I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Written on New Year’s Eve.

First of all, I wish everyone a happy New Year.

Unknowingly, we have been accompanying each other for more than a year.

Time flies so fast...

It's so fast that I feel like it was yesterday.

This book was uploaded on June 5 last year, and before I knew it, a year and a half had passed.

Really fast.

I remember very clearly that this book was actually first written in 2021.

I have a habit of writing a chapter or two to record the inspiration after I have some inspiration in my mind. And this book is one of them.

When I was writing it, I was still serializing Mr. Big.

I don’t even remember how the inspiration for this book came about. I just remember that I thought it would be interesting to write a story about a single female protagonist, a non-scumbag man, and pure love and invincibility, so I started writing it.

Before it was put on the shelves, I actually didn’t have high hopes.

Because I was serializing "The Sui Dynasty" at that time, let alone tens of thousands of orders... I thought that I could also go to the high-quality line. If it is a double version, it will be enough for me to support my family.

I really didn't expect so many people to like this book.

And every time when the last month's manuscript fee comes out on the third day, I am so grateful to everyone from the bottom of my heart.

thank you all.

Really appreciate it.

Regular readers all know what kind of character I am.

To readers, my attitude has always been that of food and clothing.

I am able to marry a wife, have children, raise a family, and make a living. Every time I pick up the bowl of porridge and rice, I remember your kindness.

Don't dare forget.

I still remember that the initial setting of this book was 1400.

At that time I thought...ah, that's pretty good. Anyway, I’m not the kind of author who’s bound to be a big hit the first time it’s released.

I'm actually very slow to warm up.

But the average order for this book has now reached a critical point of 25,000 and close to 26,000.

To me, it's like a dream I don't want to wake up from.

When I was chatting with other authors, including some who also wrote entertainment articles, they would come over and ask me questions such as how to write novels, how to write about women, how to write plots, etc... And several authors who were pursuing my books all said: Too envious of me.

They say that my book has a long life.

Because I only wrote it in 2013.

And the final outcome is actually the Winter Olympics.

This is the ending that has been decided since the beginning of the book.

In their view, from 2006 to 2013, this was only 7 years.

I still have a timeline of seven or eight years to write.

I feel like there is still a lot more that I can write in this book...it may eventually exceed 10 million words.

But in fact, this book has now reached its final stage.

Admittedly, I’m still digging new holes.

For example, "John Wick", such as "Xiu Chun Dao", and then the documentary "National Treasure", MiHoYo, "Changjin Lake" and so on.

But actually, I also said it in the previous chapter.

2013 is a relatively important juncture.

This is the reason.

I think 2013 is an extremely important watershed for the entire entertainment industry.

From this year onwards, Internet companies began to enter the film and television industry.

When large-scale capital flows into the market, the Jinyuan era arrives.

The wildly growing paychecks, the riddles of various "loopholes" under immature rules, the impact of Korean entertainment, the market demand, and the many products born out of people's multifaceted needs for entertainment... seem very strange to normal people. Cultures that do not understand will begin to enter the embryonic stage this year.

In fact, in the book, I repeatedly expressed my thoughts on the current situation of the entertainment industry.

I have always felt that high-speed information flow is one of the main reasons for this situation.

Of course, this is the trend of the times. If you calm down and think about it, you will find that... there is really no right or wrong.

I don’t know how many of you who read my book are born in the 80s or 90s.

I haven’t experienced the post-00s generation, so I can’t comment on it, but those born in the 90s should remember how we were criticized by our predecessors when we were teenagers at the time.

At that time, our non-mainstream, shamate and other cultures, in fact, in my eyes, were similar to the rice circle culture that gradually began to explode in full force at this juncture of 2013.

Note, I said similar.

The same is not understood, the same does not need to be understood.

I think... maybe when the people born in their 10s and 20s grow up, they will be in a similar situation to those born in the 1990s.

Before writing this book, I had been writing entertainment articles for many years, so I unconsciously thought about these things. And after thinking about it, I set a tone for this book.

That is to become a lower limit.

Like a white beard.

A remnant of the old era who is the strongest in the world, but in the new era, he cannot pull his boat.

Therefore, in this book, you can find that Xu Xin did not do too many things with guiding significance.

His perspective on looking at things is from a small northwest circle.

The world sucks, but that’s not why we suck.

No matter how bad the world is, there are always people trying to make things up.

This is how I define Xu Xin.

When the tide comes, no one can survive it alone.

When an avalanche occurs, no snowflake is innocent.

Xu Xin is not a saint, nor can he be a lighthouse. But whether it is good times or bad, he will continue to walk at his own pace.

So as you can see, in 2013, I spent a lot of pen and ink coloring some stories that seemed to have nothing to do with the main plot.

I even deliberately began to downplay the conflicts in my circle.

Because, with the entry of large-scale capital, the differences in the entire circle pale into insignificance compared with them.

And this is not something I am downplaying. If you look at the movies and TV series after 13 years, you will find that... those popular and blockbuster movies and TV series actually no longer have the so-called circle in them. All artists have their own studios, and big companies have begun to introduce Internet investment.

Under the power of capital, the upper-level resources of this circle have begun to reorganize and integrate.

And this natural reorganization is bound to happen.

Compared with the benefits that everyone holds, the so-called differences between families are almost the same as a joke.

Moreover, a famous screenwriter, best-selling author and teacher said this.

In order not to cause trouble to that teacher, please just take it as what I said.

"Actually, sometimes screenwriters are helpless. The investment involved in the script in your hand may be hundreds of millions, but when your script is sent to those production companies, an employee with a salary of 5,000 yuan a month may have The right can easily control the future of the story in your hands."

"Why are there so many bad movies? Because if you can't satisfy their taste, no matter how good your story is and no matter how much the audience likes it... but they don't like it, then your project will not pass."

"So, the current situation is that if we want to write a good story, the first consideration is not whether it can satisfy the audience, but whether it can satisfy the employees of the film studio."

This remark has benefited me a lot.

I was thinking about how Xu Xin could "avoid" the story I wrote, and if he couldn't avoid it, how he could make up for it.

So as you can see, I took a special photo to describe the current "shortage" situation at Xiying Film Studio.

In fact, they are all preparing for the later plot.

Because after 13 years, the situation will become more like an arms race.

What everyone is comparing is box office and revenue.

It’s true that there are a lot of bad movies out there.

But there are still a small number of films every year that are sincere works dedicated to the audience.

The stories I write about are just such a small part of the "lower limit" and "bottom limit", rather than asking everyone to compete for the top and compete with who is better.

That's so unrealistic.

And...maybe I look at things from a strange perspective.

In my opinion, the film market after 2013 is not without its merits.

For example, in terms of special effects.

"Broken Ball" has proven that the domestic special effects industrial system... regardless of technology, the most basic industrial system is already complete.

If we want to be on par with Hollywood, at least in terms of the industrial system, we must catch up and surpass it.

To catch up, it is necessary to build a complete industrial system, bring in large-scale capital, and stimulate market demand to drive visual effects-related industries.

So I made the layout early.

At the same time, I am also preparing for the final ending plot.

The things that should be described in the previous article are actually almost covered. The final plot is actually not the focus of the movie.

Xu Xin will still continue to make movies, and Yang Mi will still become an absolute top...

But these chapters will only take up a small part of what I really want to wrap up.

Most of the space...will be more...how should I put it?

It seems more "off topic".

The book now has six million words.

It's the longest book I've ever written.

I estimate... it should be finished within 6.5 million.

December 31, 2023.

The last day of the old year.

I don’t know why the thoughts in my heart have been unable to calm down for a long time since I woke up in the morning.

Looking at the outline and details, the ideas in my mind are like paste, and they are tightly blocked.

On the one hand, I feel how fast time is.

On the other hand, I really have a lot to say to you.

I didn’t write a single word in the chapter, but ended up writing three thousand words in a single chapter…

I was drunk too.

But no matter what, after 13 years, this book has entered its final stage.

I always want to say Happy New Year to everyone.

Dear gentlemen.

It’s the right time to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new.

In the past days, you all treated me as before.

Gratitude and trepidation.

I wish you all good health and happiness in the new year and everything goes well.

This is not a blessing, but the most sincere expectation from the heart.

Bidding farewell to the old and welcoming the new, I wish you all a Happy New Year in advance.

Hello 2024.

See you in 2023.

Oh yes, I forgot to mention that.

I'm taking a day off today to take my kids to a hot spring to wash away the "bad luck" on my body!

New year!

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