I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 1003 998 is a pretty good

Chapter 1003 998. A pretty good "city"

# The topic of the opening of Fantasy·7V store # is still not very popular on Weibo.

# Wang Sicong named his new store after the abbreviation of Si Wei to show his romance. # was the seventh hot topic.

This is something no one expected.

In fact, Lao Wang and Seventh Brother have always been very sweet to Xu Xin.

When he was scrolling through Weibo, he would often see photos of the two of them going out on certain occasions.

Sometimes it's a shopping mall, sometimes it's a roadside stall late at night.

In pairs.

He even met a brave passerby who asked him while holding up his mobile phone:

"Principal, where is Di Wei?"

Lao Wang just waved and smiled in response.

Even if someone occasionally sees Wang Sicong sitting among a group of handsome men and beautiful women in a bar, he is usually alone with his hands in his arms, or playing with his mobile phone with his head down.

Obviously, the title of God of Pure Love has never been removed from his head.

Xu Xin took a look at the hot searches this time and found that no one paid attention to whether the two were together or not.

On the contrary, the article is full of blessings and envy such as "getting married on the spot".

This is good.

As people around them, everyone can see the emotional state of the two people clearly.

Although this surprise did not become a real "surprise".

But... isn't it true as the old saying goes, things often go wrong in life, but it's the same as what others say.


Quite appropriate.


The future belongs to you.

After attending the opening ceremony of the second store of "Still Fantasy", Xu Xin returned to Yanjing. He was not in a hurry to go to the United States, but planned to use this time to finish all the finishing work of the movie.

In this way, once Yang Mi returns to China and completes her part that requires dubbing, the entire movie can be prepared for release.

At noon on the 16th, he received news from Wang Sicong.

The total amount of card applications for "Still Fantasy" on the first day exceeded 2.7 million.

Opens at 6 a.m. and closes at 3 a.m.

The turnover of 2.7 million is not low.

In fact, money is not important. What is important is that as long as "Fantasy" can operate smoothly, then...it is estimated that next year at most, everyone will start preparing for two "flagship stores" in Yanjing and Shanghai.

After establishing a foothold, Tianlai will have an additional physical industry.

In the future, whether Big A is listed or otherwise, the future seems to be bright.

However, Xu Xin doesn’t know much about this aspect. Others say that A-shares are good, but Lao Wang always sneers at them. But he felt... the stock market was always fictitious. LeTV Pictures, a company with nothing, can rely on finance and the stock market to expand crazily. Its 40 million investment has turned into 30 to 400 million...

This thing is too profitable, so it’s better to stay away from it as much as possible.

Otherwise, you might be treated like a leek one day without even realizing it.

Coal is still reliable.

Coal, real estate, KTV... Anyway, as long as there is industry and doing business with people, it will always be much better than these illusory things.

July 19th.

"Pacific Rim" has concluded its first week in theaters.

The box office in the United States reached more than 48 million.

To be honest, this data is not ideal.

As a special effects blockbuster with a real money investment of 200 million US dollars, this box office obviously does not satisfy everyone.

In the United States, according to Yang Mi, people from Legendary Pictures and Warner have already had a huge quarrel.

After a week of screenings, the film's freshness rating on Rotten Tomatoes has bucked the trend and risen to 63%.

The reputation of the film critic community began to reverse.

After removing some of the colored filters, everyone felt... this film was at least not that bad.

Even though the "human line" is a bit pale, in terms of mechas and monsters, this movie is actually not bad.

The popcorn level has reached 92%.

In other words, viewers who have seen it also think the film is good.

This is also the reason why people from Legendary Pictures quarreled with Warner Bros. First of all, Legendary Pictures is a pretty good film production company. But its distribution has always been relatively poor.

Therefore, when they started filming "Pacific Rim" this time, they found Warner, hoping to use the other party's large distribution group to distribute the film.

Is Warner's distribution great?

Very powerful.

Viral marketing was the first one they came up with.

The overwhelming publicity, the dizzying advertisements, and the pervasive spread of information are all their specialties.

But this time for "Pacific Rim", this kind of promotion was done very poorly.

Yang Mi also reacted belatedly. No wonder she was so busy during this promotional period.

After working on it for a long time, Warner's people didn't exert any effort at all.

In other words, the propaganda is very confusing.

The current reputation of the movie and the evaluation of the audience mean that this is a Hollywood special effects blockbuster with very good quality. But blockbusters like this don’t get the attention they deserve from their promotional partners themselves.

The people at Legendary Pictures were naturally not happy.

And Warner is indeed not a human being.

By the time we realized it was time to expand publicity, it was already too late.

In short, everyone is dissatisfied now.

With an investment of 200 million... this film will definitely lose money in North America.

In other words, it's settled.

North America is the largest ticket warehouse in the world.

Although the Chinese film market has not yet hit the market, even the largest box office has achieved such results...how can we expect overseas growth to buck the trend?

Yang Mi's first movie... seems to have predicted failure.

However, on the Chinese side, the propaganda was much stronger than usual.

On the Chinese side, Legend Dongfang and Huayi are doing it.

Without Warner as a troublemaker, and the movie hasn't been released yet, their promotional efforts are really strong.

As for the specifics... we can only wait until August 1st to see.

Compared with "Pacific Rim", which seems to have been cast into a shadow even before it was released, the box office of "Man of Tai Chi" quietly exceeded 350 million.

The North American box office quietly exceeded 30 million.

The Chinese box office is close behind and is about to exceed 30 million US dollars.

There was a close fight between the two sides.

If this situation continues, it may be certain that the final box office of "Tai Chi" will exceed US$80 million at the global box office.

Many people didn't expect that Ji Ge's debut novel was so effective.

With an investment of US$20 million, small profits are a foregone conclusion.

People are in high spirits during happy events. These days, Xu Xin can basically receive videos of him practicing guns at the shooting range every day.

Even after communicating with Xu Xin, he grew a beard.

The whole person exudes a mature, decadent, cold and mysterious charm.

After Xu Xin posted his photo to the group, even though she was as powerful as a fairy sister, she inevitably became a nymphomaniac.

Even that afternoon, the group name was changed to "Keanu Reeves is so handsome"...

The person who created the figurines is unknown.

When a few men wanted to change it back to a "large gay dating base", they were criticized by all the lesbians.


Love as much as you like.

July 21st.

Xu Xin embarked on a journey "home".

Early in the morning of July 22, he arrived in Rome.

Got in Jasmine's car.

"Xu, I have a movie to recommend to you!"

This was Jasmine's first words after the two exchanged greetings and entered the carriage.

When he said this, Xu Xin had not yet fastened his seat belt.


He nodded slightly:

"what movie?"

"An Italian movie was released in February this year. It has been offline now, but I bought the Blu-ray DVD. Maybe you will know after watching it later!"

Hearing this, Xu Xin looked curious:

"Is it pretty?"

"Not only is it good to watch... How should I put it, I personally like this movie very much. I especially want to recommend it to you as a friend. On the other hand... it will be released in the United States next year, and it has also been applied for. The Oscar for best foreign language film... we're competitors. I think you need to see it."


Seeing that Jasmine was speaking very seriously, Xu Xin asked with great interest:

"What is this movie about?"

"You'll know after watching it... It's not that I'm trying to be mysterious, it's just that everyone sees this film from a different angle."

"But we are rivals, right?"


"All right."

Xu Xin nodded again.

Then take a look.

"Is it nominated for the David Award this time?"

"Yes, it is also included in the David Awards for Best Film, Best Director and Best Actor."


With some curiosity, Xu Xin admired the scenery of Rome and chatted about what his friends were busy with recently. He arrived at Jasmine's home before 10 o'clock in the morning.

Yes, he didn't even stay in a hotel this time.

Live directly in the other party's home.

Antonio is not at home; he has a doctor's appointment in the morning.

As for Jasmine, who still maintains her status as the number one movie heroine at the box office in 2013, there are no changes in the furnishings of her home.

After Xu Xin took Su Meng to put away the things, Su Meng quickly prepared to iron the dress that Brother Xu would wear tomorrow.

Xu Xin also received the disc handed over by the other party.

Title: "La grande bellezza"

"Jesse, how do you translate that?"

"The literal translation in English is great love. But I consulted friends who know Chinese and they said this translation is...YUEMEI...? How to pronounce it...I have written it down, here."

Looking at the mobile phone she handed over, there were two Chinese characters on the screen: "Beauty"

Xu Xin nodded:

"Okay, I understand. Shall we watch now?"

"Of course. I've watched it many times. Just watch while I prepare our lunch."


Xu Xin responded and took the orange juice and mineral water handed over by the other party.

He sat in the entertainment video room specially set aside in her home.

In the next two hours, Jasmine came once, and after seeing him frowning at the movie, she quietly left.

Two hours and 10 minutes later, at twelve o'clock, Xu Xin walked out rubbing his eyes.

When he went down to the first floor, he smelled the aroma of tomatoes that is unique to Italian cuisine.

"Hello, Jesse."

Looking at his friends busy in the kitchen, he said hello.

After Jasmine turned around and saw him, she asked:

"Have you finished reading? How do you feel?"

Xu Xin naturally knew that she was going to ask this.

However, his answer was:

"I turned on the ventilation fan in the video room and opened the window. There was some smoke smell in there."

"It doesn't matter, Xu. As long as you don't poke the cigarette butt on that little table...it's an antique."

Hearing this, Xu Xin shrugged slightly, then sat on the chair in front of the dining table and picked up a carrot from the vegetable platter.

People in Italy like to cut vegetables such as carrots and cucumbers into strips, put them on plates or bottles, and serve them to guests before meals.

Xu Xin said with a "creak" sound:

"To be honest, this film has a strong religious undertone. I liked the first half of it very much. But after the... very old nun appeared, I didn't like it very much."

"Mother Teresa?"

Jasmine looked surprised:

"Xu, that is the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, one of the beatified list announced by the Pope himself. The blessed Mother Teresa... is one of the greatest nuns in Catholicism!"

"...I'm sorry, I don't quite understand what you're saying."

Xu Xin expressed his feelings very honestly.

"Then she is her real self in the movie?"

"Of course not...Mother Teresa is dead."

"Oh, I thought it was a real person..."

Seeing Jasmine's ridiculous "What are you talking about!" look in her eyes, Xu Xin showed a helpless expression.

He really didn't understand religious matters. He really had no idea what beatification meant, or what kind of honor it meant to be "blessed."

He just expressed his truest thoughts:

"I probably understand why you are eager to recommend this film to me. Admittedly, apart from its religious metaphors that I don't quite understand, it is indeed a very good film. There is no doubt about this. . It actually explores only one theme, and that is the distance between "beauty"...at least in my opinion.

What nutrients do others secretly absorb from the beauty they see?

Or what kind of bad side does it have?

The so-called beauty, what does it mean to be enriched by time? Or is it the rhetoric of deconstruction imposed by people themselves?

Or to put it more bluntly, what is the so-called "beauty" in the eyes of the upper class? And the people in it, the glamorous beauty on the outside, what kind of decay is in this beautiful city... I have to admit, Jesse, this is a very good film. It's beautiful, and it discusses a kind of glitz built on an empty shell... To put it bluntly, it's a bit like Japanese Ukiyo-e.

Everyone maintains their beauty in the eyes of the public, and everyone pays a lot of price.

This movie is like an absurd drama...it really has something that can shock people. But for me, it wasn't good enough to shock me. "

He gave his assessment directly.

In fact, after watching the movie, he understood why Jasmine had to let him watch it.

In a pure sense, this is a pretty good movie.


In Xu Xin's case, its score is just: good.

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