I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 1005 1000 Divided Family

Chapter 1005 1000. Separation of families

(I stack armor first, which is a bit of a slap in the face. I think 500,000 words is a lot... After conversion, it seems that it is only about a hundred chapters. That's not right, 100 chapters will definitely not be completed. It should be about 200 chapters... Probably? How about 7 million words? It can be over, right?...Probably? Why is this math so difficult...)

# Xu Xin failed in David Award, "Perfect" accompanied him #

The emergence of this topic means that the news of the 57th David Award has spread to China.

In fact, to be honest, if "Perfect" had not been shortlisted for the David Award, then this award, recognized as the most valuable award in Italy, might not be as popular in the country as a random piece of gossip.

But because of Xu Xin, it rarely received a lot of attention.

When people saw the movie "Perfect" losing to the other two films, they didn't mention the regrets or emotions they felt. The three words "David Award" are indeed remembered by many people.

But because "The Best" and "Beautiful" were not released in China, everyone doesn't know what the story of these two movies is, or... how much better they are than "Perfect".


Therefore, no one can figure out how "Perfect" failed.

The reporters actually called Shuang Wei and wanted to interview Xu Xin... Unfortunately, Shuang Wei ignored him at all.

Just kidding...what's your level?

Interview Director Xu?

If I win an award, forget it. If I don’t win, I’ll come and join in the fun... It would be nice if I don’t quarrel with you.

However, that afternoon, the boss sent instructions.

"Perfect Strangers" is about to land in Hollywood, and the press release can be prepared.

For Xu Xin, "Perfect" is actually a story that happened a long time ago.

The inspiration that flowed freely, the desire to shoot, and the wonderful sparks that came out of collaborating with friends... were all like a gorgeous and gorgeous dream.

The second after the fireworks exploded, everything calmed down.

It has been more than a year since the filming was completed, and it is indeed unrealistic for him to be interested in it again.

Even though "Perfect"'s current earnings are frighteningly high.

It’s not just its box office.

What’s more, it lies in its remake copyright.

Currently, under the operation of Xiying Studio, it has sold remake rights to more than 9 countries, including France, Spain, South Korea, Turkey, Germany, Russia, Denmark, etc...

And the remake rights in more countries are being negotiated.

The copyright prices for these remakes basically start at one million euros, and the prices are not ambiguous at all.

But there are so many people asking, and those who are willing to pay are even more unambiguous.

According to the most conservative estimates, this script will bring a profit of 100 million yuan to Xiying Studio in at least the next 10 years.

Because of the remake copyright, Xi Film Studio also wants a share of the box office.

Although it is not high, a little adds up to a lot.

It can even be said that this project is currently the most valuable project of Xi Film Studio in the world.

It can be called a hugely profitable deal.

But for Xu Xin, the end is the end.

On the plane, he and Philip chatted about the profits of "Perfect" all the time.

As the most direct script creator, Philip has completely realized the freedom of wealth in his self-definition with this script.

Billed millions of euros.

Moreover, this guy is already going to buy a villa in Sicily, which he has longed for.

Seeing his excited look, Xu Xin was a little envious for no reason.

Envy his desire to gain money.

Then, without any warning, he remembered a chat he had with the old man during the Olympics.

He said that his "seven emotions and six desires" are less than those of ordinary people.

It means that because I have money, I lack the concept of money.

This is his advantage and disadvantage.

I didn't quite understand this feeling at the time. I felt that I had experienced poverty when I was a child, and I knew what it was like to have no money. And now that his family has money, it will allow him to live more comfortably and be less restricted in his artistic creation... isn't it a good thing?

Why is it a disadvantage?

But think about it now...

Ginger is still spicy.

He couldn't even remember the last time he... No, it should be said that after all these years, he had no "heartbeat" emotions due to how much money he had made.

He didn't know whether this was good or bad.

But looking at Phillip looking so excited and thinking about the future, to be honest... he was quite envious.

How about...find a way to spend some money yourself?

Spend thousands of dollars looking for excitement?

But the question is where can the money be spent? Sports car? ...Stop it, his back hurts when he thinks about that kind of seat.

house? ...The question is, why buy so much house?

Like my father, he has houses all over the country, but he can’t remember where his own house is?

He scratched his head in distress.

Why don't you mention the grade?



Buy a 1916 bar in two days and it will be drawn.

China is a bit tired and crooked.

While I was thinking about it, a reminder came from the plane.

The plane is about to enter the landing phase.

New York, here we come.

This is where the first promotional stop for "Perfect Strangers" begins.

"Perfect" is a movie that has been in theaters for a long time, but its promotional methods are actually quite simple.

Paramount has sent the first batch of advertisements to major theaters and invited professional film critics to recommend the film.

These people, including Xu Xin, may be well-known in Italy, but they are all anonymous in the United States.

So this promotion is not very grand.

Otherwise, they wouldn’t have waited until the movie was released on the 25th before they started promoting it.

Even the way of promotion is to attend the premiere, visit several cities in the next few days, and appear in theaters after watching the movie.

This is what imported films are like.

Under the indiscriminate bombardment of local Hollywood movies, unless it is a truly large-scale capital investment, it will not be able to compete with others in the market.

All we can rely on is word of mouth.

Not to mention...the 26th is the day when the big IP "Fast and Furious" will be released.

In front of the other party, "Perfect" is just a tiny Karami.

Therefore, Paramount's promotional goal this time is to rely on DVD resources to make long-term profits based on good theater box office, just like other films in their company.

While Xu Xin was promoting in New York, Yang Mi had already returned to China.

The most important second phase of China's promotion of "Pacific Rim" begins.

As for the box office, many people, including the couple, are waiting to see.

New York, AMC Empire Theater.

Xu Xin sat in the guest waiting room specially provided behind the theater and yawned out of boredom.

At this moment, the premiere of "Perfect" has begun, but it is still close to an hour before it ends.

Still early.

So he patted his pocket, took out the cigarette case and walked out directly.

All the way to the parking lot in the backyard of the theater, I stood in front of the trash can and lit my cigarette. After taking a few puffs, I heard a creaking sound coming from the door behind.

He turned around and asked:

"What's wrong?"

"Smoke one with you."

Hearing Liu Yifei's words, Xu Xin rolled his eyes:

"Let's go. Okay, if you don't learn, how can you learn how to smoke?... The fairy sister smokes? No more idol halo?"


Liu Yifei didn't respond either.

Just walking next to him, the boss opened his mouth and yawned.

"Ha... um."

Obviously, she had just arrived today and had not yet adjusted to the jet lag.

"Is your movie shooting over?"


"How do you feel? With that Asian King...what's his name? Yu? Run?"



Xu Xin was stunned.

Although he didn't mean any harm to the word, his intuition was... such vulgar words shouldn't come out of the fairy sister's mouth.

Looking at Xu Xin's confused look, Liu Yifei thought that he didn't know what he was talking about, so she shrugged and explained:

"The Korean pronunciation of his name is this, which means batch, rain."


For a moment, Xu Xin didn't know how to answer it.

I can only nod:

"How does it feel to work together?"

"Generally, that movie felt awkward. If your wife hadn't forced it on me, I would have refused to accept it."


When Xu Xinxin said she was capable, you should say it in front of her.

This movie made 9 million and you thought I didn’t know?

While muttering, he glanced at the slender neck and clear jawline of the fairy sister, and couldn't help laughing.


"What are you laughing at?"

"I laugh at you, you are like a balloon. You get fat when you say you are fat, and you become thin when you say you are thin... Hey, you can't be too indulgent in the second half of the year. As an insider, I will give you a little tidbit. You are now in her must-kill list. If you dare to be fat on the list, she will really dare to kill you."


The corner of Liu Yifei's mouth twitched a few times, and she shook her head helplessly:

"Don't worry, I won't gain weight. I have a movie in the second half of the year... I'll shoot it here."


Xu Xin became interested:

"Hollywood drama?"

"Well, it's still from China Media. It's called...what's it called "Ghost Legend"?"

"The script is very good?"

"Very average."


Looking at his puzzled eyes, Liu Yifei shrugged:

"There is no way. If you meet a shady boss, if you don't work for the boss, you will be on the hit list. I can't do it if I don't accept it. Huaxia and Ali started to cooperate this year. Ali thinks your wife is a hot potato, and your wife thinks I am a hot potato. Then I became the favorite of Huaxia and Alibaba... Hey, let me tell you something, but don't tell your wife."

"...It depends on the situation."

Hearing his unabashed cowardice, Liu Yifei rolled her eyes:

"Looking at your potential... what I want to say is that your wife has a dark heart."


"Guess how much I get paid for this movie?"

"……How many?"

"This number."

Liu Yifei raised three fingers.

"Three million U.S. dollars?...Oh, your salary has increased very quickly. Isn't this movie only 1.3 million U.S. dollars?"

"No, it's thirty million."


Xu Xin's eyes bulged.

Now it was Liu Yifei's turn to be speechless:

"What are you thinking about? Thirty million US dollars? Do you think I'm worth it? Twenty-eight million RMB!"

"...Huh? Why is it so high? How much is the total investment in this movie?"

"Nearly 200 million."

Under Xu Xin's eyes that could no longer be described as shocked, Liu Yifei said:

"Don't look at me like that, I'm confused too. The only thing I know is that this movie is not only participated by Alibaba, but also by many other companies. It is a Chinese and Western co-production... I don't know if it counts as Hollywood, but The investment in this film is huge. And it is said that the actors hired are all top international actors. What your wife means is that Ali thinks I am influential internationally and wants to cooperate with me and directly connect with international standards. My main focus in the next few years The direction may be towards them...Ali didn't find you?"

"I do not know."


Looking at Xu Xin with an "I don't know anything" look on his face, Liu Yifei shook her head enviously:

"It's great...you don't have to worry about anything every day."

Xu Xin ignored this complaint and asked:

"Then do you know which international superstars they are looking for?"

"I don't know, I haven't even seen the script. But I heard that Alibaba's people seem to be found through some kind of... data means. They can see which international superstars netizens like, and they will go find them..."


The moment he heard this, Xu Xin's first reaction was, are Ali and the others serious?

At that time, I went to Alibaba to attend a cocktail party. The senior executives on the other side were talking about something like, "Director Xu, our big data is enough for us to select the audience's favorite taste and customize the movie." He felt something was wrong at the time.

The result...is this really what happened?

A bad premonition rose in his heart, and he subconsciously asked:

"Did you sign the contract?"

"Signed. In addition to promoting "Perfect" with us this time, I also went to Los Angeles. People from China Media approached me. They and Alibaba seemed to have completed a round of equity exchange, except for the movie called "Ghost Legend" There is also a story and a script, which seems to be co-produced with South Korea. They want to cooperate with me and become a brand in the Asia-Pacific region. I have great intentions."

"...Is this what Yang Mi means?"

"That's not the case. What I mean...your wife has become a Hollywood star, why don't I chase her after her?"

Liu Yifei said, and after seeing Xu Xin's brows furrowed, she asked:

"What's the matter?"


Xu Xin frowned and took a puff of cigarette.

After thinking for a while, he said:

"Do you want to calm down and calm down? Although I can understand that this is your career choice,... I don't think Ali's method is correct."

"You mean Ali is unreliable?"

"Yes, film art relies on data calculation to produce popular movies. Don't you think this is an insult to all artistic creation?"


Whether Liu Yifei agreed with what he said or not, no one knew except herself.

She just looked at Xu Xin, and after hesitating for a while, asked:

"What do you mean?"


Xu Xin shook his head.

He threw the burned cigarette butt into the ashtray on the trash can, and then lit another one for himself.

His brain was already spinning rapidly.

Liu Yifei's nose moved slightly.

She seemed to smell a nice smell... of fried walnut kernels emanating from Xu Xin.

The smell... is pretty good.

Xu Xin was silent for about half a cigarette, and suddenly said:

"What's your impression of Ali now?"

"Foolish people have too much money."

Liu Yifei directly gave her own opinion without hesitation:

"I can get close to 30 million yuan in salary for one movie. Even I never thought that I could be so valuable. Their money is just like a blank piece of paper... When they talk to me, they don't even think about it. Yes, tell me directly: Mr. Liu, with your popularity and superb acting skills, combined with our Internet advantages to empower products, I believe we will be able to launch works that the audience will love. At the same time, you can rest assured that for partners, we are They are very generous, which is also our advantage... I found that except for the fact that people in their family sometimes like to talk to others, there is no fault in other aspects."

Xu Xinxin said it tasted right.

This Ali smell is so right.

So, he said:

"Let me tell Yang Mi, how about you prepare to go out and start your own business?"


Liu Yifei was stunned.

Naturally, what she was thinking was not "You want to drive me away."

Instead, he thought about it along Xu Xin’s train of thought and said:

"You mean to allow them to cooperate further with me?"

"Yes. Set up a studio and recruit them as shareholders. Their money... is not that important. But it is true that they have an advantage in the Internet. Even LeTV knows that they are robbing people. Now you have this opportunity. , you can definitely become the first to eat crabs before they launch large-scale cooperation. This is on the one hand, and on the other hand... it is also the most important aspect in my opinion, to achieve this kind of success with them. After cooperation, you have the right to lead the projects you like. If you like a project, you can ask them to come and cooperate with you. Even without their cooperation, you can naturally ride on their coattails, instead of now In this way, just as actors...if there is something wrong with their vision, it will be a great damage to your brand image."

"...What kind of big data do you not like?"

"It's completely negative. So you need more autonomy."


This time, Silence came to Liu Yifei's side.

She thought for a while and suddenly asked a question... that had nothing to do with the current topic:

"It's a separation, but not separation, right?"

Xu Xin was delighted:

"Of course, we get along well, why do we break up?"

"……you promise?"


"Promise that I'm not the next Yang Ying?"

"You can pull it off, she's not even worthy of carrying your shoes."

"Don't talk about this."

For no reason, Liu Yifei's eyes became serious:

"I want a guarantee from you. You guarantee that even if I go out and do it myself, our...our relationship will still be the same. We are still a family. I don't want other people's, I want your guarantee."

Although her tone still sounded soft, her determination had surged to the point where it could explode at any time.


Xu Xin couldn't help laughing.

Xin said that Fei Fei's serious look is quite cute.

Then, Xu Xin nodded vigorously:

"Yes, I promise. The reason why I split you up is that I hope you can eat more, have a better career, and also have a certain degree of autonomy..."

"If I get fat, won't your wife be able to control it?"


Xu Xin's words were like an old duck that was suddenly grabbed by the neck.


blind monk.

You discovered Hua Dian.

And looking at his expression that was more uncomfortable than eating a dead child, the fairy sister suddenly showed a smile.

"Hey, that's okay. I agree!"

Xu Xin's tone became extremely difficult:

"How about... you think about it again?"

"No. Don't deny what you promised! ... Oh, yes, you are responsible for communicating with your wife about this matter. Let me say it first. I want autonomy! I want freedom! I will never accept personal insults and ginseng cock knowing No! She absolutely can’t control me!!!”

"No, no, no...she loves you..."

"Let her fall in love with Shishi. This love is too heavy and I can't bear it. It's not sweet to be strong, so it's better for us to separate."


"Xu, what's wrong with you? Your face doesn't look too good."

The newly awarded David Award for Best Supporting Actor asked caringly.

Xu Xin, who was covered in smoke, shook his head:

"I'm fine, Valino, I'm fine."

"...Are your eyes uncomfortable? Why are you blinking so many times?"


Xu Xin was speechless.

Then...as time passed while thinking about how to communicate with my wife, the premiere of "Perfect Strangers" ended at 10 pm on July 25.

The attendance at the AMC Empire Theater, at least for this show, was full.

When the cast members appeared in the theater, they received full applause.

Some spectators, in particular, kept shouting Pep's name.

It seems that the character of the gay PE teacher is very popular.

However, Xu Xin, who had been forcing a smile on his face, didn't care much. He could only maintain his enthusiasm on the surface, but what was flowing in his heart was actually cold blood...

own blood.

Maybe this time I will be beaten to the point of bleeding...

But no matter what, standing under the spotlight and watching the audience standing up and applauding for this movie...

He finally breathed a sigh of relief.


It seems that the tastes of European and American audiences are not that difficult to satisfy.

"Xu, we've made a good start."

Will Clint, who is responsible for the promotion of "Perfect" at Paramount this time, congratulated the crew in a relaxed tone after they returned to the hotel.

"Thanks, Will. The rest will be yours to do."

"Of course, this is what we should do. Xu, let's see you tomorrow. Tomorrow is a 10 a.m. flight. Remember to get up early."

"Don't worry, I will."

After saying goodbye, Xu Xin rejected Marco and the others' invitation to go out for a drink and returned directly to the hotel.

It's 11 o'clock in the evening now, and it's early 12 noon when we get to Tianchao.

He didn't even take a shower before dialing his wife's phone number.

Yang Mi connected quickly. As soon as he opened the video, he saw Nuan Nuan in the video, who was preparing a bowl of rice.

It looks like the food is still a box lunch.

Soon, Yang Mi's voice and the children's greetings came from the video.

In the mixed voice of "Dad", Yang Mi said:

"Are you done? How about it?"

"It's pretty good... Anyway, it's already been released. We'll discuss the details tomorrow... I have to discuss something with you. Is there anyone next to you?"

"I'm promoting right now. How about you wait for me? I'll go back to the car after dinner."

"Okay. Then you can eat."


Xu Xin went directly to wash up after hanging up the phone.

When it was almost 12 o'clock, when he was fighting the Sandman, Yang Mi finally called.

"Hey, tell me."

"Where's the child?"

"Tingting is here with you. I don't have the time to listen to you while they are here. What's wrong?"

"I had a chat with Fei Xian'er today..."

After recounting the ins and outs of the incident, Yang Mi fell into silence.

After about ten seconds, she said:

"You mean...let her set up a studio, bring in Ali to inject capital, and take advantage of resources? Just like Fatty?"


Xu Xin was stunned:

"Her? Do you want her to set up a studio?"

"Yes. If you want to take advantage of LeTV's resources, you must give something. But it's just a studio establishment, and we have to run it ourselves... Do you want Liu Yifei to do the same?"

"Yeah. And to be honest, the movie you found for her this time... was a bit hasty."

"Brother, do you know how much the salary is!"

"It has nothing to do with that, you have to take a long-term view. What she lacks now is not money... In other words, as a parent company, we must give everyone a career plan with bright prospects. I know these companies have a lot of money, but the problem is Aren’t there clear distinctions between temporary small profits and the future?”

Yang Mi did not refute this.

Instead, he fell into thinking again.

After a while, she said:

"Then according to what you mean, not only Fei Xian'er, but also Shishi and the others, I have to start thinking about it?"

"I think it's okay. But it doesn't mean to give it all to everyone at once and do it step by step. Although I don't look down on Alibaba's so-called big data, that's because their starting point is wrong. But no one can deny that, The one we were talking about at the cocktail party was called...what the hell...jing..."

"Precise delivery?"

"Yes, yes, that's it. As long as they can make that thing, it will really improve the promotion of film and television or the personal commercial value of actors in the future. Now that we have seen this trend, there is no reason not to take advantage of it. Now it belongs to us The wave of change in this circle has arrived, and we must indeed make plans. Only by being one step ahead can we be ahead of others."

"Hmm... Then I'll think about it. But have you told Fei Xian'er? Even if the family is separated, the hearts cannot be separated. Whether we are friends or partners, we are still the same."


Seeing that her husband was stuck, Yang Mi subconsciously widened her eyes:

"You wouldn't say it was a real separation, would you?"

"That's not the case. No, no, no!"


Yang Mi was stunned.

Suddenly, from the original angle of a suitable distance, the whole face was filled in front of the screen.

"Why do I feel like you're hiding something from me?"


Xu Xingang subconsciously wanted to blink, but immediately realized something was wrong and stared like a cow:

"I don't!"

"...really not?"

"No! Believe me, I didn't say anything, and I didn't promise her anything. You are the boss, and I am just a part-time worker. Can I talk nonsense!"


Hearing this, Yang Mi was stunned for a few seconds and suddenly shook her head:

"Something's wrong."


"Nine out of ten times something is wrong!"


"You must have done something behind my back. You feel guilty now... Xu, please tell me clearly! What trouble did you get into again!"


The call was immediately hung up.

Xu Xin thought about it and felt that it was not reliable.

Simply shut it down.


Live one day, count it one day.

Before going to sleep, he said to himself.

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