I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 1012 1007 Compassion in the Same Suffering

Xu Xin didn't know that his wife was listening in the corner.

I never thought that she would repay kindness with hatred!

I...I have helped you so much!

You still treat me like this! ?

How could you do this?

"You go take a shower."

His butt was slapped, and with a bit of pain, he glared at this heartless bitch with a look full of shame and anger, got up and walked into the bathroom with his legs trembling a little.

You...you are simply too much!

I'm tired after a long day!

Woo woo woo...

I couldn't tell whether it was tears or hot water, pouring down from the top of my head and covering my face.

He held the bath spray against his body and rubbed it, as if he wanted to clean up something dirty.

When he came out again, he found that his wife was not sleeping, but playing with her mobile phone.

"Still not sleeping? You won't be working tomorrow?"

"There's no show for me tomorrow. It's for Morgan Freeman."

Yang Mi said, turned to glance at him, and said:

"Have you paid attention to the Silk Road Film Festival recently?"

"No, how can I have free time? It doesn't matter if I'm time lag, the point is that I'm very busy, eldest sister. You don't think I'm really free, do you?"

He lay down against the edge of the bed.

On the two-meter-two-meter-wide bed, the distance between the couple seemed like an unreachable Milky Way.

Xu Xin was really scared.

I worked so hard to help you enlighten your harem, but as soon as I got to the second floor, you called me to the bedroom.

Before I knew what was happening, you took off my clothes...

When did our relationship as a couple become like this?

Every time it’s like there’s no tomorrow but today…

He was full of complaints.

But Yang Mi handed over the phone.

"Hey, look... why are you so far away from me?"

"I'm afraid your bestiality will show up again."


Yang Mi, who was holding a mobile phone, was stunned for a moment, with a gentle smile on her face:

"Oh my husband~~~~"

"Mom, please let your son go, please."

"...dead virtue!"

Angrily, she threw the phone to her lover, and when he picked it up, the young woman lifted up the quilt and covered the entire bed and the entire summer like a caterpillar.

She got into his arms again.

After noticing her husband's stiffness, she quickly comforted:

"Don't worry, don't worry, I'll just rub it in and make sure it doesn't move! ... By the way, what's been going on with you recently? Why are you so weak?"

"I'm Xu? Let me ask you! How many times have you touched me this week!?"

Xu Xin said dissatisfiedly while looking at the news headline ""I Want to Be Good with You" Silk Road Film Festival was highly praised" on the screen of his mobile phone.

At first glance, his words sounded like he disliked his lover's indifference.

But actually...

"emmm... let me do the math, tonight, last night, the night before yesterday..."

"Fart! It was morning and night the day before yesterday!"

"Oh yes...that's only 7 times. I also gave you a holiday."

"You call that a holiday? That's not because I went to bed early. I have to kill you!"

"Oh, okay, brother, I love you so much."

"I thank you. I beg you, old man, to love others. Please hurry up and let me go. I thank you for eight generations of my ancestors."


When she heard her husband's complaint, she hummed cutely.

Then continue to thrust into her husband's arms.

There's no way around it, it's just addiction.

The main reason is that she really likes this state of decompression where her mind is empty and she is not thinking about anything.

This helps her feel more relaxed.

That's why I'm so greedy.

Now enjoying the relaxing aftertaste, she lay in her lover's arms, watching her husband flip through the film festival reviews about "I Want to Be Good with You", and said softly:

"The reviews for the movie Shishi are pretty good."

"I remember that this script seemed quite morbid, right? A very controlling heroine controls the male protagonist..."

"There has always been a market for sadomasochism. Haven't you noticed that many of the Weibo IDs reviewed are girls."

"Bullshit sadomasochism. What does she call sadism? I call it sadomasochism now!"

"No, baby, you are being abused at best."

"...You're really driving me to the point of trembling with rage."

"Hey hey hey."

Yang Mi smiled and happened to see Xu Xin swipe a photo of Liu Zhishi taken on the streets of Xi'an during the film festival.

She opened it directly and said with a loud mouth:

"Tsk tsk, Shishi feels more and more fluent."

"Sister, can you get rid of your old gangster taste?"

Xu Xin complained helplessly and exited the picture.

I turned around and clicked on the related # Silk Road Film Festival # topic.

To be honest, he didn't worry much about this Silk Road Film Festival.

Not even paying much attention to the shortlist.

There is no way, he is too busy this year, so busy that he hits the back of the head with his feet.

Especially now that we are in the preparation period for a new movie, we have no time to think about anything else.

Liu Zhishi's film "I Want to Be Good with You" was shortlisted for the Silk Road section this year.

Although it is not the main competition unit, being shortlisted for the Silk Road unit shows that this film can be recognized by the judges at least on some levels.

As for whether he could win the prize in the end, he didn't ask.

But the reviews are really good.

And Yang Mi was in his arms, after staring for a while at the very humanistic check-in posts about the Silk Road Film Festival such as "Tourist Information", "Highly Recommended Xi'an Specialty Snacks", "Travel Guide", etc., she suddenly Here comes a sentence:

"You'll be switching to Fujian next year, right?"


"What do you, the vice president of the executive committee, plan to do?"

"What do you mean?"

"Is it correct? What are you going to do?"

"This... is still unclear. But it must be a big deal."

"...What do you mean? Do you want to make a big noise?"


Xu Xin nodded:

"The relocation of the film festival, in fact, from the current point of view, the essence has not changed, it is just to be more international. Awards are one aspect...or what the awards are, is not what the association really cares about."

"What does the association care about?"

"What role can the Silk Road Film Festival play in promoting the promotion of "Leading the Road"?"


Yang Mi was stunned, looking up at her husband with some confusion:

"They don't think that just by relying on one film festival, they can completely open up the market and become famous all over the world, right?"

"Of course not. If the Silk Road Film Festival really had this ability, it might as well just change its name to Cannes or Oscars."

Xu Xin laughed at his wife's naivety, and then looked at the time on his phone and knew it was time to go to bed.

So he tossed the phone to the bed, turned off the lamp with his back hand, and hugged his wife's fragrant and soft body directly into the bed.

He rubbed her slender waist and whispered:

"You're coming from the wrong angle. Your understanding of the Silk Road Film Festival is that it should play a pulling role in the front, making more people aware of the significance of the Maritime Silk Road through an international film festival... In other words, you think that the Silk Road Film Festival is a publicity horse running in front, pulling the publicity about "leading the way". This direction is wrong.

The actual situation is that "leading the way" is the giant locomotive. It leads the way, and our publicity methods are more like LED billboards hanging on its body. It is responsible for running forward, and we are responsible for following its route and bringing out our own light and heat. This is the international significance of the Silk Road Film Festival. "

"Propaganda...is more important than anything else?"

"Yes. Publicity is more important than anything else. As long as the publicity is done well, only the executive committee can have the final say regarding film matters. Only Brother Qi and I can have the final say. So, no matter what happens in the future, in this first session, the awards will remain the same It can maintain the original intention, but in terms of momentum, it needs to be larger, and everyone must mobilize their own connections...

Just like me, even after the movie is finished, I plan to invite Mr. Wick to the film festival for its premiere, and I will even communicate with Paramount to ask him to invite some big Hollywood names...such as DiCaprio? Like Will Smith? ...In short, please come, pull over, and promote it. As long as the publicity is in place and it becomes an instant hit, the power of the executive committee will be basically solid, and it can be said that it is immovable. "

In the darkness, Yang Mi could clearly feel the scorching heat from her husband's body.

After all the fun and joking, she was hiding in this warm embrace as a little bird, and the corners of her mouth instinctively raised slightly under the night sky.

"Then let's talk to Sister Mo and let my film be released after August next year, right?"

"It's not just a matter of putting it...but it must be put there. You have to show your attitude, do you understand?"

"Well, I understand. As for the others..."

"Brother Qi has already started preparations. In the first half of next year, the factory is expected to disappear for a period of time. All movies will be concentrated in the second half of the year, but before that, all production must be completed. The film festival in August... is expected to be very lively. .”


Yang Mi was speechless.

I just feel an inexplicable surge in my heart.

The blood began to flow.



Xu Xin, who had his eyes closed suddenly opened them:


"Shhh... I have no chance tomorrow."

"You're so fucking useless, and I'm in this state and there's no chance either!!"

"Shh... I haven't made any unspoken rules to become the vice president of the executive committee. You want me to try to make a power and sex deal."



"You look... like a refugee who has been hungry for nine meals in three days?"

When Liu Yifei woke up early in the morning and saw Xu Xin going downstairs with a sick look on his face, he asked curiously:

"Didn't you sleep well last night?"


Xu Xin nodded:

"I was thinking about how to improve your acting skills. I thought about it all night and didn't get a good rest."

Liu Yifei was stunned...

Then his lips suddenly pursed.

The cuteness came out immediately.

"Then how can I repay you?"

she asked.

Unexpectedly, Xu Xin waved his hand:

"No need to repay, I didn't think of it."


The fairy sister's "du" turned into "pump".

I don't want to deal with this piece of shit anymore.

But Xu Xin noticed the suitcase at the door.

"Got to go?"

"Yes, we will attend the Silk Road Film Festival award ceremony the day after tomorrow. Aren't you going back this time?"

"I can't go back, it's the movie preparation period."

"Okay... I will form my own company team after I go back this time. Do you have any good candidates?"

"Ask Lao Wang, he knows many people."

"Put him down. I contacted him yesterday and he asked me to go to the job market. He said that a college student is worth two thousand and fifty a month. He doesn't even need to sign a formal contract. He will be fired after the internship period. He is not afraid of being sued. Anyway, there are people above us. ...What is this called cost reduction and efficiency increase!"


Xu Xinxin said that when he returns home, he will have to grab this bitch’s head and make him kowtow to admit his mistake to the leeks.

Then, after looking at the time, he said:

"Then I won't see you off? When will you leave?"

"In a moment...it's like you have a driver's license."

"Hey, I'm sorry, I'm going to take the exam now."

Arriving at the dining table, he took the plate brought by the servant.

He rolled the bread, bacon, and scrambled eggs all together, and ate it in two bites just like eating hand pancakes. He wiped his mouth and said:

"There you go, have a nice trip."

"It's a headwind!"


He didn't even realize that his blessing actually meant something wrong with his words, so he thought the fairy sister was playing a homophonic joke with him.

He waved his hands in amusement.

Slip away.

Get your driver's license.

The road test in the United States can be said to be difficult or simple.

However, under Xu Xin's careful control, he only made two small mistakes and passed the assessment without any accident.

I got my temporary driver's license that afternoon.

It will take about a week to get the official driver's license.

But with this driver's license, it means that he can legally drive on American roads.

With a driver’s license, you naturally need a car.

This time, he didn't choose Volvo.

His contract with Volvo will end in October this year. As for whether to renew or not... he is still considering it. Secondly, Keanu told him something that he felt was quite necessary.

That is, in the United States, try not to keep a low profile.

Especially as an Asian.

Of course, he was specifically referring to the public level.

I suggest Xu Xin buy a better car.

Because the so-called COPS...that is, the police, look down upon others.

If you drive a nice car, he probably won't give you any trouble. But if you drive an ordinary car that is not in line with the temperament of Beverly Hills, then the police will pay more attention to it even out of the protection of wealthy class taxpayers.

In order to avoid this trouble, Ji Ge means to buy a better car after getting his driver's license.

Anyway, as long as you don't go to slums or neighborhoods with poor security, you don't have to worry about being stared at. What's more... the police resources in the entire Los Angeles and Beverly Hills area are the best. It can prevent some bad things to the greatest extent.

Xu Xin felt that this suggestion made sense. After several years of driving Volvo, he was tired of aesthetics, and after coming to the United States, he felt their weird car culture firsthand...

He was quite interested.

Although he does not intend to join the fashion circle of so-called "era cars" for the time being, whether it is a Lincoln, a Cadillac, or a car that looks big in size like a Dodge, he plans to buy one for fun. , feel the pure American flavor.

So, after getting my driver's license, I started thinking about buying a car.

And there are also a large number of car 4S shops here in Beverly Hills... Is that what they are called abroad, right?

He planned to take a look.

After getting his temporary driver's license, he drove his family's Volvo to go shopping.

So... when Yang Mi came back, she looked at the extra Bentley with a blue shell, convertible top and white interior at home, and several question marks popped up in her head.


After taking over the keys to the Bentley, she didn't blame her husband for buying such an expensive car...


It’s just a car, and it’s also called money?

She just wondered:

"Why did you buy it?"

"open ah."


Yang Mi rolled her eyes directly:

"Of course I know you want to drive it. What I mean is...how do you drive this car? The back seat is not big, and the children will probably be crowded in there..."

"Who said you would take them with you?"

In the eyes of the two children, "What do you mean? Do you believe it?" Xu Xin shrugged:

"Let's go."


When she heard that her husband wanted to have a world with her, she was naturally satisfied.

And by the way, I also measured the size of the car.

I imagined whether I would be able to use it by then...but it still didn't feel right.

"When did you become interested in cars? Don't you hate sports cars the most?"

"I originally went to buy a Lincoln. As I told you, that's a really big car."

"Well, what next? Why did you buy a Bentley?"

"Because the car salesman is from China and he recognized me. He is a fan of us... I originally planned to take a look, but I found that this new Continental is really good, so I bought one."

"This... okay."

After hearing this reason, Yang Mi couldn't say anything.

The garage at home is empty anyway.

Buy it.

Xu Xin then said:

"What's more, Lao Wang's Bentley drives very smoothly."

"Let's go then. Let's go for a drive?"

After hearing their mother's words, Nuannuan and Yangyang's eyes became even more strange.

From only one Lao Deng, there were two.

However, when my own mother got interested, even the King of Heaven and I couldn’t stop her.

Just leave.

The two children were just in the arms of their grandma and grandpa, watching helplessly as their father got into the hot convertible, pulled their mother, and drove away without looking back.

It wasn't until she couldn't even see the taillights that Nuan Nuan finally couldn't stand the anger anymore and started crying with a "wow" sound.

Yangyang sat in her grandma's arms, glanced at her sister, and shook her head slightly.

This stupid woman.

It’s just a meal, it’s not like you haven’t eaten before.

Mom is not here, so we can just turn on the unlimited carbonated drinks in the refrigerator?

Why are you crying?

Can the meal be accompanied by a drink?

You stupid woodchuck.

He glanced disdainfully at his sister, who only cried and had a louder voice than anyone else. He hooked his grandmother's neck:

"Grandma, I'm thirsty."

"Grandma will take you to drink water..."

"No, I'll go by myself. Grandma, please let me down."

Yang Chunling obviously didn't think much about it.

He immediately put his grandson down.

Yangyang went straight to the house.

When passing by the corner of the toy castle, he also picked up a lamb-shaped stool for him to sit on.

I grabbed it and headed straight to the refrigerator.

After opening the door, he stepped on a stool and pulled out a half-open bottle of Coke from inside.

A full bottle was not considered by him at all.

Can't turn it.

But if it's already opened, it's no problem.

After getting it, he went straight to the castle.

Hiding in the corner, he unscrewed the Coke bottle with a "chi" sound, then raised it and raised his head...

Tons tons tons tons tons!


Davarish, my Karma!

Although I don’t know what this means, my mother always likes to say it to my father.

Feeling pleased, he put the bottle in the pot where the "magic potion" was placed in his little castle, and hid it completely.

He narrowed his eyes proudly.

Especially when I saw my sister who was still sobbing while being held by her grandpa and walking in...


Be desperate!


I can’t give you any of this bottle of Coke!

This is my baby.

my precious~

August 9th.


"Ha... um."

Liu Yifei, who was suffering from jet lag, yawned and walked out of the hotel with Wu Qiqi. She ignored the other guests in the hotel who marveled at her naked face but still her natural beauty, just like a sleepy cat. After the doorman opened the door of the business car for her, she got in.

Only then did the doorman discover...

There was actually Liu Zhishi sitting in this car!

Be obedient...

It’s really pleasing to the eye.

inside the car.

"Ha... um."

Liu Yifei huddled in the zero-gravity chair and yawned again.

Liu Zhishi glanced at her and said:

"Didn't you sleep all day?"


Her eyelids were drooped and she didn't bother to open them. After putting down the chair, she said to Liu Zhishi's assistant Bi Xiaolei who was driving:

"Xiao Lei, drive more carefully, I'll catch up on some sleep."

"Okay sister..."

Before Bi Xiaolei finished speaking, she heard Liu Zhishi say:

"Hello Mercedes! Switch to sport mode!"


Liu Yifei's mouth twitched and she looked at her speechlessly:

"Are you crazy?"

"Nonsense, I'm here to drink with you, not to sleep with you."

"I'll drink with you."

"How can you drink with me with your virtue?"

"Don't worry. It doesn't matter whether the beer is white or red or foreign. I will accompany you today. If you drink more beer for me, I will just lie down in the hotel and fall asleep. Then the jet lag will be reversed."

"There are a lot of fallacies."

After hearing Liu Zhishi's complaints, Liu Yifei continued to curl up on the chair and muttered:

"Who is there tonight?"

"Just the two of us."


Liu Yifei opened her eyes again:

"What do you mean? Arhat Bureau? ...No, Brother Qi, Baozi, Jiaojiao and the others are all here. Didn't you shout?"

"I told them I wouldn't come until tomorrow."


At this time, Liu Yifei sat up straight and raised the back of the chair that was lying flat.

"What's wrong with you?"

"I'm upset and stressed, and I don't want so many people making noise. It's just the two of us tonight, we can get drunk and relieve all our worries."


After hearing this, Liu Yifei thought for a while and did not continue to ask.

Just nodded:

"Okay then. What are you going to drink tonight?"

"Xu, right?"

Liu Zhishi said a word that may be unfamiliar to others.

But Liu Yifei sneered:

"Forget it, what's the point of drinking red wine? Let's get something white...by the way, what are we going to eat?"

"The house Xu Xin took us to last time."

"Mutton stew?... Come on, we eat mutton in the summer, and tomorrow is the awards ceremony. What if I get a pimple?"

"Then what do you want to eat?"

"Forget it, just pretend I didn't say it."

Then he put down the chair again:

"I'll take a nap."

Then she curled up like a cat again.

Seeing this, Liu Zhishi also knew that she probably hadn't adjusted to the jet lag, so she didn't say anything, lowered her head and started playing with her mobile phone.

It was silent all the way.

After arriving at a halal restaurant, Liu Yifei woke up in a daze.

The two of them put on masks and got out of the car.

Bi Xiaolei and Wu Qiqi followed closely behind, Wu Qiqi still clutching two bottles of Maotai.

When they arrived in the box, Liu Zhishi said to Bi Xiaolei and Wu Qiqi uncharacteristically:

"You two can have a table alone."

The two of them had no objections, but the waitress who came in with the menu was confused.

This...what is going on?

Liu Zhishi?

Liu Yifei?

Liu Zhishi, who was already used to this situation, took the menu and ordered a few dishes that she liked last time. The waiter followed Wu Qiqi and the two of them.

I don’t know what I was told, but I haven’t come in again since.

Even the wine was poured by the two of them themselves.

Twenty-two glasses, not even a wine divider.

After the two of them had a drink each, Liu Yifei smelled the rich flavor of Moutai and complained:

"I have to die tonight."

"Every time you say this, just drink, why are there so many things?"

Liu Yifei shrugged, grabbed a handful of melon seeds on the turntable, and asked while cracking them:

"Tell me, what's wrong?"


Liu Zhishi sighed:

"I'm so stressed."

"What's the reason?"

After Liu Yifei asked, she seemed to think of something and asked:

"Is it because of Director Zhang?"


There were no outsiders anyway, so Liu Zhishi nodded and admitted.

She actually didn't wear any makeup today, and she also wore a pair of black-rimmed glasses.

After nodding, he took off his glasses and rubbed his face.

Sighing while rubbing:

"Sigh... During this time, Director Zhang has been holding me in various meetings. Me, Gong Li, Chen Daohuan... including Yan Geling, the original author of "The Lu Criminal"... Do you know? Director Zhang is filming, give it to me It feels like I’m in the Olympics! The preliminary preparations, including my dance training, and various other aspects, make my scalp numb!”


Liu Yifei was speechless for a while.

I thought you had filmed a movie with Xu Xin after all.

Aren't these two people from the same mold?

Why do you act like you just entered the city now?

Liu Zhishi's complaints were obviously not over yet, so she continued:

"And what makes me most uncomfortable is...acting with Teacher Gong Li. I really..."

Her lips suddenly pursed.

His hand even grasped the glass unconsciously.

A virtue that is always ready to "drink it all".

Liu Yifei's heart twitched when she saw it.

I thought in my heart that I haven’t eaten this mouthful of food. If I drink two ounces of wine in one gulp...

Then one of us will definitely die tonight.

And the one who dies is most likely you.

She quickly put her hands on the table, intending to stop him at any time.

But at this moment...

She heard a sentence:

"Hey, have you ever seen a scene where a person who was cheerful one second can become unfamiliar and hostile the next with just one look?"


Liu Yifei's mouth twitched.

Just listen to Liu Zhishi continue to say:

"Really! Just a look! Nothing happened, just a look! Have you seen it? Do you understand what I mean?"


In an instant, Liu Yifei felt a large wave of EMO coming towards her.

"I have seen."

Her tone became a little dry.

Then a sentence came to my mind:

"I just met yesterday."

Fragments from the past came to mind again.

The hand that was originally intended to stop his friend's impulsiveness was subconsciously placed on the glass.


And hearing her words and sighs...

This time, Liu Zhishi’s eyes were filled with questions:


I thought I was farting about asking for leave, so I finally wrote it down.

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