Hearing this, the three gentlemen looked at each other... Xu Xin didn't know what the other two thought, but his idea was actually very simple.

It feels... like a mother is protecting her child's dream.



The Shuijing Street side was surrounded early on.

In Xu Xin's eyes, it seemed that people from all over the world were swimming on this street.

There are people everywhere you go.

The moment Jay Chou showed up at the ribbon-cutting ceremony, overwhelming cheers spread throughout the street.

Fortunately, there are people maintaining law and order, otherwise there would have been a stampede.

But because there were too many people, the original plan was to finish the ribbon-cutting ceremony, sing a few songs on the wheel, and then open the KTV for everyone to come in. If you need to visit, you can visit, and if you need to apply for a card, you can apply for a card... But seeing the current personnel situation, many Xin told Wang Sicong under the stage.

"We must not open the door today! Let's leave after the ribbon-cutting ceremony, otherwise if so many people really flock to the KTV, something will happen!"

Wang Sicong was also so frightened by the scene of roaring mountains and tsunami that he nodded like he was pounding garlic.

After agreeing, the ribbon-cutting ceremony officially began under the auspices of the host.

Without further ado, the red cloth at the door was accompanied by several people cutting the ribbon. When it was pulled down, several people invariably focused their attention on Di Wei.


Not to mention, he is a professional actor after all.

Di Wei, who also went on stage to cut the ribbon, was full of surprise, as if she had learned about this for the first time.


In any case, "Still Fantasy·7V" has officially opened.

After seeing the name, the audience seemed to think of something and began to boo.

Others clamored for Wang Sicong and Di Wei to kiss.

It's a pity that Lao Wang didn't take the lead.

The two of them still have no official statement, and when participating in some activities, Di Wei's management team will communicate with them in advance, saying bluntly that "private life is not subject to interviews."

Even when reporters asked questions, she always blocked them with answers such as "It's not convenient to answer this kind of thing, please pay attention to today's XX".

In short, you just don’t admit it. Even if you take photos of your face, you still don’t admit it.

She is like this, and so is Wang Sicong.

No matter how much you made noises, you just smiled and waved to everyone in a polite manner.

I didn't even hug my fiancée, whom everyone regarded as my "girlfriend", and kept a very restrained distance.


Nothing more.

The words "Still Fantasy" are pretty good, but the words "7V" are so big~~~~~~.

Plus the second store is located in Chengdu... any fool knows what's going on.

After the ribbon-cutting, the microphone was given to Jay Chou, and there was no need for a few people to take care of other matters.

I quickly communicated with the store, and the manager in charge of 7V came up with a plan.

After they leave, the crowd should have dispersed.

Open after 6pm.

After all, it’s a bit unlucky to close the door after cutting the ribbon on the first day.

Wang Sicong thinks it’s okay.

After the matter was finalized, several people quickly drove away in a commercial vehicle.

Once the business of opening the business is over, everyone will be fine.

Lang Lang brought Gina to Chengdu for the first time, and they wanted to visit the surrounding area. I heard that the night view over Dujiangyan is very beautiful, so I decided to go there directly. Jay Chou had never been to Dujiangyan, and Kun Ling also wanted to see pandas. As soon as the two chatted, they planned to go together.

Ask Xu Xin and Wang Sicong if they want to go.

Wang Sicong will definitely not go. Although his Meng Qi is still waiting for him, if it can open normally tonight, he will have to keep an eye on it.

No matter how much money he can earn, it is mainly a gift he prepared for Brother Seven.

If possible, it is best to get off to a good start.

Si Wei didn't care.

You can go anywhere.

Finally, the pressure came to Xu Xin.

Xu Xin doesn't care anymore.

He originally thought that the brothers would get together and have a drink. As a result, a few people were going to play... He was alone and had no one to accompany him. What's more, he had been to Dujiangyan several times and the novelty had long since disappeared.

Seeing that he couldn't get together, he thought about it and decided to go back to Yanjing.

After hearing this, Wang Sicong didn't hold back.

You can get together whenever you want.

"Then I'll take you to the airport?"

"No, I'll just ride in their car and drive away."

A few friends who are so familiar that they are close to each other can just leave at once. When they gather together, they are like a ball of fire, but when they are separated, they are like a sky full of stars.

No need to send it.

Xu Xin, who didn't even bring any luggage this time, left with Lang Lang and Jay Chou.

As soon as the friends left, only Di Wei and Wang Sicong were left.

"Shall we go home?"

"Let's go."

Di Wei nodded and got into the car with her fiancé.

Shuijing Street is very close to Taikoo Li. Although there are many people, it is also very congested.

Wang Sicong was not in a hurry and asked while driving:

"You knew the name of the store earlier...why didn't you tell me."

Before he finished speaking, he felt his fiancée leaning forward.

As soon as he turned his head, before he could turn around, his cheek was touched by a warm and soft sound amidst the "ding dong ding dong" warning sound coming from the Mercedes-Benz.

He glanced sideways and realized that Brother Qi was taking a selfie.

So with a smile, he put his hand to his mouth and made a hip-hop "V".


Si Wei kissed her fiancé on the cheek, smiled and left another sweet photo on her phone, and then heard Wang Sicong urge:

"Okay, fasten your seat belt, there are a lot of cars at the moment."


She retracted her body and fastened her seat belt again. As her hair grew longer, her feminine scent became stronger day by day, and even her facial features became extremely soft. The woman said happily:

"You still look the best from this angle, you are handsome and sunny, I love it so much!"

The compliments from his fiancée made the corners of Wang Sicong's mouth turn up unconsciously.

However, he still remembered his question and asked:

"You know why you didn't come with me..."

"Hey, let's buy some hoof flowers and go home, right?"

"Okay, let's go to that little shop then? The one we ate at last time?"

"The one downstairs in the office building? Isn't that right in front? Okay! That one is delicious."

"Well, you..."

"Are you thirsty?"


After being "blocked" over and over again, Wang Sicong now knew that his fiancée was avoiding the topic.

Looking at her dumbfounded:

"Don't play tricks on me, over and over again... Do you know how long I have been preparing for this surprise gift?"


Seeing that she couldn't get over it, Di Wei let out a helpless sigh.

"How do you know I know?"

"Lao Lang listened to Gina, Gina listened to Dami, and Dami said what you told her..."

"……All right."

Si Wei nodded:

"I did know it a long time ago. At the time of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau's approval procedures, didn't I say that I knew someone? I introduced him to Manager Qin, and then I knew the name... Didn't I ask you? You just told me then Like a cute little hamster with hazelnuts hidden inside... Hehe, as soon as I saw your appearance, I just wanted to cooperate with you."

In fact, Wang Sicong didn't really care about the reason.


He turned to look at his fiancée and asked in a low voice:

"Are you happy then?"


Si Wei was silent for a moment and said:

"I'm actually very touched. But could you please stop doing this next time?"

"Aren't you still unhappy?"

"Oh no!"

She shook her head and grabbed her fiancé's hand on the center console.

In her eyes, the man holding the steering wheel with one hand at this moment was also shining.

"I just think that romance...can't be all done by you. I should do it too...but I'm actually not very proficient in romance. The more romance you give me, the more uncomfortable I will feel. Although I I have told others that I am not the kind of girl who is easy to win over...but I am not a particularly romantic person either. Just like this time, I was really touched after knowing the preparations you made for me... Honey My sister didn’t let me say anything, so she asked me to pretend not to know, but I actually felt very uncomfortable because I was also racking my brains to think of how to give you a romantic feeling..."

She shook her head:

"But I've thought about a lot of things, but I don't feel as good as you... You would prepare a romance for me a year in advance. For your birthday last year, I didn't even think of a gift for you until December... Compared with you , I seem particularly clumsy in some things. You are like a peerless genius..."

"Ahaha, no, no, it's not that exaggerated..."

Wang Sicong didn't stop and suddenly laughed.

After Si Wei saw it, she thought that what Sister Mi said was absolutely right.

My fiancé is really a docile donkey.

No matter what happens, as long as you praise him... then you will be invincible.

Of course.

She was telling the truth.

Things like feelings are always two-way.

When one party gives, the other party must give back.

But her little romantic thoughts pale in comparison to her boyfriend, who can take a year or two to prepare.


"Hey hey hey."

At this moment, she stopped talking.

Instead, she held her fiancé's hand, held it to her mouth, and lightly printed her own lip gloss on the back of the hand.

She knew that her fiancé was in a good mood right now.

Because even though he said it very modestly.

But it uses triple negation.


Sister Mi is really amazing!

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