I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 1004 999 lost to Rome

Chapter 1004 999. Lost to Rome

This is his truest thought.


It's just good.

Even though he could tell, Jesse admired the movie.

The reason is also very simple.

On the one hand, this movie is indeed beautifully shot. The director used the camera to bring everyone a visual feast in a city based in Rome... well, it can indeed be called a "beautiful city".

Paired with the hymn arias that ring in the ears from time to time, as well as the works of art that have been given soul by famous artists throughout history, coupled with the lens composition, pictures, etc., the movie does have an artistic level of beauty. .


He himself is also a camera player.

Perhaps to ordinary viewers, the scenes in this movie can achieve the trinity of beauty of [sound, emotion, and painting]...

But to him... it's actually just that.

He admitted that the other party took a great shot.

But the great thing is not really how fantastic his shots are, but the artistry endowed with the city of Rome itself.

And his storytelling is essentially a point of view.

That's cynicism.

Cynicism believes that the pursuit of universal good is the purpose of life, and for this purpose all material enjoyment and sensual pleasure must be abandoned.

This movie, based on this core point of view, tells the story of a writer who was lost in Rome's feasting and debauchery, spent most of his life in a muddle, and finally came to his senses in his twilight years.

That's all.

Even in his opinion, the director is quite a thief.

It proposed a big proposition, and based on the heritage of Rome, the capital of art, as a source of nourishment, it recorded a very empty film with a camera, but it happened to be able to embed a philosophical outlook and turn the empty space into a driving force. .

And on the other hand...he also added a religious overtone.

Who that Mother Teresa was, he didn't know. But I think he must be a great person to win the Nobel Prize.

But the scene where the other party ends up living in the protagonist's house and a group of birds "show themselves as saints" seems to him like a mouse droppings in a pot of good food.

He has no problem with religion.

But I really hate the "religionist" view.

And I really don’t understand what the use is of letting a hundred-year-old man kneel on the ground and climb steps.

Highlight the sacredness of the film?


But as a Chinese who was born under the red flag and grew up in the spring breeze, he really couldn't empathize with it like Jasmine.

The so-called sense of sacredness is simply incapable of empathy.

But these words seemed to be particularly disrespectful to Jasmine's beliefs, so naturally he would not say them and could only keep them in his heart.

But at this moment, Jasmine said:

"Xu, it is considered to be the most favorable contender for the David Award. It is considered by many film critics to be the only one of its kind!"


Xu Xin was stunned.

Apparently he understood the subtext of her words.

In fact, Xu Xin could almost say that.

Even as the heroine of "Perfect", in her heart, she now feels that the movie tentatively named "Beautiful" is better.

So, he said:

"Jesse, do you know what I'm thinking about right now?"

Jasmine said nothing and looked at him while holding up a wooden-handled frying spoon.

The talented director just shrugged lightly and said:

"In awards competitions, it's normal for there to be winners and losers. As for how much love this film will receive from the judges, I actually don't really care. As for the end... if, I mean, if I lose to it... …I don’t feel like it’s what I lost.”

Speaking of this, Xu Xin paused, shook his head slightly, and expressed his truest opinion with the calmest emotion:

"I just lost to Roma."


Jasmine was speechless.

No. 23.

David Award.

The crew members who haven't been together for a long time are reunited.

And Xu Xin finally saw how relaxed the Italian buddies were when they attended the ceremony.

Because they were still drinking together at around 3 p.m.

I definitely didn't drink too much wine.

Jasmine and Antonio hosted everyone at their home.

It's like a small party, where everyone gathers together to chat, drink wine, and rest their stomachs.

It's a pity that Liu Yifei didn't come.

On the one hand, she was not nominated this time, but on the other hand, she was still filming, so she really couldn't leave.

As for everyone's chat, they actually didn't mention any awards or anything like that.

Italians are also very superstitious.

Not plugging in FLAG seems to be universal.

A "party" at Jasmine's house lasted until past 5 o'clock in the evening.

Although I kept drinking, I didn't drink much.

On the contrary, everyone had a great time chatting.

Then when the time was almost up, we formed a group and headed straight to the David Award ceremony.

As the film that currently leads the local box office, "Perfect Strangers" has naturally received a lot of attention.

The moment a group of people appeared on the red carpet, there were cheers and screams.

And...the welcome to Xu Xin.

Looking at the vegetable baskets filled with delicacies... Xu Xin couldn't say he was moved or he couldn't laugh or cry for a moment.

What is touching is that our old man Xu is really welcomed by the Italian grandmother.

For so many years, whenever I attend an event, there will always be these foods.

And, they are all really delicious.

What's funny is...the amount is really large.

It doesn’t matter if one or two carry them, the audience holding the baskets high over there are all gathered together...

If he really ate these things, he might really be buried in Italy.

So, after taking a group photo on the red carpet, Xu Xin could only symbolically take a basket without asking what was inside, then took out his mobile phone, turned his back to this group of lovely audiences, and said "321" After the countdown, I saved a photo of everyone together in my phone.

He has Twitter.

It’s just that there aren’t many fans.

Just a thousand or so.

He really couldn't figure out how to repay his second hometown for being so kind to him. He could only keep this moment with good wishes in the image and on the Internet to express his gratitude.

Carrying the basket, I walked to the interview area.

Along the way, many people were calling Wario and Jasmine’s names.

As the film currently ranked No. 1 among local Italian films with a revenue of US$53 million, they really have a lot of fans.

Countless reporters also raised their cameras to record this scene.

This interview was with a very hot host.

I have to admit...the quality of these Italian hosts and TV girls is really high.

It's a pity that the question asked is a bit stupid.

Even a little sharp.

"Xu, do you think your movie is better than other movies?"

Xu Xinxin said that this is a very embarrassing question for you to ask.

So, I gave a very nonchalant answer, and after expressing that everyone was excellent, I ended the question session in a perfunctory manner.

Everyone in "Perfect" signed autographs and took photos in the photo area.

He smiled brightly at the camera.

When he walked into the venue and took his seat, Guiseppe Batistone, who played the fat gay PE teacher Pep, whispered to Xu Xin:

"Xu, if we win the prize tonight, you will have a big party."




Xu Xin was okay, but the others were speechless.

"Guiseppe, man, what are you doing?... This is so unlucky!"

"Please, didn't we agree not to mention this! What if the prize goes away!?"

"It's okay, Xu, he just drank too much red wine, don't take it to heart."

Looking at his friends who looked speechless and incredulous, Xu Xin shrugged indifferently:

"It doesn't matter. You have to celebrate if you win a prize, but it doesn't matter if you don't win. Can't you just calm down?"

His words seemed to appease everyone.

But in fact, at this moment, he can really be said to be calm.

It really complied with what the old man said:

"If you win too many awards, you won't actually feel anything at all. Unless it's an award you particularly desire."

The first time he heard this was during "Golden Armor".

At that time, I still felt that the old man was a bit "unworldly".

So how many years has it been?

He also lived like this.

After a small interlude, everyone became quiet.

Xu Xin took his mobile phone and sent the photo he just took to Twitter, and attached a text to express his gratitude to these fans.

In the photo, his smile is very bright.

After I finished tweeting, there were more people at the ceremony.

After attending more ceremonies, Xu Xin has become accustomed to this kind of scene where people come over to say hello from time to time.

The ceremony hasn't started yet, so it's social time.

Some Italian colleagues even came over to take photos.

It’s like he’s some super popular starlet…

But forget it, Liu Yifei didn't come, and Lin Li didn't come. As the only Asian at the entire ceremony, he really stood out from the crowd.

Soon, when almost everyone had come in, everyone took their seats, which meant that the award ceremony had officially begun.

This time Valino, who plays Leler, and Marco, who plays Locke, are nominated for supporting actor. As for the female supporting role, there is only Jasmine.

"Perfect" is a group drama, and there is no absolute protagonist in the strict sense.

So all the characters are given are supporting roles.

And this time their competitors are not particularly strong, so their chances of winning are quite high.

Soon, as the lights dimmed, the 57th David Awards officially kicked off.

Because it is an Italian local award, all the awards must be in Italian.

Xu Xin's Italian is currently limited to daily expressions such as "CIAO". To be honest, it is quite difficult to listen.

Basically I can understand one out of ten sentences.

Therefore, this award ceremony was not particularly friendly to him.

But fortunately I'm used to it.

After going through repeated stages of applause and keeping smiling, I finally got the Best Supporting Actor award.

Then, when he heard that familiar name, he smiled sincerely for the first time.

Varino Mastandrea.

Valino, you won the prize! (Note 1)

Xu Xin stood up, kissed the other person's cheek and patted his shoulder:

"Congratulations! Man! You are going to join me at the party tonight!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The best way to express his high spirits during happy events was to give him a big hug.

Then he walked onto the stage to applause.

After giving an emotional acceptance speech, he did not forget to point his hand in the direction of the crew...

Xu Xin heard the sentence "Xu, my friend, I salute you."

In short, the audience burst into applause again.

Then after he stepped down, he missed out on the Best Supporting Actress award with "Perfect."

Obtained by Maya Sansa in "Sleeping Beauty".

Jasmine was quite calm.

Applause politely.

I also didn’t forget to tell Xu Xin that she didn’t need A to pay for tonight’s party.

She was also clearly in a relaxed mood.

Just relax.

No matter what you say, "Perfect" at least didn't leave empty-handed.

The next best actor or actress has nothing to do with "Perfect."

Xu Xin returned to the appearance of a tool man again.

Soon, the award came to the best director.

On the big screen, the crews of the four shortlisted films "Perfect Strangers", "The Beautiful City", "The Best Offer" and "Long Live Liberty" all appeared on the split screen.

And the final winner is...

"The Beautiful City". (Note 2)

"Hua la la la la..."

Amidst the applause, Xu Xin felt the gazes of friends around him.

To be honest, the applause at the scene was actually very enthusiastic, and there was not much doubt or confusion.

Xu Xin has never watched "The Best Offer" and "Long Live Freedom"... but seeing everyone's reactions, he can guess that the shortlisted films should all be well-deserved.

And missing out on the best director...he actually didn't have much regret.

On the contrary, a small expectation began to stir inside.

If Best Director is awarded to "Beautiful City"...does that mean "Best Picture" itself has a chance?

Have Chinese people...or should I say films made by Chinese people ever won the David Award for Best Picture?

Oh yes, Jia Zhangke's wife won the Best Actress.

But... in terms of directing, no one has ever won it, right?

Will you be the first?

With this fantasy, tonight the entire David Awards ushered in the final climax.

The movie that won Best Picture was...

On the stage, Victorio Taviani, the director of the last Best Picture winner "Caesar Must Die" looked down at the envelope and read out a name:

"Best Bid, congratulations."

"Hua la la la la..."

Applause and grand music sounded.

The final results of the 57th David Prize...the dust has settled.

Xu Xin felt the eyes of his friends around him.

It's different from the "It doesn't matter, we still have a chance" when "The Beautiful City" won the best director.

This time...

Everyone's eyes seemed a little complicated.

Surprise, confusion, disbelief, regret...all kinds of things.

He looked around.

Many emotions were seen in their eyes.

But Xu Xin did not respond.

Just smiled and clapped.

Then a sigh of regret passed through my heart:



I thought... I could be the first.

In a daze, he looked at the director of "Best Offer" who came on stage to accept the award, and suddenly remembered what he said to Jesse yesterday.

This time he...

Lost to Roma.

(Note 1: In fact, Valino won the Best Supporting Actor in "The Art of Balance" this year. I changed it here.)

(Note 2: In fact, "The Beautiful City" was the best director at the 58th David Award. But because of the needs of the plot, I moved it to this award. And the David Award was already over in May. This is the reason why I am writing about the award now. Otherwise, according to the timeline, "Beautiful" will not be nominated at all, and we will have to wait until next year. You can just rely on me, there is no need to take it seriously.)

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