I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 1006 Three million in 10014 hours


Yang Mi looked at the unanswered WeChat video, with a strange expression on her face that asked, "Are you okay?"

Out of the trust between husband and wife, to be honest, she naturally wouldn't think that her husband had done anything...or who he had done.

Not really.

If he really wanted to hide something from others...if nothing else, at least he wouldn't be able to tell it.

No matter how well she understood him.

But I also understand in my heart that my own husband sometimes acts like a traitor in front of me, but that doesn't mean that he is also so brainless in front of outsiders.

On the contrary, he can do it even if the mountain collapses in front of him without changing his expression.

No one has the ability to see through it.

Therefore, his panicked look... meant that things were generally not a big problem.

At most, it would be as good as spanking him.

If he really does something "big", he won't be able to tell.

And the reason why she has this expression now is just because... she thinks her husband is so childish.

It was like trying to hide what Nuannuan had done wrong.

Stupid and cute.

So cute I want to take a bite...

When she thought of this, the maternal nature in her began to overflow.

However, the overflow was overflowing, and when she expressed her feelings, the message she sent to Xu Xin turned into a very typical Chinese parent:

"Xu, you are dead!!"

"Dare you hang up on me!"

"You're so brave!"

“Jesus can’t even keep you!”

"I said it!"

"How dare you do bad things without telling me!"

"Okay, okay!"

"You wait!"

"You have grown up so much!!!"

After sending it, regardless of whether her husband could receive it or not, she opened the car door and got out of the car with an anger and a bit of joy.

Then I saw two kids playing in circles in front of the Magic City TV Station.

In this short time, I was sweating profusely from running.

I don’t know why the two children are so energetic.

"Ahahaha, mom! Mom! My brother is a bad guy!"

Seeing her mother get out of the car, Nuannuan rushed over.

Yang Mi wiped the sweat from her face, glanced at the time, and said to Sun Ting who came over:

"Okay, you can take them home. There are piano lessons in the afternoon."

"Mom, I don't..."

Nuannuan quickly refused.

However, the old mother's method of raising children is much more refreshing than the old father's.

"You are nothing! If you dare to say no again, I won't take you out next time!"

Putting the knife on his neck, Nuan Nuan immediately became honest.

His little mouth just pouted, his face full of unhappiness.

But this trick worked well for Xu Xin, but it was almost in vain for her.

"Xu Wanqing, my mother has officially given you an order! In the afternoon, you have to supervise your brother to practice the piano and surpass him. Do you hear me? If my mother goes back tonight and my brother learns better than you, my mother will sleep with my brother tonight!"

"Ah!! I don't!!!"

Looking at his sister who looked like a fried chicken, Yangyang, who was born only about ten minutes later than her sister, snorted helplessly.

This stupid prairie dog…

No matter how we sleep, won't we always be on one side?

As for who to hug... doesn't it depend on which way our mother turns over?

What a hopelessly stupid woman.

While he was thinking about it, he blew on the small windmill in his hand.

The windmill whirled.

Hey~little windmill~

Soon, the two children followed Sun Ting into the car.

Yang Mi also came to join the crew of "Pacific Rim".

Even though others are both assistants and translators, she actually doesn't need them at all.

This is her home.

The most free home.

No need to accompany you at all.

But at the moment, everyone on the "Pacific Rim" crew is a little less enthusiastic.

Including Ji Pang.

Now that the movie has been released in North America for almost 2 weeks, the box office has just exceeded 60 million US dollars... If nothing else happens, the North American box office may be at most 100 million yuan.

For a large-scale production worth US$200 million, the ceiling for the world's largest ticket sales is at most US$100 million.

Losing money is a foregone conclusion.

Even though China has not yet released it, and polls and pre-sales show that everyone has high expectations for this film... But China's movies have never surpassed the precedent in North America.

Although everyone seemed to be looking forward to it on the surface, in fact their energy was almost gone.

If only a few days before the release, everyone could still cheer each other up and encourage each other. We have released it in many countries, and the box office in other countries is also very good... But I have been tired of saying this in the past two days.

These countries are not big. Although they can contribute to the box office,... a production of 200 million yuan will require at least 600 million yuan to make back the original investment.

Where can I get these $600 million?

Although there will be DVDs and peripherals in the future that can make a fortune... But even if it can be repaid in a few years, is the 200 million in 2013 and the 200 million in 2018 still the same thing?

But Yang Mi herself no longer worries about gains and losses so much.

In other words, she actually doesn't care about the box office performance of China, she just wants to show her face in Hollywood.

When the box office came out in Hollywood, after she knew what the movie was about, she no longer had too much mental burden.

Hurry up and wait until the premiere is over in the next few days. She will join the group when she gets back.

Luc Besson's estimated time was one month.

Everything is ready over there, all they need is the east wind.

As for whether this movie will be a hit on the street...


While I was thinking about it, suddenly my phone rang.

Sun Ting, who had just left not long ago, called.

She got up and walked out of the waiting room, and answered the phone in the corridor:

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"Sister, Lu Yang wants to see you this afternoon."

Yang Mi was stunned:

"Lu Yang?"

"Yes, he called me just now. He is in Hangzhou now and wants to come see you."

"Did you say what you were going to do?"

"No, I'm just asking if you are free."

"Uh... OK, then you can ask him to come over in the afternoon. But I may have to finish my work in the evening, so you leave time for him to have dinner."

"How about eating at home?"

"Ask him if he will take Chen Shu with him. If so, eat at home. If not, then find a restaurant. You can make the specific arrangements."


"Watch Nuannuan practice piano in the afternoon."


After hanging up the phone, Yang Mi walked into the waiting room again.

The second wave of promotion for "Pacific Rim" was actually not as intensive as the first wave.

The focus of the second wave of publicity was basically on movies.

Within China alone, major TV stations have obtained many different versions of the trailers prepared by Guillermo Top.

Every news media should strive to have a trailer of at least 20 seconds that is different from other programs.

It can be said that the sincerity is really full.

Ji Pang seems to be a bit like treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor, and regards the Tianchao Bank as a life-saving straw.

no way.

North America ranks first, Japan ranks second, and China ranks third.

The first place is already gone.

The second person is not interested in this subject at all.

Original mecha + original monster, without any Japanese IP, not to mention it has the meaning of a disaster movie...

Brother, our house just had an earthquake.

Nuclear power plants also leaked.

If I hadn’t watched your movie, it would have been enough for me to drink a cup of it.

After watching your movie, I feel confused. What should I do?

How about you bow to me and apologize?

Therefore, Ji Pang finally bet all his hopes on the Celestial Empire... It can't be said that he is crazy, it can only be said that he gave it a try.

After a busy afternoon, she naturally didn't have to stay in a hotel like the crew.

After saying goodbye politely, she got into Cheng Hu's car and went straight to the hotel.

Lu Yang came by herself today. Naturally, it was impossible for her to invite a man to her home when her husband was not at home.

That's a bit outrageous.

So I found a restaurant where I had eaten and it tasted pretty good.

It was just early 6 o'clock when we arrived, which was actually very early for the summer magic city.

"Brother Tiger, come with me."


Cheng Hu nodded calmly.

Although he has followed Yang Mi for several years, he can't help but feel a little emotional every time he hears this.

In a sense...these two people are really the people who cherish feathers the most that I have ever seen.

You really don't give any chance to speak out against others.

Soon he arrived at the private room, where Lu Yang had been waiting for a while.

Seeing Yang Mi and Cheng Hu come in, he quickly stood up:

"Sister Mi~"

He is actually older than Yang Mi.

However, this title was given in a semi-polite and semi-formal manner when everyone first met each other, and they have become accustomed to it over the years.

Yang Mi smiled and nodded:

"Director Lu. Have you been waiting for a long time? When did you arrive?"

"It's about four o'clock...Brother Tiger."

Cheng Hu responded:

"Director Lu."

After Yang Mi sat down, she asked:

"Where's Chen Shu?"

"It's in Hengdian."

Hearing this, Yang Mi was stunned:

"What are you doing in Hengdian?"

"Choose a scene."

Yang Mi reacted instantly:

"Is the movie too good?"

"Yes, Director Xu approved it."

After Lu Yang finished speaking, Yang Mi was speechless:

"Then if you come to me this time...it won't be..."


Seeing that she had reacted, Lu Yang naturally stopped hiding and said:

"I brought the script."


Yang Mi felt her scalp starting to tingle less than a minute after sitting down.

The first reaction is:

"I'm going to Hollywood to film soon."

"I know. When I told Director Xu last month, he told me that your movie will be finished in about a month. I plan to start filming in September and finish it in two months at most. ”

We are all very familiar with each other, so there is no need for any polite greetings.

What's more... the story of "Embroidered Spring Knife" is a project that Lu Yang has been planning since the filming of "Cinema for the Blind".

Moreover, he also gave a lot of opinions on things like weapons and martial arts.

But the problem is...

Brother, you have to let me breathe!

In the first half of the year, I ran "Pacific Rim" and traveled around the world just like Confucius traveled around the world.

As a result, I finally saw some hope, and got a movie in Hollywood for no apparent reason.

I thought I'd finish the filming quickly and go back to rest... but you came to my door again?

Her eyes were full of resistance...

And Lu Yang had already taken out the script from his bag:

"Sister Mi, take a look, this is the revised final version of the script. You play a mysterious woman with strong martial arts skills in it..."

Before he finished speaking, Yang Mi rolled her eyes:

"Ding Baiying, a mysterious woman..."


Amid Lu Yang's silly smile, Yang Mi sighed:

"Sigh...I shouldn't have joined in the fun in the first place."

"So you agree!"


Before Yang Mi could finish her next sentence, she heard that Lu Yang even used "you", and she suddenly showed a smile that was uglier than crying.

"You know, I haven't been idle since last year. Starting from the promotion of "The Grandmaster", to the Berlin Film Festival, and then starting to work on "Pacific Rim" after the year...and the Hollywood script...counting You, I’ve been really busy for a whole year!!!”


Lu Yang didn't say anything, just smiled.

Yang Mi's scalp went numb as she laughed.


Seeing this, she shook her head as if resigned to her fate, took the script, and said:

"It's your meal today!"

"no problem!"

What Lu Yang agreed was a joy.

After Yang Mi glanced at the script twice, she didn't read further.

She knew the general outline of the script very well, and it was not difficult to figure it out for herself. The waiter just happened to bring the menu, and she grabbed it and started ordering it!

Pick up the expensive ones!

Picked up!

Otherwise, this meal would really be a waste!

After ordering, she asked:

"Who else are you planning to play with?"

Lu Yang shook his head slightly:

"The audition will start the day after tomorrow. I showed this book to Brother Yi and he thought it was quite interesting. He is more interested in Lu Wenzhao, but people like Shen Lian and Beizhai still have to audition."

"What about the total investment?"

"Currently not counting the salary, it's about 15 million. In terms of the salary...hehehehe..."


The corners of Yang Mi's mouth twitched.

"Yuntu sole proprietorship?"



There is no shame in working in a factory.

To beat workers, you must have the mentality of beating workers.

Do you work to make money?

of course not.

That is to realize the value of life!

What money do you want! ?

If workers don't sell their blood or work hard, where can the boss drive a Land Rover and raise Xiaomi?

However, she still reminded:

"Remuneration is generally rising in the market now. No matter whether you have a good relationship with Zhang Yi or others, you get what you pay for. Don't get a reputation of being stingy."

"I know that."

Lu Yang nodded quickly.

At the same time, he sighed with emotion:

"Oh...it's true that the salary of this film has increased. Chen Shu really likes babies and feels that Beizhai is particularly suitable for her..."

Yang Mi's mouth twitched again.

But she didn't say anything and listened to Lu Yang continue:

"The last time she went to the factory for a meeting, she didn't ask directly, but asked people in her studio. Her current salary is almost over 10 million...it's too expensive."

"The increase in salary is the market trend, but you have to judge by yourself whether the actor has the goods. Appeal is one thing, but suitability is another."

After Lu Yang heard this, he actually didn't think much and just nodded:

"Well, when I go back to Yanjing for the audition this time, I will choose carefully. The factory has allocated a separate budget for the production fee this time, but not the salary. In fact, it is because Director Xu said hello..."

"He knows that this story is your hard work, so he naturally wants to make it perfect."

"That's for sure. Director Xu will definitely not be disappointed."


Yang Mi nodded and picked up the script.

Lu Yang's script is very complete, and he even brought a script book with him this time.

What a thick pile.

Including settings, characters, etc., it's all included.

Weighing the weight in her hands, she rubbed her brows in distress again:

"I also said you should have a good rest in the second half of the year... ugh."

Lu Yang just smiled but didn't respond.

Just kidding...if you get a bargain, act like a good boy.

Do you really think you can hire Sister Mi for any script?

This trip... I made a profit!

Make a lot of money!

I felt like I had just closed my eyes when I was woken up by Su Meng's knock on the door.

He opened the door in a daze and let the assistant in, then got into the bathroom.

While washing his face and brushing his teeth, he saw a message from his wife:

"Lu Yang is a debt collector!"


"Xu Laogou! You dare to turn off your phone, right?"

"Get up and go back to sleep, auntie!! Go back to sleep!!!"

"I'm so angry!!"

"Quickly call me two nice words to coax me!"

"I never want to act in a movie again!!!"

"I'm no longer a human being!!!"

"Your daughter farted all over her pants!!!"


"I'm giving your daughter ice cream and I'm a dog!!!"

For no reason, he had a toothache after seeing these news.

It's early 8 o'clock in the morning now, and it's around 9 o'clock in the evening over there.

He deliberately asked his daughter if she had diarrhea...

This child likes to eat cold food and kick under the quilt. Although he doesn't have diarrhea often, he does have it three or four times a year.

But after seeing Yang Mi's frantic news, he decided... Or just pretend to be dead.

So I quietly sent a message to my old father-in-law:

"Dad, Nuannuan has diarrhea?"

Yang Dalin replied with an 8-second message.

Xu Xin opened:

"Xu! You heartless bitch!! You won't reply to my message, will you! Just wait! Come back and break your legs!!! Your daughter is fine! She is a piece of shit, there are a lot of corn kernels in it, The color is golden…”

Xu Xinxin said that I really vomited.

You told me this when you woke up so early in the morning?

But I still sent the video honestly.

The wife, who had a mask on her face, could not tell her expression at all.

But after the video was connected, she maintained a posture with her hands clasped in her arms and looked at him motionlessly.

"...Hello? Are you stuck? Hello?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw his fierce woman wiping her neck with her finger.

Although she couldn't see her expression clearly, Xu Xin understood a meaning from her posture:

"You are dead!"

"As long as the child is fine, I have a flight to catch and I'm stuck."

"What the hell! Wait a minute! I have something serious to talk to you about... Lu Yang's script is out..."

"I know, I approved it last month. Did you agree?"

"Nonsense! Apart from me, where can he find a strange woman named Xu who is proficient in eighteen kinds of weapons and punches them all?"

Xu Xinxin said that asking you to learn martial arts in the first place was really the mistake of our life, Mr. Xu.

Not enough for you!

But this must not be said openly, after all, the dog’s life is at stake.

He nodded and asked:

"Well, what next? What else are you talking about?"

"There was nothing else. After I agreed, he started talking to me about the movie. I gave him 14,000 yuan."


"Let's eat! His movie took at least two months to shoot. If I don't kill him, will I feel comfortable?"


Xu Xin asked in confusion:

"In what month will the filming start?"


"Then in August..."

"Let's go shoot "LUCY". We have finished the trial shooting two days ago, and several scenes have been set up. They are waiting for me now. After I finish my work, I will go to Wanwan and start shooting directly."

"The first act is bending?"

"Yes. We filmed in Wanwan, then went to France after filming, and finally returned to Los Angeles. I just submitted the application for the children's visas in the past two days, so I will let them follow me during this holiday."

"This is backwards, but you're doing it in a row?... In other words, your busy schedule will end in August, September, October... maybe November?"

"Probably. What did you say here?"

"I'm going to Chicago today for two days. I'll go to Boston on the 28th, and I'll be back in Los Angeles on the 29th. Keanu is waiting for me, and Paramount is also waiting for me to choose locations, project approval, auditions, etc. …”

"Then just follow me, kid. You are busy with your business. Don't worry."


After chatting for a few words, Xu Xin hung up the phone.

"Brother Xu, things are packed."

"Well, let's go."

The two of them walked out of the room directly.

After having a meal, at early 9 o'clock, I got on the special car heading to the airport.

This time Paramount chose Lincoln.

Since he was not attending an event, no one would ask what car he took. What's more, Paramount is unlikely to let Xu Xin ride in the Volvo by himself... It seems that they are too incompetent.

As for which model of Lincoln it was, he was really not sure.

I just think this car is a bit similar to the Navigator.

Very big.

Not only does it look big, it also feels quite solid when sitting up.

Full of security.

He and Liu Yifei were in the same car. After getting in the car, Xu Xin smelled the perfume sprayed by the fairy sister.

He rubbed his nose subconsciously and made a "chichi" sound.

Liu Yifei, who was looking down at her phone, turned to look at him.

Xu Xin shrugged:

"This tastes quite fresh. What brand is it?"

"Zu Malong... like it?"

"It's okay, it smells pretty good."

"It has men's perfume, do you want it?"


Xu Xin shook his head like a rattle:

"I don't need it. This thing smells really weird when you sweat. And it doesn't make sense that this man smells so good."

"You... are the least refined public figure I have ever seen."


Xu Xin's eyes were full of disgust and he showed the Richard Mille on his wrist:

“Have you ever seen an unrefined man wearing a Richard Mille?”

"...Didn't your wife buy it for you?"

"Yes. My wife is responsible for my exquisiteness."

"Then what are you responsible for?"

"Find a wife who is responsible for my exquisiteness."


The fairy sister was speechless for a while, and finally complained:


Too lazy to talk to Xu Xin anymore, she directly handed over her mobile phone.

Xu Xin took a look and saw that it was Twitter.

Twitter thread about # "Perfect" # .

"I thought you were going to look at Rotten Tomatoes or IMDB."

"It's all bad in Europe...Twitter is actually more direct than these two websites. You can see the most authentic reaction of the audience."

Following her words, Xu Xin saw the content under the topic.

"OMG, as a lesbian, I loved the point the director made about homosexuality in the movie. I really wish my parents would watch this movie. Being gay is not our fault and we are free to like anyone. Something goes wrong It’s you!”

"I like Locke's gentleness and calmness. But I don't like his generosity. If my wife cheated on me behind my back, I would kill her with one shot!"

elder brother.


Not that...

Seeing this, Xu Xin subconsciously twitched the corner of his mouth.

"Refreshing movie. Great! I loved it! Hats off to all the actors and director, it's really a good story worth watching multiple times."

"After I came back from Italy, I have been recommending it to my friends. I watched it with a few friends last night. Cheers to our friendship."

"Crystal Liu is such a sexy actress. Especially when she puts on lipstick in the bathroom, God, I love her!"

"What a great movie! Whether it's the picture composition or the lighting and color! I was recommended to watch it by my professor. He likes this director very much, but this is the first time I know about him. Great, great movie!"

"Using the smallest set, the most complex discussion and extension of human ethical relationships has been completed. The exquisite design of the double moon at the end is simply amazing. BRAVO! Recommend friends to take a look at it, it's awesome!"

One after another.

One, many.

After reading it, he took out his mobile phone and thought about checking in with the other party.

As a result, as soon as she switched to her personal Twitter page, her phone was snatched away by Liu Yifei.


I could clearly see the English ID name [My Secret], but I couldn't see the letters and numbers behind it.

Xu Xin asked in confusion:

"What are you doing?"

"...What do you want to do?"

Liu Yifei, who directly locked the screen of her phone, looked wary.

"Let me check with you. I also have Twitter. I have thousands of followers on it."

"I don't want to be related to you. I'm just a gossip account. If you follow me, what if someone finds me by following the clues? ...You didn't see my name clearly, did you?"


"That's fine."


Xu Xin looked at her speechlessly and complained:


"I'm happy! What's going on? Why don't you let others have a trumpet? Don't you have a trumpet too!"

"Ah, yes, yes."

If you don’t want to pay attention to me, you won’t want to pay attention to it.

Xu Xin was too lazy to continue asking, but asked:

"It depends. Is the review good?"


After Liu Yifei put away her mobile phone, she crossed her legs on the large rear seat and said:

"It has always been very good. It has a reputation that has been tested in so many countries. You don't need to worry at all. Now I just hope that the box office can be higher. And I saw that AMC theaters are still giving face, and the film scheduling rate is over 10%. .”

As the world's largest theater chain, AMC can give a 10% film scheduling rate. For a movie that has not yet shown its popularity, it is just a premiere... and it is also a movie that has not been synchronized with Europe. For movies in the later half of the year, either the other party really gave them face, or it was Paramount's ability.

But Xu Xin prefers the latter.

The heritage of an established film company is really not just talk.

At this moment, Xu Xin and Liu Yifei's cell phones dinged at the same time.

Xu Xin took a look and found that it was from WHAT'SAPP.

He clicked on it and saw that it was a very formulaic message.

[From 8:00 pm on July 25, 2013 to 0:00 on July 26, 2013, the premiere data of "Perfect Strangers" are as follows. Film arrangement rate...]

The message is very long. It contains data such as film scheduling rate, conversion ratio, and number of shows.

Xu Xin kept looking down and finally saw a specific number.

"Total box office: $3645170"

He was stunned.


Take less?

One, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand...million?

4 hours?

Three million six hundred thousand! ?

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