I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 1013 1008 Eating and waiting to die

"Did you see it? It's right here...pay attention to her ears and the corners of her mouth..."

"Hello, waiter, the food is here."

The waiter who came in with a plate listened to Liu Yifei's words and looked at the two big stars with their faces squeezed together and holding a mobile phone...

Gotta admit it.

It’s really a feast for the eyes.

Legend has it that the two men were related, and it seems to be true.

Are the genes of the old Liu family so good?

It's too beautiful.

Taking a peek while taking away the food.

At the same time, I was still thinking about when would be the right time to ask for autographs and take photos...

The waiter slowly withdrew.

When it was time to close the door, after watching Yang Mi's "Ten Seconds" scene, Liu Zhishi reacted belatedly to the waiter coming in, and then she raised her head and responded to the waiter who was closing the door with a polite smile:


The waiter was stunned, but the angle of the door blocked his view.

After thinking for a while, she closed the door gently.

When I turned around and left, I sighed a little...

No wonder he is a star.

The training is really good.

In the private room, Liu Zhishi looked at the dishes that had been served and picked up her chopsticks:


"One goes first."

Liu Yifei, who had not eaten anything, picked up the wine bottle.


With a "ding" sound, the two glasses touched together.

The rim of the cup touched her mouth, and then Liu Yifei remembered...

"How many bites?"


Liu Zhishi glanced at the cups of Erliang:

"Three mouths?"


The fairy sister nodded without any hesitation.

He raised his head and took a big sip, and the cup was reduced by one-third.


The spicy smell of alcohol bursts out.

Immediately afterwards, the unique flavor of Maotai sauce rose.

She subconsciously smashed her mouth:

"Yo? Why does it taste so good?...Why haven't you drank it for a long time?"

As he spoke, he picked up the label that had just been removed next to the Maotai bottle and took a look at it.

When she opened it just now, she discovered that the mouth of the wine bottle was sealed with wax, but she didn't care.

When drinking at Lao Xu's house, all the drinks are basically like this.

Uncle Xu buys it every year. After buying it, he seals it with wax and stores it. Basically, what he drinks that year is the inventory from at least five years ago.

It has become a daily routine for a few friends.

So much so that now that everyone is drinking outside, ordinary Moutai is really too lazy to touch it.

No matter how you drink it, it always smells like a new car.

But Liu Zhishi casually said:

"Fifteen years, how can I be unhappy?"


Now, the fairy sister was really surprised:

"Did I break a rule of heaven or something? Are you so nice to me?"


Liu Zhishi's mouth twitched.

I thought to myself, "Why do you have the nerve to lick your face and say such things?"

You're violating the rules of heaven... Do you really think of yourself as a god?

"Have you started saving wine?"

"No, I got it from Mimi's house."

"...You went to Qujiang Garden?"


"...Do you have the key?"

"...You don't know the password?"

"Holy shit!"

After Liu Zhishi asked the question, Liu Yifei started to curse:

"Are you treating one person so favorably? It's too different!"

But Liu Zhishi just smiled proudly:

"I am a noble concubine. Liu Guiren, you must know your place clearly."


Liu Yifei rolled her eyes, took a spoonful of peanuts, filled her mouth directly, and said with a squeak:

"Anyway, I don't have to play against Gong Li."


The Luohan bureau is a bit closer to the heart-breaking bureau.

Liu Zhishi had been under a lot of pressure recently. After hearing her words, the most intuitive reaction was to pick up the wine glass.

bring it on.

Second bite.


After taking the second bite, Liu Yifei's face became visibly flushed.

Overwhelmed by alcohol.

"No, you have to slow down, I'm in a bad state right now. I can't take three mouthfuls, let's take four."


Liu Zhishi responded indifferently and then said:

"Why were you taught a lesson by Xu Xin?"

"Because of "LUCY"... I went to the studio with Mimi during the day, and she happened to have a scene with the Korean actor Choi Min-sik. Cui Min-sik was having a massage with cucumber slices on her face, and she was holding a gun as a terminator..."

"Are you excited by the beating scene?"

"No, it's literary drama. You know, Koreans' acting characteristics are more explicit..."

"Well, because of their language problems, their lines must be paired with exaggerated and overt acting to achieve the effect. It's quite manic."


Liu Yifei nodded, and after a brief summary, said:

"Let's put it this way, you can think of Cui Minzhi's performance as an external wildfire. A wildfire will start a prairie fire, and when the wind blows, the flames will surge into the sky!"



The fairy sister asked exactly the same question, with a bit of self-deprecation on her face as she said:

"Mimi is ice, and it will last forever."

"...What is she playing this time?"

"I haven't read the story specifically, but it gives me the feeling that she is playing a person with an emotional disorder... or a psychopath. I feel like she sees the world from a different perspective than us normal people, but her scenes opposite Choi Min-sik are very exciting. .”

"Are you taking your place?"


The redness on his face gradually faded away, replaced by a touch of bitterness:

"I found that if I acted opposite Cui Minzhi, I would definitely not be able to act like her. After being stimulated, I was thinking about how to improve myself at night. Isn't Xu Xin busy with his new movie? He was supposed to be working, so he saw me in the room and chatted. After a few sentences and he realized that my mood was not right, he taught me a lesson."


Liu Zhishi thought for a while and continued:

"Then...according to you, or according to Xu Xin, Mimi has reached...the same state as Sister Gong Li?"



Liu Zhishi subconsciously smashed her mouth.

I didn't know what to say for a moment.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became a little quiet.

And this period of silence lasted until the plate of Longjing shrimps in front of her went around in a circle under the rotation of the electric turntable. Then she came back to her senses and said with a smile:

"Ha. So, the old saying about sitting in a well and looking at the sky is really true."

Liu Yifei turned to look at her.

It's a bit of a solution.

Liu Zhishi shook his head and sighed:

"I always felt that the gap between us... must be very big, but it is not impossible to catch up. I don't know what you think, but that's how I think about it. I think, didn't Xu Xin say that actors end up with the same destination by different paths? I Just follow the stupid method, learn other people's ways to act, ponder, and work hard, that's all right? But this time I had a few scenes with Sister Gong Li... They were not official performances, but trial scenes. I suddenly realized, It turns out that the gap between actors is so big! After listening to you today, I realized how big the gap is..."

"That's why Xu Xin said that he doesn't know when he will reach her level. You can only realize this by yourself."


Liu Zhishi responded again.

Then, there was silence in the box again.

After being silent for a while, she seemed not to want to talk about this topic anymore, so she asked casually:

"How are you talking about things with China Media? Are you going to deepen cooperation in the future? Or something like that?"

In fact, regarding this kind of career development, peers will basically not talk about it among peers. After all, the speaker may not mean it, but it is hard to say whether the listener will intentionally choke on it.

But these two were fine.

Liu Yifei very straightforwardly explained some of her follow-up plans, including setting up a personal studio.

But after Liu Zhishi heard this, not only did he not show any support, but he looked at Liu Yifei with an "incredible" look:

"You want to set up your own studio?"

"That's right. What Xu Xin means is that if I want to stop others from using bad dramas to tie me up, I need to have autonomy. I think that's quite right."

After saying that, seeing Liu Zhishi's eyes looking a little strange, she asked in confusion:

"What's wrong? You think it's inappropriate?"


Liu Zhishi opened her mouth, as if she didn't know how to answer.

But Liu Yifei became more and more puzzled:

"What's wrong? If you have any ideas, just tell me. Why are you still hiding it?"

Liu Zhishi shook his head directly:

"I don't have any idea, I just feel surprised. But this is your career, and you must have your plan."

"That said, you don't have a plan?... If nothing else, setting up a studio is the path that almost everyone will take. Isn't it the same for you?"

"I'm different."

Liu Zhishi shook his head again, and then expressed his opinion:

"I had no intention of going down this road."


The words of the two sisters successfully brought the topic to the next level.

Looking at her friend, Liu Yifei had a trace of doubt and exploration in her eyes:

"Why? You don't plan to set up your own studio?"

"I never planned it that way."

"...What's the reason?"

"It's not necessary."

Liu Zhishi put down her chopsticks, wiped the corners of her mouth, and then picked up the wine glass.

The pace of the two of them was actually very fast. Less than fifteen minutes after the two ounces of wine, there was only one last sip left.

But Fei Xian'er's eyes were always filled with doubts.

She wanted to know what Shishi was thinking.

And Liu Zhishi didn't hide anything from her. After smoothing the contents in her mouth with a sip of wine, she said directly:

"Maybe we have different ideas. My ultimate goal is to achieve success in my career, achieve something artistically, have a harmonious family, and live happily. This is the ultimate goal of my life."

"If you want to succeed in your career, don't you have to work hard on it yourself?"

"It depends on your definition of achievement. What do you mean by success? Does Mimi count as success? Does Xu Xin count? Does Uncle Xu count? Does Brother Sanshui count?"


Liu Yifei was a little stuck.

I saw a rare emotion called sobriety in my friend's blind eyes, nicknamed "A Bing":

"Actually, I'm satisfied with my career now. Not to mention anything else, from the time I debuted to now, I've earned about 20 to 30 million. It's definitely not much, but the problem is that it's enough for me to spend. Oh. Moreover, I estimate that I can earn another 30 to 50 million in the future... As long as you don’t compete with Brother Sanshui, Xu Xin, and Mimi, this total of 50 to 60 million is really worth it. Quite a few.”


Liu Yifei said to her heart, just talk nonsense.

I know that last year you received close to a thousand ads.

This doesn't include the salary.

Thirty to fifty million is only a matter of one or two years.

Why are you crying because you are poor?

But she didn't say anything and just continued to listen:


"You can't make enough money, you just have to spend it. As an actor, now that I have money, I must be pursuing artistic achievements. I will work hard first and come back as an actress who has won one of the three gold medals. is my main goal. And then..."

At this point, she paused.

Then he said:

"Find a man who at least I can like. Once you find him, you will get married and have a cute baby. If my husband wants to have a career, I will fully support him at home. If there is not much pressure on the family, I will continue to pursue my own career. Career...and these ideas of mine can be extended to many possibilities. But there is only one thing, that is, you don’t need to take the initiative to run your own business. Because I have a reliable boss. This is my idea."

After hearing this, Liu Yifei subconsciously said:

"Then you really have no ambition."

"I have it."

Liu Zhishi refuted her:

"Of course I am career-minded, but I will not sacrifice other things for the sake of my career. Don't you quite understand what I mean?"

"...To be honest, I don't understand."

"Then look at Mimi."

Looking at his friend, Liu Zhishi smiled and asked:

"I'll ask you two questions. First, assuming that Mimi doesn't have Xu Xin, do you think it will be difficult for her to work hard to have a career? Second, she and Xu Xin have both reached this point, and they still can't Achieve a complete balance between family and career. Are you confident that you can do better than them?"


Liu Yifei instinctively wanted to say something.

But for a while, I didn’t know how to express it.

Moreover, Liu Zhishi did not give her a chance to express herself and continued:

"As a bystander, I can see it very clearly. Let's not discuss the personal situation of these two people. From the perspective of friends, first of all... not all men belong to Xu Xin. You have to understand this very well. .The main reason, or the only reason, why I am still single is that I don’t want to find a man who is... much worse than my friend’s husband!

I even understand that I may not deserve such extravagant hopes.

But, you have to admit that Xu Xin... is too dazzling. "

Her eyes looked somewhat out of focus again.

Very empty.

Seems to be distracted.

"I will unconsciously compare anyone around me who expresses good feelings towards me. Is he as handsome as Xu Xin? Is he as good-looking as Xu Xin? Does he have the kind of concentration that Xu Xin has when treating his lover?...Even, I even I will compare, I will think, is he... as clean as Xu Xin? If you have a clean man next to you, you will really be able to accept it if you turn around... right? What should you know about me? mean."


"Anyone can actually have doubts about love, and I accept their doubts. But the problem is that there is such a magical couple around me, and they satisfy all my fantasies and desires for love. What I have seen , is reality. Since reality exists and is not a fantasy, then... I will naturally pursue it based on this reality."

Following her words, Liu Yifei pursed her lips at some point.

But she said nothing, listening to her friend continue:

"Secondly, let's ignore the relationship between these two people and let's talk about career. Think about it, even they can't do it... Or careers like directors and actors are destined to be in the family, as long as one of the two of them can do it... If you don't give up your career, you can't achieve a perfect balance.

I don’t know if my future husband will be like Xu Xin, with billions or tens of billions at home. That’s too far out of reach. But at least I know, or in other words, Mimi has set up a model in front of me. Let me understand that a good family...or in other words, what should be done in all aspects of career, love, and life when two responsible independent individuals come together to form a family.

What I see in Mimi is that family\u003ework\u003ecareer.

Now that I'm in the company, I just have to pick the plays I like. If I need to make money, I will ask my boss to give me a job that pays well. If I wanted to take a break, my boss wouldn't say anything to me. Even if I were to fall in love, she would really like to be my wingman and strategist.

Maybe it’s because I don’t have any pursuits...I’ve made enough money, but how many people can’t make as much money as I have in the past few years? As for the artistic achievements I want to be satisfied with, my boss can’t help me, I have to rely on myself. As for my career... to be honest, I have a boss like me who takes care of things for me and pays me my salary. I just need to follow her instructions.

I think my life is already perfect.

Not to mention love, I just need to clarify my own pursuit step by step. First get a movie queen, then a movie queen with a lot of gold, and then a movie queen with a lot of gold in the world, that's it. I don’t have to pay to rent the company’s space, I don’t have to worry about the company’s performance indicators, and I don’t have to spend money to pay employees every month. I have food when I open my eyes, I can make money when I go out, and no one warms my bed except when I go home... I don't lack anything.

What's more, you are also a shareholder of LeTV... Didn't Mimi say that in a critical period of two to three years at most, at least a few hundred million profits will come out.

Not even short of money...

Why should I go out and work alone? I was so well protected by my mother that I could live my whole life happily and freely... The most important thing is that I can still pursue what I want most, and no one can stop me. And in the future, I will be able to balance my career and family, and be a good friend, wife, and mother... Why should I go out? Drinking with others to promote business, and flattering others for resources? Am I sick? "


"To put it bluntly, if any scandal or turmoil happens to me, I don't have to worry at all. Whether it's public relations, hype, profit-making, etc... the company will help me handle it. Even if one day I If the popularity is declining, it’s because the company is more anxious than me. Why do you think I want to go out?

What can I do after I get out?

Earn more money? What about my future husband? What about my future children? What if the relationship between husband and wife is not harmonious and they get divorced because of these things, then I am no longer a second-hand commodity? That's why I particularly dislike Yang Ying, you know. She's so stupid.

Look at Jiaojiao again... Believe it or not, even if Mimi said to her: Jiaojiao, go and set up a studio by yourself. It's impossible for her to agree..."

It's rare that she is always laughing and joking, showing off her carefree temperament. Everyone in the company knows that this blind girl has a kind and compassionate personality, and she reveals her innermost thoughts to her friends.

But she didn't force Liu Yifei to agree with her.

Because she also knows that her idea is the most perfect for herself, but for others, it may be synonymous with "not thinking about progress" and "not knowing how to make progress".


Everyone has his own ambitions.

Don't force me, and I certainly won't force you.

That's all for the quick chat.

Liu Yifei, on the other hand, continued to act dumb.

In other words, my friend's words were replayed in my mind over and over again.

Until Liu Zhishi, who had chewed a piece of spicy goat's hoof, picked up the wine glass:

"Last bite, finish it."

Liu Yifei, who woke up after realizing it later, nodded.

After the two drank all the wine in the glasses, Liu Zhishi directly picked up the Maotai bottle and poured two more full glasses.

Liu Yifei picked up her phone and typed a few words.

I don’t know who it was sent to.

Then he put down his phone and asked Liu Zhishi:

"Then do you think... I'm suitable for going out?"

Liu Zhishi asked:

"…What answer do you want from me?"

Then he asked:

"Have you ever had the idea of ​​setting up a studio before?"


"...In other words, you only got it after Xu Xin said it?...Or did you just listen to it after he said it?"


"You have to have your own opinion, eldest sister. Whatever he says is what he says?"


Suddenly Fei Xian'er didn't know what to say and could only purse her lips and remain silent.

Just as Liu Zhishi was about to speak, the door was pushed open.

Wu Qiqi walked in, holding a white and green box in her hand.

Liu Zhishi was stunned.


"Would you like it? Mint flavored."

"...When did you start smoking?"

"Normally I don't touch it, but when I drink, I want to hit it with this thing."

"Does Mimi know?"

"How dare you tell her that I will kill you!"

Liu Zhishi quickly laughed.

However, she looked at Fei Xian'er's action of lighting the cigarette... she was quite skillful.

have to.

My cousin hides it really deep.

Hidden and hidden.

However, her personality seems to have always been like this. Whether she likes or dislikes her, it is difficult for others to see through her.


She immediately saw an extremely familiar movement.

After Liu Yifei smoked this cigarette, which was much thinner than normal, when she exhaled, she turned her back to the sky.

Xu Xin likes to use this move.

Because he felt it was impolite to blow smoke in other people's direction. It's okay if it's an open space, but in a closed space like when everyone is eating together, he does this all the time.

She said in her heart... that is, you threaten me, otherwise I will have to read your book in front of the emperor.


Read the Queen's book!

The temptress dared to cause trouble in His Majesty's harem and teach the nobleman to smoke!

The emperor is aware of this!

Hurry up and throw the temptress into the cold palace, this noble concubine wants to be in a position of authority! !

"But...this time it's Ali and Huaxia who want to push me..."

"Then have you asked Xu Xin or Mimi what attributes Ali has in their eyes?"


"Yes, attributes. For example, Tencent, I know that. Mimi regards them as potential future partners because she is eyeing the IP copyrights of online novels. For example, LeTV, Mimi purely uses them as tools, Leek. What does Ali mean to them, have you asked?"


"Ask. How do you know if you don't ask clearly?"


Liu Yifei stopped talking again.

Smoking and drinking tea.

Looking at the exquisite dishes on the slowly rotating tray, I was stunned.

Seeing this, Liu Zhishi didn't ask any further questions.

Continue to pick her favorite dishes.

I'm even thinking about ordering a bowl of rice...

But considering the sinful dinner plus this white wine... let's forget it.

If he had the same figure as the guy next to him, his nickname as Blind A Bing might become "Fat A Bing".

You surnamed Xu are a piece of shit!

What a stupid nickname for my aunt!

After happily chewing another piece of chicken, she picked up the wine glass again.

"Come, drink and think. Let's walk~"

10:10 p.m.

"Sister, how about I sleep here tonight?"

"No, you can go back, I'm fine."

Liu Yifei waved her hand, indicating to Wu Qiqi not to worry about her.

"Then...okay. If there's anything you need..."

"It's okay, I didn't drink too much."

It’s just a pound of wine, so it’s not too much.

After watching Wu Qiqi leave, she sat on the sofa in the suite, dazed.

The alcohol didn't numb her much.

On the contrary, there is a feeling of accelerated thinking.

It feels quite guilty to say that Shishi wanted to relieve her stress today...but in the end, she ended up helping herself to relieve it.

As she recalled tonight's banquet in her mind...she unconsciously picked up her phone.

But after looking at the time... I was a little hesitant whether to make this call or not.

After struggling for a long time, she finally dialed a phone number.

"Dudu... Dudu... Hello? Sissi, what's the matter? You're calling mom so late."


"Yeah, I'm here."

Listening to Liu Xiaoli's voice, Liu Yifei tried her best to make her voice more normal before saying:

"There is something I want to discuss with you."

After joining Shuangwei, she no longer needs her mother to make decisions for her in terms of career.

When they came in, Xu Xin and Mimi personally explained to their mother that they did not want her to interfere with their careers anymore. And my mother agreed... It's funny to say that when she heard it, her first reaction was that she was finally free.

In "General", the bird that was caged can finally fly to the sky that it has longed for.


After flying freely in the sky for a long time, when it really needs to "land", facing the vast blue sea under its feet, it can only choose to change its course and return to the birdcage with the door open. A moment of peace...

Very strange.

Maybe...this is the meaning of the name [home].

With some of this idea in mind, she said:

"Let me tell you something. You have to help me with my advice."


Liu Xiaoli on the other end of the phone agreed without any hesitation.

"Well, here's the thing..."

Five minutes later.

"Mom, what should I do now? I think Xu Xin is actually doing it for my own good, but what Shishi said makes sense. I kind of... don't know what to do."


Liu Xiaoli asked after a moment of silence:

"Baby, it's actually a very simple choice to make in this matter. Mom is asking you, give you 30 million now, or let your acting skills reach Mimi's level. Which one will make you happier?"

Liu Yifei was stunned...

Because just now...

It's okay to say he was drunk.

Call it instinctive.

In her mind, after her mother asked this question, she already had the answer.


"Mom, what do you suggest?"

"Mom doesn't have any advice."

It's almost completely different from the answer I would have given once upon a time.

Thousands of sails have passed.

Traveling through the mountains in a light boat.

The woman leaning on the bed said softly:

"Mom just wants you to be happy."

"There is nothing more important in this world than my baby girl being happy."

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