I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 1014 1009 Style

"Husband, I'm going out, please check WeChat. Let's talk on the phone."


Xu Xin responded in the bathroom and turned on his phone.

A WeChat message just sent shows:

"Mimi, I don't want to set up a personal studio. I've been thinking a lot these days. I think personally, I still want to put the pursuit of art first. Being too demanding in my career feels special. Tired. This is my idea. Send me a message after you finish filming, and we can chat."

Xu Xin guessed it without even needing the words added by his wife: "Fat Fairy's hair".

And my first reaction after guessing it was...


The reason why he persuaded Liu Yifei to set up a studio was because his original intention was very simple. It was simply to allow her to have more autonomy in her film and television choices.

To put it bluntly, after an actor reaches a certain stage, everyone is actually faced with the problem of transformation.

This transformation is not about character design, but about acting skills.

Playing too many roles can leave the audience feeling numb.

At this time, many actors tend to destroy their image and take on roles that are completely different from their previous acting styles, thereby changing their screen image.

He felt that Feixian'er had reached this point now.

In other words, she really can't be "immortal" anymore, otherwise the road will become narrower and narrower in the future.

It would be nice to be like Bianca in Perfect.

With her sleek short hair, she looked like an overseas student at first glance. But after she finally found out that her newlywed husband had cheated on her, she personally repainted her lips into a bright color under the gaze of everyone.

The visual impact of that scene was particularly strong.

Unfortunately...it's still a bit short.

If the span is wider, it may really create a sense of déjà vu for the audience, "My Liu Yifei has grown up."

And he asked her to go out and open a studio because he wanted her to find some good scripts and stories that she was interested in... She could even write, direct and act in them.

Her popularity is enough to support her... transformation into at least three to five bad movies.

This is totally fine.

But after seeing this news, he took it very seriously.

Of course Liu Yifei doesn't have to leave.

In other words, whether she leaves or stays, there will be no change in our relationship.

If you want to leave, leave. If you don't want to leave, just stay at home.

Count her as the girl from the first wife's house.

Maybe we are not some jealous women.

So, he sent a message back to the emperor:

"It's okay if you don't leave."

The emperor, who had just gotten on the car and had not yet left the palace gate, rolled his eyes:

"If you don't leave, will you support her?"

"I will support you as long as I support you."

"Okay, then you take care of it. My taste in reading scripts isn't very good either."

"It's because you guys are not very good at reading the script. Without me, this family would be broken up."

"Ah, yes, yes. When you come back, remember to go to Chinatown to buy hot pot base. You want mushroom soup and spicy soup."

"I know. Is the dough made by hand?"

"Xu, how come you think of me as the head chef? No! Just pasta, eat it if you like it!"



have to.

Just pasta.

Our old Xu is famous for not being picky about food and is easy to feed.


"Hey, Brother Xu."

"Where are you?"

"Ah? I'm in my sister's car."

"What are you doing in her car?"

"Go to the set with my sister."

"...Why did you follow her to the set?"

"Sister asked me to go, didn't she tell you?"


Jingle Bell……

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"Did you abduct Mengmeng for me too?"

"You're fine today."

"Who told you that I was fine! Today I have an appointment with Yayan, Lao Chen, and a retired Marine Corps tactics instructor... Oh yes, there is also a wrestling champion from Russia..."

"Being a punching bag for others?"

"Get lost! She's like a headless fly. If you take her away, what will I do?"

"what is it now?"

"Come back quickly!"

"Huh? No, husband, we are already on the highway."

"Go straight to the expressway in Beverly Hills? Are you fooling me into thinking I'm a fool?"

"Aba Aba."


"Aba Wai Baba Aba."


After hanging up the phone, Yang Mi quickly blocked her husband's WeChat account.

So, when Xu Xin saw a red exclamation mark lit up next to his fifty-six-second voice...


He let out a long sigh.

What a sin.

With an expression of despair, he got into his sky blue Bentley.


Whose life is not a mess?

August 10, Yanjing. A prosperous garden.

"Ha... um."

Guo Qilin got out of the taxi, yawned, looked at the low-rise residential area in front of him, and walked straight in without being surprised.

This place is right next to the west gate of the Temple of Heaven, not far from Tianqiao Theater.

It is a community that is very convenient for cross talk actors to commute to and from get off work.

This is an advantage.

There are also disadvantages.


The apartments inside are all about 100 square meters, and one square meter costs more than 70,000.

There's no way, who gives me a good location?

And the reason why he is here today is also very simple.

Brother Cake lives here now.

Of course, the house is not bought, but rented.

Ever since Pie Brother participated in the recording of "Running Brothers", he has moved out of the dormitory arranged by the company.

It's not that he's rich or he's in a good mood, it's mainly that the program team often talks to him about things, sometimes calling him, and sometimes just coming to his house. And...Brother Cake and Deng Chao get along very well with each other. We all have a drink together and work out together. Living in a dormitory is inconvenient.

So I found a community close to the garden and moved in.

As for rent…

That was indeed drizzle for the cake guy.


I must be envious.

Even he was envious, let alone the other brothers.

In fact, Guo Qilin has heard many opinions... For example, some people said why he didn't snatch Sister Mi's stool back then.

Of course, this "self" does not refer to him, but to those who said this.

Just by grabbing "Yang Mi's" stool, I got to know Yang Mi and Xu Xin.

As the old saying goes, people have three points of life, seven points of luck and ninety points of support from noble people.

Who would have thought that Brother Pan would meet this noble person with 90% or even 100% score just by pulling out a stool leg?

While thinking about it, he came to the door of Shaobing's unit building and walked in.

Brother Biscuit lived on the second floor. When he walked up, he saw a girl pushing open the door and walking out.

He has disheveled hair and wears black-rimmed glasses.


The corner of his mouth twitched subconsciously, but he definitely still had the proper etiquette.

When the girl saw Guo Qilin, she didn't seem to recognize him.

After greeting the other party, he nodded politely, then walked out of the room, closing the door and going downstairs.

"Hey, don't close it, I'm still going in."

Hearing this, the girl's footsteps instantly stopped.

Holding the security door with one hand and blocking the opening of the door, he asked cautiously:

"Who are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for sesame cakes, Brother Biscuit. Are you..."

"Brother Pancake?"

Hearing this title, the girl seemed to realize something. She glanced at the fat brother in front of her again and said:

"Then wait."

With that said, she changed direction and walked into the house.

Before leaving, he closed the door.


The corners of Guo Qilin's mouth twitched.

First reaction: The girl who is in love with Brother Cake probably doesn’t know much about the cross talk industry.

Second reaction: Did you take it home directly after falling in love? The progress is... so fast?

While he was thinking about it, he heard the voices of two girls from behind the door:

"Sister, there is a fat man outside looking for the sesame seed teacher."


"I don't know, I don't know."

Two women?


Brother Pancake, could it be that...

Not a girlfriend?

Are you a fan?

Could it be that he...

For no reason, Guo Qilin started brainstorming.

His face even turned a little red, I don't know if it was envy or something else.

At this moment, the door was opened again.

The girl just now and a... sister who looked very urban appeared in the doorway.

Quite beautiful.

Could this be Brother Cake’s girlfriend?

Just as I was thinking about it, I saw this urban-style sister asked in surprise after being stunned for a moment:

"Are you Guo Qilin, the son of Teacher Guo Degang?"

"Hey, it's me. Hello, sister. I'm here to see Brother Cake."

"Ah?... Please come in, please come in. Sorry, she is new here and doesn't know about your relationship with Shaobing Teacher. Please come in quickly."


Hearing these words, Guo Qilin was stunned.

He glanced at the girl whose eyes were wide with surprise, then at the sister, and nodded subconsciously:


After the two of them got out of the way, he entered the room and shouted out of habit:

"Brother Pancake."

"Teacher Shaobing is washing your hair in the bathroom."

Following these words, Guo Qilin noticed after entering the house that there were two girls sitting in the living room.

One man, four women...

Anyone who puts this in their mind would easily go astray.

However, when Guo Qilin saw the chair in the living room, the two makeup cases on the coffee table, and the hangers with a row of suits that he got from nowhere, the confused thoughts in his heart disappeared.

Instead, there was a hint of curiosity.

What is this for?

Just thinking about it...

"Who called me...Lin Lin, here you go."

As the bathroom door opened, Shaobing, who had completely bid farewell to his image as a fat man, dressed in a vest and underpants, with clear muscle lines on his arms, wiped his head with a towel and walked out.


Guo Qilin responded, and the urban-style sister quickly said:

"I'm so sorry, Teacher Guo, Xiao Li didn't recognize you just now."

"Uh, it's okay. It's okay, it's okay."

Seeing her embarrassed look, Guo Qilin quickly shook his head:

"it does not matter."

He was a little uncomfortable with the other party's fear.

After Shaobing heard this, he glanced at the two of them and said directly without saying a word:

"Wait for a moment while I put on makeup."


Guo Qilin responded, and when he turned to look in the direction of the sofa, he found that the two girls who were originally sitting on the sofa had also stood up.

Following his gaze, the two of them greeted each other cautiously:

"Hello, Teacher Guo."

"Hello, Teacher Guo."

"You're welcome, you're welcome. Just call me by my name."

Guo Qilin quickly said politely, and then asked Shaobing:

"Are you still wearing makeup?"

"Change it, otherwise it won't look good on camera."

"Are you all going today?"

"Yes. It just so happens that the recording of the new episode is also in Xi'an. This time it seems to be a time-travel theme. It is quite large and will take four or five days to record."

Shaobing said as he sat on the chair in the middle of the living room.

The short-haired sister pushed the life-length mirror in front of Shaobing.

A girl over the couch picked up a hair dryer.

He glanced at Guo Qilin, then at the biscuits, and asked politely:

"Teacher, shall I blow dry your hair now?"

"Hey, come on, thank you for your hard work."

Shaobing said politely.

The girl quickly shook her head and turned on the hair dryer.

There was a sound of "woo woo woo" in the living room.

Now we can't talk all day long.

Guo Qilin sat on the sofa and just watched.

One girl was blow-drying Brother Cake's hair, while another girl opened two large cosmetic boxes placed on the coffee table.

A wide range of cosmetics appeared.

The short-haired sister didn't know what she said to the girl who opened the door just now. The girl quickly nodded and left.

Then, he pulled up the wire under the full-length makeup mirror and plugged it into the plug board.

Soft light shines from around the vanity mirror.

Seems like that's a professional...

Guo Qilin saw it freshly.

But I was also murmuring in my heart.

These people...are here to put makeup on Brother Cake?

But he didn't ask any more questions. After the girl used a comb and a hairdryer to give Brother Pancake a hair style... like that of a big star, the "buzzing" noise in the room finally disappeared.

At this time, the short-haired sister spoke again:

"Teacher, this time I will try to style your hair in a smart and mature way. It will be more in line with the temperament of the red carpet, okay?"

"Okay, you can take care of it, you are a professional. Thank you for your hard work."

After hearing what Shaobing said, the sister quickly shook her head modestly, then picked out a hair wax from her cosmetic bag, handed it to the girl, and at the same time ordered:

"The front hair area emphasizes the outline of the face, and the bangs area is slightly covered here, which is higher than the height of the top hair, highlighting the three-dimensional effect, and tightening the outline on the sides, especially here, the "hole" of the Shaobing teacher is here. Pay attention to the streamline, don't make his hair look like he's standing up from the side..."

After some... Guo Qilin couldn't understand the technical terminology, the girl blowing her hair nodded knowingly to show that she understood.

The other girl had already taken out all kinds of bottles and cans from the box.

After Shaobing started styling her hair, the sister walked to the coffee table, opened all the bottles and jars, and used a very professional technique to remove the colored ones inside...it should be foundation, right? Apply it to the back of your fair hands.

Walked to the Shaobing:

"Teacher, look at this, this is the base color after applying makeup. After your trip to Sanya for the photo shoot, your skin was very healthy, so this time I used a mixture of three base colors to bring out the high-end look of your skin. To cover up acne scars, please look at the background..."

As she spoke, Guo Qilin saw her rubbing the back of her hand with her fingertips.

A color that looks like ordinary flesh color mixed with fair skin.

"Well, okay, just watch and do it. Thank you for your hard work."

"It should."

After the sister finished speaking, she said to the girl just now:

"Let's start putting on makeup."

Guo Qilin finally figured it out...

It’s so complicated for Brother Bi to attend an event.

Just to do makeup... two or three people have to do it alone?

He asked curiously:

"Then these clothes..."


Shaobing in the mirror looked at him and said:

"After putting on the makeup in a while, I have to try them on one by one to find the best-looking one and take it to Xi'an."

"Is it too late? It's... almost 8 o'clock."

"It's okay. Just arrive before two or three o'clock in the afternoon."

"...You haven't bought a ticket yet?"

"No. I'll see when I'm done and when I can buy it."

"...How expensive is that?"

Guo Qilin said subconsciously.

Even though he is Guo Degang's son, when flying... isn't it always necessary to book tickets in advance?

Even when going out to perform, the time is always planned in advance.

There is no discount for buying tickets at this time.

Hearing this, Shaobing couldn't shake his head, so he just said:

"The air tickets are booked at the factory."


Guo Qilin nodded, took out his mobile phone, and took a photo of Shaobing sitting on a chair putting on makeup.

After all, this was his first time seeing this scene.

Quite fresh.

And the reason why he came here so early today is also very simple.

He will take Brother Pancake to the airport in a while, and then drive the car back...or drive it by himself for a few days.

Of course he doesn't have a car now.

And Brother Pie’s modified Wrangler is handsome and sturdy.

Although it's not as good as the supercar I've longed for most, it's still handsome when driven out.

I had been begging for this opportunity for a long time, but if it had been later, it might have been borrowed by other brothers.

"By the way, who is going to this film festival?"

"There are quite a lot of people. But I really don't know the specifics, but all the shortlisted films you saw, the films screened and screened, will definitely go."

This year's "Silk Road Film Festival" is even bigger than the previous two.

Not to mention anything else, the number of films scheduled in these nine days is 21 more films than last year.

More and more people are paying attention to the Silk Road. Regardless of the quality of the films... the quantity alone is no longer the same.

The two brothers just chatted about their outfits, most of the time it depended on the makeup artist.

If you don't melt your mouth, you can talk more.

It took about 20 minutes to put on this makeup.

There was a knock on the door.

Guo Qilin stood up subconsciously:

"Let me drive."

"No, no, no, Teacher Guo, let's do it..."


Guo Qilin waved his hand, walked to the door, and opened it.

I saw the girl who had just gone out walking in with a few cups of coffee and two paper bags in her hands.

"Let me help you..."

Guo Qilin subconsciously stretched out his hand.

"No, no, I can do it myself."

Although the girl was carrying a lot, she didn't dare to ask Guo Qilin for help.

However, Guo Qilin still helped her carry the two cups of coffee on the paper tray and walked in together.

Then, I heard the girl quickly say to Shaobing:

"Teacher, I see that you didn't have breakfast. I bought you a whole-wheat toast sandwich with chicken breast, tomatoes, and lettuce. They didn't let them put salad dressing on it. There's also a cup of black coffee, okay?"

"Uh... ok, thank you."

"You're welcome, you should."

As the girl spoke, she put the sandwiches and coffee on the coffee table with both hands, then turned to Guo Qilin and said:

"Teacher Guo, I bought you a cappuccino. I don't know if it suits your taste. There are also croissants and white bread sandwiches here for you to try."



Guo Qilin feels that the rules in the cross talk school are strict enough.

But he still got goosebumps when the girl said "please taste it".

The first reaction was to be ashamed.

The second reaction was...uncomfortable.

He nodded quickly:

"Hey, thank you, thank you... Hey, if you had told me to buy breakfast earlier, I would do it with you. And this thing is so expensive. I am very easy to get rid of. A bowl of tofu and a sugar pancake are enough..."

"Ah?... I'm sorry, Teacher Guo, I don't know your taste. Then I'll buy it for you now, please wait a moment..."

"Don't, don't, don't..."

Guo Qilin wondered why he was so poor.

He quickly waved his hand:

"Don't be busy, that's all."

"It's okay, there's one right in front of the breakfast shop."

"There's really no need... Just sit down, sit down, sit down..."

Guo Qilin quickly stopped the girl.

And Shaobing glanced at him through the mirror.


Just like that, he sat on the sofa to eat breakfast, and then watched the girls working around the sesame cakes.

After working on it for almost 40 minutes, the makeup was finally done.

And just when Guo Qilin thought it was over, the curtains at home were pulled up.

In the dim room, the sister held several makeup lamps in her hands and began to shine them on the sesame cakes, moving them as they shone.

Only then did Guo Qilin realize that they seemed to be looking for shadows...

as expected……

"It needs to be more three-dimensional here."

"This, this, is a little different."

"The lines here are more clearly drawn..."

Soon, the curtains opened.

It was close to ten minutes again.

This makeup is finally finished.

Even Guo Qilin has to admit that Brother Pie is indeed handsome now.

Then the process of choosing clothes began.

Shaobing now has a handsome figure and looks really handsome in a suit.

Guo Qilin didn't know what these girls thought, but he was really envious...

And after just changing into several suits back and forth, and finally choosing a suit, the time came to around 10 o'clock.

After being stuffed with the sister's business card in his hand, Guo Qilin watched the girls leave.

After the door closed, Shaobing walked out of the bedroom carrying a large suitcase. His first words to Guo Qilin were:

"When you face these makeup artists and stylists in the future, remember one thing. The less you say, the better. If you say less, the most respect they will give you will be in business and words. Or at most, they will buy you some water, Buy something like bread. But if you have a need in your words, like just now, talking about tofu nao sugar pancakes, then they will definitely find a way to satisfy you. If this happens often, it is actually considered a favor. So, Talk less backstage, their circle is different from the backstage we talk about cross talk. It depends more on the food. People rely on regular customers to eat, and when they get enough favors, it's time to spend money."


Guo Qilin was stunned.

Only then did he finally realize what Brother Biscuit meant.

Nodding subconsciously:

"Yeah, I understand...are they trying to win over you?"

"No, what they really want to curry favor with is my sister's company. This kind of makeup team usually stays with a certain company for two to three years, and then changes. After all, artists can't always stick to one look. Six of the twelve styling teams in my company will be replaced this year, and now the makeup artist circle is in a state of panic."

"Take... take the young master?"

Guo Qilin subconsciously widened his eyes:



Shaobing looked like he was not surprised:

"Otherwise, how do you think those beautiful pictures, photos, outfits, etc. of celebrities come out?"

"This...will you spend money?"

"It doesn't cost anything. They are responsible for my look this summer, so I don't have to spend a penny. It's just like giving a gift, you understand? Young artists have to beg these makeup teams to take care of their looks to make them more attractive." . But for many people with my status, including me, their services are counted as "fitting". Only if we are good, I will consider it... You have only been in contact with them for a short time, so you don't know. This is In the circle..."

Having said this, Shaobing paused.

Smashing his mouth and sighing:

"It's so realistic. Makeup, assistants, even drivers..."


For a moment, Guo Qilin had an illusion.

I thought to myself that my dad hadn’t reached this stage either.

Is the "entertainment circle" in our minds the same circle?


"You didn't hire an assistant?"

"Sister won't let me."


"Afraid that I will float."

Shaobing said as he folded the suit without any wrinkles in half and stuffed it into the box.

"Don't...don't you have to wrinkle it?"

Guo Qilin quickly stopped him.

"It's okay. Sister Jiaojiao is over there. When the time comes, I'll die if I rub her ironing for free~"

"……What the hell?"

"Sabidi...service. Service. Aren't you going to study abroad? Can you speak English?"

Hearing the words of Shaobing, Guo Qilin was speechless:

"When did you start learning English?"

"What's the word?"

Shaobing rolled his eyes and pointed towards his bedroom:

"I still have homework. Within two years, I need to be able to communicate without barriers on a daily basis."


Guo Qilin glanced into the bedroom...

I did see a lot of books on the table.


Ever since he joined Team 5, Guo Qilin, who had rarely communicated with Brother Cake on a daily basis, was really shocked:

"You want to learn it yourself?"

"No, sister asked for it. It's good to have multiple languages ​​around you. Did you forget the last time we went to Australia? A group of people can't even buy a hamburger. It's not embarrassing enough!"


This time, Guo Qilin was finally sure.

In other words, I felt it.

Brother Biscuit... In the past six months, things have really changed a lot.

In other words, he has grown up a lot!

Could it be...

Is this what Master wanted to express to himself that time after drinking?

"Son, you should go see more and walk around more. Meet more people... they can guide you, lead you, help you... that will be better..."

These are Master's original words.

There is no antecedent and no afterword.

Just a drunken casual remark.

I didn't take it seriously at the time.

But now...

Looking at the word "handsome" in the other person that I haven't noticed since they met, but at this moment, he is really eye-catching...

The boy who had just turned eighteen this year suddenly felt an impulse in his heart.

He... wants to see it.

Want to take a look.

Go and see a more...broad world.

So, following this impulse, he suddenly said:

"Brother Pancake, can I go with you this time?"

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